Advanced Tricks / Continuous Fingerless Thumbaround
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 00:12:23
Does anyone know a good technique for perfroming continious fingerless thumbarounds or have any tips on them? I can land triple thumbarounds but not often. Im talking about what ayatori often does in his combos. How about for fingerless thumbarounds reverse?
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2007 20:40:17
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2007 20:56:28
Practice individual FL TAs. At the end of the FL TA, pull your thumb back a bit to set it in the proper starting position. Continue doing that until you can land every FL TA where you need it to be, then work on smoothly doing them one after another.
Fingerless Thumbaround Reverse -
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2007 23:47:55
Thanks sketching, that was the kind of help I was looking for.
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 03:42:06
I think Eso has videos about it. Check?
Date: Fri, Dec 21 2007 08:53:38
If i'm not insane. I think eso did't did any tutorial of sample vid for this trick.
Did any one have any example? -
Date: Fri, Dec 21 2007 09:24:02
Eso only made one for Double Thumbaround, but longhorn already knows how to do that.
I don't think there's a tutorial, but a good example would be the combo done by IceMT from the chinese pen spinners collab. -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 14:02:37
purty good!!!! but what is the diff between triple/quadrule ta and cont fl ta?
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 16:01:20
Continuous is an all-encompassing modifier that means a trick links into itself one or more times. The Double, Triple, Quadruple, etc. are just finite modifiers.
In other words...
Double FL TA = Cont. FL TA x 2
Triple FL TA = Cont. FL TA x 3
Quadruple FL TA = Cont. FL TA x 4
. -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 16:29:09
@Eso: I wouldn't call Double, Triple, etc... modifiers, since you are not modifying anything. Those would be combo names.
@B3ndythumbs: Continuous Fingerless Thumbaround is just that: continuously-performed Fingerless Thumbarounds.
Double TA = Thumbaround > FL TA
Triple TA = Thumbaround > FL TA > FL TA
The first combo consists of only one trick performed however many times you want, the others start with a regular Thumbaround, followed by however many Fingerless Thumbarounds you want. -
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 00:28:42
Wouldnt double ta be a hybrid since you dont catch the pen at the end of the ta and before the fl ta... Isnt the catch a part of the trick thumbaround ?
Date: Wed, May 14 2008 23:38:20
so i'm working on tryign to do a triple ta right now and i was able to get it a few times
but here's my question...after teh initial ta, do you use a more curved push with your thumb for the second and third ta (well...fl TAs), or do you just push foward to get the two fl tas
i did a triple ta with a more foward push, but i do a double ta with a curved push
by curved i mean like...i curve my thumb a bit to go around for the next ta -
Date: Wed, May 14 2008 23:51:26
I've been working on my FL TA's for a while now (current record quintuple, pure luck). I have found out that it's eaisest for me when I kinda flick my thumb to the back of the pen, Idk how to really explain it but I think thats the best I got
Date: Thu, May 15 2008 00:50:21
I do my FL TAs with pure hand motion. My index finger is pointing straight and I use a very controlled hand circular hand motion for my FL TA. No push from my index or any other fingers. It's basically a mini-aerial because it does do a little jump sometimes. Hard to do, but it can be done very quickly like ayatori.
Date: Thu, May 15 2008 01:15:40QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 14 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I do my FL TAs with pure hand motion. My index finger is pointing straight and I use a very controlled hand circular hand motion for my FL TA. No push from my index or any other fingers. It's basically a mini-aerial because it does do a little jump sometimes. Hard to do, but it can be done very quickly like ayatori.
Almost like Ext TA/Fake Double positioning?
Do you know what I mean? -
Date: Thu, May 15 2008 01:44:20QUOTE (Xero @ May 14 2008, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Almost like Ext TA/Fake Double positioning?
Do you know what I mean?
I think I do. Yes. -
Date: Thu, May 15 2008 04:06:35
So, Look Into the Sun, would you say it's easier/more convenient/"better" to do the triple TA while keeping your thumb straight and using nothing but hand motion (no thumb motion really) because I do what JC does, I kinda push my thumb forward and curve it a bit to the outside.
Date: Thu, May 15 2008 04:45:03QUOTE (jux @ May 14 2008, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>So, Look Into the Sun, would you say it's easier/more convenient/"better" to do the triple TA while keeping your thumb straight and using nothing but hand motion (no thumb motion really) because I do what JC does, I kinda push my thumb forward and curve it a bit to the outside.
Actually, it's a lot harder with your index straight and pure hand motion, but you can do it really quickly and smooth -- looks a lot better imo. It's really up to you though. Learning it initially with the pinch push would help though. -
Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 09:16:40
Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 09:54:45
- It's Called FL TA not Tan.
- The intro had the wrong spelling. It's "Thumb" not "Thoumb".
- Post in this thread next time if you have more tutorials and edit your post everytime you add a video - Video Tutorial Index
Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 09:57:00
it's Fltan coz in chinese/taiwanese notation fl tan is fingerless thumbaround normal and fl tar is fingerless thumbaround reverse....a bit different to english way
iirc anyway. -
Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 10:01:15QUOTE ( @ Mar 1 2009, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>it's Fltan coz in chinese/taiwanese notation fl tan is fingerless thumbaround normal and fl tar is fingerless thumbaround reverse....a bit different to english way
iirc anyway.
I see. I've seen people notate it with a space. And anyways it's also "cont." -
Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 10:11:13QUOTE (Outsmash @ Mar 1 2009, 04:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
- It's Called FL TA not Tan.
- The intro had the wrong spelling. It's "Thumb" not "Thoumb".
- Post in this thread next time if you have more tutorials and edit your post everytime you add a video - Video Tutorial Index
Come on their chinese >_> don't be so anal about it -
Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 10:29:20
the tutorial was pretty good actually.
last clip was amazing. ta > fl ta x 13 dropbetter than what i can do =="
Date: Sat, Apr 11 2009 01:07:37
The tutorial was good and for some reason i can't get the quadruple ta everytime i try i catch it at triple, i mean all the time any tips? Other than just saying Practice
Date: Sat, May 2 2009 03:53:39QUOTE (kenny158 @ Apr 11 2009, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>The tutorial was good and for some reason i can't get the quadruple ta everytime i try i catch it at triple, i mean all the time any tips? Other than just saying Practice
Lol... then tell yourself that you're setting a higher expectation. It's like... your fine setting at Triple TA so you always catch it there. Just control ur thumb to do one more FL TA. XD -
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 09:54:48
When doing cont. fl ta do I have to move my thumb or hand? Or both?
Date: Sat, May 9 2009 13:07:19
I use my hand and thumb for me i think its easier
Date: Sun, May 10 2009 19:07:21
Use a little impultion after one TA fingerless, really little
I will do a tutorial aout this trick.