Regular Pen Discussion / Dr.Grip's grip, transparent & not very transparent?

  1. cyshing
    Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 09:12:15

    I saw the dr.grips in this pic, and the middle one's grip looks more transparent than the upper and lower one. I want to know does the japanese dr.grip has 2 types(transparent & not very transparent) of grips?

  2. TheHOINK
    Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 09:57:23

    Hello, and a wonderfull (whatever daytime you might be reading this....)

    Yes, they do ... mean, they do have two types of grip in Japan, maybe China, too. Read about this somewhere in the board here.

    Judging from Pics when checking up, there are even two steps in the "foggy" / "milky" version, one nearly thin milk with white colour, one more of a half transparent, very light grey.

    In Asia, they have all three when searching pics on the net. If I find sites which I am not able to read, mostly asian Signs, I can see all three versions. But this is judging from pictures, which the sellers get by the companies. Might be they only do have two, or one, I do not know for certain, sorry.

    Only one thing IS for sure, asian sites are the only one's where I found the "waterlike-transparent" type...

    Hope it helped at least a little as answer happy.gif


  3. cyshing
    Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 12:24:07

    Ahh.... i found the thread, i think you're talking about this.

    i have been to japan pilot site(from, i just watch the pictures, i can't understand japanese. What i can do was just to search or no-clip-dr.grips. There are so many kinds of dr.grip and i can't judge some of the grips whether is very transparent or not and are they the type used for Black KT(some dr.grips have cap, i can't see clearly how the tip looks like).

    I know there are many dr.grip's grips not very transparent one, like what you said... foggy.

    Please look at this page. Start from the 2nd group/set/type or dr.grips until the very bottom, are they all have the grips and tips used for dr.kt? No matter got clip or not clip type, their grips and tips look very same. Back to topic, compare HDG-70R-TG5 till HDG-70R-TO5 in the 2nd type dr.grips and HDG-50R-TG5 till HDG-50R-TO5 in the 4th type of dr.grip, are the grips they considered have very clean clear one? OR only the anti-bacteria(i saw the word 抗菌) types(i mean the 2 dr.grips at the 3rd type and the most bottom 2 dr.grips) actually have the very clean clear type?

    p/s the dr.grips i mentioned are mechanical/shaker type(judge from the pic :/ ).

  4. darkeh
    Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 02:24:45

    All of those with clips you can get in the US. The others are the Japanese Shakers, but I cant tell the difference between the ones with clear and foggy grips.
    Actually I just translated it ^^ which I'm guessing you've done. But to me it looks like the only "clear" ones are the Anitbacterial ones.