Battlezone / IPSL- International PenSpinning League
You can Join now!!!!
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 19:33:43
You can join now!
The IPSL Board
Join here!
We (Kieto from GPC, i don´t know if he´s also sign up in UPSB; Pen_MAKer and me), are planing an International PenSpinning League. That is the momentally Homepage about that "Tournament", but we´re going to make one better, that´s just a Homepage unprofessionally.
So, at first: I´m not from American, so please excuse my bad English^^. If u don´t understand anything, u can add me in MSN/ICQ, write me a PM or reply here.
The IPSL (International PenSpinning League) will be a league, wich works like a football-league. So: For every won battle u get 2 points, for every lost 0 points.
There should be more than just one league. We thought that in every league are coming 10 persons, not more. If u are in the second league, but at the end of a season u are the first one, u come into the first.
So. I don´t know how to formally write it, so i write it now in a Q&A Form:
Q: Are there any prizes?
A: Not 100% sure at the moment, but we are looking for a Sponsor. If that League will getting popular, i think that we will be able to get one ;-) .
Q: How much does it costs to sign-in?
A: It is free.
Q: Who can Sign-in?
A: Everybody can sign in. But he must have the time to make every week one video for a Clipbattle.
Q: Were can i Sign-In?
A: U can send us an e-mail to me ([email protected]) and then, i´ll write the names in this thread down, who signed-in. If you have signed-in before 2 or more days, but your name isn´t here in the Signed-in list, please send me ore one of the other organizers an PM or write it into this thread.
Q: How long will 1 season be?
A: One season will be 2 1/2 Months, so 5 weeks. Per 2 Member in one league the season will take 1 week.
Q: Is there any break between the seasons?
A: Yes. After every Season, there is a brek of 2 weeks.
Q: How to battle?
A: The battles will be battled as Clipbattles, i think here in UPSB that is a normal battle.
Q: How to say "that ones get the 2 points"?
A: That will be voted. The voting will be open for 4 days. After that, the guy with the most votes wins the battle. For every battle there will be a thread. For every league there will be an Area (like her "News", "Battlezone" and so on).
Q: Were will the Threads be?
A: Not at UPSB. Not, because we don´t like the UPSB or want to make a board wich is better^^. It will be in a board wich is specially for that tournament.
Q: When will it start?
A: It will start after the World Cup.
Q: Why are u writing this down here, when u are still planing?
A: Because we want to have a feedback of you all!!! What can we make better? And something like this.
~~~Last Update: 9.2.2008 17:24~~~
Qualification Round
Everybody comes into a group. If he sign-in in the IPSL, he must tell us how long he spins.
Then we are making the groupes like that:
In every groupe comes sbd. who spins <3Month.
In every groupe comes sbd. who spins 3-5 Month.
In every groupe comes sbd. who spins 5-8 Month.
In every groupe comes sbd. who spins 8-12 Month.
In every groupe comes sbd. who spins >12 Month.
Then battled everybody versus everybody, so at the end everybody has battled 4 times.The
rule is: for every win the winner gets 2 points, for a lost match 0 points.
At the end, the first one of every groupe comes into the first league, the second one of
every groupe into the second league and so on.
If u have questions:
Kieto: MSN/E-Mail: [email protected]
deMaddin: MSN/E-Mail: [email protected] ICQ: 396033406
Pen_MAKer: MSN/E-Mail: [email protected]
Please give us a Feedback!!! We´re still planing, but it isn´t 100% sure, that the league will be, but it is very sure.
I´ll write more down tomorrow, i´ll go now. Till then, Pen_MAKer will give u some news.
I hope u enjoy!
deMaddin and the IPSL-Team -
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 19:38:24
Are you going to wait until after the world cup has finished?
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 19:40:46
we forgot to say that if we get a sponsor there will be prizes^^
and yes...after world cup
corrected^^ -
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 19:47:34
if you have any questions send a pm to kieto, deMaddin or me.
send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] -
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 20:23:07
'Prises' and 'Prices' are spelled with Z's. Prizes.
Prizes as in when you win something.
But Prices are how much something costs. -
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 20:32:46
i knew it wasn't prices..but i was unsure bout pris/zes so i took a chance and!!...failed.... -.-
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 20:42:10
yes, sorry, they are priZes^^
sry, how i said, my english is very very bad.
I´ve updated the first post, with the adresses to contact us and also with some questions.
Have SpinZ! -
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 20:42:40
sounds awesome!! when do you think the site will be up and running?
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 20:57:36
u mean the new website?
We don´t know, but i think in a week, so on the week-end from the 15.2.-16.2. i´ll make it, because there i´ll take all my time for it, and hope it will be up then.
deMaddin -
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 22:44:53
it was my mistake not urs maddin^^
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 23:46:46
Every week? That is a little steep. Make like every two weeks or a little bit less than that.
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 23:54:26
Every week is very steep. I ran a league on UCPSB with videos to be submitted every 2 or so weeks and the number of videos turned in was quite low. Also, combo quality may suffer if the deadline is 1 combo/week, however, if the number of spinners is very large, close deadlines might have to be used. Don't expect to ever have a week in which everyone turns in their videos except maybe the first and perhaps second weeks. I suggest that if you know a spinner is unreliable for turning in videos for battles/collabs already, you do not allow them even into the qualification round.
All the battles will be one vs one? How many people were you thinking of having in the league? Will every spinner battle every other one? Will there be a play-off or play-offs? Why is it not public voting? -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 04:32:51
This sounds pretty cool, so this goes all year? This is going to such a hassle....
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 16:41:25QUOTE (Mats @ Feb 7 2008, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Every week is very steep. I ran a league on UCPSB with videos to be submitted every 2 or so weeks and the number of videos turned in was quite low. Also, combo quality may suffer if the deadline is 1 combo/week, however, if the number of spinners is very large, close deadlines might have to be used. Don't expect to ever have a week in which everyone turns in their videos except maybe the first and perhaps second weeks. I suggest that if you know a spinner is unreliable for turning in videos for battles/collabs already, you do not allow them even into the qualification round.
All the battles will be one vs one? How many people were you thinking of having in the league? Will every spinner battle every other one? Will there be a play-off or play-offs? Why is it not public voting?
@Mats: 1. Yes, all battles will be one vs. one.
2. We have than different league: in every league are 10 Persons. We´re still thinking of 5 leagues. If they are more interested Users, we have a "special" plan.
3. Yes, every spinner will battle every other one in his league. But if we don´t battle every week (i must discuss that with the others), maybe not...
4. There IS public voting. Just not for the qualification round.
@Onyx-07: No. One season doesn´t take one year. Because after one year you are so much better than before... One season takes, we planned, 2 1/2 Months, so 5 weeks. -
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 17:03:20
Maybe you should also do leagues that vary according to spinning time, as I've seen you can put a spinner like Sfsr vs someone who has just started and it wouldn't be that fair.
So maybe 1 group for 3-6 months, 1 group for 6 months-1 year and 1 group of 1 year+
Of course these are only examples but I think that dividing according to spinning time is reasonable. -
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 17:50:57
I would suggest not time, but skill. Spinners of similar ability should be in the same league...
Length of time spinning is not proportional to amount of skill. -
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 19:48:19
hm... do u mean the qualification round?
Because in the leagues THEN they are sort by their spinning, how good they spin.
Hm... The problem in the qualification round is:
We have 10 Groupes.
in 2 Groupes= PenSpinner <3 Month
in 3 Groupes= PenSpinner 3-6 Month
in 3 Groupes= PenSpinner 6-9 Month
in 2 Groupes= PenSpinner >9 Month
So. Then:
Everybody who tackes the first position comes into the first league, who takes the second position cames into the second league and so on.
In the first league battled somebody, who just spinned <3Month vs. somebody who spinned >9 Month. That´s it.
If u sign-in, u must say since when u spin (i must update that^^). Then we take in every group (if it is aviable) one who spins >9Month, 1 6-9 Month, 2 3-6 Month and 1 <3 Month. So, that the leagues at the end are fair. The qualification round will be hard, but at the end I think it is batter like that, because if we do it like u says, the league will be VERY hard! -
Date: Wed, Feb 13 2008 14:21:11
And: The new Webside is comming very soon, I´m no off to make it.
I´ll put the link inside of here in the week-end. -
Date: Wed, Feb 13 2008 15:10:21
Sounds like a good idea...I'd sign up if I wasn't exactly on the lower end of 8-12...which means I'll get fucked >.>
I'll see according to who signs up. -
Date: Wed, Feb 13 2008 18:25:53QUOTE (Teatime @ Feb 13 2008, 04:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Sounds like a good idea...I'd sign up if I wasn't exactly on the lower end of 8-12...which means I'll get fucked >.>
I'll see according to who signs up.
That doesn´t matter. If u are sign-in, you can see how much better u can be
If it is aviable, pls tell also other PenSpinners to sign-in. -
Date: Thu, Feb 14 2008 15:01:46
one more new:
1. Every SECOND week the users have a battle.
2. The season is "cutted" into 2 parts. -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 02:09:42
like sports, there should be different tiers or divisions
a judge/someone with significant experience can assign each participant into their respective division -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 21:54:29
yes that´s right...
We are now still before set the deadline to Sign Up into the Qualification Round!
Here is now our board.
If you don´t understand some words, ask here!
To sign up in the IPSL, look here!
And some news in the Homepage:
Here u can see the News in IPSL with ONE look.
I hope u all thinks it´s nice.
Does anybody knows, when the Inofficial World Cup has finished? -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 22:01:39QUOTE (PenSpinnerMX @ Feb 23 2008, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Does anybody knows, when the Inofficial World Cup has finished?
It lasts for four months, so probably April-May.
And, how could you say World Cup is unofficial? It has a sponsor, and is represented by many of the top spinners in the world. -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 22:14:17
Hmmm.... sounds interesting....i'll probably join..and get my butt kicked..
Is there a deadline or limit to signing up? -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 22:18:32QUOTE (NiGHTSora @ Feb 23 2008, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>It lasts for four months, so probably April-May.
And, how could you say World Cup is unofficial? It has a sponsor, and is represented by many of the top spinners in the world.
isn´t it unoficiell? Sorry, i thought so...QUOTEHmmm.... sounds interesting....i'll probably join..and get my butt kicked.. tongue.gif
Is there a deadline or limit to signing up?
Hm... We wanted to make the deadline after the World Cup has ended, but i think, if the world cup takes 4 months, we´ll make it before that^^.
But we must discuss that. I think in (at least) 1 Month. -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 22:30:51
how to sign up actually..
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 22:35:19
U can write an e-mail to me: [email protected]
Or sign up in the board and look here:
How to sign up and set the board into english, look here:
If u have some more questions, ask! -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 23:07:19
Why make the deadline before the World Cup [which is official...] ended? That wouldn't be fair for the 60 spinners who are in it.
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 23:31:11
yeah, we must discuss that. Maybe we find a rule, that we can start it before the world cup ended, and it will be fair for them.
And sorry one more time, i really i thought I´ve read that it was unofficiell...
The standard-language of the board is now English. -
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 04:03:22
Is there any reason to believe that this IPSL is official?
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 08:07:59
Do u mean the World Cup or the IPSL?
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 16:36:33QUOTE (TayYH89 @ Feb 24 2008, 05:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Is there any reason to believe that this IPSL is official?QUOTE (PenSpinnerMX @ Feb 24 2008, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Do u mean the World Cup or the IPSL?I wonder which he means
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 17:15:49
0.o sorry^^
I didn´t read "this IPSL"^^
hm, I don´t know, what something needs to be officiall, sorry... -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 14:43:48
actually, we have got 4 registered Members in IPSL.
But i think, we need at least 20 Members to start.
We are discussing when it will start, but it is sure that we need at least 20 Members before the IPSL is abel to start. -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 18:07:47
What gonna happen if a guy go in vacation for like 1 month during the season?
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 18:40:08QUOTE (Hiko @ Mar 1 2008, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What gonna happen if a guy go in vacation for like 1 month during the season?
i dont know personally but i would assume that it would be the same as if u didnt follow the due date of your videos here (disqualification).
also--- i like how u do it by age group ~_~. makes things easier on us nubs -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 19:16:51QUOTE (Hiko @ Mar 1 2008, 07:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What gonna happen if a guy go in vacation for like 1 month during the season?
Then... maybe it is hard, but you looses the battles in that time. But there are just 2 battles in a month, so it isn´t so bad for the season^^ -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 22:21:03
Yeah we have got a verry good new idea!!!
It is invited by TeaTime (THANK YOU!).
Look at HERE!
Please tell us what u think about it!!!
P.S.: Thank to all people signing-in!!! Now we have got 12 of minimal 20 Users in just ONE day^^!!! -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 23:54:56
I got a PM to join
I'm not really good though, I don't do a lot of practice and I still don't know my baks.
Im'a join just for fun >=D -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 13:43:44
That was exactly my idea, even the groups themselves.
I'll join. -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 18:00:42
Hm yes I remember...
Doesn´t matter, here is the idea, thanks to ALL^^ -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 12:05:33
We´re going into another board!!!
PLEASE::: all Members of the IPSL REGISTER THERE!!! -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 13:04:08
You do a mistake in the name ^^ (not bPard).
About configuration, you should put the forum in english if you want international
(if you can add me for this league please ^^, i don't understand what i should i do for be in)
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 15:13:37
Thanks, that is the right link.
About the board:
The Board is a GERMAN PenSpinning board. BUT: The Part about the IPSL is in english. So, the IPSL IS international, and you needn´t write into the rest of the board, just into the part of the IPSL, and THAT is in english.
PenSpinner MX -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 17:13:09
i regestered on the old board, but my names not on ur list
n i can figure out how to regiester cause it all in german -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 19:53:09
Of course
Look at the part "IPSL"
That is in English. -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 19:57:40
He'll need to register in order to post there, amirite?
Still doesn't look official and professional, in my eyes. -
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 03:00:55
yea its all german
i clicked register at the top of the eriror said i cant post till i register -
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 15:57:21
Seriously you're going to force everyone to face with a German interface on an international ladder? I thought the previous board was just fine...
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 23:08:22
i thought the previous board was very good compared to the new 1...but ill figure out how to register eventually...
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 20:27:48
That is a Board JUST for the IPSL, the spoken Languages there are JUST English!
Actually, I´ve got a problem in the Administrator Control Panel, that is why in the board aren´t any categorys or sth like that...
Hope u agree!
PenSpinner MX -
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2008 06:24:49CODEAccess forbidden!
You don't have permission to access the requested directory. There is either no index document or the directory is read-protected.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 403
Wed Apr 2 08:21:38 2008
Apache/2.2.3 (Linux/SUSE)
I get that message -
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2008 13:11:33
Yes, I´ve said that there was a problem in the Admin Control Panel. We must re-install the board. Please wait a day, till tomorrow.
PenSpinner MX -
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 19:59:12
Is the board going to be fixed soon?
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 00:15:14
Hi Guys,
Hmm, myself and zombo had an idea to make a international spinning league some time ago, which we have been discussing about trying to implement in the near future. When you say international, it must be like international not just anyone putting in their names, you need to have people from all countries participating. Also. having an infinate amount of spinners partici[ating would be pretty much impossible in terms of judging, judges wouldn't possibly have time to score every single video from every single participant, the number would have to be fixed, like a maximum of 15 from each board or something, and make sure each spinner has battles with each other spinner in the duration of the league.
We've been thinking about how to organizing it, because something like this would need a lot of preperation. When we have something more concrete we will post up some more information, but firstly this world cup needs to be finished, then we can start organizing the league and the tournament 09 in the end of this year ready for the beginning of 09.
Take care -
Date: Fri, Apr 11 2008 14:50:14
Hm okay, I´m very sadly about it that this cannot be my project but okay.
I´ve thought at all and I agree that they want to make this big project, no problem, just sadly...
BUT: My Idee was, that there won´t be any judges. The battles will be voted.
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 01:16:15QUOTE (CrAsH @ Apr 5 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hi Guys,
Hmm, myself and zombo had an idea to make a international spinning league some time ago, which we have been discussing about trying to implement in the near future. When you say international, it must be like international not just anyone putting in their names, you need to have people from all countries participating. Also. having an infinate amount of spinners partici[ating would be pretty much impossible in terms of judging, judges wouldn't possibly have time to score every single video from every single participant, the number would have to be fixed, like a maximum of 15 from each board or something, and make sure each spinner has battles with each other spinner in the duration of the league.
We've been thinking about how to organizing it, because something like this would need a lot of preperation. When we have something more concrete we will post up some more information, but firstly this world cup needs to be finished, then we can start organizing the league and the tournament 09 in the end of this year ready for the beginning of 09.
Take care
we'll hold u to it -
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2008 21:38:26
The IPSL was suposed to start at the end of April and there still is no site or new i am guessing it is not going to happen
is there any news of it? -
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2008 23:09:53
He hasn't been on since April 11, I think he scammed me too
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2008 01:10:54
wow guess no IPSL
how did he scam u?