General Discussion / Do any of you guys show off?
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 02:12:51
Well, I am just wondering if you people show off your PSing skills in public places. I do, in fact, I love to do that. Yesterday I was at Dim Sum(I am sure you know what that is), I grab a chop stick and try to do a thumbaround and it dropped. There was this guy(age 19-25), he did thumbarounds with his chopstick and I was just like "Bitch.." so I took out my BICtory(Yes, I bring that mod to my Chinese School) and just did a something like Twisted Sonic To Thumbaround to Devil Sonic to Pass to Index around and blah blah blah. And that guy just holds the chopstick and just twist his wrist like he was a pro ass. And well yea, I laughed to death and I even told my family what was happened, and of course, they laughed as well. Lastly, it's kinda mean for laughing at him but hey, he showed off first.
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 02:16:10
xD haha, that's hilarious
as for me though...i dunno
maybe i subconsciously pen spin in public to show off, but maybe not
but i penspin sometimes just to let people know what penspinnign is and perhaps have them want to join themselves
this way, the pen spinning community can expand
so i sorta spin as...advertisement..? -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 02:17:44
all the time
well more like i do it absentmindedly and ppl are just watching me so... yea -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 02:27:34
No, I don't show off. No need to do so, I already know how good (or not-so-good) I am. I spin in public, but not because anyone is watching.
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 02:36:50
lol no I don't show off in public...
I find if someone else is showing off, and I can do the skill better than them, rather than 'show them up' as you did, it is often better to simply think quietly to yourself 'I could show that guy up now if I wanted'. Sometimes, in showing people up, bad things can happen.
I think however, there is a difference between showing off, and performing. I would never spin (or do anything for that matter), to try and gain attention on myself for knowing the skill well, this is showing off and is in my opinion, not a good thing. However, to spin for one's own enjoyment in a public place, there is no problem with that. If someone then asks you 'what are you doing?' 'show me your skills.' or something like that, then you can perform for them. -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 02:38:17
Whenever I spin in public, I will only do something very simple like Charge 34 > Sonic 34-12 > Charge 12. Even then, the only reason I spin in public is for something to keep my hands and mind busy when they otherwise would be idle, plus to keep my fingers in good shape.
-Arcturus -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:07:45QUOTE (Mats @ Jan 20 2008, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>If someone then asks you 'what are you doing?' 'show me your skills.' or something like that, then you can perform for them.
Lol, what you said/typed reminds me of how my friend and me are being jackasses. In class, when someone did a Thumbaround Or Charge, we will just do some combos. The person's like "Do that again" and we were like "No". -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:14:16QUOTE (Imagm-1337 @ Jan 21 2008, 03:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Lol, what you said/typed reminds me of how my friend and me are being jackasses. In class, when someone did a Thumbaround Or Charge, we will just do some combos. The person's like "Do that again" and we were like "No".
Why not show them and teach them? They may have been quite interested. What you did probably only served to make them feel bad. I hope next time you act differently -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:17:46
Unintentionally I guess.
I'm usually spinning a pen anyway, when I'm not doing anything else sitting down at a table, like eating.
If someone does something like a charge, it's only natural that you want to show people something they haven't seen before I guess, like... Aw man, I'm so tempted to show em something like a. Not sure if that's showing off. -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:25:24QUOTE (Imagm-1337 @ Jan 20 2008, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Lol, what you said/typed reminds me of how my friend and me are being jackasses. In class, when someone did a Thumbaround Or Charge, we will just do some combos. The person's like "Do that again" and we were like "No".
lol, its the opposite for me (well, i do show off in public just to impress ppl somtimes), I like teaching ppl how to pen spin, so i'll do a combo, then when they are like, "wtf?!?! do that again" I show them how i did it, then try an teach them sumthin... -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:38:04
Well in school all the time I show off because where else should I spin when I'm in class? I never brought my pen to public places but now that you mention it, I think I will start doing that. = P
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:39:34
I don't show off.
Yeah I spin at school, but it's more like, spam and stuff.
I don't really concentrate to do cool combos, but even if it's not hard, people find it amazing.
But what annoys me is when I'm not in class, and one guy tells his friend « Hey look, it's him, he can spin his pen .» And they come see me asking me if I have a pen to show them.
I don't bring a pen everywhere, I don't want my pens to break in my pockets =) -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:53:12QUOTE (Mats @ Jan 20 2008, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Why not show them and teach them? They may have been quite interested. What you did probably only served to make them feel bad. I hope next time you act differently
Actually, to tell you the truth, I TRIED to teach them but you know, I am not as good as Eso, I can't really spend 7 minutes telling someone how to do a trickLet say I did a Shadow Still for example. They go "Teach me how to do that" and I just go "Do a half charge-like motion and release it and let it spin on top of your hand and catch it" so I used my other hand and trace the path of how the pen will spin. They can't get it, it's not really my fault.
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:57:18
My family actually is impressed when i show off every time. They just see me improve every week. Although when i try to show my best i get nervous with all the attention, so i usually mess up.
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 03:57:53QUOTE (Pearl @ Jan 20 2008, 10:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>But what annoys me is when I'm not in class, and one guy tells his friend « Hey look, it's him, he can spin his pen .» And they come see me asking me if I have a pen to show them.
Pearl, I understand how you feel about that. The same thing happens to me. Sometimes when I am walking at the hall way, my friend tells me to show other people tricks so I started to spam whatever tricks I wanted to do but it's pretty embarrassing when you drop the pen though -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 13:36:35
I always(or nearly always) spin, regardless of where I am. I don't do it 'cause someone is watching...if someone is watching then I usually try not to mess up too badly. But I always show people some cool 5 sec freestyles if they ask.
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 14:00:47
don' show off
i feel don't comfortable when people keep on eye with my spinning..look strange.. -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 16:56:39
No, I only do it when people want to see.
If I try and show off, it usually winds up with my pen flying half-way across the room...
Don't lie man.
Mr. I-bakflip-three-feet-in-the-air-during-class -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 16:59:53
Only place where people can see how i spin my pen - is school. But in school i dont do it with full speed. I dot slowly, so im training my accurate to do trick right. When i will get my skill up to ''cool'' level, then i will start doing that at full speed and all tricks. I really like freestyle.
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 17:21:19
Show off? I think for me more towards no then yes.
I like to spin almost anywhere, at home, taking a bus/ train, while walking and so on. Sometimes ppl tend to look at what I am doing, feel good about it -
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 20:11:47
i don't show off, but i do pen spin i public, but thats mostly spamming and practicing.
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 02:25:07
I spin whenver I can in school, especially during notes
. And if I see the person in the seat next to me or behind me starts watching, thats when I show off. Although, short combos dont seem to impress people as much as a regular thumbaround. So after I do a short sonic rise or something, I see them attempt to do a thumbaround. From there, I try to teach them a ta. If they learn to do a ta and I see potential, I might make them a bictory, and be like "Here, Go off and learn".
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 06:04:46
when non-penspinners stare at me spinning i tend to screw up.. A LOT.
so.. yeah, i don't like to 'show off' -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 06:39:20
I don't know why but everytime I see an asian person I tend to show off.
Honestly I have no idea why.
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 13:45:05
Well..when someone I know has the potential to start spinning I tend to showoff, though I'm not that good so I fail ><
But after that sometimes they approach me and ask me how do you do that... usually that's what gets them into TA and sonic, no one has gotten past that >< -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 18:06:09
It's the most annoying thing ever. People are all like:"ZOMG HOW DO YOU THAT?!!?!111oneone", so you teach them the TA and they are all excited when it works, but when you try to help them move on they are like:"Nooo that's sicckkk1! ahh I suck ". What's the big deal, you've already learned one trick in one time, learning a couple of more doesn't take much longer, and once you get the fundamentals down it takes just a bit of patience to learn new tricks from tutorials(of course mastering them is a different story).
People are just so lazy. -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 19:05:51
Its the people here, they just don't have that kind of patience that spinners need...
Look at Nadav- a complete failure because he sucks, but look at Daniel- a complete failure because he doesn't have patience
(Everything true nothing made up) -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 21:27:48
most will just say that it's useless, and that they don't want to waste time on it.
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 21:57:34
i just sit there and spin, and if someone says "dude how do you do that?" then i just say "magic" and do visually appearing tricks
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 01:37:58QUOTE (Teddy @ Jan 22 2008, 01:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i just sit there and spin, and if someone says "dude how do you do that?" then i just say "magic" and do visually appearing tricks
Lol I do that sometimes too.