Member Introductions / ciao form Italy!
Date: Sat, May 1 2010 10:26:04
i'm mikylucky. i fortunately discovered pen spinning watchin a video on facebook and i fell in love!
i started practising it in early april 2010 and today is almost a month.
my friends think i'm crazy, but i'm getting better in pen spinning day by day and now all they are trying to spin a pen XD -
Date: Sat, May 1 2010 13:19:07
Hello and welcome to UPSB! PSing is contagious.
Date: Sat, May 1 2010 13:20:31
Ciao a tutti
Welcome to UPSB.
(it rhymes)
Date: Sat, May 1 2010 15:06:35
i thougth ciao means goodbye?
Date: Sat, May 1 2010 15:30:55
actually i think its like aloha, means hi and bye....correct me if im wrong
and hope u have fun...this place is PS heaven -
Date: Sat, May 1 2010 18:27:54
it means hi and bye at the same time
Date: Sat, May 1 2010 19:03:14
Italy is pretty underrepresented in PS, glad you're here -
Date: Sat, May 1 2010 23:05:51
muahaha! i was right
actually it was cuz we visited italy last summer...loved the food -
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 21:08:31
i love italian food...afterall...i'm italian! XD
Date: Mon, May 3 2010 23:28:51
haha, love the pasta...its what i live for
though my parents always complain about how unhealthy it is...=_= -
Date: Fri, May 7 2010 13:48:40
pasta isn't unhealty!!! it contains a lot of carbohydrates, i eat it 3 times a day and my weight is 50kg (however i do every day physical activity)
Date: Fri, May 7 2010 14:00:17
haha, it may not make u fat, but pasta doesnt have many other nutriets...
Date: Fri, May 7 2010 18:51:30
Ciao bello
come state?
da quale città vieni?
Benvenuto e prende del buono tempo sul' upsb -
Date: Fri, May 7 2010 19:37:30
first penspinner from italy to register here ever? any way, great to see more people from different countries, not just asia or the us.
Date: Fri, May 7 2010 23:15:13
Welcome to join.
Date: Sat, May 8 2010 08:32:28
Tidus & io possiamo parlarti in italiano, alors benvenuto et impara benne lo penspinning, quanti anni hai ?