Manipulative Arts / Book Spinning?
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 00:03:03
Does anyone else do book spinning??? much less popular than pen spinning but just as cool, and just as many tricks, however there is no larege internet community of book spinners or even a database of all the tricks... oh well...
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 00:10:10
Just as many tricks? All I've seen is clockwise spin and counterclockwise spin on different fingers. I don't see how book spinning can have nearly as many tricks as pen spinning.
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 00:14:32
It does, because book spinning can involve the whole body, try spinning the book one way and flipping it over and continueing to spin it the other way, hand to hand, anything you can imagine really... but since there arent any "names" for the tricks or description of them it's kind of a oh I just spin the book and toss it maybe fer a lot of people...
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 01:42:27
i can spin on both hands, in both directions, and can do aerials on my right hand...... that's about all i can do..
i seriously don't know what else can be done, except maybe hand transfers and stuff.
but i've seen some chinese juggle pots and plates with lots of stuff though. -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 02:08:35
Maybe palm spins? Thumbspins? Handarounds? Wristarounds? Baktaps maybe?
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 02:09:23
Book spinning is new to me...
Somebody make a video, hurry! -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 04:44:44
start with something small like a childrens book then move on to heavier things, only problem with book spinning is that you cant do in school,
i tried and my teacher took away my textbooks -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 19:34:52
LOL! At death. Yeah, I started just yesterday. I got atleast 2 seconds best time. Im gonna find a smaller book.
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 20:58:30
try nice small ish square cushions , there are plenty of tutorials on how to spin it on youtube... cushions work better because your finger makes a little dent in the cushion so your finger doesnt slip as easily...
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2007 02:40:41
if u guys have lunch trays at school, those are usually pretty good, just find the circle center and spin it
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2007 07:27:03
Book spinning?
It used to be quite popular during my primary school days.
But not anymore. Tried it, but not very fun.
Still, pen spinning is the best! -
Date: Fri, Aug 15 2008 16:01:11
is there a website or video abt this "book spinning"?
im interested -
Date: Fri, Aug 15 2008 16:07:09
Seems fun, get a link. I want to spin a book.
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2008 16:31:15
I'm loving it
I can do it with my both hands, Currently I'm workinng on opposite direction. -
Date: Fri, Oct 3 2008 16:59:57
Yup, if onyl someone wud take time to develop this manipulation more... hha =D
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2008 01:13:44
my friend eric (eric on this forum) is very good at pen spinning.
Take a look at his video of Pen Spinning, Magic tricks, and book spinning. -
Date: Wed, Nov 19 2008 01:11:02
i can do it but only with heavy books, i can spin cushions aswell alot better
Date: Wed, Nov 19 2008 01:23:16
Never seen book spinning before *searches google*
Date: Sat, Dec 13 2008 17:31:25
i started spining books 2 year and so far my teachers get realy anoyed
and i can spin it on all of my right hand fingers and nuckes and i can toss it up 3 ft in air XD
but i still like PSing a lot more even though i can barely do any thing with a pen.
........and how can you even mod books?? -
Date: Sun, Dec 14 2008 00:23:45QUOTE (nhat_PS @ Dec 14 2008, 02:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i started spining books 2 year and so far my teachers get realy anoyed
and i can spin it on all of my right hand fingers and nuckes and i can toss it up 3 ft in air XD
but i still like PSing a lot more even though i can barely do any thing with a pen.
........and how can you even mod books??
lol! modding books!
just cram the maths text book with postman pat goes to the farm and you get a super mod!
i was tempted to say the bible... but i thought against it
and the minus about bookspinning is that you can't spin inconspicuously during class
either you're reading the heart of darkness, or you're spinning it
atleast with ps you can "pretend" to "be thinking" whilst spinning
but yeah, i know a guy who does it
fun game, go to the library, and spin every book XD -
Date: Sun, Dec 14 2008 00:44:27
I guess tray spinning is similar to this
At work I spin them on my fingers when it's not busy, its really easy though, there a little pointy thing that holds your finger in one place lol -
Date: Sun, Dec 14 2008 02:49:46
it looks cool but not as cool as psing
its sorta hard when you first start but i guess you get better at it
so far, im failing -
Date: Sun, Dec 14 2008 05:56:50QUOTE (k-ryder @ Dec 13 2008, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>but yeah, i know a guy who does it
fun game, go to the library, and spin every book XD
lol id like to try that XD
but last time i tried spining books it hit my face and left a scar T_T -
Date: Sun, Dec 14 2008 08:25:41QUOTE (nhat_PS @ Dec 14 2008, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol id like to try that XD
but last time i tried spining books it hit my face and left a scar T_T
The corners were THAT sharp????
Or was you spinning it heaps fast? -
Date: Sun, Dec 14 2008 21:29:33
i was dtrying to do tossing trickes XD
Date: Wed, Dec 24 2008 19:50:40
Never heard of that
Any tutorials, or websites? -
Date: Mon, Dec 29 2008 02:04:06QUOTE (KhaDori @ Dec 24 2008, 11:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Never heard of that
Any tutorials, or websites?
its just book spinning
as in you spin a book...
on top of your finger... -
Date: Sat, Jan 31 2009 14:44:32
bookspinning looks abnormal to me.. i like ps better.
Date: Sun, Feb 1 2009 03:12:44
LOL good job on reviving
not to mention youre spamming 33+ posts -
Date: Tue, Feb 3 2009 23:32:48
just use your creativity and you can think of tons of tricks.
Date: Wed, Feb 4 2009 04:29:54
Hah i tried doing this like a while ago and got up to like 5 seconds ;D got kinda bored after that
Date: Wed, Feb 4 2009 04:46:16QUOTE (Antonio Garcia @ Jan 31 2009, 06:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>bookspinning looks abnormal to me.. i like ps better.
same here, i got whacked by a book today when my friend (the guy up there)
dropped it :[
Date: Wed, Feb 4 2009 15:43:54
lol I can do it but it's not that fun IMO. especially if it pisses the hell out of your teacher. It took me 2-3 months to learn >_< I'm a slow learner but one night I suddenly got it... and it went from there xD I can only do counter-clockwise and tosses and stuff... book spinning has the potential to grow though... you could do palmspins... knuckle spins... bounces... anything that involves spinning I guess xD
Date: Sat, Dec 5 2009 19:56:54
Book Spinning here ! S***.
But i make my topic, here .
So GO HERE >>;#entry308132 -
Date: Sun, Dec 6 2009 05:51:29
lmao! it took me 2 years to get the hang of book spinning, because i was using my spanish book for 2 years! then... i tried my binder, OMFG but you just have to be careful of papers that are loose.
p.s this wasnt suppose to show that book spinning is hard.. its pretty easy, start with a light 1/2" binder. its somewhat like doing a charge, think back to when you were learning a charge.. how the timing had to be right. -
Date: Tue, Dec 15 2009 12:39:25
i think that book spinning only have basketball spin-0-"..
Date: Tue, Dec 15 2009 23:46:29
ok i can spin until my finger starts to slide out from the center to the edge then it falls
any help on how to move my finger back or keep in the center -
Date: Wed, Dec 16 2009 07:06:20QUOTE (FChzy101220 @ Dec 15 2009, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>ok i can spin until my finger starts to slide out from the center to the edge then it falls
any help on how to move my finger back or keep in the center
that's the main problem most beginners face-- just reset your finger to the middle quickly. by doing this continuously it will keep the book spinning on your finger. once you find the exact center you can let the book spin freely on the tip of your finger.
tip: aim not to create a circular motion with your finger, but a straight, horizontal motion -
Date: Fri, Dec 18 2009 07:36:17
i can do it rather well
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 00:27:25
this is incredably easy
Date: Sun, Dec 20 2009 15:23:11
Hm....Never heard of book spinning.Can anyone tell me more about it?
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 02:27:03
Its like pizza spinning kinda? You take a book and you spin it on your finger like a basketball =]. (it takes different type of displacing weight to get it to spin correctly however...
Date: Wed, Dec 30 2009 05:35:41QUOTE (SJ @ Jan 31 2009, 10:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>LOL good job on reviving
not to mention youre spamming 33+ posts
are you talking to me? PLS PM ME NOW ASAP AS SOON AS YOU READ THIS.. spamming? wtf... 33+ ive not been active here anymore.. are you trying to insult my fucking post -
Date: Sun, Jan 3 2010 18:55:57QUOTE (shoeman6 @ Dec 3 2007, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>It does, because book spinning can involve the whole body, try spinning the book one way and flipping it over and continueing to spin it the other way, hand to hand, anything you can imagine really... but since there arent any "names" for the tricks or description of them it's kind of a oh I just spin the book and toss it maybe fer a lot of people...
Lol, no it doesn't. PenSpinning can also involve the body, so there are like a million more penspinning tricks than bookspinning -
Date: Mon, Jan 4 2010 01:27:37QUOTE (shakenbake @ Dec 19 2009, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>this is incredably easy
Way to increase your post count and not contribute to the thread.
Btw, learn proper grammar before you spam. -
Date: Sun, Feb 7 2010 08:07:23QUOTE (SJ @ Jan 3 2010, 08:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Way to increase your post count and not contribute to the thread.
Btw, learn proper grammar before you spam.
He wouldn't stop if you inform him that what he did was a way to increase post count.
Thus, this totally is a way to increase your post count and not contribute to this thread.
Why not PM him instead? You also want to increase your "post counts"
You just want to show people that you are "awesome"