General Discussion / Your favorite...
A collection of favorites
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2008 22:40:14
Sonic Variation?
Top Spin?
Through Spin?
Continuous Trick?
Mine would have to be:
Fundamental? Fingerpass
Sonic Variation? Inverse Twisted Sonic
Around? RA
Backaround? Indexmiddlebak Rev
Shadow? Shadow 13-13
Top Spin? Thumbspin
Stall? Devil's Stall
Aerial? Faked Reverse Release
Through Spin? Wiper Rev 13
Roll Spin? Haven't seen any good roll tricks....
Hybrid? TA Riser ~ FL Fulltap
Mini-combo? Bakfall 1.5
Continuous Trick/Combo? Cont. Midbak 1.5
Spinner? Eriror
Pencil? MPFX
Go on. Post yours. Sharing is caring.
EDIT: Added in favorite Pencil. Since there are now a number of pencil mods out there. -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 00:40:07
dude... some of those already have their own thread.
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 00:45:10
Fundamental? Sonic 23-12
Sonic Variation? Sonic Clip
Around? MA
Backaround? Bak 12-12
Shadow? Shadow 12-23
Top Spin? TS
Stall? Dont use stall's =/
Aerial? Ext TA Release
Through Spin? Wiper Rev T2
Hybrid? Inverse Sonic 23-13 ~ Shadow 13-23
Mini-combo? Neo Sonic 12-TF > TF Charge Rev > FL TA Rev
Continuous Trick? Shadow 12-12
Spinner? Eriror
Pen? KT/MX^2
Pencil? GJH ? -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 01:07:12QUOTE (Zombo @ Feb 17 2008, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>dude... some of those already have their own thread.
I know. But I thought it'd be nice to include it anyway.... :[
BTW, zombs, you're off topic. Post your favorites! -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 01:48:04
Fundamental? Fingerpass
Sonic Variation? Twisted sonic
Around? FL TA rev
Backaround? bak 12-12
Shadow? 12-23
Top Spin? Palm Spin
Stall? Bonkura's Pinky Stall(WT)
Aerial? bakriser
Through Spin? wiper rev 12
Hybrid? Ext TA
Mini-combo? neosonic 12-TF > FL TA rev
Continuous Trick? double charge 23-12-23
Spinner? Bonkura
Pen? Dr. ST
Pencil? Papermate #2 double capped (erasers) -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 02:03:00
Fundamental? FingerPass, if it's like Eriror's!
Sonic Variation? Sonic 12-23
Around? Tough. I'll go for MiddleAround
Backaround? Weisen BackAround
Shadow? Shadow 5+ or some kind of Shadow with fuck-loads of spins on.
Top Spin? BackSpin aka Inverse PalmSpin
Stall? Elbow Stall!
Aerial? Levitator!
Through Spin? There's only wiper and wiper reverse?
Hybrid? eww hybrids.
Mini-combo? RA > BackSpin
Continuous Trick? Cont Bak 1.5, but only if it's nhk_9 doing it!
Spinner? erm... nhk_9 or if you want someone who still spins and is active - Pentrixter or Yoah
Pencil? eww pencils -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 05:23:33
Fundamental? TA
Sonic Variation? Warped Sonic/Inverse Sonic
Around? MidAround/FL TA+Rev
Backaround? Midbak
Shadow? Shadow 13, Devil's, Inverse
Top Spin? Palm Spin Rev
Stall? idea
Aerial? Bak Rev Release
Through Spin? wiper rev 13
Hybrid? Ext TA I guess, not sure which of my tricks is a hybrid
Mini-combo? neosonic 12-TF > FL TA rev I guess, not sure which are considered mini combos O_o
Continuous Trick? Shadow 13-13
Spinner? Eriror
Pen? MX^2
Pencil? Normal num 2 with 2 erasers -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 06:45:33
Fundamental? Thumbaround Harmonic (Fundamental Variation xD)
Sonic Variation? Sonic Rise
Around? No idea
Backaround? Backaround 1.5 T12
Shadow? Shadow Still
Top Spin? Uhh..
Stall? dunno
Aerial? Levitator (Although i cant do it)
Through Spin?
Hybrid? Dunno
Mini-combo? DUnno
Continuous Trick? Thunbspin
Spinner? Bonkura. I dont care if hes dead, hes still my fave
Pen? Any-X
Pencil? Staedler HB -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 06:53:06
- FingerPass
Sonic Variation?
- Inverse Sonic / Sonic Clip
- IndexMiddle[Ring]Around
- PinkyBackAround 1.5
- Shadow 24-24
Top Spin?
- BackSpin
- Elbow Stall
- BackAround Riser with extra spin on T1
Through Spin?
- Wiper Reverse 24
- Sonic 34-23 ~> IndexMiddleAround Reverse 24-24
- Inverse Twisted Sonic 34-13 --> Shadow 13-23
Continuous Trick?
- Shadow 13-13
- PentaengE
- Basic unsharpened pencil -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 07:10:56
Mine would have to be:
Fundamental? FingerPass
Sonic Variation? Inverse Warped sonic
Around? IndexAround 13-12
Backaround? Backaround... Just... Backaround, no fancy stuff >_>
Shadow? Shadow reverse 12 - T1
Top Spin? Palmspin?
Stall? Don't know names for any so... Bonkura's middle finger stall?
Aerial? BackAround Reverse release
Through Spin? Wiper Rev 13
Roll Spin? Arm roll I think it's called?
Hybrid? palm spin n 0.5 ~> BackAround r P-12
Mini-combo? The one that has sonic clips, rising fans?
Continuous Trick/Combo? NeoSonic > FL TA rev
Spinner? Angmaramyon
Pen? Bic Aviaire
Pencil? Uhh... -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 07:12:55
Fundamental? Charge 12
Sonic Variation? Demon's Sonic
Around? IA (the only one I can do, heh)
Backaround? Weis Backaround
Shadow? I can't do shadow
Top Spin? Faked Reverse (favourite trick)
Stall? Devil's Horns
Aerial? Bakriser
Through Spin? Figure 8
Hybrid? Demon's Sonic
Mini-combo? Cardiold
Continuous Trick? Cont Bakriser
Spinner? Eriror
Pen? Lakubo Mod
Pencil? Unsharpened colouring pencil -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 07:17:09
Fundamental? 360 Degree Normal all the way
Sonic Variation? Inverse Sonic
Around? FL ThumbAround
Backaround? BackAround...Is this a trick question?
Shadow? Shadow 23-12
Top Spin? TS Rev Flick
Stall? Carabao Stall ftw
Aerial? BakRiser
Through Spin? WTF is a through spin?
Hybrid? Corkscrew
Mini-combo? A what?
Continuous Trick? Bak 1.5 Cont
Spinner? Leviathan
Pen? BIC Crystal
Pencil? LOL favorite pencil -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 08:57:42
sonic variation
-twiste sonic bust
-backaround 1.5
-shadow still
top spin
-TA release
-bonkura stall
-any aerial
through spin
Mini combo
cont trick
-rev fingerless TA
-wth.. -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 10:52:33
Fundamental? TA
Sonic Variation? Inv Sonic
Around? MiddleAround
Backaround? NeoBackAround 2.0 34-23
Shadow? Shadow Still 12-12
Top Spin? The spin of a Devil's trick (Backspin?)
Stall? Backhand stall
Aerial? Tornado Release
Hybrid? Inv Sonic ~ Shadow
Mini-combo? Inv Sonic Rev 12-13 -> Shadow Rev 13-23 -> Fl Pass 23-34 -> NeoBak 34-34
Continuous Trick? Shadow Still 12-12
Spinner? None :/
Pen? MX, Tombow, blahblahQUOTE (Mats @ Feb 18 2008, 03:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Top Spin? BackSpin aka Inverse PalmSpinWouldn't that be BackHandSpin?QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Feb 18 2008, 07:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Shadow?>_<
- Shadow 24-24 -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 11:42:16
There are already seperate threads for favorite things along with profiles that hold your favorite other things. Keeping them seperate allows for people to more easily look through them. Lumping everything together doesn't help anything. Thread closed.
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