Off-topic / Guitar Hero
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 05:31:49
Well, i would consider that Guitar Hero does increase finger dexterity in the left hand.
I play on expert, btw.
Vicgotgame FCing some song that i think totally sucks balls but whatever it looks hard -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 05:36:02
First I had it for the PC and played it with the Keyboard. Finished hard, almost all of expert, did Dragonforce on Hard as well.
Then I got the guitar and game for the Xbox and am now starting again, I'm about to finish Hard.
I think there's a lot of skill in it. Obviously a lot of hand-eye coordination, but also beat control as well as finger dexterity. -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 05:37:44QUOTE (Teatime @ Mar 1 2008, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>First I had it for the PC and played it with the Keyboard. Finished hard, almost all of expert, did Dragonforce on Hard as well.
Then I got the guitar and game for the Xbox and am now starting again, I'm about to finish Hard.
I think there's a lot of skill in it. Obviously a lot of hand-eye coordination, but also beat control as well as finger dexterity.
I'm not the only one.
I thought of creating this topic but I thought I would get flamed. -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 05:46:27
I love GH, guitar hero 2 has to be the best gh, but gh3 has a better engine imo. If anyone has XBL you should add me so we can play
. btw heres my Cult of Personality FC
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 05:59:11
im not too good at guitar hero.. im in that transition between medium is too easy and hard is challenging
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 06:43:29QUOTE (iamk34n3 @ Mar 1 2008, 11:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>im not too good at guitar hero.. im in that transition between medium is too easy and hard is challenging
do the easy songs. if you have gh3 do slow ride and hit me with your best shot (on hard)
it's uber easy -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 06:47:01
Vic can I make a request for TTFAF on Expert
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 07:01:23QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Mar 2 2008, 12:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Vic can I make a request for TTFAF on Expert
only made it through once, 76% -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 07:15:42QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Mar 2 2008, 01:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Vic can I make a request for TTFAF on Expert
haha, yea sure but right now im having TV to Xbox problems so it might be a few days.
But expect a 90% run if im doin good that day. -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 07:37:33
lol vic, tell me when you put it in
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 13:44:22
sorry, that's not a manipulation
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 17:47:03QUOTE (Zombo @ Mar 2 2008, 07:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>sorry, that's not a manipulation
oh sorry cause dance dance revolution was on there so ya know -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 17:58:54
Bought Guitar Hero II yesterday, and suck hard. Can only do a few hard songs by now.
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 18:50:07QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Mar 2 2008, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Bought Guitar Hero II yesterday, and suck hard. Can only do a few hard songs by now.
All it takes isaddictionpractice, like Stepmania
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 19:23:38
Victo you rule!
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 21:40:41
Skillz Victo. Getting it perfect..
I can do 5 stars with a bout 90%, but I can't get the 2nd solo without failing at least a couple of times =P -
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 03:42:34
I'm half-way through my hard career. Haven't played it in a while though. Took a fair bit of practice to go from medium to hard, and you actually have to practice some songs on hard.
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 04:05:17
Wow Vic that was really good.
I saw a video where a guy perfects
raining blood.Amazing.
All I've done is beat the game on
expert. I'm happy about that -
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 04:29:32
O lawd, don't get me started on GH. But yeah, that's actually what I've been doing after I stopped PS, and I think I'm pretty good. I have around 20 or so FC's on gh3, gh1,2,and 80's log and the el jefe. TTFAF is the only song left for me to five star.
Expert of course
Too bad I haven't played in awhile, I seem to lose interest in all my hobbies -
Date: Tue, Mar 18 2008 14:13:28
i love guitar hero...been there since the 1st on PS2. i'm on expert...i just need to get through the the intro on Through the fire and flames, the rest is cake...raining blood is A BITCH too. makes me cry inside
Date: Fri, Mar 21 2008 09:55:37
My best accomplishment for now, I guess
Song: Hangar 18
Points: 181346 --> 4 Stars
Difficulty: Hard
I'm now at Monkey Wrench on Expert though. >_< Damnit, that intro sucks. -
Date: Sat, Mar 22 2008 11:50:31
I have Guitar Hero III on PC since Februar and I play in Normal, i search someone for play with me online
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 03:42:38
Haha good job Eriror, i love that song. Im still waiting for my new xbox that ive been waiting for for about a month now, but when i get it ill post some scores.
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 14:03:16
I've finished every song on GH3 except... TTFATF
expert of course.
that song is just tedious man. I don't like it much.
My favourite is Impulse. Love that one. And The Way It Ends by Prototype.
Those are the best songs are GH3.
And We Three Kings. -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 16:45:51
whats the highest score anyone heres got on TTFAF, and remember, GOT not HEARD OF..
i only get bout 250K, not much but its aight
fave songs: one, impulse, and cliffs of dover -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 16:57:00
The highest score on TTFAF is 909,258 by iamchris4life.
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 17:02:46QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Mar 24 2008, 09:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>The highest score on TTFAF is 909,258 by iamchris4life.
DUDE WTFFFFFFFFFFF.............. -
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 05:25:39
Got my xbox back today and played some Slash Battle. Here was my best run, but with many stupid mistakes.
Sorry for the audio lag and quality... -
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 20:45:39
Damnit, I'm jealous of your skills.
Passed Beast and the Harlot on Expert today, got to 52% on Industrialized first try. Only 4 more songs left to go on Career Mode! -
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 20:54:19
It's "Beast and the Harlot".
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 20:57:57
Aww, crap. I always mix that up. My fault, sorry.
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 21:07:50
my best score on gh2
was Laid to Rest *****.....282,221
on gh3 was Knights of Cydonia ....I got every note:D:D:D:D:D
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 21:09:01
So have you played GH3 yet Eriror?
QUOTE (El Deal @ Mar 27 2008, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>my best score on gh2
was Laid to Rest *****.....282,221
on gh3 was Knights of Cydonia ....I got every note:D:D:D:D:D
Vid or it didn't happen.
For KoC -
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 21:10:48QUOTE (m3x_spinner @ Mar 27 2008, 10:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>So have you played GH3 yet Eriror?
I still have to buy it. -
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 21:18:39
its not on my profile casue i dont have a youtube account -
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 21:23:25
Dude that's jameslikecoulter's video.
ANd html doens't work here.
@ Eriror
Oh ok.
EDIT: Nevermind you changed it. -
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 21:24:27
opps my badd wrong one ...hold on
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2008 01:11:58
Finally tackled this beast and got my 5*.
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2008 02:30:10QUOTE (El Deal @ Mar 27 2008, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>opps my badd wrong one ...hold on
Date: Tue, Apr 22 2008 01:11:38
vic how did you get so beast at GH3? I have about 15 FCs on expert and my highest TTFAF is 357k what do I do now?
Date: Tue, Apr 22 2008 01:27:01
This may be a little off topic, but I play Frets on Fire holding the keyboard as a guitar, and I downloaded all the GH2 songs for it, so you could say I'm playing GH2
I play on easy difficulty (guitar hero's medium) and I can do most songs at 96%+. But when I play on medium (guitar hero's hard) I suck because I can't use the fifth fret without readjusting my hand. -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 03:38:39
TTFAF was FC'd today by a dude named CorkyFTFC
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 03:45:13
There's Guitar Hero on cellphone now too.
Didn't play it yet, but doesn't look that great... -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 04:14:52
Omg GH. I started playing when it first came out I've stopped playing though I think that I have a 5 star on every thing in all the games. Except TTFAF but i stopped playing I didnt like 3, 1 is still the best Bark at the Moon with eyes closed FTW.
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 05:18:43QUOTE (NiNJA @ Apr 22 2008, 08:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>TTFAF was FC'd today by a dude named CorkyFTFC
pics or it definitely didnt happen -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 21:26:37
Well it was on scorehero yesterday but now i checked today and i dont see it there, but iamchris4life missed 10 notes, so im sure he will get it soon. it says that some guy named imaliarnerd12345 100% with 999,999 points, but i think its fake, i mean just look at his name.
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 19:02:29
Scott, its all muscle memory. Take TTFAF into practice mode, start on slower on the parts you can't hit consistently, and then build up. Don't bring the speed up until you can hit it consistently and without trouble. Doing this should increase your scores (on all songs) by at least 20k. On a song like TTFAF, though, it should raise that bitch anywhere from 150k to 200k.
Just a few more things to say,
- My highest TTFAF score is 650k-something. I'd turn it on and give pictures, but I'm not that into proving it - plus, whoever doesn't believe me doesn't know me.
- Nice skillz, Vic! How many FC's do you have? (1, 2, 80's, or 3 - doesn't matter which)
- iamchris4life is a douchebag in RL.
- If you start to get good at GH, quit. Thats a little advice. Because you wont have fun playing anymore once you start going for FC's and analyzing SP paths. I can't do it anymore.
- The last time I calculated my scores and checked them on scorehero, I was 180-something-th for the PS2. Take that home and chew on it.
- Watch my brother's videos on youtube --- , he used to be amazing - probably still is at GH, but he was the one who taught me everything I know about that game.
K, I love you, bye.
-Joshua -
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 20:27:57
Damn Joshua, thats a nice score! For some reason i totally suck at the song, my highest is 595k, but i cant seem to combo the verses =( . Nice to see other Scorehero people though. And i just recently started going for FCs and i have 32 now for GH3.
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 20:34:37
Wow you guys are pretty darn good. >_>
My best achievement was 5 starring Cult of Personality without star power. :/
As for Raining Blood and TTFAF, I can't beat them.
Have any of you beaten the whole song of The Devil Went Down to Georgia? -
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 21:50:33
yep, if your good at HOPOs then its not a problem. =)
BTW, iamchris4life has the highest score for TTFAF so anyone above that is fake. And the highest score you can get on it is 992k so that should eliminate some people. -
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 00:03:39
no offence but vicgotgame you suck period! hahaha jkjk
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 02:17:09
thx Matt
My newest accomplishment from the new Def Leppard DLC
That second to end solo took me so long to get -
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 06:03:11
awesome vic thats almost impressive as your midbak 2.0's
. I went and played again I'm now thinking that GH1 is the best its just got the best songs and it feels better. Sure FC's are nearly impossible with the crappy HOPO's but I now think its the best.
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 07:09:47
Me! i have guitar hero in my cellphone and im good at that....not on the actual though.
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 13:52:48
i've only have:
One and Raining blood left on expert + lou xD -
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 22:29:34
Only have lou left.
Got 81% through TTFAF today, then failed. Can Ace the Intro... -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 03:15:26
Cant wait for GH4 to come out
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 07:42:02
I still need to download it >_<"
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2008 03:59:37
Ive beat raining blood on expert b4 but only 3 stars. i can hit all the beginning notes up to the solo... the solo is fukin impossible
Date: Sun, Sep 21 2008 10:20:08
mosh 1 on hard is harder for me then on expert lol xD
Date: Tue, Jan 27 2009 02:24:28
Super easy solo, yet I barely hit it LOL -
Date: Tue, Jan 27 2009 04:10:41
Yea..... I'm not as good as mike and never will be I think someone said above normal is easy but hard is challenging. I'm with you buddy
ME as in Elden Failing Soothsayer by Bucket Head on hard hyperspeed 5
-elden -
Date: Tue, Jan 27 2009 17:50:58
I'd love it of the pros like Victo could post a few tips on how to improve on expert as I'm kind of stuck.
I'm not really getting any better, and even though I managed to reach Lou I can't really do hard solos like CoP or the Guitarist songs, I just use Starpower to go through.
Like, what's the secret? >.> -
Date: Wed, Jan 28 2009 05:55:59
Make sure you can hit hopo's good and stuff.
It's not that hard. -
Date: Wed, Jan 28 2009 06:04:49
There are many different techniques out there for getting good at HOPOS or tapping solos, etc. I myself probably use the most unused technique for playing, mostly soloing.
But like Mike said, always altstrum. Get urself used to that cause it'll make things WAY easier as you play more.
And i might make a video of the CoP solo with hands to show you how i play it. -
Date: Tue, Feb 17 2009 01:13:42
Date: Tue, Feb 17 2009 01:16:20
lol, "oh yeah!"
Date: Tue, Feb 24 2009 06:35:08
I suck at this song. -
Date: Tue, Feb 24 2009 06:48:35
nice job Mike, im not very good at TWIE either haha.
I never uploaded this video, so here it is. Was bored one day and wanted to see what TDWDTG on hard was like. Alot more fun than the expert chart.
DWDTG HARD Devil solo FC: -
Date: Tue, Feb 24 2009 09:23:09
does anyone here play GH for DS?
i played it once when i was at a brawl torni/nintendo convention (think it was called nintendo connect tour, for any aussies that went last year)
it only has 4 buttons so no shifting is involved, but the way you play it has ur hand in a really strained position, and it falls off
kinda like the way assassins on expert makes ur arm fall off on GHWT
ow.... assassins is too tiring.... -
Date: Tue, Feb 24 2009 09:57:40
Basically GH is awesome!
Date: Tue, Feb 24 2009 12:56:49
100% TTFAF expert pls thx
Date: Wed, Feb 25 2009 06:22:28
I like how my friend just decided to be better than me hahaha... seriously, wtf. -
Date: Wed, Feb 25 2009 08:33:50
Wtf vic.
Lol -
Date: Thu, Apr 16 2009 07:24:43
nothing better to do.
">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 02:23:37
Been trying so hard to get 750k on TTFAF but that song just doesnt like me.
My closest is 747k. -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 04:19:56QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Apr 18 2009, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Been trying so hard to get 750k on TTFAF but that song just doesnt like me.
My closest is 747k.
It's ok Vic you'll get it one day D:
The day you get 750, is the day I get 400K
You don't happen to play the drums by any chance? -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 04:24:04
haha yea one day.
No i dont play the drums. Too hard for me lol. -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 05:05:18
All you have to do is keep a beat.
Seems easy to me -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 09:16:15
I started playing the drums. Doing expert songs now and progressing. Still need to nail a few things down
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 15:36:40
I play Guitar Hero too!
I have 2 FCed solos:
-Iron Maiden :
-Bang your head :
Not too hard, buts cool xD -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 16:06:18QUOTE (Teatime @ Apr 19 2009, 02:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I started playing the drums. Doing expert songs now and progressing. Still need to nail a few things down
I started playing on Hard as you can see in the video
I still have to get used to like separating my feet and arm movement.
If that makes any sense lol
EDIT: Nice job there Sanozucke
Did you tap both of them?
Because they seem pretty easy to hit one handed -
Date: Sun, Apr 19 2009 21:44:20
Thank you Mike
I just tapped in Iron Maiden solo xD but yea, can be done with one hand. -
Date: Tue, Apr 21 2009 03:20:30
It's like a dream come true
I loved being there for this
This would be mike failing
">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> -
Date: Tue, Apr 21 2009 03:28:11QUOTE (Mike @ Apr 20 2009, 12:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I still have to get used to like separating my feet and arm movement.
If that makes any sense lol
i dont have that problem with drums.... mainly because my kick pedal seems to be broken
or atleast has a bad connection, since it hits the note everytime you plug the connection back in again
my sister plays the drums, i end up taking the kick pedal out and plugging it back in every time the purple bar comes down
its gonna be impossible once i get to songs on hard/expert where every beat has a kick pedal, and it goes to 200 bpm
am i able to get the drum/only kick pedal refunded?
i know that if i buy gh metallica, i'll get a kick pedal for free, but i dont feel like gh too much anymore
world tour can carve down my occasional cravings
i know gh3 is good.... idk if i'm that dedicated to it....
maybe i'll buy it at the end of the year, so i can play it over the summer break when i dont have any school work to do -
Date: Thu, Apr 23 2009 01:03:51
My brother FC'd Jodan, lololololol. This is a video run of a -4 (I think) fuck-up. -
Date: Thu, Apr 23 2009 22:10:42QUOTE (Joshua @ Apr 22 2009, 09:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>My brother FC'd Jodan, lololololol. This is a video run of a -4 (I think) fuck-up.
i never did ever understand how FCing Jordan was possible.
Great job to your bro Joshua. -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 23:38:37
Currently going for a Ernten Was Wir Saen FC.
That 2nd solo is such a bitch. -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 00:01:49QUOTE (vicgotgame @ May 28 2009, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Currently going for a Ernten Was Wir Saen FC.
That 2nd solo is such a bitch.
I've never seen the chart to this song.
Not even on YouTube. -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 00:42:35
You sure you were looking on youtube? theres quit alot of videos of the chart lol.
Heres GHP with his FC of the song: -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 01:26:09
Well I just never really saw it lol
And that looks really annoying.
Who the fuck puts solid notes in the middle of all that shit?
No wonder it was tough to FC >_< -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 02:28:22
haha thats exactly what i thought when i first saw the chart.
Those parts are the only reasons why i cant FC the song. -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 03:19:45
Play Halo with Trackstud and I D:
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 03:22:38
I sold my Halo 3. Cant stand what they did to it compared to Halo 2.
Sorry guys. -
Date: Tue, Oct 20 2009 05:41:41
DJ Hero.
I have moar vids on my channel.
Take a look^^ -
Date: Mon, Jan 18 2010 22:08:55
I got bored.
Date: Tue, Feb 16 2010 08:54:16
D: -
Date: Tue, Feb 16 2010 20:44:59
Nice Mike.
When i get my Dazzle ill start filming some FC's to keep this thread from dying. -
Date: Tue, Feb 16 2010 21:01:09
meh, used to be really addicted.
Now not so much, but still can beat raining blood without trying too hard. -
Date: Thu, Apr 29 2010 23:13:27
dude i got dragonforce done 100% on expert
Date: Fri, Apr 30 2010 19:09:01QUOTE (DIMMITT#17 @ Apr 29 2010, 07:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>dude i got dragonforce done 100% on expert
i have a certain feeling that you're lying...
i just need proof, thats all.