AusClan Forum / rankings in ausclan

  1. King Kommander X
    Date: Wed, Mar 31 2010 20:29:34

    what is the lowest rankings and what is the highest? can anybody list them in order? thanks!

  2. Krispy Kreme
    Date: Thu, Apr 1 2010 05:10:23

    QUOTE (King Kommander X @ Apr 1 2010, 06:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    what is the lowest rankings and what is the highest? can anybody list them in order? thanks!

    Wtf since when were you in Ausclan? xD

    Date: Thu, Apr 1 2010 07:28:41

    O__O' wth country flag not

  4. k-ryder
    Date: Thu, Apr 1 2010 08:09:59


    and also... who cares about rankings?
    all we need to know is if we piss off chogo or neo, you're in deep shit


  5. neoknux_009メMT
    Date: Thu, Apr 1 2010 09:53:24

    highest ranking is the "General of the Army/ The Furher"

    lowest ranking is i think "Private" or "No Ranking"

  6. Krispy Kreme
    Date: Thu, Apr 1 2010 10:44:05

    QUOTE (neoknux_009メMT @ Apr 1 2010, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    highest ranking is Neo && Chog

    lowest ranking is i think is Krispy Kreme

  7. King Kommander X
    Date: Thu, Apr 1 2010 18:55:50

    then whats general?2nd in command, third, what?

  8. Krispy Kreme
    Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 00:13:18


    There is no specific ranking !

    We just base ourselves on how well we can spin and respect

  9. neoknux_009メMT
    Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 01:41:21

    no there is a ranking. check AusClan team for the rankings.

  10. k-ryder
    Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 02:58:02

    hands up if we care

    *keeps hand down*

  11. Krispy Kreme
    Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 04:01:42

    QUOTE (k-ryder @ Apr 2 2010, 12:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    hands up if we care

    *keeps hand down*

  12. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 04:32:29

    wtf? why did you let a non-australian in your team?

    anyway he's temporary banned for spamming

    im just going through his posts to clean up his crap

  13. Krispy Kreme
    Date: Fri, Apr 2 2010 04:53:10

    QUOTE (Zombo @ Apr 2 2010, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    wtf? why did you let a non-australian in your team?

    Chogoling's fault !

    *points to Chogoling*

  14. chogoling
    Date: Sat, Apr 3 2010 04:09:01

    what the fuck are you on about, I've been temp banned for two weeks, I didn't let him in

  15. Pen Ninja
    Date: Sat, Apr 3 2010 12:26:37

    wait who was temped for spamming? chog or non-aussie?

    Date: Sat, Apr 3 2010 12:29:09

    why would chog get banned? ==" he didn't seem to do anything in particular lol

    i think king k got banned xD

  17. chogoling
    Date: Sat, Apr 3 2010 12:31:37

    my temp ban was self requested

  18. Pen Ninja
    Date: Sat, Apr 3 2010 16:15:42

    oh i c, exams ey?

  19. Tim
    Date: Sat, Apr 3 2010 16:44:13

    Pffft, soft dude, very soft.

    You're Asian, you should be able to breeze your exams and have plenty of time to go online tongue.gif.

  20. Krispy Kreme
    Date: Sat, Apr 3 2010 22:04:19

    QUOTE (chogoling @ Apr 3 2010, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    my temp ban was self requested

    Hmmm so who let that non-aussie guy in?

  21. chogoling
    Date: Sat, Apr 3 2010 23:11:56

    neo was the leader at the time

    Tim: I've been doing that for the past 5 years, its getting hard now though.

  22. k-ryder
    Date: Sun, Apr 4 2010 02:55:37

    actually, i swear i saw an aussie flag on him

    whether he was just faking it to try and get in (iknorite, we're an awesome clan) or.... he's actually australian and pretends to be viet to get into vpsc?...

  23. neoknux_009メMT
    Date: Mon, Apr 5 2010 00:26:18

    im sure i/someone else let him in quite a while ago, and i agree i thought he used to have an ausflag. he never posted untill recently.

  24. brent012
    Date: Mon, Apr 5 2010 02:20:09

    Well its possible he is viet living in australia (probably cabramatta = P), and wants to be in "vpsc" so he can speak with people in his own language. But he says he is from America o.0?

  25. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Apr 5 2010 03:09:43

    he's not only an australian, but also a American East AND WEST coast spinner, as well as an Indian spinner. On top of that, he's also KOREAN and vietnamese according to his flag. the guy must have a lot of mothers and plenty of houses across the world.

    he's also in moonlight trust, zero to hero, daybreak spinners, unified path

    the guy is just an idiot but I think team leaders might be the bigger fools here not checking who they're letting in their team.

  26. Krispy Kreme
    Date: Mon, Apr 5 2010 03:16:53

    I would just say that he is trying to join every single clan/group/team possible.
    And maybe he forgets to change the flag and country his from before he posts.

  27. Kari-Chan
    Date: Mon, Apr 5 2010 03:57:16

    i think he was in australia once...

  28. Pen Ninja
    Date: Mon, Apr 5 2010 07:29:30

    y does no1 stop to check whos joining their team? people just accept because he asked, its stupid

  29. Tim
    Date: Tue, Apr 6 2010 10:55:22

    And maybe he forgets to change the flag and country his from before he posts.

    When your page loads it would get the flag that the person currently has set, not of when they were posting (I'd say). I'd imagine it would be too impractical to associate user data with every post.

  30. impetuous
    Date: Sun, Apr 11 2010 12:53:35

    QUOTE (k-ryder @ Apr 1 2010, 06:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    and also... who cares about rankings?
    all we need to know is if we piss off chogo or neo, you're in deep shit


    I do dat smile.gif

    probably doing it right now too XD

    and no i'd be at the bottom of the rankings ._.

  31. MeiTenshi
    Date: Thu, Apr 15 2010 17:09:10 high is Second Liutenent?? o.O? and why arent i no-ranking? lol what kind of respect do i have?? xD

  32. MeiTenshi
    Date: Thu, Apr 15 2010 17:11:31 high is second-liutenent? How come I'm not No-ranking? lol Do i get respect coz I'm Pen Ninja's GF?? XDD

    Edit: Damn, my comp stuffed up a little there and posted twice -.-

  33. chogoling
    Date: Thu, Apr 15 2010 23:50:05

    Team leader can modify rankings, they really don't have any meaning

  34. Tim
    Date: Fri, Apr 16 2010 06:50:07

    lol, never even noticed this, ownage feature.