General Discussion / Using penspinning for cheating?
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 03:51:44
My friend and i thought of an interesting way to compare answers on multiple choice exams - we do pentricks.
After both of us are done our test, we start spinning. If one of us sees the other doing TA harmonic (our cue for " i need some help")then we try make eye contact, then we do pentricks as a code to compare answers.
a sonic means + 1 question
a sonic rise means + 5 questions
random other tricks means i got answer a/b/c/d
so if i start doing TA Harm, then make eyecontact, ill do 2 sonic rises and a sonic, then a backaround meaning "i need help on question 11, i got 'c'"
and he might do a twisted sonic bust, saying "i got d"
interesting way for a mid-test comparison of answers no?
any comments? -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:10:58
lol, that's pretty creative
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:12:15
lol that seems like a pretty clever way to cheat, your teacher(s) probobly would never figure out what the hell you guys were up too. My method is much more primitive and risky..... simply look on your neighbors paper lol.
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:18:02
I dont go to school anymore, but I can still appreciate new ways to cheat
thats a great method, props to ya! -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:24:49
i do this, except we do fingertapping patterns morse code style. College..gotta love small classes
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:27:53
good idea..maybe i can try it..but i must teach all my friend first
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:33:35
LOL oh man... but still, you gotta look in his direction, so your teacher can catch you for not looking at your own paper???
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:39:16QUOTE (Zombo @ Dec 2 2007, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL oh man... but still, you gotta look in his direction, so your teacher can catch you for not looking at your own paper???
Teachers usually dont find if your daydreaming. but thats pretty smart. Although you need a person that knows pen spinning and various tricks to cheat -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:39:31
Lol, I remember Eburt made something like this too. He said he didn't end up using it though.
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 04:54:09
it seems like just studying a little would be easier than this, lol. But interesting idea.
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 05:45:59
I never cheated a different way than looking at someones paper. And when it's not possible its okay for me, I don't really care about marks, afterall I learn for myself ;-)
But this is amazingly creative hehe, although useless for me from various reasons (such as there is noone in my school who can do more than TA..) -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 05:56:49
What would a drop mean? "I don't know!" ?
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 05:59:48
Lol that's a pretty good idea.
But what if.... You use up too much time from trying to read the move, and end up not being able to finish the test?
You want the other person to repeat the trick(s)?
If someone else learns your PSing language? They could like... Steal answers off of you =O. Unlikely, but it could happen.
What if it isn't multi-choice?
What if both of you have different answers and want to confirm something, but neither of you know who's right 'cause you have different answers?
Sorry, long message, just had to ask. -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 06:10:14
Ahaha... this is pretty clever.. interesting..
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 06:22:03
The only thing I ever came up with was vocabulary test answer inserts:O thanks for the idea
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 07:24:19QUOTE (Zombo @ Dec 2 2007, 08:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL oh man... but still, you gotta look in his direction, so your teacher can catch you for not looking at your own paper???
Just say you were amazed by his sexi penspinning abilities and you would rape him up the ass if you had the chance.
Your teacher would just walk away slowly. -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 08:10:11QUOTEJust say you were amazed by his sexi penspinning abilities and you would rape him up the ass if you had the chance.
Your teacher would just walk away slowly.
yep..i'm sure they'll just walk away..
this idea is like ten times better than my friend and me wanting to learn sign language so i can cheat in the examm.. -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 08:17:11
Only works for multiple choice though...
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 08:43:38
I just did a surprise multiple choice test as an end of year exam sorta thing. 70 multiple choice questions, although I didn't know anyone who could spin.
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 08:58:32
actually learning sign language would come handy when cheating in exams other than mutiple choice..
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 09:16:27
I seriously think the teacher would notice sign language. What would they think? You were showing each other your nails? If you were doing signs with your hands, unless you were really fast, the teacher would notice.
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 14:42:38
we don't have multiple-choice questions here so it wouldn't help ._.
anyway nice idea...
another one: put some "notes" in your rsvp (as insert) and when the teacher comes to see, just do some harmonics (so that he cant recognize whats written on the pen)
but if he is smart he will just say "gimme your pen [passing some secouns] failed. go home" ^^ -
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 15:07:09
I barely ever have multi-choice tests
Date: Mon, Dec 3 2007 17:11:03
I don't need to cheat. When I write tests, the teacher photocopies mine and uses it as the answer key.
No but seriously, not all tests are M/C so PS may not be useful. As mentioned, you'd have to be looking at the person. A system of desk taps or some sound may work as long as it isn't too obvious to others.
I did help someone cheat on a calculus final in high school. I unstapled my exam and he grabbed one of the pages off my desk.
Btw, for notes, use a programmable calculator if allowed or put a small slip of paper in your calculator case. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 01:29:04
In my classes, the teachers design the tests so that you will always finish with less than three minutes left, even if you work like mad. I mean really mad. Sucks
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 01:31:14
There is no need to cheat if you just simple learn the material..
That's coming from someone who sleeps in each class, never studies, does no homework, and Aces every test. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 01:36:08
Hah I just tap with my pencil.
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 01:57:52
Man, what is wrong with you guys? I never cheated. It's not like high school is hard, and if it is maybe you should take easier classes?
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 01:58:41
cheating is almost impossible in Singapore schools. well, at least mine.
the invigilator only needs to suspect that you are cheating, and you can get and irregularity report, which will usually result in various punishments, eg. 10% deduction of marks, detention, canning(if serious) etc.
so most people don't even look around, or dare to pick up anything that has dropped on the floor. they ask the invigilator to pick it up for them. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 05:04:47
wow thanks for all your interest
my friend an i are both good students, high school marks all 88%+, so we dont rely on this moreso as its is an emergency thing.
at least one of us actually having studied is critical to this working, and its even better if we both knew what we were doing but only had problems on the same few questions (thats actually what has always happened - never had a case where my friend or I completely forgot to study and had to rely on the other person).
as for non MC exams, then its just up to us to study. Speaking of which, i should get back to studying for my bio final tomorrow x_X
p.s. Never thought of the slip of paper behind the calculator idea. Brilliant. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 06:13:36
So, you have to make sure that your friend is frequently checking out your table to look out for your spinning. Isn't it not very productive for him? Well, if you're having common exams in different rooms and allowed to go to the restrooms alone (yeah, lots of conditions), then you can arrange with someone from another room to go to the toilet at the same time. That way, you can even discuss.
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 23:03:54
i would love to do that but no one else in my school actually spins =(
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 00:48:23
the only one wasting time is you, cuz yre doing the TA harmonic waiting for your friend to maek eyecontact.
as for handsignals, that was our original idea, but it was too conspicuous. Penspinning is totally normal, as half my class know TA (my doing bwahhaa), and even my teacher knows sonic rise.QUOTE (walkingjacket @ Dec 2 2007, 10:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Lol that's a pretty good idea.
But what if.... You use up too much time from trying to read the move, and end up not being able to finish the test?
then that would be pretty stupid of me wouldnt it?
You want the other person to repeat the trick(s)?
we have a trick for that
If someone else learns your PSing language? They could like... Steal answers off of you =O. Unlikely, but it could happen.
when this happens, ill let you know
What if it isn't multi-choice?
then we study hard
What if both of you have different answers and want to confirm something, but neither of you know who's right 'cause you have different answers?
we both decide individually which answer we think is right, then brag about who was wrong after we get the test back. this is just to compare answers after all, not to copy answers
Sorry, long message, just had to ask. -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 01:49:20
i just striaght out grab thier papers and tell the teacher the were thrown at me. but i never study, and alwasy Ace my test(except in English, cause i dont read)
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 01:56:36
sorry guys, but if you want to talk about ANY way of cheating, then this thread will have to be moved in the Spammer's Bin.
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 03:01:02
very nice idea
makes me wish someone in my class (we have like 20 people)
would want to learn psing. Mabye I can use this idea to motivate one of them -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 04:20:58
A friend and myself actually did use sign language for a while.
Another way I used to cheat was put notes or key points on a piece of paper and roll it up, then put it on the inside of my pen. Just casually slid it out and took a look from time to time.
Glad to hear people are still coming up with new ways to cheat.
~Set -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 05:57:38
Wow thats pretty creative. To bad I'm like the only PSer in the town I live in... as far as I know.
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2007 13:24:37
Sounds interesting. Maybe we can create a new form of communication for ps'ers, similar to morse code
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2007 22:57:27
Lol. Oh man, that's so awesome. It's too bad my friend that do PS aren't in any of my classes.
Date: Fri, Dec 7 2007 23:05:50
i got a def teacher, which is great!we can talk to the other side of the room and he doesn't hear a thing...xD
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2007 22:40:38QUOTE (walkingjacket @ Dec 3 2007, 12:59 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What if it isn't multi-choice?
You could link some easily recognizable tricks into a 10 second combo to 'spin' some really broken up english...
Might as well just learn sign language in that case then, eh? -
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 00:02:54
now use this for an in class essay
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 01:56:58
After I almost fail my math test, I had this idea. Get a piece of paper, cut an insert out, and write the formula on the insert, place it in your pen barrel. If one formula isn't enough, then make more. RSVPs are cheap, so get a few and write your formula
I might try this on my next math test
Since the test is gonna be above my grade level.
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 02:06:38
Ehh I prefer the arm and sweater method.
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 02:12:43
Don't spin with it, that might attract attention.
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 02:14:23
topics merged.
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 02:20:47QUOTE (UEDan @ May 8 2008, 10:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ehh I prefer the arm and sweater method.
psh lol.....maybe try putting them on ur calculator or getting one of the thousands of free calculator programs off the internet? -
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 03:54:06
if u can write small, the answer-in-barrel works awesome. and just do random tricks to blur it when the teacher walks by.
also, most of my teachers let us listen to ipods during tests...
well there's not much need for more is there?
uh, ipod, notes?
and if u dont want to look at the notes, u can pre-record you just reading the notes and then play it on repeat -
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 05:07:28
That's a pretty interesting system for sending messages, T3tsubo. Props for that.
However, I personally don't think PS is the best method for passing answers during an exam.QUOTE (Zombo @ Dec 2 2007, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL oh man... but still, you gotta look in his direction, so your teacher can catch you for not looking at your own paper???
Yes...the big disadvantage of using pen tricks is that you have to look at the exact time the other person is doing the trick. Do that a few times and a smart teacher will catch on. What's worse... when they do realize that you're doing pen tricks to cheat on exams...they'll ban PS during exams...then soon it'll be banned during class, then at school'
QUOTE (WhiteFang @ Dec 3 2007, 01:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>actually learning sign language would come handy when cheating in exams other than mutiple choice..
You can't really use the full spectrum of the language to communicate answers. I've taken a couple sign language classes before and a lot of gestures requires big movements, two hands, touching or pointing to you face, etc.)QUOTE (taichi1082 @ Dec 3 2007, 07:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>we don't have multiple-choice questions here so it wouldn't help ._.
anyway nice idea...
another one: put some "notes" in your rsvp (as insert) and when the teacher comes to see, just do some harmonics (so that he cant recognize whats written on the pen)
but if he is smart he will just say "gimme your pen [passing some secouns] failed. go home" ^^
the problems with notes is that if they catch you, there's no way out. With signals, you can argue that they are imagining things, and the most they'll do is move your seat so you can't do any more signals.QUOTE (yxTay @ Dec 3 2007, 11:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>So, you have to make sure that your friend is frequently checking out your table to look out for your spinning. Isn't it not very productive for him? Well, if you're having common exams in different rooms and allowed to go to the restrooms alone (yeah, lots of conditions), then you can arrange with someone from another room to go to the toilet at the same time. That way, you can even discuss.
If you can go to the restroom alone, why not keep a book in there and you can check your answers by yourself? Much simpler than coordinating with another personQUOTE (Imagm-1337 @ May 8 2008, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>After I almost fail my math test, I had this idea. Get a piece of paper, cut an insert out, and write the formula on the insert, place it in your pen barrel. If one formula isn't enough, then make more. RSVPs are cheap, so get a few and write your formulaI might try this on my next math test
Since the test is gonna be above my grade level.
Bad bad bad...not only you can't get much in there...but your pens will also get confiscated if caught. Also, the more pens you use, the higher the chances of getting caughtQUOTE (UEDan @ May 8 2008, 07:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ehh I prefer the arm and sweater method.QUOTE (sadi teh pirate @ May 8 2008, 07:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>psh lol.....maybe try putting them on ur calculator or getting one of the thousands of free calculator programs off the internet?
Again...both of these methods leave evidence ^^
Sorry to put down all the ideas, but you guys are too inexperienced
Back when I was in high school, I helped many friends cheat in exams and even invented some pretty sleek methods. I never actually needed to cheat...classes weren't that I had fun devising fail proof methods of cheating. Some of them were so good they never failed or got caught.
Fun memories... -
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 05:18:49
aw kam u didnt mention my song recording method =]
also, i think they meant the alphabet sign language.
and instead of watching for a trick, you should make it so that when you drop the pen twice in a row they look. then u can just spin the whole time, and drop too, but they only look when u drop it twice quickly -
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 05:58:24
Why not just actually study for the exam, instead of trying to cheat?
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 23:23:57
what if the test has questions like 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.568768754826582 ????
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 23:27:30QUOTE (pen_MAKer @ May 10 2008, 11:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>what if the test has questions like 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.568768754826582 ????
Those aren't questions. If you mean answers, then they would probably be marked as A B C D and you can do tricks matching the letters. -
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 00:18:53
That's a unique way of doing it, but I prefer "the answer is always C" method.
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 03:12:30
Yeah I use my Dr. Grip G-Spec to cheat in class... I just put an insert with answers in them and when the teacher is just walking by, I just do infinities...
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 03:28:54QUOTE (t3tsubo @ Dec 2 2007, 11:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>My friend and i thought of an interesting way to compare answers on multiple choice exams - we do pentricks.
After both of us are done our test, we start spinning. If one of us sees the other doing TA harmonic (our cue for " i need some help")then we try make eye contact, then we do pentricks as a code to compare answers.
a sonic means + 1 question
a sonic rise means + 5 questions
random other tricks means i got answer a/b/c/d
so if i start doing TA Harm, then make eyecontact, ill do 2 sonic rises and a sonic, then a backaround meaning "i need help on question 11, i got 'c'"
and he might do a twisted sonic bust, saying "i got d"
interesting way for a mid-test comparison of answers no?
any comments?
Dude fucking amazing! I'm so gonna do that now! -
Date: Sun, May 11 2008 05:29:20
On the insert method, some kid in my school got caught for using it, not even a pen spinner. So now, I can't use pens that have clear bodies when spinning. Have to stick with comssas and such...
Date: Sun, May 11 2008 21:35:20
Damn, answers comparaisons is done vith voice in my Science classroom...
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 02:31:35
thats a very good idea, but lets hope not alot of people use it or teachers will catch on....
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 02:56:35QUOTE (ellusion67 @ Dec 2 2007, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>good idea..maybe i can try it..but i must teach all my friend first
i like ur creativity and if i were going to do this with my friends i too have to teach them how to spin -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 20:30:55
how about just write some answers on the insert?
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 00:29:57
i saw this on the internet somewhere lol works well (never used it to cheat though)\
1. get a bic round stick pen(or similar)
2. take the body and cut a slit in from the top (where the point is)
3. wrap a piece of paper with your notes on it around the ink
4. put ink back in the pen making sure the paper sticks out a bit from the slit
5. twist the part of the pen with the point one way to make the paper come out and the other way to bring it back in.
voila a pen modded for cheating -
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 00:44:18
id show you a pic of mine but i need to make a photobucket account sorry
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 01:23:21
lol, so shameless about cheating
i like the spinning for multiple choice idea, suxs that theres no one i really know who spins at my school
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 01:39:10 friend and i were gonna invent this code for multiple choice Q's....
and we could spin in code, and fdifferent tricks are different letters....
never got the chance