Advanced Tricks / Fake Double

  1. Colt
    Date: Fri, Dec 21 2007 03:17:25

    I need some tips on when to turn the hand palm down, because most of the time after i turn my hand palm down it rolls off. Any hints on the timing or anything?

  2. CalhounSpinner
    Date: Fri, Dec 21 2007 04:01:17


  3. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Dec 21 2007 12:16:08

    the other thread talks about a very specific naming issue, I think this thread is OK.

    I don't know why you want to turn your palm down.

    You never have to turn palm down in a fake double.

  4. Simån
    Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 15:25:14

    I think he has got it from eso's video on extended ta

    Not a lot of hints to tell there, you just have practice, you will get it down with some practice...

  5. LMnet
    Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 16:47:18

    Make more powerfull ta push

  6. Floating Duck
    Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 17:22:57

    Im not sure how good this is because ive never watched it but i remember strat making it.

  7. sketching
    Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 18:19:28

    From the Extended Thumbaround thread on UCPSB...

    QUOTE (sketching)
    Here's how you do an Extended Thumbaround:

    - Do a Thumbaround.
    -- Make sure the TA ends with the COP above your Thumb and Index finger.
    -- Instead of catching the pen, let it flip over the Index finger.
    - Catch it between the Index and Middle finger.

    You might need to flick the pen with your Index finger after the TA, a Fingerless Indexaround T1-12.

    That's it.
    After doing the Extended Thumbaround, do a Pass Reverse back to the T1 slot to finish the Fake Double combo. As the pen is about to go over the index finger, you may need to bend the finger a bit for the push, eventually, you should be able to get the timing and momoentum down so that minimal index finger pushing is needed.

    BTW, I don't turn my hand down for Extended Thumbaround or Fake Double, no need to do so.