Minor Collaborations / TLDScorp and Huroni Tag Video

  1. TLDScorp
    Date: Sat, Jan 12 2008 17:56:23

  2. Radiance / Rae
    Date: Sat, Jan 12 2008 18:16:41

    interesting stuff

  3. Huroni
    Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 00:39:48

    YAY! Good tag man! Cool stuff

  4. sathonmig
    Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 01:49:54

    TLD, your combos are very interesting. Impressive smoothness too.
    Hurini, your combos are Badass. I started to like you since the first combo. But then...why did you let so many pauses be in there? Those pauses killed the combo. I'd say practice more, increase smoothness next time. The combos are good already.
    Overall guys, GOOD JOB. Very enjoyable video.