General Discussion / When do you spin best and worst?
What time in your day?
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 09:00:22
jaychou was talking something along these lines in shoutbox and I thought it was quite interesting.
He asked if anyone had problems spinning in the morning. Personally, I find spinning once one has just woken up to be the hardest time to do spinning in. I think the best time is evening time, but not uber-late. Dunno why *shrug* but I film pretty much everything I do at that time cos it seems to be my 'peak' for spinning. -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 09:53:32
I spin worst in the morning, then it slowly rises until around 5 or 6 PM, and then it plummets hard again.
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 09:59:58
I spin best around midnight or even later lulz. Around morning i am barely able do to a Twsonic bust lolz
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 10:24:50
morning sucks.
hm, cant really say when i spin best, but i have to be really awake and my hands should be warm
then - > lets go! -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 11:26:29
After I wake up in the morning or nap. My fingers just feeling very stiff, that's the worst time.
The best time? No best time I guess, after I warm up my fingers anytime will be best. -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 11:59:19
i don't spin in the morning cause after i take a bath my hands get to soft...and the pen to slippery..xD
so i spin in the afternoon and night... -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 16:26:32
i spin best after i have spun for 2 hours
i spin worst in the morning -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 16:47:27
I spin best in room temp. (16 degrees) and around midnight or so?
I spin WORST in COLD Winter outdoors. -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 17:56:16
yea i agree with everyone. i just cant do any physical stuff in the mornings
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 19:30:31QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Mar 24 2008, 05:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I spin worst in the morning, then it slowly rises until around 5 or 6 PM, and then it plummets hard again.
I agree. My best spinning happens about late afternoon until early evening, then crashes and burns as the night goes on. -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 19:36:21
i spin best around midnight, when everyone is aleep and i get up and spin
Date: Tue, Mar 25 2008 19:27:03
When I wake up I spin bad, but I can spin good anyway after some minutes = )
Then more later round 4/5 I spin better and better.
And ofcourse best on the night. -
Date: Tue, Mar 25 2008 22:38:51
I spin best around right after lunch cause then I have Pre-Cal and I get deathly bored in that class
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 02:57:52
I spin best after warming up for a bit and spinning for half an hour or more. Don't spin too great in the mornings though.
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 07:32:52
After a good rest and some fingerpassing.
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 07:37:52
As soon as I get up or get ready to ps, I fingerpass.
but between all that, around about 20-30 minutes of just freestyling. -
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 07:46:06
Hmm I've never tried spinning in the morning, since I'm always waking up too late for that. School...
I'll try tomorrow! I spin worst during the winter, hands = Too cold.
But apart from season...
I spin worst during the afternoon. 'Cause that's when I'm on UPSB and other stuff so I don't really pen spin much. I give it divided attention >_>;
I spin best during the night 'cause that's when I'm bored and all that's left to do is pen spin and I can actually focus on it. -
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 16:30:05
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 20:07:14
lol am I the only one who spins well at the morning? When I go to school, usually after the first lesson or so, once I've woken up a bit, my spinning is usually at it's best. My freestyles last longer and I can perform harder tricks with more consistency. Actually, Math class for some reason works even better for me. Afternoon is also alright, but evening is usually bad(although if certain conditions are met it's really great) because I'm tired after a long day of spinning and I just can't be bothered, I usually do basic freestyles, aerials, stuff like that.
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 20:50:16
I spin the worst in the morning and at my unbelievably cold school. I swear the heater is just decoration there.
I spin the best.. probably around 7:00PM and up. Nice and warm, lots of practice done through the day, that sort of thing. At least in the winter. Bloody cold weather..
In summer, pretty much anytime as long as I got 20-30 minutes practice before hand. -
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 21:05:48
The best time for me is at night, right before I go to bed.
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 23:55:00QUOTE (minche @ Mar 24 2008, 03:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i spin best around midnight, when everyone is aleep and i get up and spin
i guess im like you then i usually spin best at like 1 in the morning -
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 00:06:26
I spin bad in the mornings when my hands are smooth and cold. When it gets hotter towards the end of the day and my hands are a little bit rougher, I spin better.
Date: Thu, Mar 27 2008 00:17:54
With friends, around 7-8 pm
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2008 12:00:29
worst is probably right after i get outta the shower
best is actually right before i go to bed... -
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2008 12:04:47
best is before lunch when im in class =]
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2008 12:36:26
Around ~midnightish.
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 20:45:01
im not even up at midnight XD. I spin best after i take my morning shower and eat eggo waffles.
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 10:21:57
when i have some dark and contrasty backround behind my pen, and in evening, when i listen any music from good collab, when i have warm hands
when bad backround behind pen, cold hands, when i am angry or sad -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 10:54:18
after i put lotions on my hands....
when i bring my pen to the shower at evening....
cold morning with cold air con... -
Date: Mon, Apr 7 2008 03:53:11
When I am insanely tierd and about to go to sleep, I spin amazingly and it keeps me from sleeping. It can be 2am on a school night and I'll be getting ready to go to sleep, and I pick up my KT and I do some fucking insane ass freestyles.
Worst times is whenever I'm cold. -
Date: Mon, Apr 7 2008 10:18:29
I spin badly in the morning when my fingers aren't flexible yet also when its cold when your fingers a numb and sweaty XD but during the evening when my fingers and nicely flexible and have slightly moist hands
Date: Mon, Apr 7 2008 15:30:07
around lunch time is the best for me
Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 14:53:03
Best time is when i have little or no homework/studying. I am free to pen spin! When i get homework and massive pressure on studying for tests, i can't concentrate when pen spinning.