Pen Modifications / Kinds Of Long Mods

  1. Catch
    Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 20:54:14

    Hey recently i got a Buster Cyl and im very satisfied with it, so im asking if you can give and list of similar pens like this (long and heavy) thanks laugh.gif


  2. N00B Spinner
    Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 20:58:07

    Air ms, Vicgotgame mod, Crew mod.

  3. Kirby
    Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 21:13:22

    I wouldn't use long and heavy mods because you become dependent on them. But hety, do what you want. Try a Mr. Somsak or vicgotgame mod (somewhat similar to buster)

  4. iMatt
    Date: Tue, Jun 15 2010 21:21:11

    For any quick questions please refer to the quick modification questions thread:
