Major Collaborations / Brazil First Collab

  1. Lucas
    Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 13:02:25

    hello guys, this is the first collab made in Brazil

    I'm not in this collab (for many reasons) sad.gif , but the next one I will be

    enjoy and coment

  2. Tim
    Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 13:18:33

    Brazil, is there a Brazilian board? where do you guys communicate.

    I haven't watched it yet, probably will do tomorrow, but I didn't know there were more then one or two Brazilian Spinners.

  3. Lucas
    Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 13:34:01

    QUOTE (Tim @ Jan 4 2008, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Brazil, is there a Brazilian board? where do you guys communicate.
    I haven't watched it yet, probably will do tomorrow, but I didn't know there were more then one or two Brazilian Spinners.

    dont have a Brazilian board yet, but we communicate in a community on the orkut.
    im a Brazilian spinner and i dont know many spinners froms here,
    but more and more people are practicing pen spin

  4. Tim
    Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 13:45:10

    Yeah, I've seen 2 or 3 join in the past few months, they never mentioned it though (I don't think)

  5. DasIstJaStuhl
    Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 13:50:46

    some really good spinners

    i like the idea of brazilian penspinners =))
    maybe u'll get a board sonn. would be great


    greetz from germany wink.gif

  6. engandresr
    Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 14:49:51

    I'll be on next one also!!!
    Depends on how many months it will wait...^^"

  7. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 18:36:54

    moved to private videos.

  8. sathonmig
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 02:59:16

    Wow never heard of Brazilian group before...and many of the spinners are really good! Looking forward to see a Brazil community soon. smile.gif

  9. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 03:45:12

    what's the address of the BRPSB?

    Brucy_dgo, do you know this guy?

  10. UEDan
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 08:08:01

    I really enjoyed this video. nice spinning, nice editing. Just a little on the long side for me, and wheres Kam?! Hehe jk great job guys/gals!

  11. Aries
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 09:26:50

    i like the bruno wow and some other guy i can't type his name in.... and nice vid just felt length was long and some vids could have been filtered, no offense to the people

  12. engandresr
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 11:16:48

    There is no board at all...yet...

  13. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 15:26:24

    QUOTE (engandresr @ Jan 5 2008, 06:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    There is no board at all...yet...

    then how did you organize this collab? is there a site? what is BRPSB?

  14. engandresr
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 16:09:37

    BRasil Pen Spinning Board yes...

  15. brunowow
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 16:11:10


    BRazil Pen Spinning Board

    BIZNO created this board
    we havent a website yet

    iam brunowow
    i organize, and edit collabs since we started brpsb

  16. toast
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 16:41:20

    Well until you guys get a website down, this video is going to stay in Private videos, which i really don't think is appropriate.

    You guys have enough people! start up a forum! its not that hard, i'm sure it will do well.

    EDIT- oh sorry, i did not read that there is a board up already.

    Hmm, Zombo, shouldn't this be in Organized videos? after all, it is their forum's first official collaboration...

  17. engandresr
    Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 23:18:44

    I can create a board in like 10 secs... now we have: .
    Its not official yet...and i did not organise it also, but things will get better.