Tricks & Combos / [project][1.18] Sliders

  1. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 23:33:44

    Project Name: Sliders

    Project Leader: grsbmd (me)

    Project description: Slider is a tenative name for a new trick I created. I wanted to create a topic to research variations and ways to use it in a combo.

    Why: I was going to wait until Evolution 2 was released to start a topic on this, but now that we have a new forum, I think I'll release this to at least the researchers. If you're a researcher, don't leak this. I still want the public release to be Evolution 2. When the new topic is created, I can make a post about what a Slider is and how to do it.

    Example topic: Slider variations and combos.

  2. grsbmd
    Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 00:44:50

    I don't know if anyone else has created this trick or a trick like it before, but I'm tenatively calling it a "Slider." This trick doesn't really fit into any of the official spin types, so it's really kind of a new concept in pen spinning as far as I know.

    The slider "spin" involves the pen slipping lengthwise between two fingers. Normal Slider Since the slider has starting and finishing positions similar to a wiper, I'm planning to notate it the same way, where a normal slider starts with the bulk of the pen underneath the hand and ends with the bulk of the pen above the hand. The reverse slider would be exactly opposite that. Rev Slider

    Like a backaround, a slider can be done using most hand motion or by using mostly gravity. It's probably easiest to start using lots of hand motion, but when you have a handle on the trick, you can probably cut back on the amount of hand motion you use to execute a slider.

    Because sliders don't have any unusual starting or ending positions, I think they could become popular in combos. (I can envision a lot of inifinity combos being adapted for sliders.) But I think that it may take more practice than people are willing to commit to reduce the hand motion to the point that they can be executed fluently in a combo. The following is a combo I created to show this trick off in Evolution 2.

    Slider combo

    Breakdown: Rev slider 12 -> Pass 12-23 -> Rev slider 23 -> Pass 23-34 -> Rev slider 34 -> Sonic 34-23 -> Twisted sonic 23-12 -> Rev slider 12 -> Slider Normal 12 -> Rev slider 12 -> Indexaround 12-12 -> Backaround 12-12

    I basically just wanted to get this trick out there to see if it was new and so I could see if anyone else could come up with some interesting variations or uses in a combo. Please don't leak this trick. I'd like to get details finalized and have Evolution 2 be the public release of this trick.

  3. Leviathan
    Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 00:53:10

    Those sliders look really cool, but I think it would look better with a different angle.

    Your sliders look like Nate's seasick trick. (You need a username to see the topic)

    Here's the first post:

    This fits in with the charge group. Done between any of your fingers, the Pencil slides along it's length.
    That's pretty much it.

    More clear description:

    1: Hold the Pen/cil between any of your fingers perpendicular with your hand
    2: Push your top finger to the right and your bottom to the left
    3: Let the pen/cil slide to the end of it's body length
    4: Do in reverse

    Sea Sick

    I imagine these could be linked to any trick and make for some really different looking combos.

  4. grsbmd
    Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 01:07:28

    About the angle, I think you're right. I still haven't really found an angle for filming the trick that I like. For demonstration purposes, you need an angle that makes really clear exactly what is happening. I'm hoping that when it's done in a combo, you'll at least be able to see what trick is being done at most angles.

    And this trick does sound just like seasick. When I thought of this I was really kind of surprised that no one had thought of it before. But I guess someone had.

  5. thig
    Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 01:23:35

    I think this could be the same thing performed in many Continuous Around combos. There is always a repositioning of the pen during the Continuous Around combos, in which the pen is required to 'slide' into the proper position for the following Around trick.. so maybe you are notating the repositioning of the pen..

  6. Leviathan
    Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 01:29:40

    I don't think it's the same thing. When you're doing a slider, you can clearly see the difference between it and cont. arounds. In cont. arounds, it's more like you're moving your fingers so the pen falls back to the starting position. It's a subtle movement.

  7. sketching
    Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 02:05:46

    It also looks like the ending bit of Kam's butterfly combo. He swings his arm across his chest and the motion makes the pen slide between his fingers.

  8. Eburt
    Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 21:32:52

    QUOTE (Zombo in other thread)
    Seasick is an utility trick invented by Nate. it's simply slide the pen from tip to tip between two fingers.

    Is that not this trick?

  9. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Sep 16 2007 23:10:42

    yep, leviathan even mentions it in post #3 of this thread.

  10. ShoeMan
    Date: Tue, Oct 2 2007 08:13:13

    I filmed a mini-combo, where should I upload it to keep it away from the public eye?

  11. grsbmd
    Date: Sun, Oct 7 2007 05:08:26

    I put mine on Putfile. It's still public, but a lot less organized than youtube.

  12. sketching
    Date: Sun, Oct 7 2007 05:10:00

    You can try rapidshare, mediafire or some other upload service where files would be less likely to be found unless you publically posted a link to the download.

  13. ShoeMan
    Date: Mon, Oct 8 2007 05:24:45

  14. grsbmd
    Date: Mon, Oct 8 2007 16:52:34

    I like it. That's how I envision Sliders fitting into everyday combos.

  15. ShoeMan
    Date: Mon, Oct 8 2007 17:14:03

    it's pretty easy i say everyone should just start filming it shouldn't take long to release this it's pretty straight forward

  16. grsbmd
    Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 20:57:10

    Would anybody object to releasing this?

    I was going to wait until Evolution 2, but it looks like that's never going to happen.

  17. sangara
    Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 04:17:14

    Release it, nothing is happening here anyway.

  18. Shadowserpant
    Date: Sat, Nov 8 2008 06:23:21

    it isn't exactly unknown to the public anyways...