General Discussion / Evenly distributed weight vs end weights vs one sided weight
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 05:11:23
I'm not sure if this'll go here or the mod section, but i decided on posting this here.
So which do you prefer? a pen with its weight evenly distributed throughout (ex. msxa), or a pen with most of the weight only on the ends (ex. metallic comssa), or a pen that is unbalanced (ex. rsvp mx)
when i say at the ends, i don't mean just double capped mods, cause some of the rsvp double capped mods have its weight distributed throughout the whole pen as well, so that double capped mod would fall under the evenly distributed weight section rather than the weight on ends section
although i like pens that can give a good momentum, i feel that the metallic comssa (which i sometimes use) has barely any weight on the middle of teh pen, and it kinda annoys me >.<
so i like evenly distributed weighted mods, or unbalanced mods (since those can give a good momentum depending on initial grip and they dont' have such a weight difference between one side of teh mod to the middle of the mod) -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 05:39:54
I kind of like mods with the weight all over it and unbalanced.
Its more of a challeng to spin. -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 05:48:47
I like the ends to be really heavy if it doesn't have enough momentum when it's evenly distributed.
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 05:58:06
I personally prefer a balance weight pen.
My RSVP MX used to be a HGG tip, but I changed to a Signo tip to allow a balance of weight, and I spin better with a Signo tipped MX. -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 06:06:32
I personally spin almost exclusively with an MSXA, so there's my answer. I find mods where the weight is in the center of the pen (Such as my Grip Aviare) a lot of fun to spin.
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 06:44:41
What about weight in the middle?
I think distributed and end weigths are both good.. but end weight pens are usually double capped and that looks weird. -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 10:54:38
Weight at the center isnt feel good to spin. I like some more weight on both sides than center, and the COG is +/-1cm from the center of the pen(for unbalanced pen).
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 12:39:19
I think this question is much more important than it may seems at first.
Choosing the way you like to have your weight distributed is high influented by which style of PS you have.
The more the weight is on the sides (and, of course, the lenght of the pen) more momentum it has.
More momentum makes the spinning fast, so probably you should have the asian style.
The more evenly the weight is distributed less momentum it has. Less momentum it spins slower, so you probably are a old school / european one.
About the unbalanced pens it has even more momentum than a weight side concentred pen because one side of the pen wants to leave your hand faster than the other. So I'd say you are a asian style also.
The thing is that I'm looking for the extremes the pen can give, but I can take a side concentrated pen, give to it less impulse, and I can spin as an old shool as well as I can use a evenly distributted pen to spin asian style. But it may not be so good. Things are not well segmented in life, everything is degradée, so if you use one pen I say is for one style to other style, course that can happen!!!
The main thing is that if you pay attention to this little physics, things can happen easyer.
Cya -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 12:52:07
I prefer a pen with heavy ends and light bodies
pens like that give alot of momentum -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 12:56:40
End weights ftw!
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 13:44:35
I prefer to have slightly more weight on the ends, COP even (though I spin with a pen that has weight almost even throughout). Pens with more weight on the ends will be (all other things being equal), easier to spin as they have more momentum. However, for some situations, different weightings will perform better. For example, I find pens with more weight on one end to be best for cont. arounds. I don't think the style of pen you have will affect your style however. Style is probably mostly affected by what you have seen, liked, and copied, regardless of the pen you have.
Edit: Sorry for my mistaking what you wrote engandresr. -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 13:53:56
I never said that. I said ecxatly the opposite. =)
QUOTE (engandresr @ Jan 3 2008, 10:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Choosing the way you like to have your weight distributed is high influented by which style of PS you have. -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 20:07:39
hmm...well my friend and i both use a msxa..but he goes more towards teh korean style of spinning while i go towards the old school style
but then again, he likes the metallic comssa so that may be why he goes towards the korean style as well, as opposed to me who hates the double capped mods with the weight on the ends
i doubt that a pen with the weight in the middle will be made cause nobody would use it'', i think that it's probably too difficult to spin...
so can we assign a general style to certain mods? if we can, then that'd probably help many people find out the style that they use/like since most people can choose which mod they like more than which style they're using (especially those who are new to penspinning) -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 22:22:09
Weighted end pens spin sweeter, but sometimes even weighted pens are more fun to spin.
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 00:13:02
I like pens with really heavy wieghts on the end, plus a light center. It gives it a lot of momentum for harder tricks.
I think it makes uber hard tricks a little easier, so you can pull off awesome combos -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 01:45:02
I like pens with wieght all over AND at the ends. My clear metallic comssa is just perfect
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 03:22:18QUOTE (Outlander @ Jan 3 2008, 08:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I like pens with wieght all over AND at the ends. My clear metallic comssa is just perfect
i have a normal metallic comssa and it's too light bodied, but is the clear metallic comssa body the same as a rsvp body
cause if it is, i definitely have to get ahold of one (although i still probably wont' spin it too much since it's double sided)
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 04:06:55
i don't like comssa but i like my double capped evenly distributed pen..
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 05:03:58
weight on ends is awesome
i swear by the gjh and msxa -
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 06:35:54
I like it like mostly even
but a little more weight
on the ends for momentum.
my fingers are quite as
dextrous as i would like them. -
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 06:40:49
I prefer non-perfectly-balanced pens like my MXs =)
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 10:48:32
evenly distributed with extra weight on ends