Philosophy / Handwriting Neatness vs. Pen Spinning Skills

Does One Affect the Other?

  1. Guitrum
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 20:22:03

    Does your handwriting neatness have any affect on how good/fluid your pen spinning is?

  2. minche
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 20:29:42

    i think there is some topic like this :/
    heh, i don't have a neat handwriting, and i dunno how my penspinning is (i would say good smile.gif)

  3. awsome
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 20:42:14

    Well my pen spinning still needs lots of work, and my writing isn't the neatest. But I do think it has gotten slightly neater since I started.

  4. Leviathan
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 20:54:26

    Doesn't affect handwriting at all. My handwriting is the same as it was 3 years ago when I started spinning.

  5. Dritan Zulbeari
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 20:55:53

    Not mine.
    lol I have bad writing either way.

  6. Guitrum
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 22:20:16

    my hand writing is horrible and my pen spinning is decent. i guess its cuz i havent been doing it that much

  7. Missle_Z
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 22:47:43

    My writing is absolutely TERRIBLE!!!
    Like it has been for the last like 8 years.
    Doesn't effect my spinning at all.

  8. Mc Cho
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 23:10:29

    i dont think that the two are really related... XD

  9. tomohiro
    Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 23:51:34

    well actually once i started practicing with my nondominant hand, i started to gain more control writing with right hand... but left hand is still messy xD

  10. -JC-
    Date: Tue, Apr 1 2008 00:19:51

    mhmm...i had already made a thread on this awhile back ^^"''
    it's not exactly the same, but it's similar enough i think rolleyes.gif