General Discussion / Penspinning and Concentration?
Can u do both at the same time?
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2008 16:06:05
Hi all , i've been penspinning in class recently and i noticed i really cant understand anything if am penspinning ,[ even tho am listening to the teacher and watching the whiteboard]
when i am penspinning i really cannot concentrate, my mind goes to Eso's tutorials or Eriror and Bonkura;s video on youtubei dont why but i really cant,
when for simple tricks like double thumbaround etc , has this ever happend to you ? most of the spinners i know cannot concentrate, so when the teacher talk we usually dont spin at all
Another thing i found which is IMPOSSIBLE for me to do is do thumbaround or charge with left hand and write with right hand , is that possible? anyone managed to do it?[ am right-handed for write and i can use both hands to spin
So hows yours? come on POST -
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2008 16:14:13
1. I don't have issues concentrating. I can... multitask?
2. I can only do continuous tricks while i write with right hand and spin in left hand.
so no thumbarounds, but i can do fingerpasses and triangle passes and charges etc etc -
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2008 16:25:05
I can concentrate just fine.
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2008 16:36:44
oh i see , i can concentrate depending on subjects, for Maths and Physics i really cant , but in case of English , French and Design Communication is alright
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2008 16:43:05
Well,,, same with Teddy, i can do multitasking.
My brain using 2 Core 2 Quad Processor.... Haheho.
I can concentrate with my study while pen spinning.
Just try to make pen spinning as a joyful thing,
so you can do PSing more relaxing. -
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2008 17:22:12
For me I have no problem spamming and doing other things at the same time.
But practicing combos or learning tricks, I don't think I can focus on other things will except the pens!
So my guess is, if you are used to doing something, you tend to need lesser concentration while doing that particular thing. -
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2008 18:22:26
I can focues even when I'm practising new combo (I practise combos on class
dunno, I always can focuse on more than one thing. -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 03:01:34
I freestyle while paying attention in class but sometimes, I just simply turn all my attention to the lesson..or pen spinning.
My pen went flying once and almost hit the teacher... -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 03:13:21
I fail at multi-tasking. I have an attention span of 2 minutes while pen spinning so I can't spin and learn at the same time.
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 04:27:43
Whenever i do my homework and spin....2 minutes later i end up 100% spinning
But i can freestyle during lectures -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 04:42:21
I always spin during my classes but I can't really concentrate during math.
Other than that, I can concentrate just fine -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 05:23:41QUOTE (Mc Cho @ Apr 12 2008, 09:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I always spin during my classes but I can't really concentrate during math.
Other than that, I can concentrate just fine
just dont bring you Dr.ST to the AP test
For some reason I can pay attention pretty will while spinning, cept for math cause its too important.
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 05:28:38
if i bring my ST to the AP test, its game over for me XD
I'm noticing these days that I just space out sometimes while I'm spinning...
Then I have to force myself to snap out of it and concentrate -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 06:07:52
I find it challenging to do this.
cause I watch the board and spin too so its kinda fun. -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 20:43:51QUOTE (Anascrash04 @ Apr 13 2008, 04:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Another thing i found which is IMPOSSIBLE for me to do is do thumbaround or charge with left hand and write with right hand , is that possible? anyone managed to do it?
[ am right-handed for write and i can use both hands to spin
That is EXACTLY what I do in class. I make walkingjacket jealous. -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 21:12:04
For me, only simple tricks while in class/studying. Can't multitask very well...
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 23:26:26
i can concentrate when i spin in class even if class is boring
and for me while i spin i can think better
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 05:18:21
yea, i can't concetrate either, but i can't seem to not spin either lol,
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 05:21:13
I like to just mess around with Infinity Variations during class doesnt take much concentration at all...
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 05:29:37QUOTE (sangara @ Apr 19 2008, 01:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I like to just mess around with Infinity Variations during class doesnt take much concentration at all...
i do thumbaround, but still can't concetrate....wait........i do some weird combo's too....that might explain it........