Advanced Tricks / Devil's Around Reverse
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 16:00:16
How would that be performed?
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 16:31:29
Playing a video of Devil's Around in reverse and doing that.
That would give you Shadow Reverse 1.0 23-12 ~ Middlearound Reverse 0.5 12-23 ~ Charge Reverse 0.25
Charge Reverse 0.5 ~ Middlearound Reverse 23-23 ~ Charge Reverse 0.25 -
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 22:10:57
umm. wouldn't it just be shadow rev 23-12 ~> twisted sonic rev 12-23?
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 23:31:52
It's the same thing, just rephrased to try to make more sense in what is actually being done by the hand. Since the beginning of the Twisted Sonic is cut off, the pen simply continues around the Middle finger after the Shadow portion. It's not much of a Pass unless you want to grab the pen while it is still parallel to the ground, underneath the middle finger, and guide it through the rest of the Pass motion. I find it's much easier to just let the pen continue spinning around the middle finger, fully into the 23 slot, then finishing with the partial Charge motion. The last Charge motion should only be .25, instead of .5, so I'll go change that right now.
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 00:25:47
It would look cool it you can do a harmonic of this. The reverse is a lil weird for me but I will get it.