Presentation / First Timer: The importance of Presentation
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 15:34:06
This forum is the place to discuss all aspects of presentation and performance.
But why do we have to pay attention to such small details? Isn't learning a trick and being able to do it without dropping your pen enough? Well, the answer depends on how serious you are about Pen Spinning, and how you want to be looked at by others.
It's likely that if you have access to this forum, you're pretty serious about Pen Spinning, and want to show its full potential. Take, for example, a simple trick like the Charge or the Sonic. You can be a pro at them, but if you don't know at what angles they look best to your audience, then they won't look that impressive to whomever you're showing these tricks.
On the other hand, say you're just practicing casually in class. You're trying a new trick, but constantly dropping your pen. After a while, people start looking at you and giving you angry looks. By now, you should have already stopped spinning your pen, or next time you do something impressive, your audience won't even care because they already hate you.
These are just two simple examples of how presentation affects you as a pen spinner. Remember, Pen Spinning can be a one person world, but it's much better if you share it. And to share it, you must learn good presentation. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 14:13:52
I also think that willingness to inform your audience after your presentation also matters, people usually like it when a person is kind about showing something new, its not good to deny them information cause then they will have a bad stereotype of spinners. But i don't know thats just what i think
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 14:23:49
I'm sorry this sticky is only to tell people what this forum is about, not for discussion.
Create new topics on presentation if you wish.