Off-topic / E3
Date: Mon, Jun 14 2010 12:44:00
Use this thread to discuss E3
new xbox 360 slim ahaha
finally integrated wifi
natal is a better name than kinect
hopefully this new model doesn't RROD -
Date: Mon, Jun 14 2010 13:19:45
the new 360 looks like it's just a bent xbox. I don't think its worth it :/
can't say anything yet though, unless the new 360 won't have built in rrod anymore nah just kiddin
DJ Hero 2 is announced, deadmau is in it
and playstation move still looks like some other thing to me...
-OH and hope valve shows portal 2 in one of the conferences -
Date: Mon, Jun 14 2010 13:49:18QUOTE (Yanos @ Jun 14 2010, 03:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>-OH and hope valve shows portal 2 in one of the conferences
or even better : HL² Episode 3
Also - Nintendo 3DS.
And Golden Sun DS!
Don't disappoint me E3 :O
Date: Mon, Jun 14 2010 21:54:58
MS sucked, only new exclusive is from Crytek, xbox360 slim looks pretty cool tho
Date: Mon, Jun 14 2010 22:04:31
only 100 more for slim model, built in wifi, 250 gig hdd? i'm surprised, that's actually somewhat decent
Date: Mon, Jun 14 2010 22:18:45
that new xbox actually looks pretty sweet. definately not getting one though. Microsoft's lineup is just...pathetic. natal sounded cool at first, but after seeing it in action, and then seeing playstation move, sony totally just kicked MS's ass right there. I was skeptical of move at first too but i watched some of the E3 demo's and its looking pretty sick. im so excited for KZ3, Resistance 3, black ops, and halo reach =]
Date: Mon, Jun 14 2010 22:48:53
the new medal of honor and star wars the old republic looks freaking sweat and so does halo reach :OOO
Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 00:10:06QUOTE (Ohayo @ Jun 14 2010, 03:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>the new medal of honor and star wars the old republic looks freaking sweat and so does halo reach :OOO
i just watched the medal of honor demo and it looks tiiiight. and socom 4 with playstation move looks dam amazing. im so getting that. i just watched this demo of forza 4(i think) with natal/kinect, and that looks kinda cool too actually. but im kinda skeptical cuz the car moved before the dude moved his hands, and he went around the corners waay too easily. no breaking or anything, cant even do that with a controller. ah well, ill probably end up getting both -
Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 03:43:00
stupid to play a sim racing with motion control... just buy a steering wheel
Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 06:25:43
Fallout New Vegas is the only reason im watching E3.
But the new xbox looks real nice. Built in wifi is a huge plus for me. -
Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 11:04:13
saw the demo on ghost recon: future soldier LOOKSS TIIGHT
Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 14:03:55QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Jun 15 2010, 02:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Fallout New Vegas is the only reason im watching E3.
But the new xbox looks real nice. Built in wifi is a huge plus for me.
pro gamersr shouldn't play on wireless tho -
Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 17:01:36
Nintendo Press Conference right now.
3DS looks promising. It even has a 3D-Camera. Wow.
/EDIT: Ridge Racer, MGS, Kingdom Hearts... I came. -
Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 17:34:47
Nintendo raped this E3
Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 23:01:38QUOTE (Zombo @ Jun 15 2010, 11:34 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Nintendo raped this E3
ya i might get a 3ds..or notbut a new mario kart...............mmmm
Date: Wed, Jun 16 2010 01:44:12
OMGAWD I'm thinking of buying the new xbox but first I'm looking for a new monitor so my sister can watch all the wedding shows she wants while i can be in the other room playing halo. I was thinking of getting this monitor but im not sure if there's any better monitors with a better response time. Cough cough imatt suggest cough*
Date: Wed, Jun 16 2010 02:17:41
Does anybody know when the xbox 360 slim comes out?
Date: Wed, Jun 16 2010 02:20:23QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Jun 15 2010, 10:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Does anybody know when the xbox 360 slim comes out?
according to bestbuy, june 20th -
Date: Wed, Jun 16 2010 02:22:34
hmm alright better place my order fast :>
Date: Wed, Jun 16 2010 02:27:39
I thought it was funny when Miyamoto was having trouble with the motion controls in the new Zelda game.
Date: Wed, Jun 16 2010 03:49:23
I found it funny when, during all of Nintendo's show, they were talking about the amazing power of the Wii Motion plus, and its "1:1 ratio" and it just lagged and didn't work the entire time.
The motion plus isn't 1:1... it still sux, and so does the wii.
I like the potential of the 3DS tho, especially with the gyroscope and motion sensing.
Unfortunately, I can't view 3D (one of my eyes is severly fucked, so i rely heavily on one eye for viewing, and thus have no depth of field)
sooo, I could really care less about all the 3D stuff XD