General Discussion / The Life of a Pen Spinner
New Project
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 08:14:27
This is Aries. Guitrum and I have been planning this out. We were thinking of publishing a book with a cd maybe of people spinning. Mostly the book would be the huge chunky part. People send in their stories of how life has been and include a section about penspinning in there somewhere. Each person will ahve their own page. If we do include a cd, it will just consist of penspinning combos showing what penspinning is about. Hopefully I can find a good editor because I only have WMM.
Anyways, if this does hit off we plan on publishing it, it might help penspinning community increase and also show people the lives of teenagers/people. For example mine
Ok, so it's also to break down barriers between adults and kids alike. We all have problems communicating or having a healthy relationship with parents or someone you love. If we expose what we go through and what happens in our lives, we can break those barriers. It will aslo show that penspinning is beneficial helping people to connect with others even though they are half way across the world.
Tell me what you guys think, vote, disscuss, and penspin. Please be mature about this subject. It is pretty serious considering it may get published and it is speaking out to the public.
If this hits off, I will create an official topic for autobiography submissions. I will edit mine too lol, it was just a huge rant. -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 08:33:35
God damn, no way am I reading that (your life story thingy). I read the first sentence of it and it just sounds like the bitching of an average teenager.
And why combine the two topics of pen spinning and the life of teenagers? The average teenager probably wouldn't read something like that, even if it involved pen spinning. Adults probably would view it as too kiddy since pen spinning doesn't seem like a serious topic.
It'd be more effective to have the two topics published separately, into their own books, spreading pen spinning and the lives of teenagers are very different things.
There's also the problem with production and distribution. No one would be willing to spend the time and money on something like this.
So, no, I don't think this would be an effective idea. -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 08:38:14
I was bitching about my parents but, if you read the conclusion I make my statement more calmly and reasonable.
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 08:43:15
Are you fucking serious?
Is this about pen-spinning or ... your life? Do you expect us to read that "example" of yourself raging about how your parents treat you and bug you about your education?
In that whole wall of text, you didn't mention the word "penspinning" let alone "pen" once, except in that very last paragraph.
And what Rorix said, the production and distribution issue. I cannot think of a group of people willing to spend their hard earned money on these "autobiographies" of penspinners. -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 08:53:36
It was an idea. I don't think he's sent a letter to the publishing company yet or anything like that. You don't have to voice your opinion of it being a bad idea with flaming.
I do agree with Rorix on the whole nobody will want to read a book on 'unfamous' teenagers who spin pens.
BTW: the first part was @Hellblaza
EDIT: It's not hardcore flaming or anything, but still, you could have said it much better then that. -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 09:04:50
Hmm.... That example tag looks like an excuse to be able to bitch about your life then add on a bit about pen spinning to make it relevant to your project.
I agree with Rorix, this is an ineffective idea. -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 09:39:37QUOTEEDIT: It's not hardcore flaming or anything
101% disagree. If you haven't noticed, the most noticeable word in the whole of that, was "FUCK", and its variants. As far as I know, capitalizing a word means, you want to emphasize the meaning for a greater effect; or shouting the word out.
It is clear that he is unhappy with things and is using this to express himself. -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 09:51:06
lol this is an idea you don't have to rant about your parents, i guess i just needed to rant. But ya mostly about penspinning not your oparents and crap sry for the misunderstanding.
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 09:57:30
So what would you talk about instead of ranting about your life? Some ideas would be good.
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 10:28:17
i guess you could always rant about the way penspinning changed your life, little by little
like in teh beginning, it had barely any impact
slowly, my wallet started getting smaller xDD
then i'm completely obsessed with it and spend so much money on mods
and this story'll be a bit different for each person
and it'll be different between spinner and modder and judges and people like zombo/sketching
so this could potentially be a good's just that aries's example wasn't that..good
Edit: oh forgot to add, even if this thing gets published, nobody's gonna buy it
maybe some penspinners'll get it, but that's about it--and there aren't that many penspinners out there in the big picture
even if you get all the people who even know a ta to get it, and their parents, how many people do you think that'll come out to be?
10-20 thousand? at most?
it's not a lot of people but if you wanna give this project a shot, go ahead
but in truth, i probably wouldn't even buy it cause i'm not gonna bother reading so many stories about other penspinner's lives
maybe i'd read some famous spinners like erirors, or sketching/zombo, or scott, or um... you know what i'm getting at
but i'm not gonna buy the book to read 10 pages or whatnot -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 12:40:50
Learn proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar before attempting please.
Besides, you've only been spinning for less than a year, maybe up to a year. I'd much rather read the pen spinning life story of Zombo or David Weis rather than you, no offense. They've been alive longer. -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 13:01:23
If you're going to write a pen spinning autobiography, why bother sticking your life into it? A brief summary would be more than enough.
This may not be the ideal example, but here's a short autobiography I wrote for ThaiSpinner:QUOTESo this is the all-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-xshadowfire-bsed-in-20-minutes-edition, also known as the ayewtkaxsfbsi20me.
About me:
I'm just some brat in high school that lurks on the internet all day, so that makes me your average loser.
My interests are pen spinning(duh), anime, technical junk, computers, and programming.
I run the server for UPSB.
lol internets.
Pen Spinning Life:
I saw my first trick - a charge - in sunday school back in 1999-2000 or so, I think. I tried to learn it but soon gave up.
However, on September 29, 2006 (Yes, I'm such a loser that I remember the exact date!), someone posted a youtube link to JapEn 1st and I was simply amazed.
I searched around on youtube for some tutorials and other videos, and eventually found myself at PSConclave. There, I learned the bulk of my fundamentals and trick nomenclature.
I don't remember if it was from PSConclave or from youtube, but I also registered on UCPSB a couple days later. About two months after my registration, I met up with lunasol, another spinner from UCPSB. If I had to choose, he'd probably be the one that influenced my spinning the most.
-Fast forward 6 months since nothing import happens in this time frame-
On August 20, 2007, I formed the team Genesis, which is well...a pen spinning team. More about Genesis can be found here.
About a month later, UPSB opened. Apparently, the host they were on was limited on bandwidth, so I offered to host UPSB on a dedicated server. I pretty much handle all the stuff in the background that no one cares about andpretend totake care of the server.
Summary/Conclusion type thing:
I think I've come a long way since I first started spinning, but I'm still not too satisfied with my skill level. After almost a year and a half, I don't think there's a single trick I've completely mastered. I never perfect a trick, I just move on once I get it to a certain success rate and get bored of it. Because of this, I usually take a long time to film videos. Fin. -
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 13:35:31
uhm actually it wouldnt be a problem but first of all.... i really like to write stuff and for once thats not a novel you did.. thats more like a script on a play....with a narrator and stuff. If you really want to, try to read fictions. It'll help u
Besides too much teen angst
you made it sound that we're like delinquents.
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 14:16:30
so... you want to sell this for commercial purposes or something?
Date: Wed, Feb 27 2008 15:12:44
I think this ideal won't works.
There are tons of books out there teaching parents how to communicate with their child, that will be good enough I guess...
And I don't think people will be interested in life of pen spinners. Even those famous people out there, I don't even read their biography, just kinda lazy, it's their life, not mine. As long as mine is interesting, that will be good! -
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 01:15:18
/facepalm. I guess this failed, it was just an idea anyways ya u can close this now.
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 01:22:47
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 01:52:32
"Life of the stereotypical angst filled 1st gen asianamerican teen"
one chapter would be penspinning -
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 01:57:58
Holy this is a good idea.
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 02:41:23
Ideal example by xshadowfire. I'd be more interested in that.
QUOTELearn proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar before attempting please.
Couldn't have said it better. I cannot say how much I dislike people typing without spelling simple words properly. Not naming anyone, but its obvious who you are. -
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 02:51:14QUOTE (Aries @ Feb 27 2008, 08:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>/facepalm. I guess this failed, it was just an idea anyways ya u can close this now.
It could work, u just need to make it look more professional and focus on Pen Spinning solely. there is no purpose in making this about the life of a penspinner in regards to anything other then pen spinning. an educational video alone would seem more appealing rather then a full blown book....i do not think i would ever read a book about the life of a yoyo'er or baton twirler.......
p.s. if u ask nicley, i can help u get sony vegas pro 8.0 -
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 02:54:46
Uhh.. vague? You should of posted paragraphs describing your progress in pen spinning and why you started it. Btw, I read your whole rant and that last concluding paragraph didn't evaluate the thesis. It kinda threw me off. However, I do feel kinda sorry for your personal life. Hope it goes well.
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 15:29:31
Reading about your personal life kinda bores me.
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 15:42:53
Even with help from God himself, you still couldn't write and sell this novel Aries...
Xshadowfire, that was pretty interesting. Maybe there should be a thread for people to post a little overview of their pen spinning 'career' thus far?