Major Collaborations / [OUT] IRCOLLAB (FPSB)

fpsb's IRC channel spinners

  1. blackmail
    Date: Tue, Jan 29 2008 16:09:16

    Hello guys smile.gif

    You might remember UPSB doing an mIRC collab not long ago ? Well, here is the french one smile.gif
    Well all put our hearts into it and i find the editing great smile.gif .

    Here's the link :

    Bye wink.gif

  2. Dnl.
    Date: Tue, Jan 29 2008 17:04:28

    The editing was very nice, the spinning often but not ever.

  3. Syrn
    Date: Tue, Jan 29 2008 17:49:40

    I'm in love with Cookieslover's combo. Idk if hes well known or not because idk that many spinners but his combo was mind-blowing for me. Respect.

  4. ZaX
    Date: Tue, Jan 29 2008 21:34:35

    nice editing, one of the few FPSB-Collabs that dont use bad, BAD, really bad electronic music!

    Spinning was OK.. .some drops werent cutted away very properly. . And combos that are dropped without editing afterwards should be banned from collabs smile.gif

    I can cut some dropped ending tricks and replace them biggrin.gif biggrin.gif