Advanced Tricks / Inverse Devil's Shadow
split from PS Journal
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 18:02:01
Working on Inverse Devil's Shadow.
Anyone knows if it can even be done smoothly? -
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 08:02:31
Any trick can be done smothly, you're gonna have to practice that one a lot.
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 08:21:27
If you are pro at Inv Shadow, and have been spinning for some time, getting it smooth shouldn't be that hard. Getting it consistent is though, I can do it like 1/10 times smooth, but the rest of the time I just drop it instead.
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 08:40:16
Along with a 0.5 Charge rotation before the Inverse Devil's Shadow, I end up performing it as a palm-up Charge 12 > Middlearound 12-12 > Charge 12, adding another 0.5 Charge rotation at the end. I perform it with my fingers curled a bit, so the pen ends up traveling around the curled middle finger.
As always, smoothness comes with practice. Just keep doing it. -
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 12:33:27
I really don't like Inverse Shadow. When done smooth, it just looks like a warped sonic.
And it's REALLY hard to get smooth. -
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 16:53:01
You can make it look like a palmspin, which is pretty cool to throw into combos.
Date: Wed, Jan 23 2008 16:59:27
I have a pretty smooth and consistent Inv. Shadow, I'm having some trouble when I'm catching the Inv. Devil's Shadow to connect it to something else(like a bak) because the pen gets blocked by my ring finger, so it creates a sort of awkward pause.