now it has come.
I used the Easter holidays to make a solo video.

I have set some especially strong points:
1: I recently read a lot that many other spinners think I am only a Heavy Spinner and so i want to cross this out with the video^ ^ biggrin.gif
2: Yes, I have tried to structure the combos well and bring change to a purely
-> So no freestyle
3: yes attempt was´to use Buster to me about Body & Environment, but it is not as a blockbuster and also far too long.
-> So the combo vllt not note this, she would have left out the most. wink.gif

more I have no notion, but you need not read the really well ^ ^

SO much fun now with the video:
(Yes I know bad quality mega sad.gif )

">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">