Major Collaborations / JapEn 3rd Released
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Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 03:43:22 (High Quality) -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 03:45:02
Wow... dude, that was friggin sweet!!
Bonkura could have made it even better, though... -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 04:04:03
Just incredible. Some very unique combos. Key3 doing 1 finger charges and wipers? A lot of sick infinities and backarounds. Dopamine's hand transfers also very nice. Im suprised that ryo and ps728 are not in it.
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 04:18:58
Key3's infinity hybrid was crazy. So dang difficult sheesh.
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 04:46:33
pretty nice ..i'm enjoy watched it..and key3 really great..i luv japan spinner..
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 07:27:00
Whoa... some pretty sweet stuff right there!
Nice collab!
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 08:11:31
INSANE combos, key3 specially..
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 09:58:15
if bonkua,ps728 and ryo in this collab,this collab will be perfect
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 10:33:52
Hahaha, at the credits, they've written Spetial thanks instead of special thanks.
Cool collab... -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 11:06:08
Truly epic collab
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 11:45:54
Sickos :D
They prove yet again that they are superior to us mortals. -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 12:05:33
I feel so inferior now
Espicially since there's probably spinners inside that have been spinning for a shorter time than me,yet pwn me -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 12:13:44
Wow! Great collab. Everyone is one of the best spinners, I can watch it again and again...
Best quality download. -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 12:21:09
WOOOOWH goddamn what a editing! : O
This collab was perfect, nåt to long and not to short... but I wanted to see more anyway ^^
It seems to be many new styles whitch is really good.
And I also saw that they did much of:
Gunman 12 - T-1 > Thumbcharge Normal > Fingerless Thumbaround Reverse 2 times.
I miss Bonkura in this collab to :/
But this collab was really good anyway, crazy japanese, goodwork! -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 15:46:22
wot is it made with?
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 15:47:23
337 managed this collab and decided who were in it.
He decided that RYO was not good enough to be a part of it.
It's as simple as that.
ps728 is not a very popular spinner in Japan, so he wasn't invited as well. -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 15:50:11QUOTE (Zombo @ Dec 26 2007, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>He decided that RYO was not good enough to be a part of it.
Just owned -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 15:57:29
I did actually expect a bit more out of this one...
Yea, they are creative and som of their combos is truly amazing but I don't know.. something is missing.
I actually got a bit dissapointed on this one even tough Saizens combos is love. -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 16:09:44QUOTE (Zaazu @ Dec 26 2007, 03:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I did actually expect a bit more out of this one...
Yea, they are creative and som of their combos is truly amazing but I don't know.. something is missing.
I actually got a bit dissapointed on this one even tough Saizens combos is love.
i can tell you wots missing....=(
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 16:18:11
Very good collab, I think the music was perfect with combos, but there are three spinners missing:
- RYOCitation (Zombo @ Dec 26 2007, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>He decided that RYO was not good enough to be a part of it.
O_O really? T_T
- Ps728Citation (Zombo @ Dec 26 2007, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>ps728 is not a very popular spinner in Japan, so he wasn't invited as well.
O_O very strange
- and Bonkura (a little last video of him could be perfect) T_T.
JEB have a really high level, Japanese powaaa ^^ -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 17:11:29
Ps728 and RYO have had their time in the it's time for the next generation of EVEN CRAZIER Japanese spinners to take over
T_T goddamn crazy spinning..... -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 18:21:28
Great collab... too bad no bonkura hahaa (oh well..)
I liked everybody in this collab everybody had their own special styles in spinning...
Key3 was awesomeee... his combo was the best in this collab IMO, although I'm usually an Ayatori-person hahaha
but yeah.. ayatori's was stilllll awesome with the neobak -> pinky neobak...? to wherever lolol
but yeah.. for those who keep missing Ryo... I really don't know why lol
All of the combos I've seen him do aren't really that great.. they all seem pretty generic to me. People probably just like him because he went on TV and stuff and made the KT.. but his spinning really isn't that great... it's like a slow kind of korean style spinning, and nothing spectacular.. PS-728 has midbak1.5s and his interesting aerials lol
but yeah.. tsurugi's combo was quite interesting and creative, dunno why nobody said anything about his yet
and outsider's was so gradful and smooth lol -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 18:24:46
Correct link to download high quality:
type "jeb" and click short blue link below. -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 21:19:25QUOTE (Zombo @ Dec 26 2007, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>ps728 is not a very popular spinner in Japan, so he wasn't invited as well.
What?!?!? I thought ps728 was one of the best pen spinners of JEB...
Didn't he get, like, top 5 in the World Tournament? -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 21:23:01QUOTE (PSingvideogamer @ Dec 26 2007, 04:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What?!?!? I thought ps728 was one of the best pen spinners of JEB...
Didn't he get, like, top 5 in the World Tournament?
yea, so?
KTH is the world champion, but he's not even #1 in Korea (that's Nory).
I think they know their own community better than you do. -
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 21:38:16
Good video. key3 owned with the 1 finger wiper, but I didn't like the look of his 1 finger charges. There was a bunch of other cool little things throughout the collab too. Outsider had some smooth and fluent spinning, Bonito had that cool direction change near the end of his combo, Saizen was good, and Lurugi's palm spins .5 were kinda cool.
Date: Wed, Dec 26 2007 21:56:52
I loved Key3's 1 finger charges =P, never even heard of 1 finger charges until this collab.
Saizen and Ayatori's combos were great as always, and Dopamine had awesome transfers.
I agree with RYO being not that great with spinning, but it's kinda sad that he's been in heaps of collabs from JapEn, but couldn't be in this one. -
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2007 05:37:23
NIce collab~
but i don't like the music~
anyway,really cool collab! -
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2007 15:01:27
At one hand i want to train to be like them, on the other hand i feel i could never do that so i think of not even try...xD
Btw...mods used? Any MX?
Cya -
Date: Thu, Dec 27 2007 19:51:29
I feel like a newb right now >.> not that I'm not already one
Anyway, cool collab.... I wish I could be in a collab like this one someday =[ -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2007 02:35:43
I still prefer PSN 4th.
But nice anyway.. -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2007 04:27:11QUOTE (DaThroat @ Dec 27 2007, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I still prefer PSN 4th. :(
But nice anyway.. :blink:
I agree. It wasn't what I really wanted to expect, but still a good video nonetheless. :) -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2007 05:43:18
Well I can't say I did not enjoy this collab, but I was...slightly disappointed..
I guess it was inevitable the quality of the collab would have been severely damaged with the loss of bonkura.
However, I felt there was a certain lack of "colour" in this collab.
You see, sometimes its not because a spinner is more skilled/super creative, but sometimes its just because they deserve to be in the collab.
I really think they should have kept well known spinners in, such as ps 728 (unpopular in japan? WOW many videos of him/leader of PSN, big surprise to me), ryo, even 337 himself, rather then have some more skillfull but less known spinners. (such as .noir, turugi, kkkentai)
Not saying i did not like their clips, (i actually thought kentai and turugis' clips were great) but its just sometimes nicer to see more familiar names, which gives an overall "official" feeling of the collab.
but i guess it is still appropriate, since it is always nice to introduce a new line.
anyways, spinners like ryo, ps 728's skills should be sufficient enough for a collab like this..whatever
ok, enough criticism.
LOVED the collab! Favourites were Cery, Key3, and planter. It seems like japan is really taking these infinity variations to the next level!
I agree with others about feeling like something is missing. It's strange while watching and realizing bonkura is not going to be in the appearing in the rest of the video. It would have been nice if they had a little thing at the end that said like "Dedicated to Bonkura XXXX-2007"
The collab seemed to be also lacking in colour, visually wise. Not sure what i'm trying to say here though, but it just felt like japen 2nd was a lot more colourful, happy, peppy, exciting.
I guess this may be just a combination of the combos/music/editing, and other stuff that is just impossible to pinpoint. -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2007 14:24:42
ok I talked to RYO and he said he didnt get invited by 337 cuz 337 thought he was too busy to film a video.
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2007 16:51:32
Um, just because you guys think that ps-728 is popular doesn't mean the same thing over in Japan. Besides, I think it's great they're showcasing these "newer" spinners. If you look at their skill level, you should be able to figure out that they're not exactly new over in JEB.
I think I've seen enough of Ryo and ps-728's videos anyways. I was glad to see different names in this. They did the same in JEB 2nd, why not for the 3rd? -
Date: Sat, Dec 29 2007 16:25:09
as much as some other people were more creative(key3), saizen took this one again for me. i jus love his smoothness/tempo and over all visual appeal.
the japanese seemed to have taken penspinning to the next level. not only are they getting more creative, they are getting past the spinning as fast as you can mentality.
oh and i dont know why but i love planter's ending so much. -
Date: Wed, Jan 2 2008 22:23:16
I'm starting to wonder if they had some sort of dress code or something, everyone seems to be wearing black shirts/sweaters. Except for agut (white), planter* (red), .noir, SAIZEN and turugi (can't see their sleeves).
Just something I noticed. <___<