General Discussion / Learn more moves or learn combos?
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 03:39:48
Right now I'm' having an arguement inside my head whether to start learning some combos or learn more moves.
I know Infinity, Double infinity, Twisted sonic, Shadow, Sonic, Sonic rev, TA, TA rev, FL TA rev, Charge, Neosonic, My fingerpasses aren't really that great though.....
I don't know ANY fingerarounds (Please don't hate me, I know everyone likes their fingerarounds) I don't know weissen or Korean or any others.
So should I starrt Trying to learn to make combos and work on my smoothness or try and learn other moves???
What did you guys do? -
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 04:08:55
for you i would definitely learn more moves first so that it's easier to come up with a combo without spamming too much in it
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 04:14:41
Learn your twisted sonic + variations (ex: warped sonic, inverse twisted sonic). They're sexy and make nonpsers jaws' drop. Learn more tricks! Having a large trick arsenal is necessary for better freestyling/comboing.
EDIT: I feel like I've said that a number of times. I have a small urge to write some guide. -
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 04:15:10
Learn more tricks. The more tricks you know, the easier it will be to string them together. Try to learn a lot of different finger slot variations along with Reverses.
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 05:17:30
linking is useless when there is nothing to link
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 05:24:08
I would say to learn a decent amount of tricks, and then try comboing......
but you don't need to know every single trick to be able to combo -
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 06:19:45
Thanks you guys *sob*
Where would I be without you guys...?
btw I wanna learn Twisted sonic Bust D: -
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 10:50:57
Expand your trick list first...
As for me, what I did was learn all the tricks on Eso tutorial before doing any free styling... -
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 18:09:31
I am in the same predicament as the threadstarter. Again, I ask the question: start to learn combos or learn each of the individual tricks (including the reverses and variations)?
I ask this because now that I learned the fundamentals, I think I can do a combo using the these basic tricks. I think I need to do this in order to get the "feel" or to "teach" my hand the motions of chaining the tricks. But then again, it can be just a newbie like me that is itching to start doing combos. So again, wait for weeks (or months) mastering the trick list, or wade in the combo pool immediately? What say you?
Thanks. -
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 18:11:19
Do whatever you want to do. There isn't a book written on what to do in what order for pen spinning it is all based on what you want. Of course you have to learn tricks and combos but it's your choice. I just don't understand why so many people have questions like these.
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 17:36:43
learn more tricks. that way you can do freestyles, and came up with combos easier. or learn combos/hybrids that will make you learn new tricks. i can't do shadow very well, but i can do (demon's) devil's sonic and around almost perfectly
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 22:49:50
the thing with combos is that you're just getting better at the tricks you're good at. take a few minutes to learn a new trick then put it in a combo
fun fun stuff -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 06:52:39
If you only know a limited amount of tricks,and you keep spamming them in your combo,that makes your combo boring...
FingerArounds and Baks must be mastered!!