General Discussion / Longest Practice
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 04:06:05
So what's the longest you have practiced in one go, with no break?
I think the longest I've done with no break is about 2/2.5 hours which was when I was learning a 2p2h combo. -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 04:10:48
well maybe, uhm around an hour here? to learn korean pinky backaround
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 04:13:44
1/2 and hour?
i dont' really practice and do nothign else
i tend to be reading or studying or doing hw or sitting in class when i spin my pen, and that's when i practice
i practice without focusing too much on the pen and just have penspinning be on the side
sometimes though, i do have to focus just on teh pen spinning when learnign a new trick, but even so, i only spend about 10 min on it and then do somethign else and go back to it later
during those 10 min though, i'd focus on teh concepts of the trick and then once i got that down, its just a matter of practicing it..whch i do while i'm doing other activities -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 04:17:35
1 hour for indexpinkybackaround
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 04:28:23
Well if combos count then I'be gon into an hour just trying to do em.
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 04:35:39
An hour or so... when i start, i can't stop.... even when midterms is a few days away
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 04:38:54
Probably about an hour or so at a time.
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 07:12:47
Triangle Pass 2 hrs straight during Chinese tutorial.
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 07:43:11
Took me about 4 hours to get my Twisted Sonic Double Bust.
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 14:34:33
1 hour when learning shadow...
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 14:38:39
3 hours of pre-training for World Tournament Round 3, then 3 hours of filming right after that.
I didn't even get the combo down once perfectly in those 6 hours. -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 18:47:22
Ugh, when I'm playing games I spin. Spin with my right use my mouse with the left lulz. So I'd say about +-6hrs.
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 18:58:10QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Jan 20 2008, 06:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>3 hours of pre-training for World Tournament Round 3, then 3 hours of filming right after that.
I didn't even get the combo down once perfectly in those 6 hours.
Ah the legendary cloud traveller ownage vid
didn't it take 8 hours of total filming? -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 19:05:24
5hours I think. When I first started pen spinning.
Was learning charge while playing games... -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 20:00:34
Well...i bet my friend 5$ i could learn shadow in 3 weeks, so i spent 3 an 1/2 hours on it the day before
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 20:01:55QUOTE (Crzyazn @ Jan 20 2008, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ah the legendary cloud traveller ownage vid
didn't it take 8 hours of total filming?
It was divided over 3 days. =P -
Date: Sun, Jan 20 2008 20:53:58
i've spent 7 hours + of serious practice time
like going and sitting in my living room and focusing on just learning new stuff
im a little obsessive -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 03:31:02
jeez ppl thought i was into pen spinning
i only managed like .. 30 minutes straight... learning twisted sonic bust bust which i managed to master after another week after that period of time -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 03:36:59QUOTE (mhig @ Jan 21 2008, 10:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>jeez ppl thought i was into pen spinning
haha, yeah, that's what i say to my brother now xD
"you know, i really dont' penspin that much...there are those who penspin for 7hrs straight"
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 22:58:42
probably more than one hour while watching tv, and about an hour of pure ps-ing
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 07:34:48
longest practice i've had is probably 5-6 hours long, i was just doing a bunch of different things
lately i've been doing bakfall for about 2 hours straight, and it is no where near as smooth as i want it
but atleast i feel its getting better. -
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 11:30:19
Over 6 hours to film one combo and have it perfectly
And the combo didn't came out well because of my cam, it lagged all the way -
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 01:04:34
mine about 3hours when i was praticing for TA;;
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 01:06:36
umm. probably 3 hours trying to learn eso's chinese spirit combo
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 15:53:43
1/2 hour tops