Pen Spinning Relations / General PSR Brainstorm

  1. sketching
    Date: Fri, Jun 15 2007 02:53:49

    Feel free to post ideas of projects and topics here. These can be very vague ideas or ideas that have not been tested for realism yet. As long as you think it is possible, post them here.

    This is to list ideas we may work on and some of them will definitively be picked up and be concretize as a project or topic.

  2. Shadowserpant
    Date: Mon, Apr 28 2008 02:30:51

    how about arranging some public pen spinning shows/displays, maybe at a convention or something, or just in a public area. they could put on a little show, advertise pen spinning..

  3. grsbmd
    Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 05:24:19

    I've been thinking lately about whether it might make sense to extend the idea of a "learning order" beyond just individual tricks. We end up getting a lot of posts from people who have learned X, Y, and Z tricks and want to know what to do next. You can give them a list of tricks, but just knowing every trick and its variation doesn't make you a great penspinner.

    So I was thinking of trying to come up with an "extended learning order" that starts at the level of individual tricks and variations, but then teaches which tricks are commonly connected (so that penspinners can practice these), and then goes as far as to teach some common mini-combos. If a pen-spinner can get this far, they probably won't need a lot of teaching to improve.

    What do you think?

  4. Shadowserpant
    Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 05:55:51

    i think it's a great idea, it bothers me when new spinners can do IPBA revs and can't do simple twisted sonic variations and palmturns

  5. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Mar 1 2009 06:16:15

    QUOTE (grsbmd @ Mar 1 2009, 12:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I've been thinking lately about whether it might make sense to extend the idea of a "learning order" beyond just individual tricks. We end up getting a lot of posts from people who have learned X, Y, and Z tricks and want to know what to do next. You can give them a list of tricks, but just knowing every trick and its variation doesn't make you a great penspinner.

    So I was thinking of trying to come up with an "extended learning order" that starts at the level of individual tricks and variations, but then teaches which tricks are commonly connected (so that penspinners can practice these), and then goes as far as to teach some common mini-combos. If a pen-spinner can get this far, they probably won't need a lot of teaching to improve.

    What do you think?

    i would try and see if somethin like that could fit in Eso's project

  6. Eso
    Date: Mon, Mar 2 2009 04:14:18

    Well, my project doesn't dictate where to start, where to go next, and where to end. It just simply lists the most common tricks and the different things you can do with each trick. As such, the number of variations for each trick can range anywhere from 2 to 8 or more. And I think a lot of people have debated whether a pre-defined path is the best choice for a spinner's development. On one hand, you have free choice which will lead to unique growths in each spinner, but on the other, you have a pre-defined chart that leads spinners to experience the same things and probably increasing the percentage of "copy-cat" spinners. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but I do think that having more "copy-cat" spinners would lead to more bitching and whining from the other members.

    It seems that complaints will never go away.

  7. Mats
    Date: Mon, Mar 2 2009 10:23:42

    Eso, if your project included a very exhaustive list of tricks, it may well do the opposite and cause less copy-cat spinning.

    I wonder if you could make your project and have a link to the corresponding wiki article on each node? For instance, clicking on the blue part of Sonic links you to Sonic on the wiki. Clicking on the Reverse colour coded part on the edge links you to the Sonic Reverse section on the wiki etc...

  8. grsbmd
    Date: Tue, Mar 3 2009 00:24:23

    QUOTE (Eso @ Mar 1 2009, 11:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Well, my project doesn't dictate where to start, where to go next, and where to end. It just simply lists the most common tricks and the different things you can do with each trick. As such, the number of variations for each trick can range anywhere from 2 to 8 or more. And I think a lot of people have debated whether a pre-defined path is the best choice for a spinner's development. On one hand, you have free choice which will lead to unique growths in each spinner, but on the other, you have a pre-defined chart that leads spinners to experience the same things and probably increasing the percentage of "copy-cat" spinners. I'm not saying one is better than the other, but I do think that having more "copy-cat" spinners would lead to more bitching and whining from the other members.

    It seems that complaints will never go away.

    Right now it seems like the complaints are that this board isn't good enough compared with the other boards. Giving new penspinners an easy track to getting good would help to fix that.

  9. Eso
    Date: Tue, Mar 3 2009 17:22:53

    This has some constructed charts already.

    There are two things I can do. The easiest being a new playlist in my YouTube account that suggests a learning order. The second being another constructed chart, that looks very similar to the Sphere Grid in FFX. But for now, my chart is meant only for displaying the relationships between tricks, rather than being a guide to learning. Even though my current chart CAN be used as a learning guide, it seems that most people don't like it.

    EDIT: Now that I think about it, the Sphere Grid format wouldn't work since most tricks are hybrids and require knowledge of other tricks. And that most people seem to want a combo to be designated the "final goal" of the learning chart. I think if we are to pursue this seriously, we first need to figure out how people learn and what most want as goals. Then we can figure out the shape of the chart... I already have some ideas floating around in my head.

  10. grsbmd
    Date: Tue, Mar 3 2009 18:30:35

    I think it might be useful to have a chart that links to a page specifically about that trick. (maybe the wiki would be the way to go here). Each page that we link to should have at least a description of the trick (or breakdown if it's a hybrid or mini-combo) and a video of it being performed (preferably one of your tutorial videos, if there is one for that trick). And then the page should have a number of options for what to learn next, including other tricks, other hybrids, and other mini-combos.

    That's kind of what I've been thinking of.

  11. EssenceOfLife
    Date: Sun, Jan 24 2010 22:36:33

    A comprehensive video/picture archive. Perhaps in replacement of the wiki? Updated biannually to accommodate changes in penspinning knowledge?

  12. hoiboy
    Date: Sun, Jan 24 2010 23:29:46

    shadow's working on compiling tutorials i think

    wiki isn't just the researchers responsibility, its the community as a whole. after all, stuff in the RD is to be kept in the RD

  13. EssenceOfLife
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 00:01:47

    A Pen spinning ipod touch and iphone app?...may be to much of an endeavor and require a bit of investment, but could be a nice tool to help spread/aid penspinning (multiple languages) for anyone with such money time and experience to do so....

  14. strat1227
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 00:03:54

    that would be good if Apple didn't require approval for each app, it'd suck to work that hard and then not get it approved

  15. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 00:35:16

    Retro-spectre is already working on an iTouch application i believe

  16. Sadistic
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 00:58:54

    QUOTE (Zombo @ Jan 24 2010, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Retro-spectre is already working on an iTouch application i believe

    Really? Wow I haven't seen that guy in ages.

    Did he mention what its going to consist of?

  17. Raine
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 01:45:00

    QUOTE (Zombo @ Jan 24 2010, 08:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Retro-spectre is already working on an iTouch application i believe

    How far is the progress on the application?

  18. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 02:28:44

    trick database and GPS location of other spinners i believe

  19. Frip
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 02:38:23

    Yo... what about an USA gathering?
    Like over a complete weekend. Iknow USA is fucking huge, but something could be arranged..maybe?

  20. Zombo
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 02:40:11

    QUOTE (Frip @ Jan 24 2010, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Yo... what about an USA gathering?
    Like over a complete weekend. Iknow USA is fucking huge, but something could be arranged..maybe?

    im not sure why you need the RD to organize that, probably better to put it in the gathering section

  21. EssenceOfLife
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 02:44:14

    Well penspinning could join up with other contact juggling/ juggling manipulation hobbies that already have semi regular international events and piggy back on them... But I agree with Frip a United States "gathering" would be nice, and organized in the RD for PR reasons probably...

  22. hoiboy
    Date: Mon, Jan 25 2010 03:55:10

    this is Pen Spinning Relations, not Public Relations

  23. strat1227
    Date: Wed, Jan 27 2010 06:24:10

    So, I'm not really sure that this belongs in RD, but I've had an idea for battle judging. I hate polls, because people usually just watch once/don't pay attention, just kinda pick which one gives best first impression. however, finding judges is a BITCH most of the time.

    So i had the idea i think of as "open judging." Basically, when you post the battle, post judging criteria, and make people post their votes, along with their scores, descriptions, etc, to show that they actually paid attention to the theme/criteria/actual combos.

    i'd be willing to venture a guess that this will always turn up at least one person willing to judge, without atually having to hunt for someone.

    next battle i do i think i'll try it out, if anyone wants to try it before then, feel free

  24. hoiboy
    Date: Thu, Jan 28 2010 02:28:14

    lets try it strat smile.gif

    Edit: after making a spreadsheet

  25. EssenceOfLife
    Date: Sat, Jan 30 2010 01:56:19

    Iphone/Ipodtouch coding now available for windows and knowledge of C++, this makes developing iphone apps a lot easier imo, Best part, it's free for now, gogogo?


  26. hoiboy
    Date: Wed, Feb 3 2010 00:03:44

    so debriefing here what we learned from the infinity thing battle

    1. Not many people are into this. It seems that it takes too much time for people to judge :/, so they avoid it
    2. From the results we had, I wasn't sure if we were compiling the scores, or if the scores were just justifications for the judges votes
    3. Zombo can't spell "strat" right

    good battle strat smile.gif -hi fives strat-

  27. iMatt
    Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 20:41:13

    I had a random idea today of improving the board a little bit.

    Since UPSB is home to English speaking and non-English speaking participants, I'm wondering if it would be possible to work with some people from GPC, FPSB, JEB, and a few other of the major boards to create a foreigners section that can direct them around the board in their own language.

    Simple example would be explaining where the correct area of a trade topic is. The messaging system. Very fundamental things.

    I think that'd help clean up some of the useless topics where they post in the wrong sections.

    Anyways, just a thought.

  28. strat1227
    Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 20:49:52

    hmm, i thought about that once, but i feel like it might polarize the board, like french speakers will only stay in french section, etc

    dunno though, just what i first thought

  29. iMatt
    Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 21:03:38

    QUOTE (strat1227 @ Feb 4 2010, 02:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    hmm, i thought about that once, but i feel like it might polarize the board, like french speakers will only stay in french section, etc

    dunno though, just what i first thought

    No not like Quarantine sections. Just a HOW TO NAVIGATE basics. Like an English 101 kinda thing.

  30. Zombo
    Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 21:12:20

    well the way I would do it is that new members receive a welcome pm, so its just a matter of writing a thread in their language

    but I think most do OK, because like JEB ppl they have thread over there explaining how to use UPSb

  31. Frip
    Date: Thu, Feb 4 2010 23:49:56

    QUOTE (Zombo @ Feb 4 2010, 02:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    well the way I would do it is that new members receive a welcome pm, so its just a matter of writing a thread in their language

    but I think most do OK, because like JEB ppl they have thread over there explaining how to use UPSb

    Or just make a/multiple sticky/stickies that show how to do everything for each language. Maybe a thread in the trading forum that has the explanations for each language in spoilers..

  32. iMatt
    Date: Fri, Feb 5 2010 19:54:43

    QUOTE (Zombo @ Feb 4 2010, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    well the way I would do it is that new members receive a welcome pm, so its just a matter of writing a thread in their language

    but I think most do OK, because like JEB ppl they have thread over there explaining how to use UPSb

    See that was more along the lines of what I was thinking. It'd be a matter of finding somebody willing to do a translation (which is a little bit more difficult without an incentive)

  33. hoiboy
    Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 05:07:56

    Just throwing a question out here:

    Is it necessary to revamp the World Tournament Judging system?
    For example, difficulty is generally accepted as hard tricks, but performing tricks in a certain manner is also hard.

    ex. Spinnerpeem vs. s777, World Tournament 2009 Round 3
    it was a pretty lopsided win for peem there (lopsided = relative)
    at first look, it should've been a close battle

    I think there needs to be less emphasis on difficulty and more oomph on execution. Just my 2 cents.

  34. strat1227
    Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 16:47:51

    hmm, IMO there definitely needs to at least be some sort of point system/grading scale, because this whole "here's two videos, pick one" thing just makes it turn into personal preference/opinion, and it stops being objective

    whereas if it were a point system (and the judge is being honest anyway) it could possibly turn out that the points add up to a person winning that the judge might not have picked on just personal preference

  35. Zombo
    Date: Sat, Feb 20 2010 20:41:34

    judging changes every year, we'll see what happens next year

  36. hoiboy
    Date: Sun, Feb 28 2010 05:39:45

    I'm not really sure if this goes in naming, but...
    I have a suggestion for standardizing all pen spinning video names

    [Board][tournament (if applicable (ex WC'10, AC'08, ENGC))] Name of video

  37. Zombo
    Date: Sun, Feb 28 2010 05:55:34

    well i dont believe it has to be exactly the same format for all competitions

    but it has to be consistent across all vids of the same competition

    for example, all WC10 vids should at least have the tag WC10 so they can be found on youtube.

  38. hoiboy
    Date: Sun, Feb 28 2010 06:37:27

    I believe there should be an apostrophe between the competition initials and the year (ex WC'10)
    but thats just me

    this type of project is too big to work on youtube, but it should be used to categorize collab databases