Where to find Pens in.... / Spinz

So sad it deserved its own thread.

  1. UEDan
    Date: Fri, Mar 26 2010 07:28:39

    I needed a cheapy screw driver set to abuse and since the 99c Only store was near campus I decided to go there.
    Walked around for a minute.... AND LO AND FUCKING BEHOLD!
    There it was in the stationary supply a rack section, 2 by 4 feet dedicated to Spinz, the ones in the stupid blister pack.
    I laughed it off.
    5 steps later:
    Top of the self. I find BOXES, FUCKING BOXES of Spinz!
    Remember nothing over 99c(plus tax)

    Moral of the story:
    Don't sell Shitty pens at $20 a piece, especially if you have a small target audience.
    That 99c Only chain. Don't ask if their at any other. I don't know.

    Oh yeah, I got my screwdriver set, 1 of the Philips head is already rounded. And I got a 6 pack of bubbles!

  2. SJ
    Date: Fri, Mar 26 2010 08:45:13

    Epic Story bro. Epic.