Tricks & Combos / [project][1.20] Catching Tricks

  1. DasIstJaStuhl
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 15:02:46

    Hi, I hope the thread is in the right forum (I'm new in the Research Departement)

    My idea:

    You all know the "catch". Usually you catch your pen between two fingers, like after an aerial.
    But there is no name for the "catch", just for the aerial. If you think about it, there are so many different ways to catch your pen.
    Unfortunately the boring catch in 12, 23 oder 34 is kind of "overused".
    Now, we could change this by inventing some catching tricks and giving them names.
    Here is one, invented by me (it's just an idea, a kind of example):

    the pen catching may also work just with different finger figures, as you can see in my video.
    Bonkura also did this "fullhand" catch or some other veriations.
    If there would be names and tutorials, these tricks will get more public.

    What do you think about that idea?

    greetz Stuhl

  2. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 15:26:23

    there are many basic figures.

    the X (the one you did)
    the Vulcan (catch with 34 or 12),

    the inverted Vulcan (bring 23 together, 1-4 apart, catch with 23)
    the "Gun" (fold 34, catch 12)
    the "Devil" (instead of raising it, lower it and catch the pen as a stall on top of 1-4)

    the "Spiderman" (same thing, except palm up, and catch stall on 23)

    I think this project is actually very easy to research on, just need to film those ideas into a compilation video and present it and that's it!

    and how about catch tricks that ARE NOT aerials?

  3. DasIstJaStuhl
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 20:51:52

    hm, that's more difficult to research.

    but of course it's also possible.

    hm, the question is: Should we really invent names for every hand position? I think no! Because then we set too much limits for the freestyle of penspinners. There are too many hand positions youcan do without an aerial. Too much for giving them all names.

    After an aerial there are also lots of possibilities, but not as much as without aerial.

    so, in my opinion we should just invent aerial catches.

  4. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 20:55:07

    even with aerials there's too many to name... we just need to name the importantn ones.

  5. sketching
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 21:28:34

    Just to make sure I'm on the same page...

    Many catches can already be named based off of tricks that have the same catch: we can use the Interrupted Trick Notation to express the catch if it is different than what would be considered the "usual" catch. If definite catch positions are identified for each named aerial, the already established notation system should take care of obvious catch variations.

    This project would be for giving names to definitive hand positions (that can't already be notated as existing trick catches) when catching aerials, correct?

  6. DasIstJaStuhl
    Date: Sun, Dec 2 2007 21:52:19

    it refers to the hand figure you form in the end.
    some signs u make with your fingers, etc...

    i think firstly we really need some basics which have clear istructions. (like TA, fingerpass, sonic, infinity)

    but.... i dont know whether it makes sense to invent "basics"

  7. Stay'n Alive
    Date: Mon, Jul 7 2008 18:58:22

    ahem, you told that these catches could be used for other things that aerials. I think we can use your fancy catches for backspin (shadows/shadow rev./neobak) and spiderspins. Palmspins too, but, hem, I don't feel it.