General Discussion / Pen Spinning Magazine Project
November 2nd FINAL DEADLINE for articles
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 22:51:49
I know there's another thread with the same title, but it's much easier to organise in a new thread.
This seemed like a great idea, and people still seem interested. So let's give it another shot eh!
I thought it would be nice to have it bi-monthly, though that could be stepped up to monthly if this ends up being very popular. These themes seem good:
Reviews of major collabs/solo videos (especially collabs released by other boards and rarer collabs/solos that people might not see). (eriror, toast)
Reviews of pen mods, new and old. Perhaps people could make a tut for each issue? (need someone for this!)
Updates from other boards. (sfsr)
News on tournaments. (I'll get on to Crash and see if he want to do this)
Articles from people who are expert on something (such as Zombo's making new tricks article).
Featured pen spinner. (I will sort this one out)
Random manipulation feature. (I'll PM people who do other manips to see if they want to write about theirs)
News and updates (littleraisen)
Any other ideas for stuff to put in people have? Anyone who could take in all the articles and make them into a PDF?
If you're interested at all in writing about any of these topics, or in writing about something else, or perhaps just being a freelance writer who writes about anything, then please reply here!
If you don't want to write, please give feedback on what you think to this, I would rather you suggest something that is not used than suggest nothing at all.
sfsr (mod reviews)
Firemaster (other manipulations)
Zombo (freelance)
Eriror (collabs)
Toast (collabs)
Eburt (freelance)
Cyber penguin
Littleraisen (news round up)
Any volunteers to be featured as 'featured pen spinner' for November 1st issue please PM me!
This will entail you writing a brief account of what started you spinning, why you spin ect, and just your general thoughts about spinning, the future of it, your future in it and stuff. Opinions/views on the pen spinning world, and a bit about yourself and what you do away from PS.
Articles for issue 2 (first UPSB issue), to be sent to me via PM NO LATER than OCTOBER 26th.
You can send as many drafts as you like in the meantime which will be commented and checked, then sent back to you.
What we should have in issue one (things in green I have recieved):
Interview with foreign pen spinner
News round up
Major collab reviews
Featured pen spinner
Pen mod section
Fancy PDF with graphics and stuff
An article on another manipulation
Stuff from freelance writers -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 22:55:27
great idea, i need!!! really need to start this up
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 23:03:43
I'm down to write, I just don't know what lol.
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 23:06:37
We can use this to release the interview, and you pretty much covered everything I can think of!
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 23:08:17QUOTE (UnEmploymentDude @ Sep 10 2007, 12:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>We can use this to release the interview, and you pretty much covered everything I can think of!
Firebird's interviews are weekly. This Magazine is tentavely Bi-monthly. Perhaps the biggest interview of the 8 week period could be released in the magazine, or an interview with someone outside of UPSB. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 23:37:29
Good idea. It sholud also have a pen spinner of the month, where people send in a biography of themselves, and the magazine chooses one. Also, a Other Manipulation section, where it shows a cool, weird, and/or ridiculos manipulation.
By the way, if this ever happens, I would like a writing spot! -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 08:12:38
I'm on \o/
I'm pretty adept at writing (atleast I think so..), so yeah -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 20:47:53
I can always find something to write about. Battles perhaps, maybe some oppinion peaces, ect. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 20:54:13
I can be a writer or an editor if you guys need one.
If we get to choose what to write about, I would like to write reviews about popular collabs/big collabs. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 21:07:42
I'm a grammar and spelling nazi! I could do that...
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 21:40:15
Interest seems quite high in this
I'll try and get everything organised before the end of this month for a first issue on November 1st.
Any volunteers to be featured as 'featured pen spinner' for November 1st issue please PM me!
This will entail you writing a brief account of what started you spinning, why you spin ect, and just your general thoughts about spinning, the future of it, your future in it and stuff. Opinions/views on the pen spinning world, and a bit about yourself and what you do away from PS. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 02:31:41
I'd write for a magazine. I think we should include tutorials for different tricks as well and maybe even mod/modder tutorials/interviews.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 03:42:11
I would'nt mind getting into this to report news or other happenings in the community.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 07:55:23
This sounds like a great idea. Hope it turns out well. I'm quite young and not very smart compared to a lot of the people here ( I get good marks, just not exceptionally good), but if you need a hand with something, i might be able to help. Can't wait
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 08:47:18
Really need a couple of guys to write about mods! If you could make a tutorial for a mod each issue, that would be great. Also, just general reviews of new mods you have perhaps recently aquired, and updates on new mods in the community. Really need people for this!
People who don't have an assigned role next to their name, please try to think of something you can write about!
If you don't want the role I put next to your name (though I'm going off what you said in this thread so their should be no problems), please tell me! -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 08:54:27
"Reviews of pen mods, new and old. Perhaps people could make a tut for each issue? (need someone for this!)"
I could do that -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 09:03:51QUOTE (Sfsr @ Sep 11 2007, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>"Reviews of pen mods, new and old. Perhaps people could make a tut for each issue? (need someone for this!)"
I could do that
Might need a few for that depending what countries have pens. Because if you're doing a picture tut then you will usually need new pen parts. I know that you can order from PW or Jetpens or whatever but that would cost more then somebody who was from a country that had all the parts for a mod.
That may not be making much sense but it's just a suggestion. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 09:14:51
I see no reason for that, really. I have access to quite a lot pens, and I don't have to review/make tutorials/etc for ALL pens at the same time. So 'till future issues I'll just evoke some new pens to write about ^^
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 09:41:48
I PMed Tohlz since he's leaving for national service soon. He agreed to be the featured pen spinner for the first issue! Thank you Tohlz
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 10:19:45
Hi Guys,
I don't mind helping out with tournament articles or anything like that. I also don't mind doing interviews of spinners for every issue. Like maybe every issue could have a star interviewee or something. I don't mind writing interview articles.
Take care Guys -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 20:35:55
If I can't do spellchecking/grammar, I can write reviews of various pen sites...
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 21:04:39
I can help out as well! Just tell me what I have to do
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 23:17:06
People who already have a role assigned, you can start writing your parts. People who don't have an assigned role (Firemaster, shortassassin, Cyber Penguin and Huroni), what do you want to write about?
Please PM me the articles no later than OCTOBER 26th. This will give me and poisonedV time to check over articles and such, and time for the magazine to be edited together nicely, ready for a 1st Nov release. You can submit drafts via PM to me (I'll forward the PMs to you PoisonedV) that will be checked over, and comments returned. You can do that as many times as you wish (within reason). -
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 23:27:13
I like Crashs offer to do interviews. He knows alot of people especially from the asian boards and it would be awesome to read some korean / japanese interviews.
I don't know what my job could be but how about a fancy downloadable PDF with some graphics in it and all that :X -
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 23:57:50
Sounds awesome neXus
This is all coming together (and pretty quick too). Let's start writing some articles! -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 04:25:34
Gotcha mats. I eagerly await them
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 08:21:49QUOTE (neXus @ Sep 14 2007, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I don't know what my job could be but how about a fancy downloadable PDF with some graphics in it and all that :X
I want that!! :D You could also make pictures of them instead, so it would be possible to put everything in the forum, then have a zipped folder with all the pages in for people to download if they want to have it on their computer?
Some more ideas/questions: should we have an editorial written by Mats or something? A frontpage? Sidebars with some info about who has written things, who has helped with the magazine? A thread with just these picture-pages in it, then one stickied thread that links to all the issues? -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 08:37:23
I was going to release it solely as a folder people could download. I think it is untidy to release the articles on a forum in a post. I'll write an editorial thing to go at the start, and credit all people who helped out.
I was thinking of linking all the pages on a front contents page, from which you can get to all the others, as well as being able to go forward/back a page. I'll make a rough idea of what I mean over the weekend so ya'll can give feedback. -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 23:07:31
I would like to write in the Other Manipulation section,
But if that's not going to be in the magazine, I will do Featured Trick.
p:s: If I get to write, how do I get the article on here? Should I just copy it and pm it to you? -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 23:31:28QUOTE (Mats @ Sep 15 2007, 04:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was going to release it solely as a folder people could download. I think it is untidy to release the articles on a forum in a post. I'll write an editorial thing to go at the start, and credit all people who helped out.
I was thinking of linking all the pages on a front contents page, from which you can get to all the others, as well as being able to go forward/back a page. I'll make a rough idea of what I mean over the weekend so ya'll can give feedback.
there are many ways to do it. PDF, Website, a blog here, forum article, thread, or several of the aforementionned. -
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 03:26:35
I really like this PS Magazine project because it will bring news on tournaments and battles which i seldom or perhaps lazy to browse and the reviews of major collabs/solo videos section! It sounds great to me. I can't wait for it.
Maybe, can release it in PDF which people and view it online or right-click download it? I think you can do linking in PDF from the index page. For the "featured pen spinner", isn't should the editorial board invite or choose the pen spinner instead of who want to be in?
Do freelance writers need to submit their articles for every issue? or just when they have an article?
Does it possible to make a page or 2 of popular or very useful topic that has been dicussed on forum, maybe UPSB and sometimes other board(might need translators)? Something like current issue of pen spinning? -
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 09:15:14
I think I gots Acrobat but I'm not sure (on my other computer), I'll take a look. Otherwise, it won't be in PDF format. For the featured pen spinner, I selected someone. No-one volunteered. I think this is how it will be every time.
Freelance writers are freelance, but if they don't submit for a couple issues in a row, they might lose their job! I don't see why we should write about major topics on here? I will, however, look into writing about major topics on other boards. -
Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 11:53:12
sorry man, but i can't write. im too busy.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 11:43:02
Tohlz has had to withdraw from being the featured spinner due to his preparations for his soon coming national service. Who will the featured pen spinner be then? I hear you ask. It's a surprise say I, but a very nice surprise
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 13:09:05
are you sure you're supposed to directly communicate to your staff in public? you're can't talk without leaking anything, you need better organization.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 14:21:36QUOTE (Zombo @ Sep 17 2007, 02:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>are you sure you're supposed to directly communicate to your staff in public? you're can't talk without leaking anything, you need better organization.
No-one will see any articles since they are all going around via PM. I'm organising some things such as the interview and featured pen spinner via PMs, but I would hate to try and do all that has been said in the thread by PM too, my inbox can't take it! -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 16:51:49
use google groups
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 19:58:06
Hey, wasn't neXus gonna put it all together in a nice PDF?
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 20:10:00
A very nice example of an ezine:,0,0,0,2,1747
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 14:04:15QUOTE (PoisonedV @ Sep 18 2007, 04:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>A very nice example of an ezine:,0,0,0,2,1747
That's something what i expect to see but nicer maybe?I mean all the things in a pdf would looks great.
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 04:35:03
Recieved the 'featured pen spinner' article. Only ~1 month left for the rest of ya'll to get writing. How is progress?
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 13:27:17
what's the frequency of this magazine again?
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 00:54:22
Why do you ask? -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 08:15:54
Progress is going great.
Finished part #1 of my article, just 2 parts left ^^ -
Date: Sat, Sep 29 2007 08:18:55
Can I have an update from everyone in this project on your progress? I'll PM you all later too to remind ya'll.
Thanks -
Date: Tue, Oct 2 2007 06:48:44
i kinda started working the layout of the mag and it would be cool to know exactly what pen / collab / spinner is everyone writing about. You can pm that to Mats and he can send it to me as a bundle or you can send it to me directly and also i'd like to know whats our top story if there is one ...
Thanks a lot.
Oh and photos, it would be cool to provide some pics i can work into the article, like for the interview a picture or 2 of the spinner or for a penmod review some pics of it modded, if you cant take some just look for images in the show off thread and pm the spinner asking for permission there name can be under the image. Just so that it isn't plain text which is boring to the reader. -
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2007 18:03:50
How is this going? It's been all quiet for some time... ://
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2007 21:23:29
Sorry, my computer & laptop both broke on the same day and I've been without the net for a while
I would like a report from everyone to see how things are progressing. I'll PM you all too. -
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2007 14:48:00
I've pushed this back 1 week so the final deadline is now NOVEMBER 2ND for articles. If you break the deadline, I will look like this:
You will look like this
And the rest of UPSB will be like this:and this:
towards you, so don't miss the deadline!
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 01:57:06
How about a picture for the magazine???? i copied the ipod ad
I made all of this besides the logo... -
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 10:53:36QUOTEHow do you like these pictures???
Made by me:
My face
My pictures
My background
Apple's Idea
Made by Apple
Oh and NeXus hasn't been around for like two weeks or something, and so has no replied to my PMs. I might end up editing this together instead, I don't think I'll be able to make a pdf cos I don't have adobe acrobat anymore (well I do, but it won't run on this computer), but I'll look into what else I could make it on and make sure it's awesome -
Date: Sat, Oct 27 2007 16:34:25
Hi Mats,
I actually interviewed Vision about 3 weeks ago now, i haven't been around my computer a lot recently, so i was unable to reply to your pm's. Just to let you know the interview is done, and ill write an article about the WT like you asked me for. Ill do that for you tomorrow, you should have it by the evening.
Take care -
Date: Fri, Nov 2 2007 05:13:22
Today is deadline day! You can send your writings in any common format. Send pictures too if you took any!
Thanks for spending time on your articles guys -
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2007 07:39:09
NeXus is currently editing together the magazine. Unfortunatly, he is ill, so the release will be slightly delayed.
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2007 07:57:14
Not to be a killjoy, but I doesn't seem like we would get any new information from the magazine that we couldn't have gotten by just being active members of the forum. Of course.. a mindblowing magazine would make me repent.
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2007 08:12:34
Yeah, I guess interviews just pop up like that on the forum without anyone making them, and information about pen modifications gets written automatically.
No, really. It doesn't. Someone actually has to write it. So that's what we have done, we just release it as a .pdf magazine instead of posting new threads on the forum, but if we hadn't written anything then you wouldn't have known the information. Just like any articles, from the RD or whatever. -
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2007 08:23:30
Continuing from what sfsr said...
Although information about pens is available, the articles give a full and proper review of them, which is seldom seen on the forum. Interviews do not currently happen on the forum, so this magazine is the only place that will be happening. Articles such as Zombo's don't tend to be posted on the forum. News from other forums is spread by word of mouth mostly I think rather than by threads as such, so the news section of the magazine should tell everyone what is kinda going on around the community worldwide in one neat page so everyone keeps up to date (however, this section is not fully completed yet for issue 1 but will be fully complete for #2). In short, a magazine gives a lot of information, most of which you won't find on the forum, in a neatly presented, easily read format. It's also very good for spinners who are not very active, as they can digest a large amount of information from this in a short amount of time. -
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2007 13:54:03
articles in a magazine have a higher standard of quality that most posts on a forum cannot match.
you should read a magazine with a more serious attitude. -
Date: Thu, Nov 15 2007 08:36:13
I always assumed interviews were unnecessary, since, well it's a pretty close community and many people worth interviewing are ones we know and love already.
As for pen mods, I always remembered it as people posting their modifications and people building them to give feedback, and obviously word gets around about the better pen mods being released. So in a sense they are written kind of automatically.
Like I said, an awesome magazine would make me change my opinion, but I'm just voicing some early concerns and I could be totally wrong, I'm just waiting for the magazine.
...And I do read magazines with a serious attitude. -
Date: Thu, Nov 15 2007 13:44:44
what I meant is, you can't read forum posts with an attitude as serious as a magazine, thus magazine is needed if you want to read something with a serious attitude.
also nexus is unavailable, so what's going to happen with the editing?
also interviews are useful if they are with people who don't visit UPSB (frequently). Such as PDS or JEB spinners. -
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 11:41:35
Okay, I need to get all the articles off the laptop later and I'll stick them all into one word document and release it like that since it's already so late. Today or tomorrow I'll release it, not sure if I can get back on the computer later today. -
Date: Sat, Nov 17 2007 12:29:05
Hey, let me make something of it instead. I don't want an ugly word document, that's horrible to read. I can make something pretty and you can release it during the week. Pretty please?
@ faulk: the interview is with Vision, and I doubt you see him around the forums a lot... The pens I have written about atleast aren't really "released" on UPSB, and weren't exactly known on UCPSB either. The other articles I don't know, but I doubt they take up things that can be easily found on this forum. Also, I haven't seen you so very activly on this forum so I don't see any reason for you to complain about us digging out stuff you don't know yet. -
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 21:50:25QUOTE (Sfsr @ Nov 17 2007, 07:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>@ faulk: the interview is with Vision, and I doubt you see him around the forums a lot... The pens I have written about atleast aren't really "released" on UPSB, and weren't exactly known on UCPSB either. The other articles I don't know, but I doubt they take up things that can be easily found on this forum. Also, I haven't seen you so very activly on this forum so I don't see any reason for you to complain about us digging out stuff you don't know yet.
I suppose. Wasn't really trying shoot down the project, just asking some questions. And yea, I don't really go on the forums nemore.. never really made the transition from UCPSB -
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 23:33:07
I can compile them in photoshop too look way nicer than mass email them