Board Comments / Signature Size

sorry didn't know where else to post this

  1. WhiteFang
    Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 15:32:40

    shouldn't there be a limit on the total amount the space signature take up..? i know its 3 images maximum and 7 lines. Each image is limited to 150kb in size and 500x150 in dimension. but i reckon having 2~3 images with a size 500x150, takes too much space. there about 2 user here who i think has 'oversized' sig but i don't want to mention their names. so.. can we like limit the sig sizes..? smile.gif

  2. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 17:30:38

    i dont know how to limit the total size,

    the idea is that if people want 3 images, they should be smaller, but if you want 1 imagge, you can make it bigger, but there's no way to regulate that.

  3. WhiteFang
    Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 05:50:14

    ok.. that's the idea.. look at AntonWebsters's sig here don't you there that's way too big?

  4. AntonWebsters
    Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 09:37:20

    Oh,really sorry for it.
    I deleted one of the signatures,one 500 X 150 sig is left,is it acceptable?

  5. WhiteFang
    Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 11:15:17

    yea..sure now its fine.. smile.gif

  6. yxTay
    Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 02:32:54

    How about including a rule such that the area of all the pictures should not exceed 500x150 px in dimensions? That means if we draw a rectangle to include all the images in the signature, it should be within 500x150 pixels. That should work.

  7. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 03:08:31

    i meant enforcing a rule automatically, that cannot be done.