yeah, you guys are getting ripped off.

i know it's all like, "woah omg i has a big boner for light green anyballs blah blah blah" but come on. if you're really getting this because of the lightgreen anyballs it's not worth it -__- the quality of the ligthgreen anyballs are pretty shitty. not squishy like the ones we know of. it's more stiff than anyballs and is easily scratched. drop on the ground = scratch. to be honest, that seems to be the only reason why he's auctioning it. the picture says, "AUTHENTIC LIME GREEN ANYBALL", and clearly doesn't say how the mod itself is unauthentic

and another reason maybe because it's made by imatt. ok, so it is. still looks like ugly, and the cap is hanging off the end, which makes it more prone to a cracked cap.

the cost of the mod is not even $21 you guys just have a boner for a japanese mod and some grips.

you guys probably haven't even seen ajisai spin this mod. or even seen him spin at all. no appreciation for the spinner. gtfo

and imatt, you're the worst. you're just trying to make a quick buck off of something that's becoming popular. and it's not even the real thing

UPSB, i am disappoint