Major Collaborations / upsb promo vid?


  1. mhig
    Date: Mon, Dec 24 2007 14:05:49

    well i was just wondering since i saw jeb's pen spinning promos so i was like why not upsb too?
    maybe just a few volunteers and we can do the same right?
    i was thinking if we get a few dedicated people into this i would put up all the information for the first pen spinning promo like sign-ups and stuff wink.gif

  2. Aries
    Date: Mon, Dec 24 2007 14:26:16

    ill join smile.gif set a time limit, due date, release date. Maybe i organize and we need a good editor, promos r supposed to look awsome..

  3. mhig
    Date: Mon, Dec 24 2007 14:47:44

    we first need an editor before anything though... lol i suck at editing since i only use wmm XD
    anyone want to edit?

    edit: if someone wants to edit please post here before the end of this week!

  4. ultimatsz
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 01:51:07

    *hint* dkgamer *hint*

    meh... i could edit but lately becomes so busy to do alot of stuff... i couldnt do the CGs and stuff i only try to sync video with music thats all...

  5. TayYH89
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 01:57:57

    It wouldn't be official unless it is sanctioned by the authorities.

  6. mhig
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 02:03:45

    let's just say that this isn't official smile.gif
    unless some people want it to be which is unlikely
    has anyone seen dk gamer lately???

  7. Foofdude
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 02:34:44

    I'd love to be in a UPSB promo. The only thing is, though, people here aren't too good at staying committed to things *coughupsbcollabcough*

  8. mhig
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 03:50:49

    well we know that we're definitely gonna make more than one pen spinning promo vid right?
    what about the people who sign up for the vid but don't turn in a vid don't get to be in the rest of the promo vids that's gonna happen that's related to this topic. that should keep everyone on their toes smile.gif

  9. xshadowfire
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 04:13:47

    aren't jeb's promos just random clips thrown together and edited by random people? :/

  10. mhig
    Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 04:41:18

    well in a sense yes
    but some of them were organized (or so i hear)
    just that grabbing a bunch of videos doesn't really sound all so cool to me XD
    so i was just thinking like this way smile.gif