Member Introductions / Hi!
Date: Wed, May 19 2010 00:46:02
hey, im sorta new sorta not, ive been spinning since early this year, but ive only watched a guy in my class and sorta taught myself at first. I then realised the power of youtube and learned the thumbaround, reverse thumbaround, sonic, reverse sonic, sonic rise/fall, twisted sonic (single bust also), neo sonic, shadow, and basic infinity. Sadly, im far from fluent with my fingerpasses
Glad to finally join! Ive heard alot about this place!! -
Date: Wed, May 19 2010 01:42:37
Yeah that's sorta how it went for me too. I learned TA from a friend and did that and fingerpass for a month thinking I was so boss. But then youtube (well, Eso) taught me useful things.
But anyway,
Also, how do u pronounce ur name XD? -
Date: Wed, May 19 2010 16:28:26
Hello and Welcome to UPSB!!!
Date: Wed, May 19 2010 19:53:57
haha same, actually i found out about this randomly with google xD
ur lucky u have penspinners at ur school -
Date: Wed, May 19 2010 20:19:04
lol, there was only 1 penspinner at my school at first, but after i started learning my friends kind of joined a little, now theres like 5 of us who know how. Lol, I leanred like everything from eso too!
Date: Thu, May 20 2010 04:34:01
hey bro what up? how you doing?...... i bet your doing good. ME and YOU are going to be BEST friends on this board!