Major Collaborations / BRPSL 3rd Collab

  1. engandresr
    Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 01:53:48

    BRPSL 3rd Collab

    Enjoy. ^^

  2. Eso
    Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 03:32:02

    Great video! I liked the editing! The names could have been done better. My favorites were Mirektusheaux, Bruno, and Stuart.

  3. engandresr
    Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 09:16:39

    I agree with the name thing as well as the nice editing work. ^^
    I just wont say anything about who I think was the best pser. =x
    Glad to know you liked Eso. =]

  4. Ã…lan
    Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 11:38:10

    Wow I'm impressed of the editing, the zooming things were great! = )

    Nice collab!

  5. BelBR
    Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 20:29:19

    I think my combo sucked dry.gif
    but i'll try to record something better next time wink.gif

  6. ArchAngel2
    Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 23:00:38

    i never heard of this group before......stupid me laugh.gif
    however, this is very cool......very nice spinning and editing!
    muy bien laugh.gif
    (is that how you say it?)

  7. engandresr
    Date: Tue, Mar 11 2008 08:59:51

    No, that is spanish. For some reason everybody believe we speak spanish. ^^"
    In Brazil we speak Portuguese (Brazilian Portuguese you could say. But it is not a diferent language. Only have much more difference from portugues from Portugal and Brazil than english from England and USA).

    It would be: "Muito bem."


  8. Bizno
    Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 17:35:25

    FINALLY i registered on UPSB.. i was going to post the collab but i realised its allready here tongue.gif
