Research Department Feedback / Expanded Trick Notation article released
Date: Thu, Feb 21 2008 18:20:19
The Research Department has just released an addition to the Interrupted Trick Notation article on the wiki. You can view the article in the wiki: Expanded Trick Notation. The article raises the issue of tricks performed with alternative pushes and how the notate such pushes. A video by Fratleym gives you a visual reference to the article text.
Please give any comments on the article in this thread. -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 10:00:20
Really good article
I think it's really give a good explanation about this little concept
And I really think the new way to describe combo find all his use now^^
Hurray for the one who were brave enough to breakdown the full combo at the end o_O
(if I want to be a pice of shit, it's not Halftap T3-T2[p 4] in this combo it's a full tap^^) -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 10:25:13
I knew I'd make atleast one mistake in that combo.
Change to Fulltap.
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 13:22:08
ahah so you're the one Skecthing^^
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 18:32:01
Don't know if its just me but the video's in the Interrupted Trick Notation aren't working for me.
Other than that I thought it was realy nice.
And just 1 suggestion- maybe also add TA with different fingers pushing it to better show the idea