General Discussion / PSR- Pen Spinning Revolution
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2007 01:14:56
Wouldn't it be awesome if there were a game for the Wii where you could plug in this special pen and do tricks with it to get points? Like, uhh, DDR When it says go left, you go left. It would be cool if the thing would say do shadow, and then you do shadow.And you could get combos and stuff by doing tricks in a row really fast. I think I could make frickin millions off that idea. WOULDN'T THAT BE AWESOME!?!?!
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2007 01:32:52
There would be no way to tell which fingers the pen is between...unless you had a companion glove with sensors all over to tell the system where the pen is and how it is spinning. That would be tough. If you wanted to do a Arm Roll, you would need an entire companion sleeve to record the pen traveling down the arm. >_<
...and don't forget about Elbow Pop!
Edit: how would you record Knee Bounce?! You would need a full body suit just to encompass all currently known pen spinning moves.
You'd also need a face mask to record Nose Stall. O_o
...and Forehead Stall. Can't forget about that one. -
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2007 02:21:35
Yea sketching You Got A Point There I would not Want To Were A Full Body Suit Just To Play A Game When I Could Just Do It For Real
But If We Had The Technology To Make Such A Game That Would Be Awesome -
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2007 07:46:42
that would be sooo awsum... i'd so buy it the first day it came out
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2007 08:12:40
I guess a motion sensitive pen would do, to record the motions of the pen. Actually, you could also record a digital pen spinning by itself that way. But I doubt anything anywhere near that will be released in the coming decades :P
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2007 04:47:05
Yeah I really doubt it would make a lot of money but if it was for real, I would own one.
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2007 04:51:17
It's unrealistic but it's a frickin awesome idea.
A guy can dream can't he? -
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2007 05:48:12QUOTE (Missle_Z @ Dec 17 2007, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>It's unrealistic but it's a frickin awesome idea.
A guy can dream can't he?
Yes, but they're always shot down in the long run -
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2007 21:07:17QUOTE (sangara @ Dec 18 2007, 12:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yes, but they're always shot down in the long run
well...on this poster in my ap us history class...
First they ignore you
Then they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win
-Ghandi (i think...)
anyway, so this guy in my school who was in this advanced science research class developed this glove where it could sense what sign languages you are doing and then sends that information into a computer to be spoken outloud by the computer (it was for mute people)
and so this technology was bought by bill gates, i think, but that's not the point
point is, this technology exists and although it may be tougher to spin with a glove on, they can definitely make it as thin as those disposable plastic glovesQUOTE (sketching @ Dec 16 2007, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>There would be no way to tell which fingers the pen is between...unless you had a companion glove with sensors all over to tell the system where the pen is and how it is spinning. That would be tough. If you wanted to do a Arm Roll, you would need an entire companion sleeve to record the pen traveling down the arm. >_<
...and don't forget about Elbow Pop!
Edit: how would you record Knee Bounce?! You would need a full body suit just to encompass all currently known pen spinning moves.
You'd also need a face mask to record Nose Stall. O_o
...and Forehead Stall. Can't forget about that one.
as for all those stalls, they're really not necessary and the game could just not include them cause a full body suit would be over doing it and look much too wierd''
have no idea how'd they advertise a full body suit gameQUOTE (ptz911 @ Dec 16 2007, 09:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yea sketching You Got A Point There I would not Want To Were A Full Body Suit Just To Play A Game When I Could Just Do It For Real
But If We Had The Technology To Make Such A Game That Would Be Awesome
well, why do people do ddr when they could just dance for real
and once again, the technology exists -
Date: Wed, Dec 19 2007 06:57:15QUOTE (-JC- @ Dec 18 2007, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>as for all those stalls, they're really not necessary and the game could just not include them cause a full body suit would be over doing it and look much too wierd
have no idea how'd they advertise a full body suit game
Why are certain pen-spinning tricks less necessary than for example... Backhand Tracer? Or even simply Sonic? Just because not as many spinners use them? -
Date: Wed, Dec 19 2007 07:39:43
I think he is just saying that because of having to make a full body suit for stalls such as a nose stall or knee stalls or anything like that then they should not be included. 1) Because people would not want to put on a full body suit just to play a game where they are spinning a pen. 2) It would not be very cost effective.
Date: Wed, Dec 19 2007 21:18:52QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Dec 19 2007, 01:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Why are certain pen-spinning tricks less necessary than for example... Backhand Tracer? Or even simply Sonic? Just because not as many spinners use them?
well, i didn't mean it that way
i guess Tim already explained what i meant by that when i said what i did
all i was trying to say was that stalls that would be all over the body would just seem like an unviable thing to produce and sell since not too many people would want to put on sensors all over their body to do some of the tricks
there are plenty of tricks that can be done other than stalls as well, not saying that stalls aren't as important, just that if such a game were to be created, I feel that stalls wouldn't be and shouldn't be (at a marketing and convience standpoint) included into it -
Date: Thu, Dec 20 2007 15:49:20
The game is beyond our means to create economically so we can only dream about it.
I have better things to dream about than a pen spinning game for the wii -
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 00:27:03QUOTE (Mats @ Dec 20 2007, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>The game is beyond our means to create economically so we can only dream about it.
I have better things to dream about than a pen spinning game for the wii
what do you mean that it's beyound our means to create economically
and that's true, i have better things to dream about as well -
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 18:50:03QUOTE (sketching @ Dec 17 2007, 03:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>There would be no way to tell which fingers the pen is between...unless you had a companion glove with sensors all over to tell the system where the pen is and how it is spinning. That would be tough. If you wanted to do a Arm Roll, you would need an entire companion sleeve to record the pen traveling down the arm. >_<
...and don't forget about Elbow Pop!
Edit: how would you record Knee Bounce?! You would need a full body suit just to encompass all currently known pen spinning moves.
You'd also need a face mask to record Nose Stall. O_o
...and Forehead Stall. Can't forget about that one.
nose and forehead stall? for god's sake, I got to see those. oO -
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 22:15:03
this would be possible but the company would not be able to sell enough products to make it worth it to them.
Date: Sun, Dec 30 2007 22:22:03QUOTE (servantofGod @ Dec 30 2007, 05:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>this would be possible but the company would not be able to sell enough products to make it worth it to them.
that's probably true since not many people have even heard of penspinning
ddr became popular because everyone knows what dancing is, even if they dont' do it
and dancing is..i guess..a cool thing to do, so people did ddr if they didnt' dance or even if they did
and for penspinning...the same can't be said
penspinning is definitely a nerd thing, and probably a nerd thing in asia too despite how many more poeple do it there (although i dont' know this for a fact)
which won't help in attracting buyers
large amounts of buyers won't want to buy something that is considered nerdy
of course there are the people like us, but we're not the majority, and companies won't sell to the minorities -
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2008 20:05:35
Yeah I'm called a nerd ALL the time in school cause I do what I like to....being penspinning
I say Oh! check out this mod or something and people go
Date: Tue, Jan 1 2008 23:03:31
haha, when i get a pen, people always ask me
"are you gonna take apart that pen too"
and then i reply, "no, this one's actually for writing"
them: "oh, that's a disappointment (with a bit or sarcasm)
anyway, with the stall things
this one guy in my school has hair that is so hard and so...pointy that he may be able to do a hair stall...
would that be possible in a game
wear soemthing on your head for teh hair part if your hair was all spiked up and extremely hard that you could balance a pen on it
is there anything that could detect stuff on your hair? -
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 01:48:22
lmao. you could just toss it around in the air and get uber-huge combo points
WHAT!? 42xTHUMBSPIN!?!? 10 THOUSAND POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 00:27:02QUOTE (Missle_Z @ Dec 17 2007, 11:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A guy can dream can't he?
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 06:10:15
Totally disagree with that pic!!!
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 06:41:25
Stay on topic guys.
A game like this would be awsome but it's just kinda unrealistic. Why would you have to play it in a game when you can do it in real life? -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 09:48:51
There's no doubt that any pen spinner would love a game like this. And the technology exists that would allow something like that to happen.
But there are two main issues as i see:
1. The costs are high - The Wii controller has a very loose motion detection system. I believe they had to make it this way to make the games easier to play. A Pen Spinning game would need to a lot more precise, and require a lot more processing to work. If you think about it, you only need two points in a 3D space to know exactly where the Wiimote is. But for PS, you would need the same two points for a pen, plus around 10 or 11 points on your hands to detect where your palm, and each of your fingers is (and if it's folded). Imagine having someone code a game for that many variables o_O
2. The game would be hard to sell - Obviously you need to make more money than you spend making it. And I don't think that would happen. Really successful games have to be easy to learn, yet hard to master. This allows the initial sale to be big, while keeping serious players striving to get better. It cannot be too frustrating or non-challenging, have somewhat random results (sometimes you win, sometimes you lose...just like gambling), and have a seemingly infinite number of possibilities.
DDR and Guitar Hero are games that I think would be similar, but they both can get people playing in a really short time, and at the basic level...the first time people try the tutorial. PS seems much harder to allow everyone to pick up right away.
Also, think about all the pen dropping. Even if the controller is resistant, people still get frustrated by dropping something too much, which means a lot of people would quit easily. -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 11:06:25
u guys forgot sumthing maybe sumthing like an eyetoy would work ;p but i'd rather spin for fun not for a game
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 13:11:39
Games are supposed to be fun >.>
-Arcturus -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 13:37:26QUOTEThere's no doubt that any pen spinner would love a game like this. And the technology exists that would allow something like that to happen.
Is the technology available? It would be very hard to score combos. One must take into account not only what the tricks are, but HOW they are performed - smoothness, speed etc. I can't see how this could be done
Even if this can be done, it would be far to expensive to produce for a company (to then sell on and make profit on), which is what I meant about it not being economical to produce. -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 21:48:37
actually that guy (sorry, forgot your name) who mentioned the 42x ts or something makes me think about something
one could easily cheat in this game
with using the hand that doesn't have the sensor, one could just move the pen with that hand over and over again -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 16:24:35
What game does full simulation to the actual thing? Full body suit is stupid. What about Guitar hero? If it were to actually simulate, you'd need a guitar that is one big touch pad with strings, but then what would be the difference between playing the game and actually playing a guitar?
I think that what he meant was something more like the way DDR imitates dancing, like having different direction buttons and a "spin" button, and you have to press them in the right order to to connect the combo, and like playing songs in Guitar Hero you'll be doing combos from all our famous spinners. Could be cool, now we just need to get pen spinning to be as popular as guitar playing and rock music, and the game will be announced :o -
Date: Mon, Jan 7 2008 07:12:08
maybe in like twenty years they'll have camera censors that will break down the tricks so that you don't need a full body censor spandex suit -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 20:32:49
This idea cracks me up.
You could have motion detection in addition to a crappy 2fps webcam that you get for free from cereal boxes. -
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 21:05:09
Aye, it's very unrealistic RIGHT NOW.
In maybe ten years or something, the technology for this might even be easily atainable...
But what the hell do I know -
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 21:49:45QUOTE (Missle_Z @ Jan 25 2008, 09:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Aye, it's very unrealistic RIGHT NOW.
In maybe ten years or something, the technology for this might even be easily atainable...
But what the hell do I know
Clearly, one thing you don't know, is how to spell. -
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 13:22:31
But what about something like
'Erirornal Kraoine's Pro Spinner 3' Just like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.
(sorry Eriror but not many people have two nicks on this board) I'm also pretty sure that I spelt Kraoine wrong, not sure though. -
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 13:28:29QUOTE (Tim @ Jan 26 2008, 01:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>But what about something like
'Erirornal Kraoine's Pro Spinner 3' Just like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.
Why would the first game be called Pro Spinner 3? -
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 13:52:23
It wouldn't but Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 was the best, so you just start off the series from there.
Date: Tue, Jan 29 2008 20:56:47
No ,i thought of this too but the only problem is that you would actually have to be able to spin pens already , making it pointless.
Off topic: i can do a hair stall because of my mohawk i could do it with 20 pens -
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 03:35:48QUOTE (Mats @ Jan 25 2008, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Clearly, one thing you don't know, is how to spell.
My lack of spelling skill has nothing to do with this topic D= Way to ruin my day, meanie face (kidding, I'm such a funny guy)
Everyone's looking at this idea so seriously, now this idea just seems alien after reading people's replies lol -
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 01:07:20
that would be coool... but i don't think it will happen
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 01:23:25
it would be coo butl i rather stick with normal pen spinning
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 06:32:25
but what if it was like ddr like if a icon goes over another icon (like ddr) then you do a trick... like timing and stuff wouild b important then