Member Introductions / Hi :D
Date: Thu, May 6 2010 23:03:34
Hey guys I'm Rahul Gupta.
I've actually been pen spinning for 3 years, kind of unofficially tho haha.
I pretty much learnt the thumbaround and the sonic rise fall harmonic, and then stopped spinning for like a year. Also, i was unaware pen spinning was so intense when i learnt those, because i learnt the tricks from my brother, who learnt them at his school from his friends. I didn't even use modded pens. Then, about a year later, I met someone else who was pen spinning at my school, and he told me about everything. That was when i just bought myself a Spinz Axis. I learnt a bunch of tricks and became pretty into pen spinning for a year. Then I just kinda stopped learning new tricks again. Now recently, a year after that, I wanted to start pen spinning seriously again so i bought myself a metallic comssa and an RSVP MX^2. Now im pen spinning a lot again and getting a lot better xD.
Anyways, I just made an account here, and wanted to introduce myself. I was born in India but now i live in Florida.
So yeah, nice to meet you all -
Date: Thu, May 6 2010 23:33:05
if i didn't see the florida part, i would totally guess california -
Date: Fri, May 7 2010 08:24:55
Hello and welcome to UPSB!!! YOu seem pretty good already. Can you name all the tricks you know down?
Date: Fri, May 7 2010 14:16:04
Sure, I can do the following:
Fingerpass (not that fast tho... maybe the whole thing in like 1.7secs)
Fingerpass Reverse ( somehow i find this easier and can do it in like 1.3secs)
Thumbaround reverse
Thumbaround harmonic (my record is like 40)
Thumb Spin (my record is like 6 spins)
Thumb-Index Spin (my record is like 10 spins)
Fingerless Thumbaround
Fingerless Thumbaround Reverse
Sonic ( from any finger to any finger).
Inverse Sonic (only from 23-12)
Neo-Sonic (from any 2 fingers to thumb flap)
Twisted Sonic (23-12)
Twisted Sonic Bust
Demon Sonic (34-12)
Demon Sonic bust
Shadow (pretty much any 2 fingers to any 2 fingers. Also i can do it somewhat continuously for shadow still, my record is like 5)
Backarounds ( currently working on multiple backarounds... My record is 2 hahaha, i can do a double bak maybe 1/10 tries now)
Backaround Reverses
Backaround fall ( I generally mess up when i get to the ring bak or pinky bak but i can occasionally do the bakfal. Also, i like starting them off with a Fingerless Thumbaround Reverse.)
Extended Infinity
Double Infinity
I think thats it but i might have forgotten about a few. And also, I can pretty much do all of them with my left hand. But when I try spinning with both my right and left hand its pretty hard unless im doing the exact same tricks with each hand.
Also thanks for welcoming me guys xD. And why would u guess California lol? -
Date: Fri, May 7 2010 15:48:14
haha so pro
Date: Sat, May 8 2010 02:16:24
Date: Sat, May 8 2010 07:05:57
heh, welcome
I'm like youspinning for 2 years with unmodded pens heh
Date: Sat, May 8 2010 19:27:18
Haha unmodded pens arent that bad xD.
Any suggesstions on combos or what to learn next based on that list?
Im currently working on twisted sonic multiple bust and continuous backarounds.
And a combo I made and like to use is Demon Sonic --> Neo Sonic --> Fingerless Thumbaround Reverse --> Backaround Fall. Repeat. -
Date: Sun, May 9 2010 10:57:32
welcome to the biggest penspinning place in the world
have good time and read rules ^^