Team Dump / Issue #4: April - Content


  1. Eso
    Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 19:20:49

    List of Possible Content (* denotes strong candidates)

    • Editorial (*)
    • Penspinning News (*)
    • Interview by CrAsH (*)
    • Featured Penspinner (*)
    • Contact juggling, juggling
    • Reader rants
    • Reader mails
    • Chart that compares well known pen mods (*)
    • Article about recent PS videos
    • Interview with Eriror
    • Interview/article about K4S mods (*)
    • An Artistic Comparison of Penspinning and Music pt. 2 (*)
    • Release of Trick Dynamics Diagram (tentative naming) (*)
    • Interceptions
    • Penspinning story
    • Featured insert (*) - Patrick

  2. Mats
    Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 19:33:33

    Ball spinning or juggling (for other manips) (sorry about that last time sfsr)

    And btw, I can proof-read it if you like.

  3. Sfsr
    Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 19:36:37

    This time I can just post it all up here before the release and everyone can proof read :P Since I write and edit a lot of stuff directly into inDesign, sending textfiles would be really annoying for me.

    Edited the list a bit ^^

  4. Zombo
    Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 20:59:09

    pt1 was last issue, pt2 this time.

  5. sketching
    Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 05:50:41

    Hmm. So the magazine itself is called "Fingerless Magazine"?

  6. Sfsr
    Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 08:51:30

    It's called Fingerless and is a magazine. Maybe I shouldn't capitalize the M? Doesn't really matter though, this is just to have forum.

  7. sketching
    Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 08:54:41

    Good stuff thumb.gif Off to edit the wiki appropriately. tongue.gif

  8. Eso
    Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 20:04:12

    I'd like to see "Recent PS Videos article" and reader mails.

    What would the Featured Penspinner be about? Just a small paragraph or two about said spinner?

  9. Sfsr
    Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 20:10:36

    Check out issue 02, there romainhxc was featured. It's basically just a penspinner that writes about him/herself.

  10. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 22:52:43

    you should probably put a notice in public asking for reader mail.

    then once you receive the mail, forward it to the appropriate person to respond to it.

  11. Eso
    Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 02:11:13

    I was going to do that, but I'd like the approval of the staff beforehand. smile.gif

  12. Sfsr
    Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 09:06:07

    I'll make a public thread in a while, where all the info about stuff like this will be.

  13. Sfsr
    Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 23:03:53

    Public thread created, pm sent to patrick about featured insert. Write here if you think somethings missing in the public thread.

  14. Xero
    Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 17:29:22

    I plan on doing an interview with Eriror and creating a chart that'd compare well known pen mods based on serveral criteria.

  15. Sfsr
    Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 20:09:24

    Damn, I haven't found any featured penspinner yet >_< Any ideas on who could make the article in the time that's left?

  16. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 21:47:22

    what happened to joshy? did he make it last time?

  17. Sfsr
    Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 09:45:08


    I got a reader mail from nolan :D I dunno, I think he might have misunderstood what they were supposed to be.

    "Dear writers of Fingerless,

    First off, these magazines are really good. I look forward to them and enjoy the work you put into them.
    I think it could use some more coverage of mods, and stuff thats happening with mods, like commercialization. I would really enjoy some coverage on Spinz and Pen'z Gear, more then what we already know if possible. Other than that, keep up the good work!


    Patrick also promised to make an insert. We could think about what nolan said about Spinz, I'll see if I can talk to Kam or nhk about it. Do you know any way to contact nhk, zombo?

  18. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 12:01:35

    nhk has MSN

    why not ask Ceedgee, he seems available and he probably has somethingi nteresting to say.

  19. Xero
    Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 14:42:00


    Lawl. So for the "featured penspinner" what qualities are we looking for?

    Okay, and for the Pen Mod Chart, should I include old school mods like Comssa, MX, Dr.KT, etc, only?
    OR should I include newer mods like the MX^2, MPFX, etc?
    Any ideas on what Criteria I should scale them by?
    I know some:
    Does anyone want to suggest others?

  20. Sfsr
    Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 16:58:44

    I'd skip things like MPFX, just include the Flexible MX then. Dr. KT isn't exactly old school either lol... I'd like to see things like the.. Uuh, the one who won the pen mod olympic or what it was, made of a jellerpen. You might not have that though? Anyways, other than that I'd keep it as basic as possible and just include general mods.

    - looks
    - how hard they are to mod
    - availability of pens (around the world, not just in say USA)

  21. Xero
    Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 22:10:42

    QUOTE (Sfsr @ Mar 14 2008, 12:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I'd skip things like MPFX, just include the Flexible MX then. Dr. KT isn't exactly old school either lol... I'd like to see things like the.. Uuh, the one who won the pen mod olympic or what it was, made of a jellerpen. You might not have that though? Anyways, other than that I'd keep it as basic as possible and just include general mods.

    - looks
    - how hard they are to mod
    - availability of pens (around the world, not just in say USA)

    Okay, sounds good. And yeah, I live in America so my pen availability is limited.
    Pens I was thinking of including were: MX, MX^2, MSXA, Comssa, Metallic Comssa, Dr. KT, Ballsign, Hybrid Comssa MX, Double Sided #2 Pencil, Japanese Pencil Mod, HGG^2.
    Should I include unmodded pens like a back capped RSVP, HGG, or Dr. Grip?
    Or should I stick strictly with modified pens?

  22. Sfsr
    Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 23:29:39

    I'd say stick to modded ones, or pen mods (like a pencil or zebra).

  23. Sfsr
    Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 20:14:07

    How's it going for everyone? Due date is tomorrow >__>

  24. Xero
    Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 22:13:03

    I should be done by tonight. tongue.gif

  25. Eso
    Date: Fri, Mar 28 2008 03:40:31

    I can write the article tonight but the diagram won't be done by tomorrow. I still need feedback and dimensions for the entire diagram.

  26. Sfsr
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 09:31:20

    Ugh. This might have to be delayed.

    nhk won't be able to get the Spinz article done, since he needs permission from the company.

    I haven't started with re-doing the layout yet.

    I haven't been able to talk to CrAsH lately, and he's supposed to both do an interview and be the featured penspinner.

    The only article I've received is the interview with Eriror by Xero.

  27. Eso
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 13:42:37

    I sent you an email with my article. wink.gif