General Discussion / People that hate on penspinning
need to be punched in the head.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 21:54:21
It really irritates me when people attack me for my spinning.
"omg u nerd is tihs wut u do all day?"
"wft ur gay"
...and the like. It's fine if you don't like penspinning, but it's simply not necessary to inveigh against it or otherwise actively prevent people from spinning. For example, this dicknose next to me in Chemistry will always lean over and smack my pen out of my hands (or otherwise break or disfigure it).
While I'm at it, it bothers the shit out of me when people call it pen twirling. That makes it sound so much gayer than it actually is.
[/short rant] -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 22:08:38
Some people cannot respect or understand what other people do with their time, what they enjoy and why they do it. There will probably always be be people like this, however, if you simply ignore their comments, then there is no problem. People who call it 'twirling' are hardly to blame. They will never have seen such a hobby, and so cannot be blamed for incorrectly naming it. When people take/damage your pens, ask them why. What's the point? Are they jealous? If you know how to put them in their place, how to make it clear to everyone they are simply being a dick, they will almost certainly stop. And they do not need to be punched in the head. Violence is an absolute last resort.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 22:25:24
I know what you're talking about, except people I know do not smack the pen out of my hands.
I bet people are just jealous, if the people who insult pen spinning actually knew how to pen spin, they probably wouldn't.
However, theres always the occasional dumbass, but life goes on. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 00:04:58
Jeese I know. They always say "Wow, you have no life." What's the problem by me spinning in class? That's where a lot of my practice comes from anyways. How is it no life if you spin during school? They are just jealous = P
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 00:15:04
I tell them "if you think pens are gay, then what about this?" *pulls out any-x^2 crossbow and shoots them with rsvp inktube, causing them to bleed* or i give them a quick blow with a kt, cuss them out, or rant on them about being a douschebag faggot ass that skateboards all day and plays sports, which will get them nowhere.
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 00:37:51
eh i've just accepted the fact that its nerdy. Besides during school i focus on school stuff, not pen spinning. Just ignore those who put you down for penspinning.
@ norice4u:
lulz -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 01:06:17QUOTE (MinorThreat @ Jan 16 2008, 07:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>eh i've just accepted the fact that its nerdy. Besides during school i focus on school stuff, not pen spinning. Just ignore those who put you down for penspinning.
@ norice4u:
I don't see why it is nerdy. You are just spinning a pen so that makes you a nerd? Doesn't make any sense. Noooooo sense.... Not any sense at allllllll. Sense? Nope it doesn't make any. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 01:15:03QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Jan 16 2008, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>...and plays sports, which will get them nowhere.
Meh, i would say sports will get you nowhere, but if ppl are bugging me bout my spinning, i just pretend like im not actually watching my spinning, and just doing somthing else or talking to someone while im spinning...
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 01:18:36QUOTE (11Thrasher11 @ Jan 16 2008, 05:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I don't see why it is nerdy. You are just spinning a pen so that makes you a nerd? Doesn't make any sense. Noooooo sense.... Not any sense at allllllll. Sense? Nope it doesn't make any.
ok maybe i should've said "considered nerdy" ? -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 01:28:22
Wow, almost everyone in my school who meets me for the first time with a pen in my hands is like: "ZOMG Do that again.". So its kinda gotten me attention in almost a good way. But I have to agree with Mats those guys are being dicks. Call them on it only use violence if used on you. Then when they do leigun them in the eye.
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 01:41:17QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Jan 16 2008, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I tell them "if you think pens are gay, then what about this?" *pulls out any-x^2 crossbow and shoots them with rsvp inktube, causing them to bleed* or i give them a quick blow with a kt, cuss them out, or rant on them about being a douschebag faggot ass that skateboards all day and plays sports, which will get them nowhere. there such thing?
in my school, nobody really says anything, and if they do, it's usually a nice thing
and wow, nobody knocks my pens out of my hands
they'd pick it up, look at it, try pulling at the cap (since i write with my msxa) and then put it back down and then say "pretty cool" and then just walk away
my chem teacher calls it twirling..and you're right, i hate it too >.< -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 02:38:54QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Jan 16 2008, 07:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>being a douschebag faggot ass that skateboards all day and plays sports, which will get them nowhere.
Dude excuse me BUT.
Skateboarding and sports could get you higher in life than Pen Spinning
Yeah pen spinning is nerdy, but who cares ? It's an awesome hobby.
And for those who get bullied at school because of pen spinning, don't spin at school until you reached a decent level.
Like being able to do awesome tricks and decent freestyle combos, and try not to bring your Super Extended Bictory triple gripped or whatever, just a MX or a single sided pen ( MSXA is too huge =) )
Because if one guy in my class would not stop doing sonic rise harmonic and TA, and keep dropping his pen, I would be pretty pissed off. I understand those people. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 02:57:18
sports= >2% chance of REAL success
penspinning= <45% (random number) of becoming good/above average/recognized somewhat -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 03:05:26
Getting recognized in pen spinning is just being knowed by a couple of pen spinners.
If I win the 1st place in a sport contest in my school, many people will know it.
Nobody's at my school would say
Heh. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 03:48:46QUOTE (Pearl @ Jan 16 2008, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ahahahahahaha
Dude excuse me BUT.
Skateboarding and sports could get you higher in life than Pen Spinning
Yeah pen spinning is nerdy, but who cares ? It's an awesome hobby.
Finally, someone that agrees with me
+1 pearl -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 03:51:53QUOTE (Pearl @ Jan 16 2008, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ahahahahahaha
Dude excuse me BUT.
Skateboarding and sports could get you higher in life than Pen Spinning
Yeah pen spinning is nerdy, but who cares ? It's an awesome hobby.
And for those who get bullied at school because of pen spinning, don't spin at school until you reached a decent level.
Like being able to do awesome tricks and decent freestyle combos, and try not to bring your Super Extended Bictory triple gripped or whatever, just a MX or a single sided pen ( MSXA is too huge =) )
Because if one guy in my class would not stop doing sonic rise harmonic and TA, and keep dropping his pen, I would be pretty pissed off. I understand those people.
well er i say that about skateboarding cuz all these posers at my school always talk about skateboarding, buying socks, shoes, etc. (lulz) and say pen twirling/flipping/spinning is gay -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:02:26
Only every 1 out of 16,000 will become a professional athlete.
Anyone can become a spinner. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:03:29
then stop "publicly" spinnin...stop bringing ur mods to school and just bring normal pens. don't do/try to do uber combos, just sonics, ta's, and whatnot
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:07:41QUOTE (raE @ Jan 16 2008, 11:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>then stop "publicly" spinnin...stop bringing ur mods to school and just bring normal pens. don't do/try to do uber combos, just sonics, ta's, and whatnot
That would be like telling a skateboarder or a BMX rider to lose the pads and his wheels. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:19:05QUOTE (Xero @ Jan 16 2008, 08:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>That would be like telling a skateboarder or a BMX rider to lose the pads and his wheels.
Exacto! -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:26:02
Pen spinning without mods = Biking w/o wheels (aka: running)
Pen spinning without comobs = just walking -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:32:37
i stopped bringing pens becuz of the name calling and shit, and becuz ppl couldnt stop touching my mods. so i stopped brining my mods and everything stopped. im sorry but that comparison doesn't fit at all.
edit: dam, ur comparisons are getting worse...penspinning without a mod is still penspinning
ex: aysh with his dr grip?
penspinnign without combos? just do ta's or sonics, that should keep u occupied enough -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:35:06QUOTE (raE @ Jan 16 2008, 08:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i stopped bringing pens becuz of the name calling and shit, and becuz ppl couldnt stop touching my mods. so i stopped brining my mods and everything stopped. im sorry but that comparison doesn't fit at all.
How to avoid:
1) Simply State, "Fuck off k?"
if they ignore
2) Stabz00rz with t3h kt lulz -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:36:53
why would u want to deal with that everyday wen u could just end it by not bringing mods at all?
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:37:48
worked for me
they don't do it anymore
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:39:04
Generally, if you do simple tricks rather than complicated combos, people won't bug you that much. Almost everyone that has seen me pen spinning would say it's "trippy" and whatnot. xD
Besides, it's better to master 100 single tricks rather than have 1 crappy combo full of crappy tricks. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:42:30
im guessing u just do ta's and sonics then?
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:43:37
uh me..? or nightsora
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:46:54
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:48:14 lol after i told them that stuffs, they eventually get bored
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 04:48:27QUOTE (raE @ Jan 16 2008, 09:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>im guessing u just do ta's and sonics then?
EDIT: NVM forget I said anything. xD I thought it was directed to me -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 05:20:37
Uh, I don't see why you should care what others say about your hobby. I mean, people constantly make remarks on another classmate who plays volleyball, and he doesn't care either. It's your hobby, others don't have to like it.
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 05:24:31
well sometimes it gets on your nerves ya know?
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 06:10:12
People won't touch your mods if they're not doublesided or uber huge.
As for people who can't spin without their Dr.Kt or Grip Aviaire, then stop complaining about getting bullied.
If you do the same combo , over and over, yeah people will get mad at you easily.
But if you had some variety in your combos and your freestyles , without dropping it, as I do, people won't complain.
Like, if you know you can't do bakfall everytime, don't do it. Just spam twisted sonics and variations/hybrids and make sure you won't drop it.
But if you're a noob, like the 3/4 of people who posted in this thread, then just practice at home =) -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 06:38:21
Everyone is like oh my god you're amazing how do you do that to me.
No hating on me. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 06:46:42QUOTE (Xero @ Jan 16 2008, 11:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Only every 1 out of 16,000 will become a professional athlete.
Anyone can become a spinner.
This is so wrong.
If your rule is right, then you're not a spinner.
Anyone can become a Skateboarder,BMXer or whatever, you don't need to be THAT good.
I don't think you're a spinner when you only do Sonic and TA. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 10:04:45
People are used to it at my school, so no one really cares. But if people really are bugging you, don't let them get you angry. Their lame goal is to get you annoyed, so don't give it to them. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 10:41:23
I spin my Zig mod in school and people think it's cool. New school by the way, so it's not like people respect me due to past experiences and therefore respect pen spinning after that or whatever.
most of the guys i meet just like to watch me spin.
but there was one guy who asked me to teach him something.
i tried to teach him FL TA Reverse(he knew TA), and he learned it on one of my mods.
he was like
Him: go home i'm going to make one like this lah. so shiok.
Me: Har? but it can't write leh...
Him: it's okay i make is for spinning wan.
the worst comment i ever got about my spinning or pens is:
Person: what's this?
Me: a pen.
Person: made for spinning?
Me: yes... actually it can't write, so it's a stick. *gives goofy look*
Person: ahahaha. ok... cool. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 12:12:46QUOTE (Scott Shaputis @ Jan 17 2008, 01:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Everyone is like oh my god you're amazing how do you do that to me.
No hating on me.
Yeah, same over here. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 13:05:03
When I just started spinning there were mixed comments about it, but as I got better I only started running into good responses.
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 15:01:45
As for me,I never got "Get a life,nerd!" or other comments like this.
People just keep on staring at my pen when I pen spin.
They think I'm cool.
But the teachers in my school are starting to hate me for pen spinning all the time.
They said that the dropping of the pen on the table irritates them.
It's like the pen drops once every 1000 spins,and when the teacher hears the sound,he would shriek at my face,"STOP SPINNING THAT FREAKIN' PEN!"
Dang. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 16:05:35QUOTE (Xero @ Jan 16 2008, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Pen spinning without mods = Biking w/o super expensive bmx bike
Pen spinning without comobs = just riding a bike from point a to point b
fixed -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 17:22:45QUOTE (Pearl @ Jan 16 2008, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ahahahahahaha
Dude excuse me BUT.
Skateboarding and sports could get you higher in life than Pen Spinning
Yeah pen spinning is nerdy, but who cares ? It's an awesome hobby.
And for those who get bullied at school because of pen spinning, don't spin at school until you reached a decent level.
Like being able to do awesome tricks and decent freestyle combos, and try not to bring your Super Extended Bictory triple gripped or whatever, just a MX or a single sided pen ( MSXA is too huge =) )
Because if one guy in my class would not stop doing sonic rise harmonic and TA, and keep dropping his pen, I would be pretty pissed off. I understand those people.QUOTE (Pearl @ Jan 17 2008, 01:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>But if you had some variety in your combos and your freestyles , without dropping it, as I do, people won't complain.
Like, if you know you can't do bakfall everytime, don't do it. Just spam twisted sonics and variations/hybrids and make sure you won't drop it.
But if you're a noob, like the 3/4 of people who posted in this thread, then just practice at home =)
For some reason, I get the impression that you think you're better than a lot of us.
And for the record, I don't drop my pens in class. I keep things to a relative minimum there (e.g. Double Charge, Twisted Sonic -> Thumbaround, Sonic Rise/Fall Harmonic, etc), and don't really spin until I get home. Then I drop it pretty frequently.
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 17:34:49
Yeah, I'm just guessing, I shouldn't do that
I never seen you guys spinning so I can't tell. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 17:39:23
If people really hated pen spinning that much, just don't talked to them.
Ignore them and one day they won't come and disturb you... -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 17:44:14QUOTE (Pearl @ Jan 17 2008, 12:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yeah, I'm just guessing, I shouldn't do that
I never seen you guys spinning so I can't tell.
Granted, you probably are better than a lot of us. -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 20:54:45
1) Stop dropping your pen. If you must drop, drop it on your lap.
2) If someone physically touches you or your pen, report him to the teacher. Or cuss him out. Or fight him. You choose.
3) If someone has a problem with you spinning, even though you don't drop, tell that person to fuck off. Tons of things bother different people. It's not like you can expect someone with a bad cough to stop coughing, would you? -
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 01:13:05
yeah that really pisses me off too. especially since other people at my school spin and everyone else is like "whoooooah!"
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 01:15:39
people dont hate on it with me, they just pick-pocket my pens out from my pockets...
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 01:26:07
I can assume the majority of people here are of asian descent...if someone is hating on you just play the "Cho Card" and tell them what happened the last time some asian got bullied at school.
Or make a comment about their mom liking your pen spinning and then use your mod to make a lewd gesture.
ps - dont take my advice. -
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 01:31:20QUOTEOr make a comment about their mom liking your pen spinning and then use your mod to make a lewd gesture.
Here is an example, if you can't think of anything to do...
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 01:56:36
@Sketching: Clever. I need to learn that now.
And @K4S: I'm Asian... Caucasian. -
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 02:57:37
My school consists of 2 people
People who say “omg how do u do that†so I give them a couple of pointers
People who say “fucking gay homo, I bet that’s what you and your boyfriend do all night long…†although secretly there super jealous. =.=
And if anyone knocks my pen out of my hand or fucks around and constantly mocks me, I just charge in front of there face, then flick it at them, and call them a bitch ass.
It’s just a matter of learning to deal with it, and getting good enough so people no longer mock you. Because of your mad skilzzz -
Date: Fri, Jan 18 2008 05:07:49QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Jan 16 2008, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>well er i say that about skateboarding cuz all these posers at my school always talk about skateboarding, buying socks, shoes, etc. (lulz) and say pen twirling/flipping/spinning is gay
Hmm... most the skaters at my school
know what penspinning is and they dont
say anything about it. They dont want
to learn. Just indifferent.glad i dont go
to your school.
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 11:19:58
This little dick at my school is like taunting me about random shit...AND he is saying i "dissect" pens
wth? how do i stop it? he never leaves me alone...he's just a dick.... -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 11:30:59
Him: You dissect pens
You: I know
Him: Only fucking losers dissect a pen
You: I know, I guess that makes me a loser then *shrug*
Him: Yeah, you're a fucking loser
You: I guess I am, yes
Him: Loser
You: I know
Him: *walks off*
Something like that sometimes works. -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 12:27:27QUOTE (Mats @ Jan 31 2008, 06:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Him: You dissect pens
You: I know
Him: Only fucking losers dissect a pen
You: I know, I guess that makes me a loser then *shrug*
Him: Yeah, you're a fucking loser
You: I guess I am, yes
Him: Loser
You: I know
Him: *walks off*
Something like that sometimes works.
lol...ill try it, i guess:P thnx^^ -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 15:10:07
well nobody hates me for it or say anything like im gay cause im already a girl, nor they say im home or anything but i had this classmate who is so irritated with me when my pen drops on the floor... i mean i cant coner all the schoolroom with tissue can i?
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 15:13:55QUOTE (boyboy53 @ Jan 31 2008, 01:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol...ill try it, i guess:P thnx^^
Or you just go "so i herd you liek mudkipz?"
Should work. -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 15:36:09QUOTE (Katantoon @ Jan 31 2008, 03:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>well nobody hates me for it or say anything like im gay cause im already a girl, nor they say im home or anything but i had this classmate who is so irritated with me when my pen drops on the floor... i mean i cant coner all the schoolroom with tissue can i?
If you take in all your textbooks you have for school, you can place them all on the floor surrounding you in every lesson you go in and you can cover your desk in sheets of paper. Then the pen won't be so loud when it drops! -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 15:54:40QUOTE (Eso @ Jan 17 2008, 12:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>3) If someone has a problem with you spinning, even though you don't drop, tell that person to fuck off. Tons of things bother different people. It's not like you can expect someone with a bad cough to stop coughing, would you?
Coughing isn't under your control though. Penspinning is.
And I know it is annoying, i hate sitting in math and having to listen to aries drop his pen all the time...
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 16:40:39QUOTE (Mats @ Jan 31 2008, 10:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>If you take in all your textbooks you have for school, you can place them all on the floor surrounding you in every lesson you go in and you can cover your desk in sheets of paper. Then the pen won't be so loud when it drops!
somehow that dose not work so well with the teachers -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 16:42:46QUOTE (MinorThreat @ Jan 31 2008, 10:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Coughing isn't under your control though. Penspinning is.
And I know it is annoying, i hate sitting in math and having to listen to aries drop his pen all the time...
Read again. I said "tons of things bother different people". Even if a person doesn't drop, someone may find it distracting. Someone else might not find it distracting at all. Just like some people might find coughing very distracting, and others don't.
I find people coughing during movies, meetings, and classes to be highly annoying but I know they can't control it, so therefore, I don't go up to them and say "hey, stop that please." I expect the same behavior when I'm spinning my pen (and not dropping).
EDIT: Granted, I do agree that if someone drops too damn much, he probably shouldn't spin in class anyways. -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 17:14:36QUOTE (servantofGod @ Jan 31 2008, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>somehow that dose not work so well with the teachers
Hmm... Another tactic you can use is to cover your own ears when you drop the pen. That way, no-one will hear it!
Sentences without nouns for the win Eso! -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 17:18:46
Today I was spinning in the train, was trying out some combos, so it's normal to keep dropping I guess.
So there was a guy sitting beside me, and my pen just keep dropping and a few times, the pen touches him a little.
He felt very irritated and stare at me
Ended up I was doing fingerpass all the way till I alight to prevent my pen from dropping again... -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 17:28:17QUOTE (Novastrike @ Jan 31 2008, 05:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Today I was spinning in the train, was trying out some combos, so it's normal to keep dropping I guess.
So there was a guy sitting beside me, and my pen just keep dropping and a few times, the pen touches him a little.
He felt very irritated and stare at me
How do you know he was irritated? You're doing something skillful. You purposely make the pen touch him a little. Then, he gets a bit turned on. After all this, he cannot resist watching you for the rest of the journey. You however, then immediately stop flirting, and miss out on what could have been a wonderful relationship. -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 17:46:45QUOTE (Mats @ Feb 1 2008, 01:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>How do you know he was irritated? You're doing something skillful. You purposely make the pen touch him a little. Then, he gets a bit turned on. After all this, he cannot resist watching you for the rest of the journey. You however, then immediately stop flirting, and miss out on what could have been a wonderful relationship.
I'm not gay =.=
Damn him, he was with that angry looks and stop staring at me when I apologize.
Anyway, good ideal mats, next time I will sit beside a pretty girl and do that =x -
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2008 16:00:24QUOTE (Sfsr @ Jan 31 2008, 10:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Or you just go "so i herd you liek mudkipz?"
Should work. that like a pokemon?.loll
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2008 17:44:21QUOTE (Mats @ Jan 31 2008, 10:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>If you take in all your textbooks you have for school, you can place them all on the floor surrounding you in every lesson you go in and you can cover your desk in sheets of paper. Then the pen won't be so loud when it drops!
lol i have another solution use a ball sign so it wont make too much noise hehe. -
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2008 06:05:58
I usually get the.
"Wow, you have NO life."
I reply with a "so"
THERE JUST JEALOUS *Runs of and cry's
But seriously, I don't fully understand the meaning of people making a joke about pen spinning. Does it bother you that much that you have to hate it?
Meh. -
Date: Mon, Feb 4 2008 16:46:11
Yo, screw people that hate on your pen spinnin' skillz.
Last time I was sittin' here in a computer lab I dropped pen 2-3 times and the guy next to me was like 'Dude wtf, could you please stop I'm trying to focus' I return the glare, staring at him while I continuously drop the pen seven more times. He got up and left, vgg. (btw, this is a bad idea unless you're a big menacing guy like me)
but yeah, usually the best thing to do is to just drop a few more times. -
Date: Mon, Feb 4 2008 17:36:31
In Latvia pen spinning isn't popular. Many people doesnt event knows it exsist. So im kinda ''rare''. At my class people support me. And i have even teched ThumbAround to my class mate becouse he liked it so much. Only one guy said to me: ''wtf you dont do anything but pen spinning at home? o.O'' I said go to fuck off and go eat your ectasy and do your f***inkg tecktonik and look like g*y. But this guy wasn't from my class - it was one tecktonic freak at internet.
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 17:05:57QUOTE (Katantoon @ Feb 3 2008, 01:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol i have another solution use a ball sign so it wont make too much noise hehe.
yep, agreed. a ballsign wont make much voice but what i hate is ballsign is complete round, so it rolls on the floor easily. it always collect dust on the dr. grip grip....and those stupid bastards will step on it when it roll to their i will bring my ballsign mod for a wash everyday.
and yeah, when my teacher critic me about spinning pens, i tell him: "do you know how to spin it?" and my classmates will roar for me coz we hate the teacher very much. -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 00:12:58QUOTE (loonwern93 @ Feb 5 2008, 12:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>yep, agreed. a ballsign wont make much voice but what i hate is ballsign is complete round, so it rolls on the floor easily. it always collect dust on the dr. grip grip....and those stupid bastards will step on it when it roll to their i will bring my ballsign mod for a wash everyday.
and yeah, when my teacher critic me about spinning pens, i tell him: "do you know how to spin it?" and my classmates will roar for me coz we hate the teacher very much.
ahh lucky you loonwern, if i did anything like that then the teacher would give me detention or silent lunch (silent lunch is like detention but for not as long and its during lunch) so yea a lot of kids hate the teachers, but still they won't talk cuz they kno the teachers are strict.... -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 07:20:49
Don't ever make any apology for doing the things you want to do. Only when you feel embarrassed about doing something will people sense that in you and pick on your weakness. Have conviction and confidence in everything you love, and people will admire you for it.
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 16:02:00
So far,no one has ever insulted me for my spinnings.
Most of my friends admire me for my spinning.
Some felt jealous with it,but no one hates me..
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 03:22:17
Okay this thread has not been posted in for a while but I had to add this. A big fad at my school are those little finger skateboard thingys. Now when ever I am ridiculed at school for spinning it usually is people who ask if they can try out one of my pens and when they can't do it they say that I must have no life because I must practice like 24 7 to be able to do that (which is obviously not true) . But I see kids after school pulling off these elaborate tricks on these finger skateboards, and these are the same people who say that pen spinning is stupid. I don't understand why using you fingers as feet on a mini skateboard is cool. But spinning a pen around your fingers is "gay" as they call it.
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 03:33:00QUOTE (Invincibleman @ Mar 2 2008, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Okay this thread has not been posted in for a while but I had to add this. A big fad at my school are those little finger skateboard thingys. Now when ever I am ridiculed at school for spinning it usually is people who ask if they can try out one of my pens and when they can't do it they say that I must have no life because I must practice like 24 7 to be able to do that (which is obviously not true) . But I see kids after school pulling off these elaborate tricks on these finger skateboards, and these are the same people who say that pen spinning is stupid. I don't understand why using you fingers as feet on a mini skateboard is cool. But spinning a pen around your fingers is "gay" as they call it.
Yeah fingerskating is EXTREMELY popular at my school. whenever someone insults my pen spinning i just say its better than all those little kids whipping out their tech decks
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 05:14:47
People always grab my KT, mx, etc. and make snooty and oh whoops i seem to have stepped on your little skateboard thing whoops
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 14:32:28
i hate the people who do something like that they they hey david (me) look i can do a new very niceb trick and they make a bulshit of aerial or something like that...
they always find that annyoing but i found 6 people who begin ps from my help...
some people even hit me for do that hobby lol
im so angry sometime and take my kt and.... you know what i mean^^
so they must stop that i hate it... bad people...
greetinhs thumb -
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 23:58:17
I know what you mean. I have lots of people at the school that try to imitate it, and it just pisses me off >_>.
It's like if you wanna do it? GO LEARN HOW, don't pretend like you know crap and think it's easy to do. -
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 19:12:18
there's like 1 person that actually really hates penspinnign in my school so yeeah w/e
i'm good with that well before this penspinning
he stopped
then he hated too
then he;s fine now lol -
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 19:21:33QUOTE (Typo @ Mar 4 2008, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I know what you mean. I have lots of people at the school that try to imitate it, and it just pisses me off >_>.
Same here.
I also especially hate it when people say that I have no life. -
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 19:25:47
yh, they take the pen and go "woooo" waving with pen
, and they never believe that i made my pen
i really don't get why anyone would hate on PSing, it's just a hobby, something to do on free time. i don't hate other people's hobbies, or like them less because their hobbies. -
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2008 13:09:30
You think people calling it twirling is annoying? Try when people call it pen flipping. Honestly, how does that make sense, in any way? If I was constantly doing aerials maybe, but no, I don't.
Most people in my school think it's cool, they think the mods are cool too. No one is ever an ass to me about it. I dunno, I was sorta friends with everyone before I started spinning anyways, no one has problems with me. =)
I do get the occasional, "Is that what you do all day?". Best thing to do is just give them a funny answer and not let them get to you.
Haha, and how does spinning a pen make you nerdy? It has no relation at all.
People try to imitate it too, but they can't even do Thumb spins, which makes me chuckle, cause a TS for us is probably like...breathing.
P.S. LOL, and so many people want me to make MX's for them, just cause they like the pen. They don't even spin. They even pay me. =D -
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 04:33:20
i also hate the people that ask where you get your mods and you say "i bought them" or "i made them" and then they say "nerd that's how you spend your money/time?"
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 11:49:32QUOTE (Typo @ Mar 4 2008, 11:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I know what you mean. I have lots of people at the school that try to imitate it, and it just pisses me off >_>.
It's like if you wanna do it? GO LEARN HOW, don't pretend like you know crap and think it's easy to do.
very very very agreed....non-penspinners should be killed -
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 14:42:46
I don't have problem with 'em. Actualy I don't know anyone that would "hate" it. Maybe just don't like it. When they see me spinnin' they're like "CHEATER!!!" xD and they start laughing
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 18:21:37
My little story.
I was ar Lv. Language class room doing some TA Harmonics, Sonics, Fingerpass - simple things. To get them at ''high'' level. This lesson was very booring becouse teacher talked about some source of shit that im not interested. So i were doing these fundumentals till she looked at me and said: ''stop nervousing!'' I said: ''im not nervous!'' She: '' No! Yes you are!'' *keep doing fingerpass* ''No im not and what do You event know what im doing - its called pen spinning'' She said: ''No its not its just nervousing!'' *i were like: omfg you dumb bitch dont talk if you dont know what the fuck im doing and go to fuck off'' - Then i said ''Ok if i were nervous, could i do this *doing flashy combo (TAs, sonics, fingerpass, bakfall ect. stuff in combo)... Then she were stairing with strange look and then continued lesson.
Omfg can't people see - its a art not a shit with nervous stuff, drum shit ect. -
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 18:26:57
she just needed to be hit with a brick in teh head. Many teachs just keep looking at my pen while spinning, but never said such thing.
Nice story though -
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 18:39:04
Being busy with small things and making fast movements is commonly seen as something someone nervous does, so it's not really weird she thought you were being nervous, though the way she was so certain about it was kind of
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 18:47:03QUOTE (Sfsr @ Mar 14 2008, 01:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>though the way she was so certain about it was kind of
There is the main thing about it. I said what im doing but she ignores my explaining and ''put up'' she's opinion. -
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 19:32:54
merged, doesn't warrant its own thread.
Date: Wed, Mar 19 2008 15:15:42
BOO-FUCKING-HOO. You can all cry about your problems like little bitches or do something about them.
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 20:09:14
Oh dear, I have to tell you the worst one - When people call you "mate": "Mate, just so you know, penspinning won't get you anywhere in life". /scream AAAAAAAAAAH THAT ANNOYS THE **** OUT OF ME. /endscream. The fact that they're trying to seem like their being friendly when they're telling you a HOBBY won't get you anywhere in life is just sooo annoying. I don't seem to recall many pointless hobbies that get you anywhere in life. Stamp collecting, butterfly catching or playing cricket (unless you are pro) don't appear to earn you a lot of money...
Date: Sat, Aug 9 2008 14:31:51
at my school, pen spinning makes you a celebrity
Date: Sun, Aug 10 2008 20:17:50
yea pen spinning makes people celebrities at my school too
my friends and i got a lot of people to start spinning last school year, and if theres a good amount of people spinning we might start a club haha... but i doubt it might work, who knows.
Though that would probably make the haters hate even more and give more insults. like "OMG, you started a pen "twirling" club!? nerds!" and what not.
Somehow, pen spinning improved my cursive handwriting lol, its like more smooth and neater, im happy about it =)
so i usually say "im just stretching my fingers, and happen to have a pen in that hand" when someone says something -
Date: Sun, Aug 10 2008 21:44:25QUOTE (Jobzz @ Mar 11 2008, 05:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>P.S. LOL, and so many people want me to make MX's for them, just cause they like the pen. They don't even spin. They even pay me. =D
yea. i sold like.. 1 pen for 6 bucks (ballsign that had subs), and gave out so much more..
dude.. but maybe this year, i just might be in buisness
people notice that i ps in school, then by the end of the week, i see them trying to do a ta.
when people see me spin, they something like, "OMG you're so pro!" *talks to friend,* "DOOD have you seen garfield? look what he does with his pen! OMGWTFBBQ!"
yeah.. some get uber excieted when they see me ps. but i tell them im just a noob
btw garfield is my last name. enjoi. -
Date: Sun, Aug 10 2008 21:51:13
You kidding me? I Pen Spin and people doesn't call me a nerd or pick on me. Yeah people knocks the pen out of my hand, but its usually a girl flirting with me. If you act cool about pen spinning then you don't have anything to worry about. Just when people are mean, be a smart ass and make them look stupid. Put them in there place like Mats said. I put everyone in there place all the time.
Date: Sun, Aug 10 2008 23:24:57
Agreed. Whenever someone tells me I have no life because I pen spin, I casually (while spinning) ask them what they've done with their life. Of course they don't have an answer. But that's only if someone I don't like asks me or someone that doesn't really know me asks. Most of my friends are just messing around with me when they say it.
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2008 06:03:27
Man. U have gone through wat i have been through. even if they do hate penspinning, UPSB would always support penspinners. Afterall, penspinning is the foundation of this site...
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2008 06:15:49
Those kind Of LOSERS are Just Jealous because WE PEN SPINNERZ GOT THE SKILLZ, and They Don't.
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2008 06:47:10
some ppl are just morons
some ppl say u have no life cuz u spin pens when in reality, theyre just jealous or they feel bad cuz they dont have anything theyre good at.
and some say why would u waste money on pens. -
Date: Tue, Oct 28 2008 16:24:18QUOTE (Xero @ Jan 17 2008, 04:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Pen spinning without mods = Biking w/o wheels (aka: running)
Pen spinning without comobs = just walking
Actually it would be with "Flat wheels" because even I can spin a pen thats not modded -
Date: Sun, Feb 8 2009 20:38:11
yee i know, they just hate on us 'cause they aren't awesome enough to do it. Or they play sports, or socialize on a regular basis with other people..
& sorry for reviving this thing lulz -
Date: Tue, Feb 10 2009 03:18:58
Almost everyone at my school can do at least 2 basics. So they don't really bug me at school. unless I'm doing bakfall and combos..
Date: Tue, Feb 10 2009 12:53:25QUOTE (SJ. @ Oct 28 2008, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>some ppl are just morons
some ppl say u have no life cuz u spin pens when in reality, theyre just jealous or they feel bad cuz they dont have anything theyre good at.
and some say why would u waste money on pens.
Come to think of it, we are doing a kind of manipulation that is not known commonly and when heard of, sounds weird.
It's very theoretical.. From a Non-PSer's point of view, he would obviously be thinking why we spend cash (lots) on pens.
For example: If someone came and told you they 'fold clothes' and that is their hobby/manipulation w/e. They spend a lot of cash on it and also have different techniques to do it. They got WT's on that and have a "Universal Cloth Folding Board", Wouldn't we not find it strange? -
Date: Wed, Feb 11 2009 16:40:27
People don't bother me about PS... they just say " how you do that?" or " cool..."
Date: Sun, Feb 15 2009 04:07:54
pen spinning is awesome and that's that
and when pen spinning awareness increases in the USA(and the rest of the world) those who were dissin on it will becoming to you asking how to do an index around and if you can make a mod for them(you may get that now)