Pen Modifications / inserts/outserts?

  1. arc12
    Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 00:32:46

    i w as told it was illegal to sell them?
    like pendsola ones... because t hey dont ship to the USA

  2. Zombo
    Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 00:35:42

    1) fixed your horrible spelling
    2) moved to the right section
    3) you cannot reproduce and sell inserts from other people, but you can possible trade for inserts.

  3. NoRice4U
    Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 01:05:56

    they in fact do ship to usa, phail

  4. Santa
    Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 02:38:59

    lol zombo does a lot for this community =)