Battlezone / Battle - Nyberg vs Hamor
Date: Tue, Jan 15 2008 20:29:54
Nyberg threw out a challenge to a battle on SweSpin. We recorded our combos and made a topic overthere.
Just a few minutes ago we thought, why not post it on Upsb aswell? - Nyberg did the editing.
It's uploaded at SweSpins youtube account which you can read more about Here -
Date: Tue, Jan 15 2008 20:53:42
You owned me tho!
Nothing i can about it tho when noone else accepted my challenge.
btw, i prefer comments over a simple vote. So please leave a comment -
Date: Tue, Jan 15 2008 20:54:03
I was gonna vote Hamor but I think I accidentaly pressed Nyberg instead D:
Anyways, both could need better cams, but while everything is still easy to see by Hamor it's sometimes hard to see if Nyberg spins hacky, or if there are frames missing? Nothing out of the ordinary in any of the combos, but Hamors flowing and awesome movements just take the prize ;) ...even though Nyberg finished with a Cardioid :D -
Date: Tue, Jan 15 2008 22:34:29
Nice nice ^^,
Hamor: Fast, smooth and control... what more am I going to say..Very nice 1.5 medbak at the end.
Nyberg: You have a normaly speed in your combo and that's good but not enough with smoothness, you need to practise more on that, it will comes with the time. But anyway, good... thumbs up.
1+ Hamor. -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 04:51:19
Hamor's speed, smoothness, variety and over all skill seemed to be greater than Nyberg's.
Seems like you've just started Nyberg, but keep at it. You've got potential.
+1 Hamor -
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 12:59:17
Hamor +1