Philosophy / Attitude
Change in Attitude?
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 21:45:34
Do you think that a penspinner changes his attitude after beginning to pen spin? Does he become more stubborn? Or just the opposite? Tell me your experiences and thoughts about this. Also, habit changes.
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 22:03:40
I believe its the person's personality in the beginning that pulls him into being a pen spinner, he might change a bit from it but everything changes us, whether we know it or not. I think I am the person I am today even without PS.
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 23:04:03
I don't think any major changes in attitude would be caused by pen spinning. However, it will affect personality (attitude amongst other things), even if only slightly. The changes it brings though, are impossible to work out.
Date: Tue, Jan 29 2008 02:29:34
i have a disorder.
i forget what it's called. it's similar to ADHD, it prevents me staying perfectly still, and if i do, i go insane. so penspinning helps me out with that... so i guess it stabilizes my mood? -
Date: Tue, Jan 29 2008 05:29:44
Hmm... For me I don't think it's a change in attitude.
When I spin, I tend to be very focus and ignore things around me. Even when walking on the streets...
Example, when me and my friends go out together and suddenly they asked me this question.
Friend: Hey, did you see that pretty girl which walked pass us just now? Isn't she pretty?
Me: Huh? Nah, didn't see any. *still focusing on pen spinning -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 04:03:16
ya, i guess so. for me i've become more calm than b4 and relaxed. But 4 my bro raE he gets angry after not landing several tricks, gettin frustrated and then takin out his anger on people around him. Just sumthing i noticed. No offense rae just noticed that and you need to do something about it. i kno im not perfect either though.
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 04:38:52
well i find that i became a bit more antisocial towards those that dont' spin pens (majority of my school xD) cause i spend so much time on upsb (going home sooner than usual--usually i stay out to 6 everyday, now i'm home before 4)
and then to those that i brainwashed into spinning () i talk to much more--but usually about spinning which i want to stop cause their lives aren't about spinning and i feel that i bore them sometimes
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 20:08:08
They'll start linking pen spinning to violence next
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 20:24:55QUOTEThey'll start linking pen spinning to violence next
Ahem -
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2008 01:28:49
LOLzz i doubt it really changes attitude unless you get really frustrated over not getting a fancy spread of doing Index spin idk @__@
didnt really change mine
Pz. -
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2008 03:47:03
Naaa it doesn't. When making a combo it does change your attitude then I suppose.
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2008 13:03:22
I used to give up on learning things that are hard to me before I started PSing,but after I started PSing, I don't give up on learning anything until I get it.
So it does change my attitude eh? -
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 00:50:32
i 4got where i heard this but this quote kind of applies to ps. "sports dont build character it reveals it" its kind of similiar because if u spin it shows what kind of person u are depending on how dedicated u r. i personally dont think ps changed me
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 00:12:58
i don't think it changes your attitude...i do think you look cooler
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 10:51:28
Hmmm, only thing that I have notice is that my patience has grown.
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 19:40:02
Yeah same here. I am a lot more patient since it takes me a long time to grab the fundamentals and stuff.
OTher than that, no...