General Discussion / Pen Spinning Journal
Date: Fri, Jun 15 2007 03:11:08
Learned a new trick? Working on a PSing video? Tell everyone here what you've been up to and see what others are doing.
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 21:48:48
registered to this lovely place,
hope to see everyone i knew from UCPSB come here. -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 22:18:23
This board has a lot more features than UCPSB, but I really loved UCPSB....I don't know if I will convert yet...
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 22:22:20
I learned a new
hybridcombo. I found out (thanks sketching and Eburt) that it's Wiper T1 > Pass T1-13 > Shadow 13-23.
Fixed. -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 22:22:30
The only thing i need now is
This place rocks.
Edit:- Yay for emoticon! -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 22:37:32QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Sep 8 2007, 03:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I learned a new hybrid. I found out (thanks sketching and Eburt) that it's Wiper T1 > Pass T1-13 > Shadow 13-23
If you perform it as I stated, it would not be a hybrid. The Shadow is started from an odd position, but all of the tricks are still complete. It would be a combo. -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 22:55:33
I showed some fools at work my pen-spinning.
Tried to teach this girl thumbaround it failed.
Good times.
And when I was at the cash register some kids came up to me were like
it was pretty funny. -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 22:57:32
So, you're a local pen spinning celebrity? That's pretty cool.
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 23:04:46
filming has been kind to me so far..
and webo was kind enough to give me some unmodded presents yesterday.
so im pretty happy -
Date: Sat, Sep 8 2007 23:07:58
I've been on UPSB all day
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 02:44:16
~Just Registered~
Spent about half an hour having a new look at this wonderful place
and i just did my first Weis BackAround!!!YAY!!
and i just want to say thanks to Everyone who spent their time making this's Great! -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 02:54:42QUOTE (sketching @ Sep 8 2007, 03:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>If you perform it as I stated, it would not be a hybrid. The Shadow is started from an odd position, but all of the tricks are still complete. It would be a combo.
Fixed. Thanks sketching. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 04:54:29
Released a tutorial, starting to spin a little more instead of modding all the time seeing some steady improvement at least
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 04:58:25
Registered here, still trying to adjust.
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 06:09:44
was intending to change my name and this was an awesome chance to do so(i was DaThroat on UCPSB).
love the layout and the smilies. no other forum besides UCPSB(and this one) has such cool smilies. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 06:19:54QUOTE (Nova @ Sep 9 2007, 01:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>love the layout and the smilies. no other forum besides UCPSB(and this one) has such cool smilies.
Yeah man! I use UCPSB Emos for my school's forum
As for me, I think I lost my Gathering MX. uh oh... -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 10:19:01
I'm trying the shadow still and landed it atleast once
I just got how to do the neosonic and mastering it -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 10:41:58
I span a 2 foot long wrapping paper tube for almost 4 hours in work in 1 hand, while doing nothing, and getting paid for it.
Was pretty sweet. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 11:00:23
I confess: i have a VERY weak fingerpass and a extremely sloppy reverse.
i intend to work on it overtime. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 17:00:54
Im really slow so Im finally listening to the Podcast. Go Eso and Eburt!
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 18:02:37
So I just learned Bakriser. Pretty easy... at least I think I'm doing it right.
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 18:09:21QUOTE (Rekkuuzan @ Sep 9 2007, 01:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>So I just learned Bakriser. Pretty easy... at least I think I'm doing it right.
Yeah there not much to it. Throw and catch. -
Date: Sun, Sep 9 2007 19:06:13
Trying to get the Tornado Bust smooth for my tack-on battle with Spin :P
Damn him for doing that so early :D
edit: disabled smileys >__> -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 05:00:42
mmm.. I'm worried. I can't use Comssa well anymore
.. damn. xD.
Freestyling with Comssa to get refresh. xD. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 05:06:36
Been trying to smoothly link rev twisted sonic into another twisted sonic but i have to turn my hand at a weird angle and i cant seem to get it
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 05:07:23
today was the most filming ive ever done in one day.
my fingers hurt now, but in the end it was worth it.
anyways, gotta go to sleep soon. gNite UPSB! -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 08:20:04
Sick, page 2. Went to school and spuuuunnnn. I'm getting a consistent bakfall (I will probably never use it but just to be able to do it is good). Practiced cont. bak and cont. bak 1.5. Did quite well.
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 08:27:00
learnt inverse sonic 34-24~neosonic 24- tf > FL rev TA.
but i still need time to smoothen that out. also thought up a new finisher to end combos. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 13:25:36
spent few hours searching staff on ps
i realised that there soo many tricks
now i feel lost on wat to do next.
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 17:06:42
Yesterday I learned how to do NeoBak 12-12 > MidBak 1.5 > MidBak in only 30 minutes. However this is misleading.
I spent:
2 weeks working on Neobak 12-12 > MidBak
1 week working on MidBak 1.5
And even though I learned how to do it, I can only do it 1 out of 20 tries. I estimate it'll take another 2-3 months before I can call myself proficient at this combo. Hurray. -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 17:17:52
UPSB gave me some kick-ass motivation! (first time I've really felt motivated in two years)
Kam has this kick ass tool here:
I know it's just a simple timer, but it's helped me so much! I'm doing 3 20 minute timed sessions per day minimum (plus casual spinning in class). This is much more than the 10 minutes a day I did on UCPSB. Hopefully my technical skills will see some significant improvement in coming months! -
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 18:17:33
I got the Any-X from Sfsr and it's just a great pen.
It looks a bit long in my hand, but who cares if I spin in my room?
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 01:53:11QUOTE (Mats @ Sep 10 2007, 01:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Kam has this kick ass tool here:
Agreed, that timer is pretty nifty.
Im still having trouble linking some tricks and its aggravating. If i spin too slow then the momentum i need isn't there and the trick fails...if i spin it fast to keep the momentum going my fingers cant keep up and i drop the pen -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 06:43:27
Made some new MXs
Sunburst blue, Red, Light Green
Hell yeah -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 07:26:31
today i spun the plastic stirrer during physics practical examination. it was kinda thin and light, but was fun anyway.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 11:12:28
Found out 2day that 7-8 people in my class started doing some fundamentals (mainly charge and ta) and they actually want to learn how to ps.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 12:28:46QUOTE (yam @ Sep 11 2007, 07:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Found out 2day that 7-8 people in my class started doing some fundamentals (mainly charge and ta) and they actually want to learn how to ps.
you're lucky. I know one person that can do a ta. I can't really talk to him about it though coz he doesn't really want to learn psing that much. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 12:29:30
I've been home watching movies all day, I caught a horrible cold some days ago DD:
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 12:34:37QUOTE (Sfsr @ Sep 11 2007, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've been home watching movies all day, I caught a horrible cold some days ago DD:
I was wondering why you were on so much. Anyway, I've posted way too much today, so I might only post say, once more after this. Although all my posts actually contained something useful, I always make sure of that cause I'm such a model poster. Anyway, goin to bed soon so check my blog in about 20 min , it'll probably be updated. Cya'llater. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 13:25:06
I just finish school (english lesson
I'm trying what we w're talking in this lesson (present or Verb+ing XD)
well I spin with my dr KT, try a new combo to show you
but I have to work my math
(today I tried to learn my best friend the TA and an another's TA rev.
I was so bored in History that I started to spin, everybody was Oo I'm the only one penspinner (penspinnerette) but was late for writting my lesson X'D)
Hope my english is not too bad
someone know what is the word "penspinner" for girls? XP -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 18:16:33
'Penspinner' is the same for both men and women.
I love your word 'penspinnerette' though, and you can use it and people would know what you meant (even though it won't be in the dictionary). -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 18:36:11
Which dictionary is "Penspinner" in?
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 18:40:06
Pen + Spinnerets
Someone make a picture, now!
Imagine a pen that can shoot out web... like Spiderman (and Spiderwoman)
I'm still working on Neobak 12-12 > Midbak 1.5 > Midbak
I only got it 10% of the time. -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 22:54:18
Lately, It's been too cold to spin, but now the weather is decent enough, so I'm trying to get lots of practice in XP
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 23:22:49
Well today I got much better at Charge (23). So now I know TA, Sonic, and Charge. Working on TA Rev.
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 23:47:36
in english there is usually no gender grammar for most words so pen spinner is gender neutral.
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 21:48:40
Had 2 wisdom teeth pulled...mouth is still numb from anesthetic but in an hour im not gonna feel so great. Glad i can still penspin at least. What a fantastic way to start the weekend
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 22:02:30
That stinks.
Well I am getting the hang of TA Rev a little. Glad it's the weekend. -
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 22:15:42
Working on MidBak 1.5. I can get the spin, but rarely the catch.
Date: Fri, Sep 14 2007 22:22:52
Learned to do Bak -> FL TA Rev while the boards were down. Also learned Twisted Sonic Bust -> Bak Rev last week. Bak -> FL Ta Rev is quite possibly the most fun combo
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 05:39:49
I suck at Korean Minicombos like anything with rev baks on the end. Like I can get maybe two in one hundred. I don't mind though, I would never be able to spin korean style anyway.
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 05:44:06
whoo! mastered neobak fall
got 2/4 of bakfall done -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 06:02:56
Figured I want to begin working on my speed now rather than just smoothness (it's been holding pretty good).
I'm also gonna start trying to map everything I know in every other finger slot. This could take a few weeks... -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 06:43:53
Yeeessss, mastered thunder infinity.
I also have to work on reverses of tricks. Like rev twisted sonic and inv. sonic and such. -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 08:16:07
still working on backaround so i can do it smoothly..
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 08:16:22
Woo, I'm trying to decide wich pen I should spin <.<
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 19:45:32
Finally learned sonic clip....the bent finger still seems to get in the way sometimes when i charge though.
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 20:47:01
Saturday Sept. 15 2:46
Double charge is smooth now and mastered Shadow 23-12 -
Date: Sat, Sep 15 2007 20:55:53
Right before volunteer work, I decided to go check out walmart and send out some trades. And I found some better retractables! woot! but they are expensive
2.60$ for a pack of 2. Bought 2 packs anyways.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 04:33:15
Although somewhat inconsistent i have a smooth fingerpass now which im pretty happy about. Also, the right side of my face where i had my wisdom teeth pulled has started to swell so i have chipmunk cheeks on the right side of my face -___________-
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 04:41:37
for past week i have harldy spun at all and i am trying 2 get into it more but it will take some time since i didnt spin in the summer. when i spun abit i found that my fingers were abit weaker cuz i spun a regular mx and it was a good weight and b4 it was too light.
right now my ankles r pretty fucked up cuz of old injuries. when i play ultimate my ankles get all fucked up cuz of all the cutting on o and d, it doesnt happen when i play other sports or run. does ne1 kno if there r neways 2 make my ankles not hurt after playing ulti?
thnx -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 04:51:08
Do you tape them before you practice/play? Proper taping goes a LONG way.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 07:54:53
recovered from my fever
gonna film my combo for my battle against PV in a few hours.
hope my fingers don't go all weak on me -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 08:32:00
4got to bring my BICtory to school today, and had to spin a double capped lakubo...
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 08:43:49
Lakubos aren't that great IMO. I always bring my mods to school otherwise I'll have to borrow some crap pen.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 08:53:09CODEI always bring my mods to school otherwise I'll have to borrow some crap pen.
That was exactly what i did, i borrowed my friends lakubo and double capped it and spun with it. And also usually do bring my BICtory and other mods to school. It was just today, in the morning when i woke up i grabbed my barely spinnable BICtory instead of my Pepsi BICtory cause they do look similar in the dark and when i arrived in period 1 accounting i was like "WTF!!!!!!!!" Even the thought of calling my brother to bring it came across my mind but i didn't have a phone -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 10:01:16
My midbak 1.5 is getting pretty good. So is my MiddleAround Reverse.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 13:11:41
While I'm grateful there are many people who appreciate my tutorials, there are a few who just don't understand that I have a life outside of pen spinning and get pissed off if I don't fulfill their requests. This morning, I was looking through the comments left, and this one guy who wanted a Bak Rev tutorial said that his request was ignored. I haven't responded to his request because I've been busy, PLUS I talked about it in the Twisted Sonic Bust > Bak Rev tutorial. I would think that if you know how to do the Bak, you should be able to pick up the Bak Rev just by mapping (which I made a video for). All the foundations needed to do a Bak Rev are there, so I don't feel compelled to make yet another tutorial for something so trivial as a Bak Rev. Even if you think it isn't trivial, all the tools are there.
So yeah, there are people who just want everything and give nothing back. They probably believe I live to serve their learning needs. Sorry to say that's not the case. I have a full time job and other things to do than just sit around all day and answer questions. Believe it or not, but I spend a good 1-2 hrs just answering questions on YouTube, depending on the volume. Some people constantly message me on YouTube asking me stuff that could be researched easily. Even after giving them the information, they STILL didn't get it. For example, there was this one guy from Sweden who wanted to know how to make a RSVP MX. I sent him the link to the tutorial on SweSpin, but he STILL couldn't get it. Sometimes I wonder...
I do get a few people who understand things once I give them the link. But there are a number of people that just don't get it, and get pig-headed if I don't yield to their demands. And then there are those that think I'm an ass because I get fed up with their questions and such. I tried to address a lot of the questions and the nature of those questions in that one video "Message to Newbies". One guy that's probably signed up here, BannedTwice, thought I was being a dick.Sure, okay.
Now, if only the people that posted on YouTube saw this post... -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 13:20:11QUOTE (Eso @ Sep 17 2007, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>While I'm grateful there are many people who appreciate my tutorials, there are a few who just don't understand that I have a life outside of pen spinning and get pissed off if I don't fulfill their requests. This morning, I was looking through the comments left, and this one guy who wanted a Bak Rev tutorial said that his request was ignored. I haven't responded to his request because I've been busy, PLUS I talked about it in the Twisted Sonic Bust > Bak Rev tutorial. I would think that if you know how to do the Bak, you should be able to pick up the Bak Rev just by mapping (which I made a video for). All the foundations needed to do a Bak Rev are there, so I don't feel compelled to make yet another tutorial for something so trivial as a Bak Rev. Even if you think it isn't trivial, all the tools are there.
So yeah, there are people who just want everything and give nothing back. They probably believe I live to serve their learning needs. Sorry to say that's not the case. I have a full time job and other things to do than just sit around all day and answer questions. Believe it or not, but I spend a good 1-2 hrs just answering questions on YouTube, depending on the volume. Some people constantly message me on YouTube asking me stuff that could be researched easily. Even after giving them the information, they STILL didn't get it. For example, there was this one guy from Sweden who wanted to know how to make a RSVP MX. I sent him the link to the tutorial on SweSpin, but he STILL couldn't get it. Sometimes I wonder...
I do get a few people who understand things once I give them the link. But there are a number of people that just don't get it, and get pig-headed if I don't yield to their demands. And then there are those that think I'm an ass because I get fed up with their questions and such. I tried to address a lot of the questions and the nature of those questions in that one video "Message to Newbies". One guy that's probably signed up here, BannedTwice, thought I was being a dick.Sure, okay.
Now, if only the people that posted on YouTube saw this post...
tell them to visit a forum instead of waiting for videos. better for them, better for you.
and I'll take care of them -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 13:32:53QUOTE (Zombo @ Sep 17 2007, 09:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>tell them to visit a forum instead of waiting for videos. better for them, better for you.
and I'll take care of them
Yessss... introduce them to the MODERATOR OF DOOM!!!!!
or just make a new youtube account.. -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 18:30:00
Bak Rev really IS a how it moves, and do the opposite thing from the ending position...took me exactly 1 min to learn Bak Rev...
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 18:38:30
Haven't spun that much lately due to lack of laptop/space to spin... Will have to practise a lot more next week.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 20:21:01
I'm spinning geltec and it's awesome lol.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 20:30:00
I've noticed a lot more people use IndexPinkyBackAround Reverse 2.0 12-34 lately.. Darnit... I don't have a monopoly on hard tricks anymore.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 20:59:03QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Sep 17 2007, 04:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've noticed a lot more people use IndexPinkyBackAround Reverse 2.0 12-34 lately.. Darnit... I don't have a monopoly on hard tricks anymore.
Is that just a rev bak 2.0 ~ rev pinky bak (or however the heck you name it)?
Eso....thought about disabling comments on your tutorial videos and directing all PM's and email to this forum? -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 21:42:31QUOTE (K4S @ Sep 17 2007, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Eso....thought about disabling comments on your tutorial videos and directing all PM's and email to this forum?
But I like the positive comments left by the sensible ones.
I'll be making a very short video directing people to UPSB. I also want to start using Vegas, so it's a good excuse. -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 21:59:26QUOTE (Nova @ Sep 17 2007, 03:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>recovered from my fever
gonna film my combo for my battle against PV in a few hours.
hope my fingers don't go all weak on me
YES!!!!!!! Just what I wanted to hear
but you've still got a day, so take it if you need it, If I'm gonna lose, I wanna do it to your best effort
Eso: Can't you just block people on youtube? and ignore them? -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 22:39:43QUOTE (Platypusvictim @ Sep 17 2007, 05:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Eso: Can't you just block people on youtube? and ignore them?
I don't want to be the bad guy, blocking people and such. I only block if it's something serious.
My hands are uber dry and I still have that blister/wart thing on my left thumb. Not cool at all. It hurts when you touch it. The thing is that it's not a blister, but it looks like one. It's not a wart either, but it hurts like one, I'd imagine. I have a hybrid.
Still working on being able to link stuff. I can link things but not consistently. One of my biggest flaws. -
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 23:08:51
I'm still working on my bakfall -- god, it's taking ages to get consistent! Shadows are so much easier.
Date: Mon, Sep 17 2007 23:53:54
Been working on Weisen BackAround 1.5 34-12 aka Inverse PalmSpin 1.5 34-12. The pen seems to get stuck on the back of the hand a lot, stupid friction
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 00:08:49
I've been writing down some stuff I'm going to order for the Swedish Gathering and Magic Weekend in some weeks.
Trying to make combos that have an equal amount of tricks on each finger which makes my combos look more varied. Also continouing my training on cont. midbaks 1.5. Getting 2-3 pretty often now, but still have much left to improve before I use it in combos =) -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 01:30:22
Being unable to make a proper LED pen, I've decided to buy the luminous pen at
Has anyone tried it? -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 04:52:22
Yes! I finally got a acceptable consistency with my twisted sonic - index middle backaround rev.
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 04:58:54
noticed that the barrel of my beloved BICtory has started to crack...
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 05:10:44
since edward890 wont post here, i will for him
he quit penspinning cuz he doesn't want to fail skool -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 05:11:56
Came back to Ucpsb after a long time, and found this place! Whoo.
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 05:28:13QUOTE (P0T4T0 @ Sep 17 2007, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>he quit penspinning cuz he doesn't want to fail skool
I can never get how pen spinning can cause one to fail school. -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 05:40:25
he can't multi task =.= lol
and to not wast a post, a friend is giving me a comssa... for free^^ -
Date: Tue, Sep 18 2007 09:37:58
YAY! I'm trying to learn all Inverse Charges these days. Inverse Charge 13, is going pretty good. I will pracitce 24 today, and if I get it good, I work on Inverse Charge 14 next week
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 00:17:46QUOTE (Huroni Remsin @ Sep 18 2007, 02:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>YAY! I'm trying to learn all Inverse Charges these days. Inverse Charge 13, is going pretty good. I will pracitce 24 today, and if I get it good, I work on Inverse Charge 14 next week
Inverse charge? Never heard of that. ._. -
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 01:00:33
You stick the Middle finger out, "give the middle finger", instead of keeping it tucked in.
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 01:07:09QUOTE (sketching @ Sep 18 2007, 06:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You stick the Middle finger out, "give the middle finger", instead of keeping it tucked in.
Got a video? -
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 01:17:52
Behold! The awesomeness of my Inverse Charge 13!
Inverse Charge 13 -
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 01:20:30
Is it like a Inverse Sonic Clip ?
Yay new Ballsigns =D -
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 01:22:19
Yep, since Sonic Clip 23 is a hybrid:
Sonic 23-12 ~ Charge 13 ~ Sonic 23-12
Inverse Sonic Clip is:
Inverse Sonic 23-12 ~ Inverse Charge 13 ~ Inverse Sonic 23-12 -
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 01:25:23
well i'm sort of learing devils sonic not doing it very smoothly but i've got the basic things
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 01:26:16
Oh I See
But charge 13 on the tip of the pen looks ugly =/ -
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 01:29:20
Yeah, which is why I've only done Inverse Chage a total of maybe 5 times. Ever. Because it's ugly.
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 02:42:57
I'm sick, so I'm not able to pack anymore pens for the remaining guys. I'll do that when I get better.
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 03:16:15
Planned out a pen mod and made a ghetta prototype...kinda...didnt quite work like i wanted it to
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 03:21:26
Hmm came up with a new set of tricks (at least 4 new tricks/hybrids). I'll post them later when I'm not as busy.
Date: Wed, Sep 19 2007 07:33:25
Paid for S&H of UCPSB pens, can't wait till they arrive
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2007 05:51:24
I'm getting Double TA finally
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2007 05:59:14
I did a really bad bakfall today. Doesn't really count since I had massive pauses, but I didn't really care about that
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2007 06:53:17
A few days ago I lost my Hybrid Comssa MX. (O_O)....(T_T). I was forced to use my Momentum MX util tonight, I finally got around to making a new HCMX since I found a few Profiles that I didn't know I had. Again, I left out using the HGG barrel in the back, and shoved the RSVP grip almost as much as is possible into the cap, which moves the COP to a much better place.
Oh. My. God.
I just fell in love with HCMX all over again right after picking up the finished mod. I'm quite confident in saying that it is the best pen mod I have to use. Now that I have another Hybrid Comssa MX, I don't even want to touch any other mod. My super sexy black & gold MMX will have to be put back in storage until something happens to this mod.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you Trogz for coming up with this pen mod! I just don't get tired of spinning it. -
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2007 07:05:35
Makes me wish I had a spare RSVP to make one
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2007 07:57:17
Makes me wish I had comssa and rsvp to make one.
Date: Thu, Sep 20 2007 08:08:22
spent 2 hours shopping trying to find G1 and Franchville..
found G1 but they only had 2..
but cna't find Franchville anywhere.. -
Date: Fri, Sep 21 2007 07:56:04
Made my Shaker mechanical pencil v2. I wanted a cool insert so i figured i'd make a seamless spiral insert and tweaking that took longer than actually making the pen i think T.T
Date: Fri, Sep 21 2007 08:51:37
before i joined forums i used to do reverse fingerpass... after i joined i started on normal.. instinctively, my friends and i did reverse for some reason...
Date: Fri, Sep 21 2007 09:04:01
finally got twisted sonic bust 34-23..
and double TA..
Wishing they sold RSVPs, Commsas and other cool pens for modding in this country... unfortunately all i can get are pilot pens... -
Date: Fri, Sep 21 2007 16:44:30
Recieved my DIY Rubik's Cube from Zaazu <3
Wait.. I should be writing this in the Rubik's Cube thread instead DDD: -
Date: Fri, Sep 21 2007 17:55:03
Made a Black RZDZ RSVP AMMX thingy
My new main pen mod =) -
Date: Fri, Sep 21 2007 18:39:11
I just sent out the large ass packages for the UCPSB Bic Giveaway. Costed me $150.
I will ship out the stand bys on Monday. I had to make sure that I didn't run out or anything... -
Date: Sat, Sep 22 2007 04:45:48
I found some neat keityo body substitutes...i'll post pics when i get some time
Date: Sat, Sep 22 2007 05:00:32
Recieved my UCPSB BIC Giveaway package today. Thanks again Eso for putting this all together. The pens look good.
I've got the bunches and will probably take them to a nearby post office sometime this weekend. -
Date: Sat, Sep 22 2007 11:05:30
I've been working on extendedTA for 2 weeks or sumting but still land it like 2 times of 5...
I'm also trying to learn sonic clip and pseudo sonic and moonwalk sonic which I find really hard and one of the reasons could be that I'm not spinning with "round" pen (dunno the word) but instead with edgy one if you know what I mean. But I'm sure that I will learn all those no matter of my pen but the amount of practise!i
Date: Sat, Sep 22 2007 11:15:55
Nooooooooooo. Edgy pens are horrible for spin tricks dude (and some others). I would recommend changing to a round one
Been practicing Intercepted Baks. I wanna get them consistant enough to do in class (9.5/10 or something). Atm I think they are like 7/10. -
Date: Sun, Sep 23 2007 12:17:32QUOTE (Mats @ Sep 22 2007, 06:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Nooooooooooo. Edgy pens are horrible for spin tricks dude (and some others). I would recommend changing to a round one
Everybody knows hex pens are good for top spins... -
Date: Mon, Sep 24 2007 05:48:06
Bought a digital caliper so i can measure exact barrel diameters finally
...and i found out Bonkura passed away which kind of ruined my day. -
Date: Mon, Sep 24 2007 09:34:46
i saw the RIP thread yesterday, but thought nothing of it until today. was kinda shocked.
to make it worse my dad was nagging in the background which made it increasingly difficult for me to concentrate on reading those comments made in the thread.
now where will i get my inspiration from? i used to look forward to any clip or video session which had anything to do with bonkura and his fingers. -
Date: Mon, Sep 24 2007 14:22:48
Did serious practice for about 2 hours yesterday, most of which was spent on Cont MAs. Did x9 and I'm getting 4-5 pretty often and they are smoothening
Tought someone IndexAround in class today.
Charge 13 is being a bitch, don't know I'll get it in time -
Date: Mon, Sep 24 2007 23:20:19
finally getting twisted sonic-->Thumb around 10/10 tries
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 00:43:07
Decided to learn the Twisted Sonic Bust yesterday using Eso's tutorial, finally got it today
Found it helps alot to practice with a long stick, first. About like 2 1/2 feet.
Also learned the difference between Bak Rev and IndexAround, can do them both pretty easily now.
Also got a v10 comssa with tips, first time spinning a metal comssa, its awesome. I can't even spin my old comssa now, lol -
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 05:39:41
Made a Bonkura tribute dr.KT...turned out pretty nice i guess.
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 12:34:18
started practicing a VARIETY of combos rather than just putting everything into one combo and hoping it looks good where actually the smoothness and linkage sucks.
thinking of making a solo in 2 months or so.
still rather ruffled by bonkura's death. -
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 18:17:29
bought a three pack of razzle dazzles. havent modded for a long time... havent spun for a long time.. OMG, IS PEN SPINNING STARTING TO NOT INTEREST ME? D:.. damn. XD.
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 21:30:19
invented a few tricks today, and smoothly put them into combos. mostly stuff like rebounds, bounces, flips, and aerials. looks really cool. im gonna wait till the next big collab to unveil them though. Its super cool stuff.
Date: Tue, Sep 25 2007 23:17:30
Got my UCPSB Bics today
Unfortunately, one of them looks like this:
I guess I'll give that one away.
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 02:25:58
Found my Ballsign!!! Spinning hard yo!!
@rorix: Oh snapp you got yours already? -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 03:26:19QUOTE (Rorix @ Sep 25 2007, 07:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Unfortunately, one of them looks like this:
D: I wonder how'd that happen... -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 03:32:24QUOTE (Webo Splash @ Sep 25 2007, 07:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Found my Ballsign!!!
Hell yes, guy.
Converting to left-handedness. >_> -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 03:49:54*Element *sighs*
everythings been good, filming some combos on weekends,
coming up with combos on weekdays.
finger twirl/water in hard to learn,
also 2 hand TA counter,
gotta research for some new linkage and transitions.
Dream big, aim high. -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 04:15:41
Gripped a new signo tip last one was nice but both sides were the same colour and it was becoming annoying when i was trying new stuff and couldnt keep track of number of spins
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 20:27:43
I'm finally going to try and keep track of pen mods in a more useful fasion. I've tried out Tiddlywiki before for keeping notes. For general note-keeping, I'm a bigger fan of Treepad, but I think that Tiddlywiki may help better for this project. I'm going to try to keep track of pen mod links on UPSB and what pens are used for them. That way, whenever someone asks which mods one can make using what pens, I'll have an easy way to find some info. Since the entire wiki is a single HTML file, it'll be easy to upload for someone else to see or use.
For now, I'll just be keeping track of the thread addresses and the pens used. I have a seperate "tiddler" for each pen mod with the thred URL as the tiddler content. I list the pens used as tags so that the wiki automatically groups together pen mods that use each pen.
If I ever find the time (haha!) I may try to tackle the UCPSB list. -
Date: Wed, Sep 26 2007 21:56:21QUOTE (sketching @ Sep 26 2007, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>That way, whenever someone asks which mods one can make using what pens, I'll have an easy way to find some info.
You know, I was going to implement this using PHP, but I just didn't go through with it. Relational databases help out a lot. But I guess TiddlyWiki can help too.
Btw, how the heck do you find out about these programs?? I'm tempted to use it but I don't really know what to do with it. I only have like a few projects going on right now and they can be easily organized using Notepad.
EDIT: I guess I could try it out for organizing my SV. We'll see. -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 01:20:19
After all of the work I did on PSConclave, I decided a while back to try to find a personal wiki for storing information. After a bit of looking and trying out actual programs, some blog post suggested Tiddlywiki. I tried that for a while. I later realized that it wasn't quite what I wanted, but I kept it in mind in case some other project called for it. For now, I'm using Treepad Lite, a "Personal Information manager, Organizer, Database", to store various bits of information in an outline form. For the pen info project, Tiddlywiki seemed like a better choice, so I went back and grabbed that.
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 03:32:21
I got my comssas a few days ago. I love it! Spins very well. I just need some hgg tips now...
You're working on PSConclave? ._. Good luck. -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 03:55:28
No, I used to work on PSConclave, until it went down.
I tried to start working on PenspinZone when it went up...but I just don't have any drive to put so much more time into another wiki to possibly have it die too. I started a few articles to layout out how it was done on PSConclave if others want to work on it. So far, not much has been done since I quit. I'm glad to see that xz64 is working on it, though. -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 04:00:21
Found an HGG tip the other day at school. Its been through a lot.
I think I might be one of mine. -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 04:49:17
been working on spinning left handed (im a right handed spinner by nature)
finally got my fingerpass going, its terrible but i can do it
did a few TA Rev today, it was pretty exciting. took me 1 hour to learn left handed.....took me 2 weeks to learn right handed. my left hand is learning so much faster than my right hand -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 05:04:28QUOTE (scyros @ Sep 27 2007, 12:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>took me 1 hour to learn left handed.....took me 2 weeks to learn right handed. my left hand is learning so much faster than my right hand
It's because you have the concept of how a TA is done plus muscle memory to do a TA on your right hand. Once you have this it's much easier to learn on the left hand. Took me less than 5 minutes to learn TA harmonic on my left hand because i had the knowledge and muscle memory to do it on my right hand. Same applies for a lot of easy tricks like sonic too. -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 06:12:27
Then why haven't I learned Bak 1.5 Fall on my left hand yet?
Nothing special yet, really cold hands. Gonna train hard today for a few videos. -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 06:17:33QUOTE (K4S @ Sep 27 2007, 01:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Same applies for a lot of easy tricks like sonic too.
I said "easy" tricks...bak 1.5 fall is crazy hard
edit: fixed trick name -___- -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 07:17:23
I'm hoping I can keep improving at the
pace I'm going now...Just yesterday afternoon
all I knew was:
-Sonic 34-12
Now I've learned:
-TA rev
-TA 1.5 (learned this one on accident, lol)
-Twisted Sonic
-Sonic/Twisted Sonic w/o thumbflap
I plan to work on a Shadow soon (I'm getting bold, lol) -
Date: Thu, Sep 27 2007 22:22:50
I haven't touch my modded pen today. Only my cheap BIC mech pencil.
I haven't learned anything new since last month. I'm on PenSpinner block again.
But I have made a new blog, check it out. Took me a awhile to write;blogid=28& -
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2007 01:19:46
Worked on fingerpass today.
Its alright, but not as smooth or fast as i'd like it to be. -
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2007 03:16:59
I broke my favourite pen, that has no name, and now I'm thinking of making an ARMX, but I don't know where to get profiles or anyballs D:
Date: Fri, Sep 28 2007 04:04:25
Pfft, you're in can find them at walmart and staples
Date: Tue, Oct 9 2007 23:38:58
Got my comssas yesterday!
And i almost got the bakfall...kinda. -
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2007 00:11:06
My bakfall is getting better and I plan to get some HGG tips for my HGG comssa.
Practicing arounds + rev arounds + infinities. My fingers are sore and I'm giving them a break. I love Asian Tim's arounds! -
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2007 03:12:14
whee, finally got my ucpsb bics
Date: Wed, Oct 10 2007 03:22:49
trying to learn neobak12-12~midbak23-12
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 07:59:57
After much planning i finally came up with a personal mod to use instead of always using a comssa woop...v1 anyway
And oddly enough its pretty far haha
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 10:51:51
because of doing too much korean baks i suddenly suck again at weissan backaround
(is it correct?)I'm now working on my thumbspin 1.5 index finger push for K4LC
edit:wrong notation(is it correct now?) -
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 11:00:48QUOTE (bry01phil @ Oct 13 2007, 03:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>just found out i can only do bak 1.5 not the bak 1.0
...also that because of doing too much baks i suddenly suck again at weissan backaround
(is it correct?)I'm now working on my thumbspin 1.5 index finger push for K4LC
bak = Backaround = Weissian Backaround... they are all the same thing. -
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 11:04:41QUOTE (sketching @ Oct 13 2007, 07:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>bak = Backaround = Weissian Backaround... they are all the same thing.
I hate it when people just say bakaround, when they're actually doing a korean bakaround. -
Date: Sat, Oct 13 2007 23:47:19
finally did bakfall today!!!!
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2007 00:03:32
Smooth bakfall finally although its not super consistent yet. Came up with a v2 and v3. And with the help of my little bro i named my new mod.
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2007 14:14:16
ur bro spin too?
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2007 17:39:36
Yeah, he spins a bit. He's happy with the comssa i gave him and he leaves the modding to me
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2007 17:51:34
Switched back to metallic ComSsa and fixed some details for the SweSpin Gathering '07 ^^
Date: Sun, Oct 14 2007 19:41:37
After I grabbed a Comssa mod to take a photo for the Wiki article, I started spinning it for a bit. I had no problems using the double-sided mod, it felt pretty good to spin. It did look odd spinning a double-sided mod after a few months only spinning a few single-sided mods.
Anyway, I put my Comssa back in my Lobster Gram box where I keep all my finished mods. For now, I'm sticking with my HCMX.
I working on smoothing out my NeoSonic 34 ~ FL TA Rev, it's still kinda crappy since I don't have a lot of experience. I don't have a lot of confidence with the transition yet.
Eventually, I want a nice, smooth combo of:
NeoSonic 12 ~ FL TA Rev > NeoSonic 23 ~ FL TA Rev > NeoSonic 34 ~ FL TA Rev. I like the look of the pen as it makes it way around my hand. -
Date: Mon, Oct 15 2007 18:06:58
my fingerpass normal got slower because I became used to fingerpass reverse...
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2007 00:01:21
Finally got some bellcolors and m&m markers
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2007 06:26:03
i broke my fav pen..
i feel so fucked up -
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2007 06:29:16
Right now practicing my arounds: index,mid,ring doing then normal and reverse way. Also learning sonic clips and making my fingerpass faster!!
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2007 19:59:36
ok.. so I FINALLY got BA fall. I was in the irc all day whining to everyone about how hard it is, but I finally got it.
oh my god, YES!
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2007 20:50:50
i've been pen spinning for a while and just this year
ive gotten very well known for it in my school.
some random ass ppl come up to me and be like ur the guy that does the
crazy things with the pen somthing..haha
and ya i've gotten lots of ppl such as my gf, couple friends, and some ppl that just want to learn.
i've taught the basics to some and now they are teaching them to others.
i sold one of my mx's for 10 bux to this one guy that really wanted to get into it lol.
great deal
but ya right now im practicing my first ever planned out combo...ive been trying it for about
2 weeks and 2 days. Almost got it down. im gunna make a video with my best friend
for a school talent show in about 3 months. i'll be spinning and he will be doing lighter tricks.
i think id'll turn out great. i'll post it when its all done -
Date: Tue, Oct 16 2007 22:24:26
i made a HCMX the other day, and realized that i didn't like it as much as my metallic comssa so i ended up turning it back into a metallic comssa.
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2007 07:30:33
Just been spinning casually lately. Haven't learned anything new. Almost got bakfall today though.
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2007 09:45:15
yay!! fixed my pen again..ready to spin!!!!! FTW!!
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2007 22:37:27
took the PSAT today and dropped my pencil sooo many times...
Date: Wed, Oct 17 2007 22:51:08
Made a black and white MX, with a signo tip. Looknig for white HGG's.
Ughh i did a: Twistedsonic > index around > TA > infinity extended - Best ive ever done. Now i can learn anything
Looking to find a sweet mod with the available pens i have -
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2007 00:21:55
Initial mapping:
Attempts to make it look like a Sphere Grid:
What I have so far: -
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2007 05:29:51
Shadow 34-34 Continuous
I can do it 4 times -
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2007 08:53:44
just found out that I got bic round stics over here. Really happy, cause this is like the first mod that I can make that I have actually seen on UCPSB/UPSB. Gonna make five bictories tonight. I also got a wallet of four hggs. They cost a lot so I only got a wallet with four. They had em all but, they had 10 wallet hggs, 4 wallet hggs, 4 wallet hgg silver, 4 wallet hggs gold.
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2007 09:00:40
Spent ages fixing the orange and blue templates so they displayed properly in IE. I don't know how I did, but now they look the same for Firefox and IE
. I'm proud. Don't know about Opera though.
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2007 09:49:16QUOTE (Rorix @ Oct 18 2007, 05:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Spent ages fixing the orange and blue templates so they displayed properly in IE. I don't know how I did, but now they look the same for Firefox and IE
. I'm proud. Don't know about Opera though.
My firefox died so im on Opera and the avatar glow is orange -
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2007 09:56:11
I was actually talking about the blue/orange guides in the wiki
. I guess it's a coincidence that my avatar changed from those colors too, lol.
Could you check to see if it looks fine? Like, no pictures out of boxes, everything even. -
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2007 21:11:56QUOTE (Rorix @ Oct 18 2007, 05:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was actually talking about the blue/orange guides in the wiki
. I guess it's a coincidence that my avatar changed from those colors too, lol.
damnit lol
The pictures in the orange boxes are off slightly to the right so they touch the borders. Pictures in the blue boxes are fine though. -
Date: Thu, Oct 18 2007 22:37:01
working on: continuous thumbaround and neosonic 12 - thumbflap charge reverse, and mastering shadow aswell
i think im not going to improve this for the eternity and a little stuck i think i cant progress in those tricks as well -
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2007 05:09:34
Can do a smooth bakfall on my K-MF i can finally say my mod spins well, rather than making neat mods and not having the skill to judge its spinnability.
And made a K-MF retractable -
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2007 05:10:51
what is this KM-F you speak of?
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2007 12:14:06
KickMy-Fruit Package
Date: Fri, Oct 19 2007 21:14:28QUOTE (Pearl @ Oct 19 2007, 08:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>KickMy-Fruit Package
Not quite.
I received a mass shipment of G3's with metal tips today along with some other fun pens i can use. :woop: -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 01:40:45
got my comssa and anyball from my friend!! -
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 01:58:00
got to 90 posts
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 06:17:22
Hmmm, I made a BICtory, they're alright, nothing too special, well at least, not compared to my other pen. The other pen that I have is extremely light in the center, and has heavier ends. The ends aren't that heavy, but they are heavier then the body, which makes it have more momentum. It's a bit like the ballsign, the caps are quite light, but they still give it lots of momentum. Plus, my other pen is longer. So I'll probably keep spinning both for the time being.
Date: Sat, Oct 20 2007 06:19:19
i spun my metallic comssa for the first time in a couple of felt awkward.
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 19:32:44
Finally decided to try and learn FL TS. I've already been doing FL TA Rev and FL Fulltap Rev for a quite a while now.
Thumbspin 1.5 ~ Fingerless Thumbspin 1.5 has a pretty cool feel to it. -
Date: Sun, Oct 21 2007 19:43:04
I decided to do devils sonic and around...I'm now getting the hang of devils sonic
, haven't tried devils around yet...Made a hybrid(two hybrids, I posted one of them in your favorite hybrid thread)
making alot of pen mod prototypes -
Date: Tue, Oct 23 2007 15:50:49
After more than a year, I can finally do a smooth Bakfall. Wow....
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2007 00:55:37
I found a pen that have the same feel as a comssa =/
But bic sized =) -
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2007 01:05:08
After being able to do so many other things... I finally got it down how to do a TA Rev.
lmao... should have learned that before I moved on into combos, it's very useful. -
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2007 02:56:19
My linking got better...but only for a few mini combos. Thought about modding something but then realized that i have an appointment to get raped by university for the next few days.
Date: Wed, Oct 24 2007 21:57:15
I finally got my first Neobak Fall. This combo sucks.
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2007 04:33:48
After rummaging around in my box o' pen mods, I grabbed my old Engo Blendo DX mod. It uses a purple RSVP Moonz body and grips along with a silver HGG DX that I got when I traded with Mikos a long time ago. Anyone know what happened to Mikos? Maybe he just changed his name and didn't tell me.
Anyway, it felt weird to spin so I stuck a G2 clicker inside the RSVP grip inside the cap on the back. Now it feels much better. I think I'll be spinning the EBDX now whenever I want to take a break from the HCMX ().
...I should write up a wiki article on this mod. Thanks Eng for making it, where ever you are.
Edit: I made the article. -
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2007 06:26:48
Today i taught my friend how to do twisted sonic bust in 10 minutes. LOL!
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2007 07:11:43
From scratch? Or did the person know Twsited Sonic and/or Indexaround already?
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2007 07:34:50
Yeah from scratch. He didn't know twisted sonic or indexaround.
I just showed him how to do the twisted sonic then he started doing twisted sonic bust after seeing how i did it.
And also i'm left handed and he's a righty which makes it more impressive, i think. -
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2007 09:58:13
wow..holy shit..tell him about UPSB..
Date: Thu, Oct 25 2007 19:03:24QUOTE (Eso @ Oct 24 2007, 11:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I finally got my first Neobak Fall. This combo sucks.
How dare you :'( -
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2007 10:53:46
Neobak fall is very nice when done well, take Flip's neobak falls for example. They look really nice.
Date: Fri, Oct 26 2007 13:36:07
i started modding pens more's heaps fun
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 06:28:40QUOTE (WhiteFang @ Oct 26 2007, 09:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i started modding pens more's heaps fun
Damn right it is...just be wary about the costs
Found out today that i can do neobak reverse WAY easier than the normal way...kind of weird but i'll take it. -
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 08:41:01
Woohoo this made my day!!!
Me being such a noob I only found the Master Threads Listing in UCPSB today... -
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 12:31:00
Hey, how long did it takes you guys to get a Fast/Smooth Finger pass going?
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 15:18:04
you can make it smooth in one day if you try to use the momentum of the previous pass to link into the next pass...that's how it worked for me...but to get it fast takes maybe one week of doing finger pass smoothly and properly?same thing for me...but to get it REALLY FAST as in Bonkura fast may take A LOT of time...
Edit: typos and forgotten words.... -
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 19:16:46
im trying a bak > fingerless reverse its really hard when you have to time
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 20:52:36QUOTE (K4S @ Oct 28 2007, 01:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Found out today that i can do neobak reverse WAY easier than the normal way...kind of weird but i'll take it.
neobak rev = shadow?
and I'm landing my korean bakfall more often now.. well, idk if often is the right word. it's a few times a day.
I was gonna go shopping for some rsvps for trades, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. -
Date: Sun, Oct 28 2007 21:14:51
No, the tricks have different starting points and spin on different parts of the hand, but they move the same way.
Date: Mon, Oct 29 2007 08:04:11
Since this was my relaxing weekend since i decided to go on a small modding frenzy and i made a dr.KT with yellow and lime green grips, K-MF v4, and a retractable bic mod
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2007 04:08:30
made a bictory retractable today.
Date: Wed, Oct 31 2007 05:02:32
Tuesday October 30th 2007
Still waiting for my fricken order from penwish -
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2007 06:28:25QUOTE (K4S @ Oct 29 2007, 01:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Since this was my relaxing weekend since i decided to go on a small modding frenzy and i made a dr.KT with yellow and lime green grips, K-MF v4, and a retractable bic mod
damn k4s where did u get those? ah, so jealous.
anyway um....learned Neo-Sonic 12-T1 > Charge Rev T1 > FL TA Rev with my left hand
it was surprisingly easy to learn.
also been working on my Twisted Sonic Bust > Bak Rev
how am i so terrible at this trick?
other than that just some basic linking -
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2007 11:13:16
not as active as before..skool starts and exams are near so getting too busy to spin..
Date: Thu, Nov 1 2007 15:05:23
ugh....I'm preparing a combo or combos for a mini collab lol....I suck at making combos...also I don't think I can make it when the deadline is near but we don't have our cam back yet
Date: Fri, Nov 2 2007 05:19:08
Made a GJH....
modded it badly so not exactly wat i would call happy...
but made one^^ -
Date: Fri, Nov 2 2007 05:22:58
improved my bictory retactable.
i no longer have to take off the cap to retract it,
it's similar to Dr1v37h38u5's comssa retactable v2, except with a bictory. -
Date: Sat, Nov 3 2007 19:23:35
01 November...
Added a few pen spinning terms to the wiki.Added some articles too and random bits of info too.
03 November...
I'm feeling pretty good after finally getting around to making a major update of the Trick Index Thread sticky in the Advanced Tricks forum. -
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2007 00:04:52
I can finally do a sonic fall palm down. Yeah yeah, i know its easy but it's one of those things i never really learned earlier and it was preventing me from progressing to harder tricks palm down. -
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2007 03:48:54
I learned how to do a shadow today and did this combo reallly smooth
Twisted sonic 23-12 > TA > TA reverse catch in 23 > Twisted sonic 23-12 > finger pass 3x's > Finger pass reverse 3x's catch in 23 > Double charge 23-23 > Pass > 23-34 > Palm down> sonic 34-23 > > Twisted sonic 23-12> thumbspin 1.5
basically K4LC
Yes i know my notation is horrible -
Date: Sun, Nov 4 2007 18:59:44
I'm practicing a lot of new tricks. I've been trying out some hybrids Eriror uses -- not going very well -- and practicing rev arounds, rev korean pinkybak, and this nifty hybrid (?) TA release ~> Thumbindexspin 2.0.
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2007 03:18:30
Passed a command on PenWish today
So my MX collection will be completed =)
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2007 03:46:34
post pix after plz.
Other than that, I've been practicing a lot of different aerials. -
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2007 04:56:36
Filmed a few videos for the wiki articles...I may have to re-film them later.
Edit: Can't believe I forgot this...I recently found a lost Hybrid Comssa MX!!! Booyah! -
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2007 05:01:06
A few? Quite a lot if they're the latest ones on your channel from 30 minutes ago.
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2007 05:03:15
Yeah, they're the ones I just uploaded to YouTube.
Date: Mon, Nov 5 2007 05:57:29
All it took was learning sonic fall palm down first and learning shadow rev was a piece of cake
. I can finally do good shadow rev on all fingers although there is a little bit of hand movement.
Date: Fri, Nov 9 2007 01:16:58
Been really cold for the past 4 days so its been hard to spin. but i just got a S.W.A.T. rsvp MMT from PDS and can spin pretty well with it. Been getting alot better at cont. midbak 1.5s, got 27 today
. And now currently filming for a tag team vid.
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2007 03:20:32
Alrighty, the Trick Thread Index has been updated with a few more recently made trick/combo/hybrid threads. We've already got a decent amount of threads up.
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2007 03:37:06
Made two new Mx's today.
Also, I've realized I haven't improved in the last 2 months. -
Date: Mon, Nov 12 2007 19:06:40
trying out palm-spin
also made a bictory. just made it much heavier by attaching signo tips and g2 grips lol.
Date: Wed, Nov 14 2007 12:38:17
arrgh..busy trying to study for exams and psing at the same time..>.<
Date: Thu, Nov 15 2007 12:19:11
my pen spinning is fine have lots of tricks but...I need to master all...only around 2/5 mastered overall....I'm feeling left behind...lots of bad stuff happening to my life and PSing currently....more depressed/stressed lately...
Date: Fri, Nov 16 2007 01:00:48
Made a few MXs, and the HGG^R. But I lost my green dr. grip shaker =(
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 14:57:39
now spinning a gripless comssa. it's mad hard
and now im with light pens. my heaviest being an mx. -
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 16:15:28
Made another wonderful mod Nobody Likes as Usual
F for KT2 -
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 17:29:49
Being happy, knowing that today is the day when I started learning TA
Date: Sun, Nov 18 2007 17:38:33
just made my all yellow JRB Mx
its bangin -
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2007 01:11:28
Made a total black MSXA today
My first MSXA, It's so easy to spin with this =O
Cheating =) -
Date: Mon, Nov 19 2007 07:46:18
Just made a Metallic Japanese Comssa at the suggestion of a friend, and it spins like a dream. : D
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 03:16:48
I've finally developed a nice style. I'm so much smoother now. : D
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 04:06:17
Still trying to do that shadow. Why do I have so much trouble with it?
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 04:19:41
I have troubles with shadows too. :[
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 05:28:27QUOTE (11Thrasher11 @ Nov 19 2007, 09:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Still trying to do that shadow. Why do I have so much trouble with it?
If it makes you feel any better, it took a few months until I had a decent Shadow. -
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 05:40:32QUOTE (sketching @ Nov 19 2007, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>If it makes you feel any better, it took a few months until I had a decent Shadow.
It does. -
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 05:51:50
I, after about 3 weeks (started 14.10 but had a break for about 10 days), already stopped learning new tricks. It problably is stupid way to go but right now I am doing various combos and I am ok with it, I can learn all those shadows etc. later. So my current "combo" I am working on is whata I call infinity switch (I just call that for myself ofc..), which is something like infinity->fingerless thumbaround which actually changes the end of the pen which you are doing infinity with. I found that combo not by accident or so, simply by thinking how could I switch the side, thats why I call it infinity switch
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 05:54:42
You should learn more tricks so you could do better combos
Not like 2 tricks combos =/ -
Date: Tue, Nov 20 2007 06:06:47QUOTE (Pearl @ Nov 20 2007, 06:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You should learn more tricks so you could do better combos
Not like 2 tricks combos =/
I am quite sick of learning more tricks, but I found a better way to do it - learn tricks while learning combos, I am learning sonic mapping that way. About the last fundamental I can't do - charge.. I tried, I really did but sorry guys after trying for like two hours I really don't get it, so I'll just wait until it'll come to me. -
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 01:42:36
I need to work on my smothness ...thats whats keeping me from winning battles
:/ -
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 05:23:02
WOOT I FINALLY understood how to do Levitator Normal, so I was able to write the wiki article.
I don't know why I couldn't understand what to do before. -
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 06:06:41
Nice photos to go along with the article, sketching. I'll try learning that next.
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 06:07:03
LoL, right now I'm trying to learn the Thumbspin 1.5 and other variations of that one. I just finished learning a decent shadow WOOT!!! and I'm just now working on my neobackarounds from whatever to whatever. So that's about it.
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 06:08:24QUOTE (cyber penguin @ Nov 21 2007, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>LoL, right now I'm trying to learn the Thumbspin 1.5 and other variations of that one. I just finished learning a decent shadow WOOT!!! and I'm just now working on my neobackarounds from whatever to whatever. So that's about it.
I can't do Shadow.
T_T -
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 07:29:46
Geh, I can only get vertical spins with Levitator Normal. ...and the times it does become horizontal, it goes right to my face.
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 08:19:04
WOOT getting better at free styling and combos!getting vids ready for...
Date: Thu, Nov 22 2007 14:19:23
BAM! Just modded 'meself some Syn mods
Date: Fri, Nov 23 2007 23:57:10
changed my green mx into green/orange/white mx
coming out nicely. gonna show a vid of it being spun during my battle with roy_,_,_,_,_ (can't remember the numbers...) -
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 00:22:02
Picked up spinning again.
Now I need to find some motivation... Have there been any major UPSB collabs yet? -
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 00:44:00QUOTE (MikeN @ Nov 23 2007, 07:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Picked up spinning again.
Now I need to find some motivation... Have there been any major UPSB collabs yet?
Well there is the official collab but that is postponed and I don't see any other sign ups going on at the moment. -
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 02:57:53
There aren't any more signups, but Zombo said that you could pair up with somebody and make a video if you like, although don't feel pressed for time, he wants good videos not rushed ones.
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 03:20:19QUOTE (Tim @ Nov 23 2007, 09:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>There aren't any more signups, but Zombo said that you could pair up with somebody and make a video if you like, although don't feel pressed for time, he wants good videos not rushed ones.
he did?!
hm...... maybe me and thig should do something... -
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 11:54:19
I just learnt Double Infinity. At the moment, I'm mastering IndexAround and Fingerless ThumbAround.
Date: Sat, Nov 24 2007 15:08:09
hehe... im practicing shadow... mine looks extremely choppy...
Date: Sun, Nov 25 2007 05:46:17
I have a pretty smooth fingerpass. The trick is letting the pen do most of the work. Let it fall down one side of your hand and just guide it. Then use its momentum to let in up the other other side most of the way and just push it other the edge again once it reaches 2-3.
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2007 02:49:33
I can finally do the indexpinkybackaround reverse 12-34 and inverse sonic 23-13~> shadow normal 13-23! Next up, Pass 34-13 ~> Shadow 13-T1 ~ PS 0.5 (T)1-34!
Wonder which hybrid is harder... -
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2007 06:09:40
My first penwish order YAY!!!!
1 x Pentel Hybrid Gel Grip HGG PINK
1 x RSVP- Pink
2 x Dr Grip TIPS
2 x Sakura Ball Sign
2 x Color Twins- Black
3 x Dong A Comssa with double white cap
1 x Sailor Gel Pens- Red
1 x Sailor Gel Pens- Black
1 x Sailor Gel Pens- Blue
1 x Pilot Dr Grip GRIPS Only
1 x Pilot Super Grip Pencil 0.5mm- Clear Blue
1 x Anyball Grip - Blue -
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2007 07:31:11
I spun in most lessons today, except science where we played with Lego® again. I've just been freestyling and I probably will be until I get a camera. It's hard waiting. I've also been practicing some things that I haven't quite gotten down yet.
Date: Mon, Nov 26 2007 21:51:30
now preparing a aerial combo (which i haven't done in a year or so ) for neo/huroni's vid.
EDIT: woohoo! i got my first 5 rev baks in a row! -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 01:41:24QUOTE (mhig @ Nov 26 2007, 01:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>now preparing a aerial combo (which i haven't done in a year or so ) for neo/huroni's vid.
EDIT: woohoo! i got my first 5 rev baks in a row!
5 rev backs? Nice... I was happy just doing 2 cont baks today... -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 01:47:51
Trying to learn continuous 1.5 frustrating.
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 01:54:44QUOTE (k2thez @ Nov 27 2007, 08:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Trying to learn continuous 1.5 frustrating.
lol i find it frustrating too.
lol im trying to get bakriser now -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 02:11:48QUOTE (k2thez @ Nov 27 2007, 05:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Trying to learn continuous 1.5 frustrating.
I've just started trying cont backs today. It'll be a while before I move on to cont bak 1.5s. I'm also hoping to get a good cont bakriser. -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 02:20:25QUOTE (mhig @ Nov 26 2007, 04:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>now preparing a aerial combo (which i haven't done in a year or so ) for neo/huroni's vid.
totally my idea... i did not give you lease terms. bark bark bark
fixed my BICtory in german class today, it writes now and spins better. i also added more wieght to my comssa, still feels week though...
i am expecting a DR Grip in the mail from who ever makes it. i think i did something wrong though... -
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 04:12:02QUOTE (nolan @ Nov 27 2007, 06:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>fixed my BICtory in german class today, it writes now and spins better. i also added more wieght to my comssa, still feels week though...
Modding in class?
Working on my positioning of fingers not in use now.Going fairly well except I don't get the level of smoothness I usually have. Just have to fix that.
Date: Wed, Nov 28 2007 06:54:09
Today was alright overall. I was juggling people's combination locks during the time before school started, which was really fun, everyone was like "how do you do that" or "that's so cool" because I'm probably the only one that can juggle. It was only a 3 lock cascade. Didn't spin very much today.
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 00:26:12
aerial combo's going much harder than i expected....
Look Into the Sun: lol thx. just that i only got it once and im still working on it. mainly i get two-three but i got really really lucky there.
trying to penspin with both hands lol. got sonic, charge, thumbaround, rev thumbaround, and sonic rev well. any advice? -
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 02:21:21
Freestyling a lot...Trying to link Rev Baks to make it continuous. I can get 3x if I'm lucky. Also perfecting Twisted Sonic Bust Rise.
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 02:32:08
Made myself a "trick list" the other one that I made wasnt that helpful and I didnt really completed it. So I made a new one with hybrids, passes, and other tricks that I need to master.
Also practicing all the fundies on my left hand TA is mastered working on reverse -
Date: Thu, Nov 29 2007 23:41:37
man my hands are frozen since it's nearly winter here.
i can barely move the pen. now going to look at the topic 'cold hands'
still trying to get bakriser midbakriser. it's so hard catching it and still letting it spin after it lands -
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 06:27:36
just finished exams.. my mum's gonna give me back the pens she took from me so i can study..
Date: Fri, Nov 30 2007 11:37:34
i've been practicing hard during the last 4 days... at least 4 hours a day.
but today i barely touched my pen. i will continue practice tonight to make up for time. -
Date: Sat, Dec 1 2007 00:12:23
deciding on what kind of transition to use in my vid im making.
i should release it by mid december -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 02:17:25
I finally learned how to do a proper Twisted sonic bust. I used to use my thumb
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 09:25:19QUOTE (KinXiom @ Dec 4 2007, 10:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I finally learned how to do a proper Twisted sonic bust. I used to use my thumb
how the heck do you do a TW sonic bust with your thumb?or do you mean the bust part...then I get you..never did it though -
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 10:33:45
Started practicing spiderspin after seeing Leviathans vid with the hybrids. But my pinky hurts from stretching it out so much so I had to stop
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 20:24:14
now trying to get my combos on vid for huroni, ephem and meteor.
Date: Tue, Dec 4 2007 23:45:35QUOTE (4GO57O @ Dec 4 2007, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>how the heck do you do a TW sonic bust with your thumb?or do you mean the bust part...then I get you..never did it though
yea i used to think the bust was with yuor hand -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 05:14:50
Yay =)
My first collaboration to the Wiki =)
I'm so proud =O -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 05:33:27QUOTE (Pearl @ Dec 4 2007, 09:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yay =)
My first collaboration to the Wiki =)
I'm so proud =O
Nice job. :] -
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 16:13:15
I saw my math teacher doin TAs today..
Date: Wed, Dec 5 2007 21:25:51QUOTE (Merkuury @ Dec 5 2007, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I saw my math teacher doin TAs today..
i have two combos ready for something... hopefully the two collabs im in but not sure which one to put in which...
hopefully they even make it in... -
Date: Thu, Dec 6 2007 01:50:55
I melted some faces with my continuous 5.0 baks today. It rocked out loud.
Date: Mon, Dec 10 2007 15:33:50QUOTE (Lordbojo @ Dec 5 2007, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I melted some faces with my continuous 5.0 baks today. It rocked out loud.
5.0?! wow
i need to get a combo for the battle soon...
now deciding when i should release that video too....
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 00:18:37QUOTE (Lordbojo @ Dec 5 2007, 05:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I melted some faces with my continuous 5.0 baks today. It rocked out loud.
Whoa, wtf. 5.0? Godly.
...The korean midbak 1.5 I just did today is nothing compared to that. ._. -
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 00:29:00
Ahahaha Baks 5.0
Yeah right
Just started the editing of my one year.
I'm gonna start planning combos and practice them =O -
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 04:19:17
lol. I just learned the double thumbaround today. ezpz. Funny how I've known how to do the bakfall, cont midbaks (3x was my highest
), and just learned barely double ta today.
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 04:28:02
Well I can finally do a Shadow.
I can't get a backaroudn though... -
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 08:44:18
Off to go film my video for the Christmas Collab.
*Tim logs off. -
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 15:59:26
I just found out that my school bookstore carries Pentel S360 Color Pens.
I finally get to try out kaisen's S360 Color Pen Mod when I get home today.
All these years and I never noticed them.
Maybe they're a new addition...
...I need to film my intro video for the Feel Good Collab. -
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 16:49:13
Woo, take some for me please!
Date: Tue, Dec 11 2007 17:08:34
Maybe. I've just been spinning a double-capped Color Pen here at work, it feel pretty good. A bit heavier than a double-capped Comssa mod w/out grips. Once grips are added and the length extended a bit, it should feel quite nice.
I bought 2 sky blue pens, a pink pen and a black pen. I plan going with one pink and one sky blue cap over the black body, otherwise I'll just go with a sky-blue mod overall. -
Date: Thu, Dec 13 2007 05:50:34
w00t !
Just nailed my first Twisted Sonic Bust -> Bak Rev -> Bak Rev
=) -
Date: Fri, Dec 14 2007 23:29:34
trying out some random, ridiculous endings lol
like bak rev 12-12 -> scissor spin 12-t1 -> fl thumbspin 1.5 x3
can't get it so often though lol
also trying to figure out some simple hybrids used in 1-4 since i suck at that area in terms of spinning -
Date: Sat, Dec 15 2007 00:21:25
yesterday my prior ps instincts kicked in when i was in a friends house and i saw a g3. so i took it and now im fucking round with it lol
Date: Mon, Dec 17 2007 21:18:31
now wondering if i should go for dr. kt...
i was also wondering, are bictory signo tipped and dr. kt similar in anyway (related to it's spin) -
Date: Tue, Dec 18 2007 05:04:06
I will be spinning for 1 year next month, not sure if I will make a solo, it will be a lotof work, but if I did it would only be 1-1:30 long. I might just make some videos and release it in feb or march, not sure.
I'm charging my laptop at the moment so that I can try again to film my christmas collab combo, my new angle is way better, it's pretty much straight above my hand. -
Date: Wed, Dec 19 2007 01:49:42
now testing out some hybrids which i broke down (hopefully the break down was even correct...)
trying to find some hybrid which'll make my combos less boring (i've got soooo many complaints about my combos being very repetitive lol) -
Date: Thu, Dec 20 2007 16:19:40
haven't been able to spin for a while.. i need to buy pens to start spinning again..
Date: Thu, Dec 20 2007 22:24:49
I made a MP shaker mod inspiring of K4S' mod
I'll post it soon -
Date: Thu, Dec 20 2007 22:37:35
Made a Bictory.
Used an old Bic, double ended tips and caps. Then I poked holes into the caps and stuck in the clicky ends of Pilot G2's (don't knwo what it's called)
added more weight by using grips of Bic Velocities.
then frosted it.
looks simple, my first mod
I also frosted my Pilot G2, and put an insert in another. -
Date: Thu, Dec 20 2007 23:33:11
I taped myself doing 109 cont. double charges in a row. Made up a combo for my next battle, hopefully I can perform it on camera.
Date: Fri, Dec 21 2007 23:41:50
decided on making my second solo
this time the quality will actually be better
and it'll be on youtube =O
hopefully i get it out before the years out -
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 05:00:34
it seems that i somehow lost my cont. midbak 1.5s over night. i cant do more than 4 and their really difficut for me to do all of a sudden. wtf! that doesnt just happen does it?
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 05:29:57QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Dec 21 2007, 09:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>it seems that i somehow lost my cont. midbak 1.5s over night. i cant do more than 4 and their really difficut for me to do all of a sudden. wtf! that doesnt just happen does it?
Scary. The only thing I can compare to that is my thumbspins. If I don't practice it often, it worsens. -
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 06:20:32QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Dec 22 2007, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Scary. The only thing I can compare to that is my thumbspins. If I don't practice it often, it worsens.
yea its weird though cause i was just doing like 10+ two days ago with ease and now i just cant get the feel for them all of a sudden? it doesnt make sence.
i guess i gotta get the feel back. -
Date: Sat, Dec 22 2007 06:23:48QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Dec 22 2007, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>yea its weird though cause i was just doing like 10+ two days ago with ease and now i just cant get the feel for them all of a sudden? it doesnt make sence.
i guess i gotta get the feel back.
just means you didn't master them properly yet. not consistent yet. -
Date: Sun, Dec 23 2007 21:35:06
I woke up today, ran a bit on my treadmill, and afterwards, was able to do korean bak1.5s and midbak1.5s somewhat consistently. I felt good. Then afterwards, I felt even better when I actually did a (albeit sloppy) korean bakfall 1.5!
It was a complete fluke, and I couldn't do it again, but man did I feel good. And I find pinkybak 1.5s to be quite easy. Great day -- so far.
Date: Sun, Dec 23 2007 22:37:29
just hearing that japen 3rd is coming out really soon =D
but then on the other hand i feel like i seriously need to improve...
still need to improve like crazy
@look into the sun: pinky bak 1.5 is fairly easy! lol after you posted that i was trying it and i got it on like my second try! -
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2007 04:15:05QUOTE (mhig @ Dec 23 2007, 02:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>just hearing that japen 3rd is coming out really soon =D
but then on the other hand i feel like i seriously need to improve...
still need to improve like crazy
@look into the sun: pinky bak 1.5 is fairly easy! lol after you posted that i was trying it and i got it on like my second try!
lol. I know! I was so surprised when I did it. Ringbak1.5s and ringbaks are the toughest for me. -
Date: Mon, Dec 24 2007 18:59:25
Hmph, been a while.
I mastered Sonic 34-23 ~> Inverse Sonic 13->12, which I'm quite proud of.
Been working on mapping out different twisted sonics.
Got the hang of continuous shadows, and am starting to link them into different sorts of shadows.
Starting to get the hang of Around Reverse(finally :\)
Meh. -
Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 03:54:34
trying to find out what i need to make a vid for...
so far i was planning to make one for like 3 vids or something i can't remember...
now trying to get:
bak ~ rev fl thumbaround -> rev fl thumbaround perfectly like every time -
Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 06:34:53
Had some free time so i made a few different colored KMFv1's and v4's so i finally finished my KMF kit
Date: Tue, Dec 25 2007 17:57:12
Ive just made bictory, my first "offic mod". It's not as good as miine mod when it comes to spinning, but it writes with blue and black, which is really cool. It is also better than the pseudoRSVP I was using.
But still, I think mine double capped marker is the best pen in the world ;-) -
Date: Fri, Dec 28 2007 01:50:45
Mastered Devil's sonic/around
So proud of myself
Now to work on some combos...cant ever seem to get a good one -
Date: Sat, Dec 29 2007 13:02:16
Decided to re-assess my style, and try to make it into something more like a slow Eriror-ish/Japanese style with a few different tricks not usually in those styles thrown in. Let's see how it goes.
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 04:55:06
now trying to become ambidextrous XD
like writing with my left hand and spinning with my left hand, hopefully this all works out in the end -
Date: Thu, Jan 3 2008 21:03:53
Made my first mod! RSVP MX
To me, its so heavy ... before this pen, i spun with a double ended highlighter pen =S
Took me 2 hoursI also made the insert =D
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 02:42:38
Made the M-301X pencil mod. Definitely one of my favorite pencil mods, second to only the Dr. Grip shaker.
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 05:10:10
I made 6 pens today. They're late Christmas presents to a few friends.
Currently learning: Backaround 1.5 fall, Backaround Rise, Inverse Sonic 34-23 ~> Shadow 24-34, Reverse Sonic Clips (never bothered to learn the reverse of sonic clips before)
Currently trying to get consistent and smooth: Cont Bak, Cont Midbak, Cont TA Extended, Cont BaktoRev, Cont Bakriser, Cont Shadow Release, Cont. FL TAs, Cont Full Taps, Cont Rev Full Taps, Cont Twisted Sonic -> Indexmiddlebackaround Reverse, Twisted Sonic -> Indexpinkybackaround Reverse, Palmspin, Reverse Around Fall, Around Fall
......So much to do, so little time. -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 05:35:21
I think you might or might not encounter this problem when learning inverse sonic 34-23.
When I started learning, the pen always get stuck on the ring finger, after doing it for sometimes, palming down solve my problem.
Hope this might be able to help you =D -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 05:36:33QUOTE (Novastrike @ Jan 3 2008, 09:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I think you might or might not encounter this problem when learning inverse sonic 34-23.
When I started learning, the pen always get stuck on the ring finger, after doing it for sometimes, palming down solve my problem.
Hope this might be able to help you =D
I did have that problem. Easily fixed though doing it palm down for a bit. Thanks though. It is good advice. -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 09:53:35
Well I finally did my first Bak Fall. I was very exited now to just make it smooth. Ugh I also have to film for my first battle. On a sad note I learned today that I "Officially" started spinning the day bonkura died
(I know i never took the time to see the date he actually died.)
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 12:31:35
Learned Corkscrew, Tipped Sonic rev.
Mastering: Extended TA, Flush Sonic, Shadow/Shadow Rev T1-XX, some odd linkage between my tricks.
Meh, this thread is always so depressing. So many good pen spinners these days, how are you supposed to keep on track? Look Into the Sun is doing stuff I haven't even considered trying.
How can you do so many Cont. tricks? -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 15:49:30
Just realized that the youtube account "Sfsr" was also mine, and I've been using "Sfsrsr" all the time since I thought "Sfsr" was already being used, but by someone else
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 16:22:20
I've been modding non-stop for the past day since my penwish order came in
and practicing devil's around
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 20:41:59QUOTE (Teatime @ Jan 4 2008, 04:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Learned Corkscrew, Tipped Sonic rev.
Mastering: Extended TA, Flush Sonic, Shadow/Shadow Rev T1-XX, some odd linkage between my tricks.
Meh, this thread is always so depressing. So many good pen spinners these days, how are you supposed to keep on track? Look Into the Sun is doing stuff I haven't even considered trying.
How can you do so many Cont. tricks?
I use an extra long pen for continuous tricks, just to get the hang of it first. I have a problem of working on a lot, thus I'm not highly proficient at any one cont trick. The only decent cont tricks I'm able to perform is cont bak and cont baktorev. The rest are just bleh. -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 21:46:55QUOTE (sangara @ Jan 4 2008, 01:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Well I finally did my first Bak Fall. I was very exited now to just make it smooth. Ugh I also have to film for my first battle. On a sad note I learned today that I "Officially" started spinning the day bonkura died
(I know i never took the time to see the date he actually died.)
damn you can already bakfall. ugh i fear i will never get this. its that damn ringbak. i can do it pretty easily however linking it from the midbak it always does a neo ring bak. bah.
other than my complaining ive been getting better at continuous inv sonic 23-12 ~ shadow 13-23 and continuous fake doubles. -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 21:49:35QUOTE (scyros @ Jan 4 2008, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>damn you can already bakfall. ugh i fear i will never get this. its that damn ringbak. i can do it pretty easily however linking it from the midbak it always does a neo ring bak. bah.
other than my complaining ive been getting better at continuous inv sonic 23-12 ~ shadow 13-23 and continuous fake doubles.
I hate the midbak > ringbak transition also. It's where I usually mess up on. -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 22:02:44
Just completed my first trade for some nice HGGs for my replacement MSXA (Broke my first one
Body snapped at a party).
Trying to get back into the swing of things.. I haven't really learned any new tricks in a long time. Heh. Anyway, trying to finally get bakfall (stuck on the midbak -> ringbak, like everyone else it seems... I can do all the baks individually, it's just the linking that's failing), trying to learn to link ext. TA's into combos, and learning shadow fall.
Might get into some weird sonic\twisted sonic variations after I'm done learning this stuff. I'm pretty horribly behind for how long I've been spinning : P.
EDIT: And woot, just landed my first Double TA. Been working on that one for a while, too. =D.
EDIT2: And another one, yeyyy -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 22:14:12QUOTE (Zigosity @ Jan 4 2008, 02:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Just completed my first trade for some nice HGGs for my replacement MSXA (Broke my first one
Body snapped at a party).
Trying to get back into the swing of things.. I haven't really learned any new tricks in a long time. Heh. Anyway, trying to finally get bakfall (stuck on the midbak -> ringbak, like everyone else it seems... I can do all the baks individually, it's just the linking that's failing), trying to learn to link ext. TA's into combos, and learning shadow fall.
Might get into some weird sonic\twisted sonic variations after I'm done learning this stuff. I'm pretty horribly behind for how long I've been spinning : P.
EDIT: And woot, just landed my first Double TA. Been working on that one for a while, too. =D.
EDIT2: And another one, yeyyy
You're working on bakfalls and you haven't learned your twisted sonics + variations? Twisted sonics are safe and simple way to impress a crowd! It's a must. It amazes them just as much as a bakfall. Sort of. -
Date: Fri, Jan 4 2008 23:42:26QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Jan 4 2008, 05:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You're working on bakfalls and you haven't learned your twisted sonics + variations? Twisted sonics are safe and simple way to impress a crowd! It's a must. It amazes them just as much as a bakfall. Sort of.
I've learned twisted sonics and a few hybrids, just not the more crazy variations on it =P. -
Date: Sat, Jan 5 2008 08:32:16
Made a BallSign mod today.
A girl at my school tried to do a TA n,and the pen went flying out of the class window.
I laughed at her,and she took a double-capped pen (Some kind of highlighter),and did a very very smooth triangle pass.
Heck,I never knew that she'd been spinning triangle pass for 4 years! -
Date: Sun, Jan 6 2008 07:49:51
Mastered fingerpass (normal) on my left hand! (i'm righthanded..)
also, made this because i was bored:
@Anton: triangle passing for 4 years??whoa! kinda like when i was doing the charge for 3 years until i realised there was "pen spinning"... -
Date: Mon, Jan 7 2008 07:38:39
The use of "mastered" is quite misused. When you say you master a trick you better be able to do it smoothly, do it fast, combo into it and combo out of it.
Anyway, i made my newest mech pencil mod today...turned out good, but wasn't balanced so i had to add some grip to the front. Of course then i realized i could have done it totally different to use a better tip which would achieve the balance i needed instead of having to compensate with i'll have to make v2 tomorrow or whenever i have time ugh.
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2008 01:06:53
Went back to school today
to tired to do anything. So when my teacher called roll I was already in the middle of a combo so, instead of raising my hand I did a TA release well that sure caught his attention... Oh well still waiting on my penwish order. I DEMAND MY COMSSA'S! Also looking forward to making a Sunburst and regular MX. w00t!
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2008 02:47:48QUOTE (K4S @ Jan 6 2008, 11:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>The use of "mastered" is quite misused. When you say you master a trick you better be able to do it smoothly, do it fast, combo into it and combo out of it.
Anyway, i made my newest mech pencil mod today...turned out good, but wasn't balanced so i had to add some grip to the front. Of course then i realized i could have done it totally different to use a better tip which would achieve the balance i needed instead of having to compensate with i'll have to make v2 tomorrow or whenever i have time ugh.
Another mech pencil mod? Sweet. Simple to make? -
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2008 02:58:13
I just realized I never post in this thread!
Must say something...Mmm... Well I read a thread in ThaiSpinner that pen spinning is getting more and more popular in Thailand. Some people try to seek profit from this by selling "specialized spinning pens" or having "pen spinning classes" now. Interesting...
I went to the Wiki today and read an article on Writing Position. Cool pic, sketching. Your background inspired me. Next time I will try to spin with my dog in the background.
Take care -
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2008 03:13:14
started spinning my comssa with no grips and my rushon for the first time in 2 months XD
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2008 03:34:36
I've just given up trying to get it smooth. Hopefully it will just come with use.
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2008 07:38:06QUOTE (K4S @ Jan 7 2008, 03:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Anyway, i made my newest mech pencil mod today...turned out good, but wasn't balanced so i had to add some grip to the front. Of course then i realized i could have done it totally different to use a better tip which would achieve the balance i needed instead of having to compensate with grip i'll have to make v2 tomorrow or whenever i have time ugh.
My fingers hurt like hell from gripping the v2 of my latest mech pencil mod...such a pain in the ass. The good news is that my prediction of using a different tip for the mechanical pencil to balance it out worked (of course lolol) so i no longer have to shove a huge grip in the front to balance it out. All i gotta do is give it a name...which is proving harder than usual.
I'm feeling like this is my best mech pencil mod yet but that's usually the feeling i get whenever i finish a new mod so i'll sit on that feeling for a little while to see if it's semi-true or if im just temporarily proud haha. -
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2008 07:42:46QUOTE (jess @ Jan 6 2008, 06:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Mastered fingerpass (normal) on my left hand! (i'm righthanded..)
also, made this because i was bored:
@Anton: triangle passing for 4 years??whoa! kinda like when i was doing the charge for 3 years until i realised there was "pen spinning"...
That is exactly the same thing that happened to me.... -
Date: Tue, Jan 8 2008 12:33:18
Yep. She doesn't know anything about Pen Spinning when she started spinning Triangle Passes.
I wonder who's the one who taught her...
Or did she discovered it herself? -
Date: Fri, Jan 11 2008 17:28:27
my thumbspin 5.0
nothing special but... my record -
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2008 02:24:57
Well i had lost my first mod ever, this blue mx, on halloween in this chinese takeout restaurant and i had been really upset after that and i didn't have a pen to spin for a while cause that was my only mod
but apparantly today, about 2 1/2 months later, my friend (cleptomatic) had found it and told xero that he had found this really beat up blue mx in this chinese take out restaurant with kam's insert but didn't pick it up cause of how beat up it was
and then so xero told me, and i was like "THAT WAS MINEEE >.<"
kinda wanted it for sentimental purposes, but w/e
if i see it next time i go there, i'll pick it up, and hopefully it will be, seeign as how it's been there for over 2 months now''
if not, oh well -
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2008 02:57:58
Got my Penwish order FINALLY
Made everything with an Irish theme: Irish flag Comssa, and two orange and green MX's. I got more pens but thats all I made today. And people at school can't seem to understand that penspinning is only a hobbybut w/e thats their problem.
Date: Sat, Jan 12 2008 21:44:30QUOTE (Cienki @ Jan 11 2008, 09:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looked more like a thumbindexspin. But nice job! Does the middle grip actually help? I've never tried it. -
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 11:28:50
Arrgghh, the teacher confiscated my pen mod today!
His excuse was :" You spin too much on my class,that's so friggin' annoying and it disturbs our lesson."
Heck,I need to make a new pen mod again . -
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 15:47:05
did my first backfall today
wouldn't say that i learned it cause i can't do it everytime, but it's a start
now i gotta work on being able to do it everytime and getting it smooth *sigh*
god...2 weeks, and i've only been able to do it once -
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 17:34:03QUOTE (-JC- @ Jan 13 2008, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>did my first backfall today
wouldn't say that i learned it cause i can't do it everytime, but it's a start
now i gotta work on being able to do it everytime and getting it smooth *sigh*
god...2 weeks, and i've only been able to do it once
That's great JC!
You're finally starting to catch up to me.
Working on the IndexPinkyBackaround Reverse 2.0, and so far, I've got it down perfectly once.
I'm starting to get the swing of it by realizing when and where the pen needs to go.
Now that I look at it, it doesn't really seem like that hard of a move. -
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 19:32:57
I made a clear kt today with comssa caps. It's so damn heavy, but the momentum on the thing is nuts! I still prefer my MX over it, but I can't even use my MX because it's so light compared to the kt and it takes a while to readjust.
Really easy to do cont tricks with the thing though. 8 cont TA extended, 8 cont baks, 4 cont midbaks, 4 twisted sonic > indexmiddlebak revs, and 2 cont bakrisers. Yay. Now I just need to be able to do that with my MX. Oh, pulled off my first TA extended > bak rev with the KT too. What a pen! -
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 20:10:53QUOTE (Xero @ Jan 13 2008, 12:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>That's great JC!
You're finally starting to catch up to me.
it's not fairrrr
why're you so ahead of me when we started ps at the same timeQUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Jan 13 2008, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I made a clear kt today with comssa caps. It's so damn heavy, but the momentum on the thing is nuts! I still prefer my MX over it, but I can't even use my MX because it's so light compared to the kt and it takes a while to readjust.
Really easy to do cont tricks with the thing though. 8 cont TA extended, 8 cont baks, 4 cont midbaks, 4 twisted sonic > indexmiddlebak revs, and 2 cont bakrisers. Yay. Now I just need to be able to do that with my MX. Oh, pulled off my first TA extended > bak rev with the KT too. What a pen!
yah, i tried spinning with xero's kt and after spinning with it for a couple min. my msxa felt like a toothpick..and then i couldn't spin with it like i used to >.<
then i went back to spinnign the kt cause it was so much easier to spin...god...the dr. kt's like a drug -
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 23:20:12QUOTE (-JC- @ Jan 13 2008, 12:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>it's not fairrrr
why're you so ahead of me when we started ps at the same time
yah, i tried spinning with xero's kt and after spinning with it for a couple min. my msxa felt like a toothpick..and then i couldn't spin with it like i used to >.<
then i went back to spinnign the kt cause it was so much easier to spin...god...the dr. kt's like a drug
I actually like my MX better than the KT. I spin better on the MX, it's simply easier to do tricks on the KT. -
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 23:29:31
working on the smothness and perfection of a bakfall. learned it one night while bored.
Date: Sun, Jan 13 2008 23:37:44
got my first thumbspin 4.0... XD
and managed to remember how to do multiple busts... yup i forgot how for like awhile XP
even though i only get like 3-4...
my bakriser rate of getting is getting higher!from 1/30 -> 1/15 in estimate
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 00:44:49
grrr...broke my comssa cap bump with the tip on it from my msxa for teh second time >.<
so upset... -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 06:58:42QUOTE (-JC- @ Jan 16 2008, 01:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>grrr...broke my comssa cap bump with the tip on it from my msxa for teh second time >.<
so upset...
Sounds familiar... It sucks so much. -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 07:25:16
Got my first Cont. Bak X 4 today.
I'm so happy. -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 09:32:17
my order from PDS came today.. made mx.. and i realised that the penn i was using is like 10 times heavier than mx. i trying to get used to mx.
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 10:39:58QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Jan 16 2008, 01:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Sounds familiar... It sucks so much.
i had even done the sanding down the bumps thing on the rsvp >.<
i thought that that would stop it from breaking it a second time...grr.... -
Date: Wed, Jan 16 2008 11:14:42
Finally learnt good Thumbspin and smooth Fingerpass. Training Continous Backaround.
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 01:26:43
How many fingerpass can you do in a minute? (Pass 12-23-34-23-12= 1 fingerpass)
Mine was 61... I suck.... -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 01:34:12
I just timed mine and it was
With a MX
=) -
Date: Thu, Jan 17 2008 01:52:44QUOTE (Pearl @ Jan 16 2008, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I just timed mine and it was
With a MX
Nice.... I wonder how many Bonkura will get if he was still here... -
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 03:32:03
lately i've been trying to get bakriser in a combo
like the middle so it's much harder than ever since i get some pressure about catching it and screw up the end...
and im learning how to do ring bak 1.5 cont which is mad hard! -
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 04:57:24
Learned the Shadow, onto mastering it.
Starting to learn the Devil's Sonic and Double Charge, as well as continuing to practice the Fingerpass.
-Arcturus -
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 05:29:39
Trying to master:
-continuous backaround reverses
-IndexPinkyBackaround Reverse 2.0
-Backflip -
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 05:35:34
I tried to do a bakfall with a badminton racket in school and hit myself in the face and started bleeding a lil.
Date: Sat, Jan 19 2008 05:46:33
Date: Mon, Jan 21 2008 23:27:08
trying to learn bakfall.
i hate my pinky so much. -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 00:07:00
just takes a bit of practice
do all the baks individually until you feel comfortable with them (doing it separately)
then add them together SLOWLY
now gone back to my mx due to um requests 'cough' to go back to it
lol jk well i feel like mx is gonna be my #1 pen again
can't wait till the hgg's get here... -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 00:16:42
Cooli! I learn to do bakfall today! WHOOP WHOOP! Its so fun, lol. Tomorrow, Ima learn NEOBAK FALL! YEAH BOI!!!! I also learned to do more arounds and baks in my combo's! Look forward to improvement!
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 00:21:23
I've become addicted to trading. I've done two within the last month, and am going to do another one really soon.
I've also made two MX^2.
Still trying to master the previously mentioned tricks. -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 00:26:43QUOTE (Xero @ Jan 21 2008, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've become addicted to trading. I've done two within the last month, and am going to do another one really soon.
I've also made two MX^2.
yah..i've noticed xD
well, i have started to trade more and mroe too..which isn't good
starting to get inverse shadow down though... -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 00:27:43QUOTE (Xero @ Jan 21 2008, 07:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've become addicted to trading. I've done two within the last month, and am going to do another one really soon.
I've also made two MX^2.
Still trying to master the previously mentioned tricks.
yea! i've also become addicted to trading!
im not even sure if i can get all the pens XD well probably but yea
trading rsvp for a ton of hgg's, a few dr. grips and some comssa (hopefully)
and now after hearing look at the sun's response, i guess it's just better for me to spin an mx.... forever! -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 00:29:20QUOTE (Huroni @ Jan 21 2008, 04:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Cooli! I learn to do bakfall today! WHOOP WHOOP! Its so fun, lol. Tomorrow, Ima learn NEOBAK FALL! YEAH BOI!!!! I also learned to do more arounds and baks in my combo's! Look forward to improvement!
Great! More variety, although neobak falls aren't that great imo... Learn the bakrise instead. The rev pinkybak to rev ringback transition is a bitch though.
Oh, I learned the shadow rev today. Wasn't too hard -- quite easy actually. Still practicing cont tricks (cont midbaks, cont aerial tricks), getting a bit better at them. I plan on going to office depot soon to see if they have HGGs. I've always wanted one.
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 00:38:29
jeez some bad signs happening ...
i seem to be procrastinating about whether to learn rev pinkybak ...
i keep saying i will but in the end i just freestyle from the pinkybak (trying to get it harmonic...)
just had to post this after look at the sun posted 'rev pinkybak' O.O
advice on how to do rev pinkybak? because when i try it, ... it just ... whats its motion caused by??? -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 00:47:25QUOTE (mhig @ Jan 21 2008, 04:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>jeez some bad signs happening ...
i seem to be procrastinating about whether to learn rev pinkybak ...
i keep saying i will but in the end i just freestyle from the pinkybak (trying to get it harmonic...)
just had to post this after look at the sun posted 'rev pinkybak' O.O
advice on how to do rev pinkybak? because when i try it, ... it just ... whats its motion caused by???
Hm, well, after doing a pinkbak normal, your pen is in the position to do the rev pinkybak. I adjust my hand so it's horizontal to the ground and jerk my hand backwards and to the right, whereas, if you were doing a pinky bak, you'd jerk your hand back and to the left. -
Date: Tue, Jan 22 2008 01:13:24
well now i just need to master it
and editing with wmm... it's pretty cool actually
i would show what i got so far of the upsb promo vid but it's gonna spoil a bit XD -
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2008 04:59:57
Did my first couple bakfalls
working on constistency and smoothness -
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2008 05:32:11QUOTE (mhig @ Jan 21 2008, 08:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>oic
well now i just need to master it
and editing with wmm... it's pretty cool actually
i would show what i got so far of the upsb promo vid but it's gonna spoil a bit XD
Check the Advanced Trick thread. I started some chaos about that not so long ago. -
Date: Thu, Jan 24 2008 07:50:58
been working on smoothness a lot, i feel im greatly improving with reverse transitions,
like reverse sonic > reverse warped sonic and such
also did my first TA Rev > FL TA Rev
i've been stalling on learning that for a while now
and i'm finally starting to get continuous baks and mid baks, although i can only get 2 of each =/, its a start. -
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 04:54:25QUOTE (Xero @ Jan 24 2008, 12:32 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Check the Advanced Trick thread. I started some chaos about that not so long ago.
on the pinky bak rev or the upsb promo vid?
anyway sort of changed the way i spin, make my fingers a bit rigid.. dunno why but it just became like that
i think i'll post a free style on what it looks like now sometime this coming week -
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 05:47:58
My first post on this thread. xD
Anyways, I finally got the twisted sonic bust.
I find my my knowledge of tricks strange. I know almost every trick Eso was capable of putting a tutorial out, except for the charge and sonic reverse.
But enough about that. -
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 11:40:57
i need to buy a ton of sunburst for a trade... 27!
and a rsvp color 8 pack....
i think trading took me too far.. lol -
Date: Fri, Jan 25 2008 12:46:02
PDS order came.. 2 black, 2 skyblue, 1pink, 1 purple, 1 green. it took 1 day to get it delivered to my home
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 07:49:03
FINALLY did my job in ThaiSpinner. Locked some topics. Haven't done that in a long long time. I'm the most inactive mod over there wow. All I did was organized some collabs/ world cup team. I should do more of the labor stuff. I suck.
Other than that, filmed some vids today for future stuff. Pretty fun. I went through different pens in my shoe box for inspiration. It's gay how we have so many pens but only spin 1-2. Heh. Bye. -
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 13:56:23
Practicing Pass rev 12 - T1 ~ FL TA rev on my right hand,and practicing bakfall on my left hand now.
Date: Sat, Jan 26 2008 21:34:49
finally made a Monami-R rsvp MX >.<'' took so long
took me about an hour to understand k4s's tutorial and getting help from the shoutbox on enlarging the pics
and then took me another ~3 hours to actually make it (that dremel cut was so annoying cause i was so afraid that i'd mess up -_-'' )
now i gotta find an insert and then put it in...that's gonna be a pain too -_-''
thinking about making it a Monami-R rsvp MX^2 instead of just mx though...dunno yet -
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 05:12:28
started spinning an unmodded sunburst for some reason.. maybe because of it's color and the background... (yellow/black)
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 05:25:59QUOTE (mhig @ Jan 26 2008, 09:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>started spinning an unmodded sunburst for some reason.. maybe because of it's color and the background... (yellow/black)
A yellow sunburst? Where'd you get it? -
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 17:09:29
i have no clue.. i just found it
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 17:38:55
i need a new trick to learn, waiting for WOnka to get back to me for my LED mod.
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 18:08:15
I can do Twisted Sonic Bak revs now w00t.
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 20:39:34
Been practicing a new trick. It's kinda like, an IndexAround 0.5 12-12, except it doesn't go around the index finger... Quite fun, probably quite useless too.
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 21:15:20
Mats: does the pen spin on the inside of the hand? Kind of an aerial that doesn't really go anywhere?
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 23:48:15
I finally got myself off the addiction of Dr. KT. That pen ruins fingers ya know?. So now i'm re-learning all tricks with an MX and my MSXA to rehabilitate myself of KT abuse.
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 23:52:16QUOTE (sketching @ Jan 27 2008, 09:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Mats: does the pen spin on the inside of the hand? Kind of an aerial that doesn't really go anywhere?
Yup & yup. -
Date: Sun, Jan 27 2008 23:58:25
I tried that trick mats. It's like a sidespin, but done on the index finger. Is it a indexspin 0.5 12-12?
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 00:03:51QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Jan 27 2008, 11:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I tried that trick mats. It's like a sidespin, but done on the index finger. Is it a indexspin 0.5 12-12?
It can't be an IndexSpin because it spins kinda in the air. It might be IndexAround Release 0.5 12-12? I hope Sketching can give a conclusive answer though... -
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 04:44:42
I can do korean pinky backaround every time now
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 05:30:09
I'd go with Indexaround Release 0.5 12-12 also. A bit bloated for what's done, but the pen is released and spins freely for ~0.5 rotation, so I'm going with that. Unless the pen actually spins on the index finger, no sense in using "spin" anywhere in the name.
sNap did something similar a while earlier that went in the reverse direction from the 13 slot to the 12 slot.
With that logic, you could call his hybrid:
Sonic 0.5 23-12 ~ Charge 0.5 13 ~> Indexaround Reverse Release 0.5 13-12 13-12 > Charge 1.0 12
BTW, thanks for bringing that hydrid to attention sNap, I really like it. -
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 06:47:25
Made a new mod today...well, more like i improved a mod that already exists. I even factored cost into it this time so its under $10. Pics tomorrow
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 08:02:52
now waiting for RSVP MSXA and RSVP MX from norice4u...
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 08:39:48
what did you send him?
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 08:55:09QUOTE (WhiteFang @ Jan 28 2008, 03:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>what did you send him?
i send him 1G3 and 1 lakubo.....really hard to find a generous trader like norice4u
Date: Mon, Jan 28 2008 16:43:06
No Problem Ellusion. I cant find your pens anywhere so its good for me
I finally got around to making a tut for my MP Sunburst MX^2 but my camera fucked.
Date: Tue, Jan 29 2008 20:06:51
Okay, wait.. That's like 15 euros for 5 euros? o_O NoRice, are you out of your mind?
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 02:27:39
i changed my mx by adding a grip onto the hgg grip
it's a bit heavier, but it adds a bit more momentum at the same time -
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 04:11:04
Lakubo suck, I have one, not that great, especially if you don't have anything to mod it with.
I got some Hyperb G's today for school, the front grip is really long, but otherwise, it has most of the same things as an rsvp. -
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 04:38:45
just added orange grips to my gripless comssa
im gonna keep spinning it nice and smooth and slow (yes slow) -
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 12:49:08
Lakubo > RSVP anyday.
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 15:40:46
well lets see. i stayed up late around 6am watchin u tube videos, practicing sonic rise and fall then taking a deep breath, trying, breathin, trying, breathing.... waaaaaa
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 19:49:02
Its just your beginning, its not easy, nor is what's after it, but once you get past it it becomes a bit easier
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 21:08:31
been working on my finger arounds, god reverses are hard...
also been trying to do my RA's with my index and middle fingers extended (its ways harder like this for some reason) to make it easier to link in/out of...
btw RA Reverse is a bitch... -
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 21:23:58
Heh, oddly enough, Ringaround Reverse is much easier for me than Ringaround Normal. Ringaround Reverse was the only FA Rev that came easily to me. The pen just flicks around the ring finger quite easily. My RA Normal is just awful, my pinky has a really hard time moving in that direction.
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 21:45:27
trying to just learn the index around reverse >.<''
i wanna learn eso's chinese spirit i need this...and then i need to learn t1 charge, t1 shadow, twisted sonic bust>bak rev after this too >.> -
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 22:05:39QUOTE (sketching @ Jan 30 2008, 01:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Heh, oddly enough, Ringaround Reverse is much easier for me than Ringaround Normal. Ringaround Reverse was the only FA Rev that came easily to me. The pen just flicks around the ring finger quite easily. My RA Normal is just awful, my pinky has a really hard time moving in that direction.
MA rev came easily to me. Learning arounds was very tiring for my fingers. That's normal, right?
Oh, and still currently working on continuous tricks; I'm getting better. My bakfall 1.5 is a little better also. It's actually not too hard. Also learning/practicing rev shadows + rev baks and the weissian bakfall (not sure if I'm doing it right). -
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 23:09:13
i just did eso's genesis x rmx combo for the first time. been working on it for a week
Date: Wed, Jan 30 2008 23:41:25
my mx tip broke off XD it's a clean cut so i can still glue it bak once i get something to glue it bak with...
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 07:09:54
first pen spinning vid HERE I COME!!!! -
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 08:14:15
Practicing DaThroat's combo in Chinese Spirit video on my left hand, and Cont. Bak X2 on my left hand.
Date: Thu, Jan 31 2008 23:50:42
I finally got the ringbak and I mysteriously "found" 4 signos and a dr.grip pen(same tip as dr.kt one, but pen) at my school.
Date: Fri, Feb 1 2008 05:13:45
I was in class, i was standing and doing infinity then i dropped the pen kicked it back up catched it and kept on doing the trick smoothly it was awesome.(and no one saw Dx )
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2008 18:00:46
Trying to work on Eriror's 420th combo... although I still need to learn a few tricks for it, but nothing big =]
also trying to come up with my own combo... and It's dam hard =\
oh, and I accidentaly did twisted sonic bust rise today Oo -
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2008 19:18:42
Wait, you're gonna try and do SC420, but you can't consistantly do Twisted Sonic Bust Rise? Are you sure?
Date: Sat, Feb 2 2008 19:47:46
made 2 new mx's, all thx to loonwern93
can't wait to make a combo with them XD -
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2008 06:24:44
I'm starting to get the hang of RingArounds and IndexPinkyBackaround Reverses.
Pretty much got the Twisted Sonic Double Bust down. -
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2008 07:06:14
I got Pseudo Sonic down.
Purty easy.
Working on Moonwalk Sonic right now.
And still trying to get Back Fall smoother and consistent. -
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2008 08:12:48
now waiting for RSVP MSXA,ucpsb bic,2 rsvp mx,sunburts mx,and a pack of namae pen,...
Date: Sun, Feb 3 2008 09:06:32QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Feb 2 2008, 09:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Wait, you're gonna try and do SC420, but you can't consistantly do Twisted Sonic Bust Rise? Are you sure?
Now I can do it, I accidentaly did it, and figured out how..
wait, is there a twisted bust rise in SC420? -
Date: Mon, Feb 4 2008 14:31:26QUOTE (TonyTouch @ Feb 1 2008, 01:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I was in class, i was standing and doing infinity then i dropped the pen kicked it back up catched it and kept on doing the trick smoothly it was awesome.(and no one saw Dx )
that also happened to meand my hanky ;;) ... not that unusual actually how bout the fact that I once dropped my pen on the(or before the) feet of my teacher and everyone was looking at me .... o.O GOD that day sucked
Date: Mon, Feb 4 2008 19:17:40QUOTE (QuestionMark @ Feb 3 2008, 10:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Now I can do it, I accidentaly did it, and figured out how..
wait, is there a twisted bust rise in SC420?
No, but there are things like BackAround 1.5 Fall and Cont Shadow 23-23 in it. -
Date: Mon, Feb 4 2008 19:27:24QUOTENo, but there are things like BackAround 1.5 Fall and Cont Shadow 23-23 in it.QUOTE ( @ Feb 2 2008, 01:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Trying to work on Eriror's 420th combo... although I still need to learn a few tricks for it, but nothing big =]
nothing big
Back2Topic: Syn-Neji83 just arrived -
Date: Mon, Feb 4 2008 20:36:12QUOTE (ZaX @ Feb 4 2008, 09:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
nothing big
Back2Topic: Syn-Neji83 just arrived
lol yeah, I know, I mean besided the bakfall 1.5, although I'm working on it too.... and cont shadow 23-23 I have no problem doing Oo
anyway I'll try the combo, I'm not sure I'm going to do it 100%, but atleast I'll try =] -
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 00:14:20
I have 4hrs of exams tomorrow and Wednesday
. They say to bring something to do after when you're done and it cant be electronic so I'm gona bring like 12 pens for the lulz. Need to bring some combos to work on too.
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 00:18:43
Working on my bakfall, it's actually really easy. I usually miss the pinkybak so I'm practicing by doing a bak to a pinkybak. I also made a signo tipped comssa and learned inverse shadow with it in 5 tries.
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 00:54:20
going to a Lisef competition tomorrow and i have about 7-8 hrs just to practice my backfalls and inverse shadows
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 01:04:12QUOTE (-JC- @ Feb 4 2008, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>going to a Lisef competition tomorrow and i have about 7-8 hrs just to practice my backfalls and inverse shadows
I have a field trip too, so I'll be practicing a bunch too. -
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 01:30:45
trying to get cont. 34 around smooth
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 01:51:02
I made a red, Valentines Edition ARMX and a blue/black SR MX. I like the ARMX -- after a bit if tweaking, it's perfectly balanced! Very different feel. If only I could reduce the noise caused by the anyball mechanism. Also still hoping to get a remedy MP to make the SAR MP v2.
Also practicing a Eriror's simple combos, #428 + #430 (Thanks for the breakdown, Eriror! :]). I'm too lazy to learn twisted sonic bust -> bak rev though.QUOTEgoing to a Lisef competition tomorrow and i have about 7-8 hrs just to practice my backfalls and inverse shadows happy.gif
I'm not a fan of inverse shadows, but it'd be nice to see a palm up combo. You should post a video some time once you get better at inverse shadows. It might convince me to learn it after I get better at shadow reverses. -
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 02:00:18
daang it... i can't glue the hgg tips to my mx...
i don't have anything that'll glue it together
and now
trying out comssa with 1 hgg tip on one end and surprisingly it's much more balanced -
Date: Tue, Feb 5 2008 08:16:28
Practicing Continuous Bak Risers...Darn they're hard!
Date: Wed, Feb 6 2008 22:46:54
OMG i broke teh tip off my msxa (with the nub thing from the comssa comign off the rest of the cap) for the 4th time
how does a person break the same part of the same pen 4 times -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 02:39:04
I did my first bakfall today, took about 20 tries total.
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 03:26:23
Damn, it seems that everybody is practicing hard tricks.
I don't even know what the heck is an Inverse Shadow
I suck. -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 03:34:28
I finally got ringback down yay...and now i have all the tricks necessary for bakfall and made a ballsign mod, i seem to like it :|
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 03:35:28QUOTE (raE @ Feb 4 2008, 05:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>trying to get cont. 34 around smooth
day 3 and its still not smooth -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 04:05:23
Working on FingerArounds and FingerAround Reverses.
Soon enough, I will attempt to do some of Eriror's Simple Combos.
Also working on perfecting:- Twisted Sonic Bust > Back Rev
- Twisted Sonic > IndexPinkyBackaround 2.0 Reverse
- Twisted Sonic 1.0 23-12 > Shadow 0.5 12-12 > Bakflip
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 04:29:02QUOTE (Xero @ Feb 6 2008, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Working on FingerArounds and FingerAround Reverses.
Soon enough, I will attempt to do some of Eriror's Simple Combos.
Also working on perfecting:- Twisted Sonic Bust > Back Rev
- Twisted Sonic > IndexPinkyBackaround 2.0 Reverse
- Twisted Sonic 1.0 23-12 > Shadow 0.5 12-12 > Bakflip
Arounds took me a while to get smooth. I had trouble with them. :P Hurted my fingers. So, might be a while before you get to try some of eriror's simple combos. He does a lot of shadow 13s too. Those are fun to do though. I like doing them. RAs are fun too. -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 04:39:17
Practicing a mini combo-finisher.
Twisted Sonic 23 - 12 > Ext TA T1 - 12 > TA to air > Catch at 23 > Twisted Sonic Double Bust 23 - 12 > Ext TS 1.5 T2 - 12 -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 04:57:45
man i have like 300 combos which i need to sort out from old to new... XP
just trying to keep everything in order and to find old videos which i haven't seen in years
now practicing my second style, smooth/slow for the collab 'Fluidity' (hope i spelled that right)
pretty hard to 'change' style for me... -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 06:21:07
Same goes for me.
I'm changing my style from "Extreme hi-speed" to "Smooth and slow" too.
Practicing Bonkura and DaThroat's combo. -
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 19:44:25QUOTE (AntonWebsters @ Feb 6 2008, 11:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Practicing a mini combo-finisher.
Twisted Sonic 23 - 12 > Ext TA T2 - 12 > TA to air > Catch at 23 > Twisted Sonic Double Bust 23 - 12 > Ext TS 1.5 T2 - 12
Yeah right.
Post a video.
Date: Thu, Feb 7 2008 22:53:44
finally got middle bak 1.5 x3 -> middle bak 1.0 on camera!!!!
proud i am
and also got
middle bak 1.5 -> middle bak 1.0 -> ring bak 1.5 ring bak 1.0 on camera too
think i'll post it laaater -
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 07:12:37
i have made ballsign mod yesterday..really expensive to make it.. i will post a pic later..
Date: Fri, Feb 8 2008 14:40:37QUOTE (Pearl @ Feb 7 2008, 02:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yeah right.
Post a video.
I will,when I get a camera.
Don't you think the combo-finisher is too long?
It's easy,but it's just too long,maybe I should shorten it...
Um,and where the hell did my signature go? -
Date: Sat, Feb 9 2008 01:19:46
I lost both tips of my bonkura ct....
Date: Sat, Feb 9 2008 06:22:27QUOTE (AntonWebsters @ Feb 8 2008, 06:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I will,when I get a camera.
Don't you think the combo-finisher is too long?
It's easy,but it's just too long,maybe I should shorten it...
Um,and where the hell did my signature go?
TS extended 1.5? As in... Thumbspin 1.5 T1 - T1 ~> FL IA T1-12 1.0? Seems kind of hard to link. A Thumbindexspin 1.5 would work better for linkage to a FL IA.QUOTEI lost both tips of my bonkura ct....sad.gif
lol -
Date: Sat, Feb 9 2008 07:14:35QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Feb 9 2008, 01:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>TS extended 1.5? As in... Thumbspin 1.5 T1 - T1 ~> FL IA T1-12 1.0? Seems kind of hard to link. A Thumbindexspin 1.5 would work better for linkage to a FL IA.
I'm not sure whether TS Ext 1.5 is the correct name or not lol.
It's like a Extended TA,only that it's not a TA,it's a TS 1.5.
You get the point?
I guess I got the name wrong lol.
Date: Sat, Feb 9 2008 08:29:39
@Look Into the Sun: Thumbspin 1.5 T1-T1 ~ FL IA 0.5 T1-12 is quite easy to do and can be linked out of smoothly enough.
I haven't done a lot of spinning the past day, just haven't felt like doing anything. :|
I've donemore thinking about pen spinning lately than actual spinning. -
Date: Sat, Feb 9 2008 21:23:40QUOTE (sketching @ Feb 9 2008, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>@Look Into the Sun: Thumbspin 1.5 T1-T1 ~ FL IA 0.5 T1-12 is quite easy to do and can be linked out of smoothly enough.
I haven't done a lot of spinning the past day, just haven't felt like doing anything. :|
I've donemore thinking about pen spinning lately than actual spinning.
I guess I'm just not used to the linking. I prefer ThumbIndexspin 1.5 T1-T1 ~ FL IA .5 T1-12. I just love how Banz does it for his opening for the WT1 Round 4. -
Date: Sat, Feb 9 2008 21:48:20
just realized how weird my ext. thumbaround looked on camera
trying to learn the correct way to do it
got it and all but i can't get it to link with bak rev anymore.... -
Date: Tue, Feb 12 2008 10:13:40
February 10th
I attended or visited a PSAJ meeting for the first time, where we or they discussed the penspinning tournament in Japan, when I expressed only an opinion. Crasher, whose inviting me there I appreciate, took me to the office of PSAJ. When I arrived at the office, TV crew and staff in Takara Tomy had already been there. And also, I met penspinners for the first time then. I think they are good spinners. I wish I could have talked to some of them more.
Exciting was that, anyway. -
Date: Tue, Feb 12 2008 21:09:47
added inserts to my mx's =)
need to record soon with them, they look really nice, i think
but... i can't record until the 22nd =( my dad took the camera with him to south korea, o well =/ -
Date: Tue, Feb 12 2008 23:03:12
Practicing for ECS. i have pssa's all week, so get to practice after them... sweet.
Date: Tue, Feb 12 2008 23:16:26
I will be going on vacation in Santo Domingo from the 15th to the 25th.
It'll be my first time spinning in a different country. -
Date: Tue, Feb 12 2008 23:37:01
Sloooooooooooooooooooow day. Although I got some good spinning in and finally go my camera back so I plan on filming the new combo I made. I can also finally do K4LC smoothly, also working on continuous:
Twisted Sonic Bust 23-12> Shadow 12-23. -
Date: Thu, Feb 14 2008 01:23:19
preparing a surprise for everyone
something to do with my brothers hehe
and it's ps related!
once i get the camera back though.. -
Date: Thu, Feb 14 2008 01:37:51
i try to spin with msxa now..
Date: Thu, Feb 14 2008 05:45:19
Finished my Dr. ST
hella stoked on that.
landed a bak rise. -
Date: Thu, Feb 14 2008 07:24:19
Practicing Le0n's Devil Conversion trick...
It's cool,but it seems hard for me to link other tricks with it in a combo... -
Date: Sat, Feb 16 2008 04:39:29
finally got my tips glued bak on so now i can pen spin for real hehe
but during the time i don't have a camera to record with im gonna improve for my first -
Date: Sat, Feb 16 2008 04:53:43
finally i will get my first rect mod...from TEk...ahh..i luv rect mod..
Date: Sat, Feb 16 2008 07:08:03
Expecting my order to come in from penwish.
Brushing up on my Inverse Sonic Impulse to Ring bak.
And just thinking about how ECS Tournament, that's going to take like FOREVER to do. lol -
Date: Sat, Feb 16 2008 12:47:27
i took my first video with my new mx 2day
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2008 10:11:07
Practicing Sonic 34 - 24 ~> MA rev 24 - 23 on my left hand.
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2008 19:28:19
HI PEOPLE. Sending a message from the Dominican Republic.
I have nothing to do all day so I just pen spin!
My BakFall has become butter-smooth, so I'm really happy about that.
I'm also working on the Arounds & Around Reverses, and incorporating them into free-styling.
The RA & RA Rev are the only ones giving me trouble still, but I'm gonna keep going.
I'll come back to America as a whole different spinner! -
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2008 20:35:39
Can someone find me Leo's 4th World Tournament round vid?
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2008 20:38:07QUOTE (Xero @ Feb 17 2008, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>HI PEOPLE. Sending a message from the Dominican Republic.
I have nothing to do all day so I just pen spin!
My BakFall has become butter-smooth, so I'm really happy about that.
I'm also working on the Arounds & Around Reverses, and incorporating them into free-styling.
The RA & RA Rev are the only ones giving me trouble still, but I'm gonna keep going.
I'll come back to America as a whole different spinner!
you will spin a butterfly knife from mexicojk
i gots the bakfall somewhat smoothand currently awaiting on a bunch of pen trades to arrive
Date: Sun, Feb 17 2008 22:19:21QUOTE (Teatime @ Feb 17 2008, 12:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Can someone find me Leo's 4th World Tournament round vid?
Leo at 0:52.
Oh, and learned twisted sonic > bak rev a few days ago. It wasn't too hard. Kinda fun too. Been having trouble with cont. TA Extended/Fake Double/Tornado (whatever you call it). Also made an MPFX. I like it. Good momentum, length, balanced, and overall, it has good feel to it. The MPFX and ARMX are now my main spinning/writing pen(cil)s. They rock. :D
Anyone know what type of tipped sonics key3 does in the world cup? -
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 05:17:30
Sweet, thanks!
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 07:06:51
It's Leo's 3rd round video which was the really good one. Search Leo 51 ( I think it's Leo 51) on Putfile, and it should come up with CrAsH's putfile account and that video.
Date: Mon, Feb 18 2008 11:42:52
His fourth one has the mirrored part to it, though. Which was way better and more innovative than conts and conts and conts.
Date: Wed, Feb 20 2008 16:42:30
now trying to get bak to my mx's, after spinning comssa's for awhile i just couldnt spin mx without dropping it on the easiest stuff
and now in desperate need of hgg's and their plain tipswaiting for some ppl's reply
Date: Thu, Feb 21 2008 01:19:55
I almost lost my MSXA yesterday! The only pen that I have on this godforsaken trip!
I left it on a beach chair, and when I walked back to get it, two natives were looking at it like it was the key to the universe. I talked to them in Spanish and let then know it was a pen for spinning!
Also checked out some vids on youtube since I can get wireless internet at the beach on my iPod Touch.
I can now get the BakFall down perfectly 99% of the time!
Now working on the BakFall 1.5! Still working on the RA & RA Reverse. And I´m also getting the Fake Double Bust a lot more often too. I get back to the US on Monday, and hopefully, my shipment from a trade will be in! We´ll see only then.
Peace out guys,
Xero -
Date: Thu, Feb 21 2008 03:46:04
Hmm.. lets see... I can get bakfall up to pinky smoothly. I was payed 5 hggs today to do my friends spanish homework, I ANXIOUSLY WAIT FOR TRADES TO COME IN, and thats about it. Until next time on...... Dragon Ball Z!
Date: Thu, Feb 21 2008 10:55:29
today i found out that comssas arnt all that great after spinning this guyys at skools =[
Date: Thu, Feb 21 2008 20:26:59QUOTE (BananaKetchup @ Feb 21 2008, 02:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>today i found out that comssas arnt all that great after spinning this guyys at skools =[
They're not. MXs have a better feel imo. They don't look as funky either. -
Date: Thu, Feb 21 2008 20:45:21
which means that i still can't do it with anything else -
Date: Thu, Feb 21 2008 21:08:16
Because of a kick on my pinky its hurt! when i move my hand it is Arrrg
I cant spin
So I will train the other hand -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 00:34:46
i pratice cont tricks now...very hard to learn cont tricks..
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 00:39:49
I only brought two pens with me on this trip. One red-white MSXA and one blue-white MSXA. The red-white one broke, so I´ve been stuck spinning this blue-white one. I´m itching for a new mod, and after seeing Eriror´s WC vid, I really want to make a full black MSXA.
I get back to the US late sunday into early monday, so that new mod will have to wait... unfortunately.
Still working on Arounds and the BakFalls. -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 00:40:37QUOTE (ellusion67 @ Feb 21 2008, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i pratice cont tricks now...very hard to learn cont tricks..
Yeah, it is. I find cont midbaks harder than a bakfall 1.5. Maybe I'm just weird... -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 03:30:29QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Feb 21 2008, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yeah, it is. I find cont midbaks harder than a bakfall 1.5. Maybe I'm just weird...
Cont. Midbaks are definitely harder than a bakfall 1.5, and cont. 1.5 midbaks are even harder. -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 05:49:23
Eriror does not agree. o_O
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 06:01:50QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Feb 22 2008, 01:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Eriror does not agree. o_O
I cant get bakfall yet. I can but not smoothly.
Well Im waiting for my penwish order which is taking foevah! Practicing arounds 0.o -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 06:04:53
Working on smoothing out bakfall....
adding arounds and reverses in my freestyles.....
expanding combos to more than sonics and passes....
learning more difficult linkages....
trying out cont. midbak 1.5......
hopefully complete this list by my 6 month period.... -
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 16:08:04QUOTEtrying out cont. midbak 1.5......
It's bloody hard,eh?
Date: Fri, Feb 22 2008 19:38:06QUOTE (Erirornal K. @ Feb 21 2008, 09:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Eriror does not agree. o_O
Charlie does not understand why Eriror speaks in the third person.
Charlie is getting tired of cont tricks (because they are hard) and is focusing more on spin tricks. Goals: Shadow 2.5 consistently, Thumbspin 6.0+ consistently, Thumbindexspin 6.0+ consistently, Palmspin, Hellspin, Indexspin 2.0+ consistently, Fulltaps, Fake Reverses... Might happen one day. Charlie is thinking positive.
Charlie is also enjoying coming up with somewhat interesting linkages, although the linkages can be quite difficult. Palmspin 3.0 > Handaround Reverse ~ FL Thumbaround Rev.
Charlie loves his new MPFX, which has replaced his ARMX and thinks everyone should make an MPFX. It spins very quickly and well, although it takes more control. -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 04:11:13
*does cont.midbak 1.5x3 with MSXA*
*triumphant yell*
*parents woken up*
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 04:17:03QUOTE (Crzyazn @ Feb 22 2008, 08:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>*does cont.midbak 1.5x3 with MSXA*
*triumphant yell*
*parents woken up*
:o midbak 1.5x3
Post a vid! -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 04:52:45
my good sir that would take 30min of drops
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 20:24:39
working on my bak-> FL TA rev...
If I could figure out how does my mom's digital camera works, I would start filming combos...
oh, and trying to come up with a normal, not too repetitive combo.... kinda hard actually >_> -
Date: Sat, Feb 23 2008 22:02:11
i just made my new version of cerebic pen mod..
i called it"BLACK CEREBIC" -
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 02:37:29
I finally got the NeoBak! xDxD
I know I'm a noob. xD
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 02:53:18QUOTE (Crzyazn @ Feb 22 2008, 08:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>my good sir that would take 30min of drops
Who knows how long it'd take me? I can barely get consistent 3x/4x midbaks.
And I've noticed that I have an underdeveloped style -- probably due to the fact that I spend a lot of my pen spinning time learning new tricks, getting somewhat proficient at it, but not enough time at focusing on smoothness. :'[
I just find learning new tricks fun! Always nice too add a new trick/mini-combo to the arsenal. -
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 03:30:43
got my first midbak 1.5 x6 =) very happy ahaha
trying for 10 before february's out hopefully
and started spinning metallic comssa like crazy, approximately same as mx now -
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 04:31:06
I finally got the Neobakfall!........It doesn't seem as hard as I expected......o.0 imo it was easier than the bakfall.
but at least I got it.
After hearing all these people getting Cont. Midbak 1.5 xwhatever.....I feel like a noob not knowing the Midbak 1.5....
*goes off trying to learn it now.* -
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 04:44:21
attempting to make a gjh with pens recieved from ellusion67
hopefully i can manage the gluing part without fucking the jedo pencil up
Date: Sun, Feb 24 2008 05:02:35
learned TA harmonic... this is AFTER i can do twisted sonic indexmiddle around
have i messed up my learning order? XD -
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 03:49:08
just found out i won't be able to record until tuesday =/
that's y i extended the deadline for mhig 1st until march 1st =/ o well
until then.. im mastering fingerless thumbaround ext =) -
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 04:21:26
Been practicing ALOT lately, got cont. Fl TA rev. x8, cont. FL. Fake Double x 4, cont. Midbak 1.5 x24 and finally got my first bakfall 1.5.
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 04:57:17QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Feb 24 2008, 08:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Been practicing ALOT lately, got cont. Fl TA rev. x8, cont. FL. Fake Double x 4, cont. Midbak 1.5 x24 and finally got my first bakfall 1.5.
Impressive. So many Midbak 1.5s and FL TA Revs.
And I just did a cont ringbak 2x and a cont pinkybak 2x. Hurray. -
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 12:52:47
Such high levels of difficulty!
I'm still training my fingerpass/triangle pass to be smoother, softer but yet faster. -
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 12:59:30QUOTE (DaThroat @ Feb 25 2008, 07:52 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Such high levels of difficulty!
I'm still training my fingerpass/triangle pass to be smoother, softer but yet faster.
your fingerpass/triangle pass already smooth.. -
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 14:26:10
Practicing Twisted Sonic Triple Bust over and over again so that it can be more consistent.
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 20:01:01QUOTE (AntonWebsters @ Feb 25 2008, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Practicing Twisted Sonic Triple Bust over and over again so that it can be more consistent.
lol, isnt double bust hard enough ~_~?
i want to learn devils sonic 34-23 and possibly inverse shadow....
any suggestions?
Date: Mon, Feb 25 2008 23:39:56QUOTE (sadi teh pirate @ Feb 25 2008, 03:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol, isnt double bust hard enough ~_~?
i want to learn devils sonic 34-23 and possibly inverse shadow....
any suggestions?
Any suggestions on what? -
Date: Tue, Feb 26 2008 00:33:08QUOTE (Xero @ Feb 25 2008, 06:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Any suggestions on what?
on learning inverse shadow ~~~~
Date: Tue, Feb 26 2008 06:44:31
Woah. I made myself a new mod out of old mods I had. Today I decided I want to spin pens a little bit more. I put it off at the beginning of the year.. and before.. I just spun a little bit, and woah, my skillz were awful. lol, xD. Did you people know I still haven't mastered bakfall? XD. daaang. XD.
Date: Tue, Feb 26 2008 23:37:06
gonna film as soon as i get the cam bak today
hopefully i can release a vid here soon after i get something
changed my silver grip of my skyblue rsvp mx into red and um
nm else hehe o well -
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 02:58:20
Practiced variations of Twisted Sonic today.
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 03:57:34
Yay! I got three of my first Indexpinkybakrev 2.0 today!!! XDXD Now I'm determined to get them consistant.
Wow, I realized after my seven months of spinning.....I neglected the charge reverse so much........
It hurts my fingers......hopefully it'll get better XD
This is kinda of weird talking about an getting extremely hard trick yet neglecting an easy trick...... -
Date: Thu, Feb 28 2008 07:42:53
been working on my shadow revs and little mini combos
im trying to get
inverse sonic reverse 12-13 ~ shadow rev 13-12 > twisted sonic rev 12-23 > ringbak 23-23
consistent and smooth
still suck at continuous midbaks and neobak ~ midbak
also i believe that i might never be able to do a smooth bakfall, its been 9 months and ugh..... -
Date: Fri, Feb 29 2008 23:38:51
working on neobak fall 1.5
mad hard =/ -
Date: Fri, Feb 29 2008 23:48:58QUOTE (mhig @ Feb 29 2008, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>working on neobak fall 1.5
mad hard =/
Don't NeoBaks normally contain 1.5 revolutions? -
Date: Fri, Feb 29 2008 23:52:24QUOTE (Xero @ Feb 29 2008, 11:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Don't NeoBaks normally contain 1.5 revolutions?
Yeah, but, that's still mad hard. -
Date: Fri, Feb 29 2008 23:54:54
Well now working on hybrids from 12-34 like Reverse Inverse Sonic 12-13> Pass Reverse 13-34 and other stuff like a Warped Sonic Fall. Also working on a continuous MA and RA so I can do:
Reverse Inverse Sonic 12-13> RA> Pass Reverse 34-23> MA.
So you know fun stuff like that must keep spinning -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 00:02:23QUOTE (sangara @ Feb 29 2008, 06:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Well now working on hybrids from 12-34 like Reverse Inverse Sonic 12-13> Pass Reverse 13-34 and other stuff like a Warped Sonic Fall. Also working on a continuous MA and RA so I can do:
Reverse Inverse Sonic 12-13> RA> Pass Reverse 34-23> MA.
So you know fun stuff like that must keep spinning
After catching in the 13 slot, you'd only be able to do a IA... -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 00:22:28QUOTE (Xero @ Feb 29 2008, 04:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>After catching in the 13 slot, you'd only be able to do a IA...
Oops meant to put Reverse Inverse Sonic 12-13> Pass Reverse 13-34 -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 19:53:02
Just did a few devil's stall today. It's fun. Also learned the triangle pass and the palm trick ayatori does. Not sure what it is. I think it's a Backaround Rev TF - 23. Looks cool anyway. -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 20:05:49
man....such difficulty level....i'll never catch up
trying to master all the finger arounds and putting them in my freestyles
learning cont. midbak 1.5
learning neobak fall
working on more harder linkages
trying to incorperate more baks and shadows in my's just sonics and passes right now....
trying to learn all this by my 6 month period.....but...... i don't think i'll make it -
Date: Sat, Mar 1 2008 23:37:32
Working on my combo for the Teddy vs. raE battle.
kinda hard for me now, but i should have it down in two months -
Date: Sun, Mar 2 2008 20:48:01
Starting a new project think im gona title it Pencil Spinning: The Lost Art. Its gona be more like a tribute to David Weis more than anything. There is just something so awesome about his spinning is like ZOMG Backaround> Scissor Spin FTW. Yep it should be pretty epic due date's gona be sometime in Sept 08 possibly idk get off me im lazy.
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 01:04:02
Working on my twisted sonic busts. Can't seem to get anything over quadruple consistently.
Date: Mon, Mar 3 2008 01:23:49QUOTE (AwonW @ Mar 2 2008, 05:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Working on my twisted sonic busts. Can't seem to get anything over quadruple consistently.
2 days ago!
i succeslulyy learned side sonic:) it was aweosme
now i over use it:( -
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 05:28:05
Started filming today got a couple of sweet combos going also filmed TS 1.5 18x it was epic. I can't decide if I should do the whole thing with pencils thought I guess I would have to change the title if i did. But really trying to nail that backaround>scissor spin cont. soooooo hard
. Thats pretty much it I also need some good video editing software if someone can suggest one I've heard Adobe has some good stuff but not really committed yet well thats it.
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 23:42:48
yesterday i got my first hgg's
then i made my first mx
and it sucked lol
but w/e
i odn't like one sided mods that much but yeahhh lol:) -
Date: Tue, Mar 4 2008 23:44:41
Practicing bakfall in class and the cap of my kt fell off and hit some1 in the face :/ was pretty cool actualy
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 02:21:03
Worked on my continuous backarounds, and neobaks today. Anyone interested in joining the unmodded pen FFA, we need more participants.
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 02:39:03
got my first middle bak 1.5 x8
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 03:09:02QUOTE (mhig @ Mar 4 2008, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>got my first middle bak 1.5 x8
You're bloody insane....
i can't even do the trick twice. -
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 06:25:51QUOTE (AntonWebsters @ Mar 4 2008, 10:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You're bloody insane....
i can't even do the trick twice.
ya...i know.... i can't even do it at all.....
........any tips?.......
Date: Wed, Mar 5 2008 14:36:56QUOTE (mhig @ Mar 5 2008, 05:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>got my first middle bak 1.5 x8
wha, I can't even do one >_>
anyway, I started working on a normal combo to film at last... and I actually kinda like what I cam up with so far, although it's not much. It's dam hard X:
I hope to start participating in collabs and such...
and still working on my bakfall, I hate that damn ringbak >< -
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 00:55:20
today i made a clear comssa:)
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 01:12:01
waiting for my penwish order
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 01:22:54
working on doing Twisted Sonic Multiple record is x1.5 lol..
working on continuous record is x2
also working on who i should leigun next at my school... -
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 01:27:23
also working on cont midbak 1.5
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 13:19:10
working on mastering Cont TA Ext
Did a bakfall in my left hand
Also working on getting flush sonic at least once -
Date: Thu, Mar 6 2008 21:04:52
change 8 to 10
i got 10 middle bak 1.5 x10 in health class lol -
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 00:55:34
Practicing Neobakriser fall, mad hard stuff.
Again, anyone want to join the unmodded pen FFA:
It'll be more fun to have more than just 3 people. -
Date: Fri, Mar 7 2008 03:11:55
working on cont mid back
Date: Sat, Mar 8 2008 18:54:28
i can finally do 2 baks continuously working on 3:D
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 00:54:05QUOTE (sketching @ Sep 8 2007, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>So, you're a local pen spinning celebrity? That's pretty cool.
lol i know i sort of am but there is one stuck up kid at my school who sees me doing fingerpass and he's like"dude u overdo the PENCIL TWIRLING" lol i laughed so hard after he left -
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 05:04:28
Holy shit why is just doing a simple half tap so hard
. Oh sure I can do cont TS 1.5 and cont Backaround 1.5's but no not half taps. Forget cont. I have a hard time doing one. Other than that I still suck life at neobak> scissor spin cont. WHY SO MANY CONTINUOUS TRICKS DAVID?! WHY? Ugh now I go back to practicing
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 05:07:39QUOTE (sangara @ Mar 9 2008, 12:04 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Holy shit why is just doing a simple half tap so hard
. Oh sure I can do cont TS 1.5 and cont Backaround 1.5's but no not half taps. Forget cont. I have a hard time doing one. Other than that I still suck life at neobak> scissor spin cont. WHY SO MANY CONTINUOUS TRICKS DAVID?! WHY? Ugh now I go back to practicing
i knoww, i've been trying to do his cont. half taps and his neobak>scissor spin cont. thing for a while now, and i still can't do it -
Date: Sun, Mar 9 2008 16:10:01
i got bak cont x3
Date: Mon, Mar 10 2008 02:53:37QUOTE (sangara @ Mar 4 2008, 12:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Started filming today got a couple of sweet combos going also filmed TS 1.5 18x it was epic. I can't decide if I should do the whole thing with pencils thought I guess I would have to change the title if i did. But really trying to nail that backaround>scissor spin cont. soooooo hard
. Thats pretty much it I also need some good video editing software if someone can suggest one I've heard Adobe has some good stuff but not really committed yet well thats it.
neobak -> scissor spin continuous
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2008 00:07:54
i got this awesome crazy combo that i can;'t explain lol
ima film it someday.. -
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2008 00:15:45
I lost my Full Black MSXA today.
Kinda pissed. -
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2008 19:57:30
Can't even create a combo... I have a beginning, a finisher, but I have no cool ideas for something to put in the middle >__>
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2008 20:23:17
you will eventually get that after weeks of freestyling
just don't make it too spammy that's all
changed 2 of my mx's so they're completely different from what they looked like before, my old green/black mx is now black/silver and my old yellow mx is now yellow/skyblue/pink
can't wait till the comssa's get to me from ellusion.... -
Date: Tue, Mar 11 2008 20:35:02
Started working on continuous midbak 1.5s, and cont. FL IAs, both are impossible.
Date: Wed, Mar 12 2008 02:37:05QUOTE (k2thez @ Mar 11 2008, 03:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Started working on continuous midbak 1.5s, and cont. FL IAs, both are impossible.
my record for continuous midbak 1.5s: 3
my record for cont FL IAs: -1 -
Date: Wed, Mar 12 2008 02:52:18
i got bak cont x4
Date: Wed, Mar 12 2008 12:08:39QUOTE (cluu1 @ Mar 11 2008, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i got bak cont x4
bak 1.5 or just plain old simple bak?
also to update my record on cont FL IA - 1! -
Date: Wed, Mar 12 2008 12:16:06
i got bakfall in slow motion
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 04:42:18
FINALLY after hours of wasted class time (when I should be studying for my midterms) I can do Neobak>Scissor spin cont x3. Now cont. Halftaps yea thats a bitch. Also working on some new capping and uncapping for any of you that are following that should have some vids out by next monday. My tribute is finally coming together I've got like 3 combos to work on along with my halftaps. And also working on halftap hybrids from Frat. I still need some video editing software maybe my grades can nab me a copy of Adobe Premiere CS3! Well thats it time to go work on halftaps.... again
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 05:18:43
i've finally mastered Twisted Sonic 23-12 > PassAround Rev 12-T1 > Tipped Sonic Rev T1-T2 > Sonic Rev 12-23
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 05:29:11
finally i can do twisted sonic bust.but i only can do 3x times..i want beat kuzu busts
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 05:30:41
I got Cont. FL TA x3
Date: Thu, Mar 13 2008 05:40:14QUOTE (ellusion67 @ Mar 13 2008, 12:29 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>finally i can do twisted sonic bust.but i only can do 3x times..i want beat kuzu busts
wait... have you been able to do regular twisted sonic bust before?
also, CONT FL IA x4! -
Date: Fri, Mar 14 2008 21:17:28
I timed myself..and I can do around 12 Fingerpass each 15 seconds.. that means around 48 per minute.
I know that sucks but I keep practicing for 'bout a week now...keep going. -
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2008 01:15:14
Terrible day. I lost a metallic comssa with anyball + dr.grip grips on it.
And got rejected from UCLA. Life's a bitch sometimes. -
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2008 03:08:08
working on tricks i seldom use like warped sonics.
cont FL IA x6 -
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2008 04:06:56
I just got back from New York City!! XD I went for a school choir trip and so I brought my mods. At rehearsal, I was spinning my Dr. KT and someone from the university choir went "Dude, you're amazing!! Looking at yourself spin that pen!!!".
He also noticed the tips and that it was sharp. He said, " If that flys and stabs me, I'll still be amazed XD" -
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2008 04:35:10QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Mar 19 2008, 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Terrible day. I lost a metallic comssa with anyball + dr.grip grips on it.
And got rejected from UCLA. Life's a bitch sometimes.
apply at u$c all u need is moolah, or uci all u need is to be asian -
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2008 04:51:49QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Mar 19 2008, 09:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>apply at u$c all u need is moolah, or uci all u need is to be asian
I have my backup UCs taken care of. UCLA was my goal though. -
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2008 10:12:57
Starting to learn shadow. Bugger keeps falling off my hand >.< I'll get it one day ...
Just learnt the Extended Thumbaround ... well not really but I can do it efficiently. -
Date: Thu, Mar 20 2008 18:31:57
Cont. Halftaps=owned. Round pencils are so much easier to spin then hexagonal. I also made a new mod lastnight although its kinda pricey it takes 2 RSVP's, 1 G2, 2 Profiles, and 1 HGG oh and the will to live because it was a bitch to make. Although its the best spinning pen ever (for me). Anyway starting to get down Frat's Halftap Hybrids in combos like: Halftap Hybrid push 3 -> Halftap -> Backaround 1.5 good stuff.
Date: Fri, Mar 21 2008 12:25:01
working on mastering the easy tricks and hybrids i've never even heard of like Bak ~ FL TA Rev
Date: Sat, Mar 22 2008 03:25:54QUOTE (TeddyTemptation @ Mar 21 2008, 05:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>working on mastering the easy tricks and hybrids i've never even heard of like Bak ~ FL TA Rev
You've never heard of the baktorev? What kind of pen spinner are you? (kidding)
Learn the revtobak while you're at it. revtobak is a Fake Reverse > Backaround. I love how kam does it. My Weis Bak linkage sucks though.
I've been working on a flush sonic ~ rev index around 14-14 hybrid -- tough hybrid, but give it a try. Thank god I have flexible fingers. I can finally do a TA Harmonic fall. :D TA Harmonic T4-T4 is a *****. -
Date: Sat, Mar 22 2008 03:28:05
Trying to get cont. bakriser x3 so I can copy bonkura's combo
only gotten two so far
Date: Sat, Mar 22 2008 04:44:11
i made a flexible rt mx:D
Date: Sat, Mar 22 2008 04:49:21
I realized I suck for 6 monther =D
Then I realized that I don't practice.D=
Then I realized I should do that. T_T -
Date: Sat, Mar 22 2008 10:26:36QUOTE (NoRice4U @ Mar 22 2008, 11:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Trying to get cont. bakriser x3 so I can copy bonkura's combo
only gotten two so far
I suggest popping lower.
Have you learned BackAround ~> Fingerless ThumbAround Reverse very well? As in, good enough for you to do it in your sleep?
It's about the same thing except instead of going around your thumb, it flies in the air for that portion of the spin.
Good Luck! -
Date: Sun, Mar 23 2008 03:16:16
I'm working on a lot of things. Cont. Bakrisers, triple TA, Twisted Sonic and Fake Double multiple busts, back 1.5 cont, all the other back 1.5s..
Date: Sun, Mar 23 2008 03:24:49QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Mar 21 2008, 11:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've been working on a flush sonic ~ rev index around 14-14 hybrid -- tough hybrid, but give it a try. Thank god I have flexible fingers. I can finally do a TA Harmonic fall.
TA Harmonic T4-T4 is a *****.
ta harmonic t4-t4 0.0.....
that must hurt your fingers...
it hurts mine just to think about it
i wanna see a vid -
Date: Sun, Mar 23 2008 11:54:46
Mastering bakfall
Learning sonic clip and pseudo sonic
Trying to master FL TA as it isnt very consistent
Trying to master charge rev to do sonic rev -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 05:12:38
yes i finally thought of a new combo
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 16:50:43
Well.. atm i'm learning the Back Fall..
Around -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 16:51:52
Trying to think of a combo for my ladder battle.
Also practicing cont. midbak 1.5 and cont. FL IAs. Still no luck with either of them. -
Date: Mon, Mar 24 2008 23:05:06
I'm trying to do ringbak and failing
Date: Tue, Mar 25 2008 01:11:25
can do umm
rev tornado cont?
ish -
Date: Tue, Mar 25 2008 23:00:46
did my first ever double bust
Date: Tue, Mar 25 2008 23:23:55
made another metallic comssa
Date: Tue, Mar 25 2008 23:38:41
w00t! Got my first trade going with Xero 4 RSVP Colors (black) +1 Black HGG = 3 White HGG+ 1 Clear Body G2. I figure its a good trade White HGG's are hard to come by. Anyway still waiting on my PW order good one this time Color Pencil Mod and F 3000's yay. Otherwise working on Cardiod Fall/Rise it actually looks good smooth.
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 20:24:30
So I am preparing a combo, in two weeks, probably the day that I will have 3 months of PSing.
Date: Wed, Mar 26 2008 20:51:29
Stayed up until midnight spinning last night. Still trying to perfect that combo I made for my battle.
Date: Fri, Mar 28 2008 21:24:51
got all my baks! now working on bakfall
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 20:46:31
working on extended ta and double ta...just got ta harmonic. also practicing fingerless. (I am ta addict XD...mainly because i have bendythumbs.)
Date: Sun, Mar 30 2008 21:26:47
even though I can do all the baks, I'm still working on linking them together. >.<
trying to get ringaround and double tw sonic bust -
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 00:52:31
I finally got around to making my BakFall Tutorial.
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 05:30:46
im practicing right now to be consistent in doing the cont. midbak..
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 06:51:54
Man...everyone's so good.....i suck....
Training for the IPSL.....
hopefully...i can get uber smooth/fast combos and cont midbak 1.5 by my 6 month period....
does anyone think i can do it? -
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 07:20:07QUOTE (ArchAngel2 @ Mar 31 2008, 01:51 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Man...everyone's so good.....i suck....
Training for the IPSL.....
hopefully...i can get uber smooth/fast combos and cont midbak 1.5 by my 6 month period....
does anyone think i can do it?
If u put most of ur time into the midbaks then ull probably get 1-5ish by ur 6 months. All depends in how much u practice them.
Nothin really new for me, workin on some new combos and cont. tricks. Tryin to get my cont. fl. ext ta's to look like Taeryongs but it doesnt seem to be working. -
Date: Mon, Mar 31 2008 08:50:04
Working on bakfall and neobak 12-TF > TF charge rev > FL TA Rev
Date: Tue, Apr 1 2008 01:28:52
planning to spin with my left hand ONLY for a few days
mx2 rly does nicely with it
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2008 01:06:05
yay bakfall!
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2008 20:52:11
yay fingerless thumbaround x5!
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2008 21:00:15
Working on my Ext. TA-> FL TA linkage. Also working on incorporating FL TA ext. into my combos.
Date: Wed, Apr 2 2008 22:48:42
just got tw bust > bak rev with a kt! *high five* *high five*
Date: Thu, Apr 3 2008 00:28:15
i messed up my ring finger on my right hand...
o well now time for left-handedness -
Date: Thu, Apr 3 2008 14:50:13
i want to learn more cont tricks...i must pratice more harder..
Date: Thu, Apr 3 2008 15:00:21
wana learn fl tricks now....and combo finishers...just got 2 cont baks....want learn bakrev cont...and flta tarev veryvery fast...
Date: Thu, Apr 3 2008 22:45:08
trying to master charge 34 -.- so noobish but im still learning.. haha i've been spinning a few weeks now
Date: Thu, Apr 3 2008 23:13:52QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Mar 31 2008, 03:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>If u put most of ur time into the midbaks then ull probably get 1-5ish by ur 6 months. All depends in how much u practice them.
Advice from the master....
that makes me feel so much better -
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 00:52:20
More trades received my hands on some cool stuff :>
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 12:44:46
currently trying to get down double charge =/
also making small combos such as sonic 23-12 -> backaround all added into my freestyle -
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 14:20:15
I started my training in PS. Basically, I copy all the combos I want to copy and I am forced to learn tricks along the way. I am keeping an Excel spreadsheet to track my progress. This will probably take at least a year.
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 17:39:15
got triple bust
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 19:25:30QUOTE (shiness @ Apr 5 2008, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>got triple bust
i can hardly get double
working on shadow revs and flush sonics -
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 19:31:31
got my combo down for huroni 1st. i think im gunna use my dr grip.
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 22:58:00
Getting down my combo for the Japanese Pencil Mod Collab. Also in love with my F-3000. And started poker chip manipulation today its actually really fun, and kinda easy to go from ps to chips.
Date: Sat, Apr 5 2008 23:41:07
I've created a few new hybrids that I haven't seen anyone do and an aerial trick that I haven't seen done before either. I feel proud of myself.
Oh and I like to practice numerous tricks at a time, which means it takes a long time for me to get proficient at tricks, but I've finally gotten good at most of them. Which is great. Just took a while.
Yeah...just listing my achievements. :P
I've also been using a signo-tipped comssa a lot lately. It rocks. -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 00:00:16QUOTE (TeddyTemptation @ Apr 5 2008, 12:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>nice
i can hardly get double
working on shadow revs and flush sonics
by 'got'
i meant got it once lol
but yea i can sorta get doubles -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 00:35:08
lol ohhhhh.
i did a lot of cont shadow stills a little bit ago, don't know how many but it must've been over 100 cause i did it for like two minutes -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 01:04:42
Trying to put a lot of aerials in my combos....looks cool
Working on cont midbak 1.5 and flush sonic as well -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 01:09:53QUOTE (ArchAngel @ Apr 5 2008, 06:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Trying to put a lot of aerials in my combos....looks cool
Working on cont midbak 1.5 and flush sonic as well
Cont midbak1.5s? How long have you been spinning? You can do cont midbaks? I've just gotten down cont midbaks a while ago and I haven't even worked on cont midbak 1.5s yet... -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 02:05:11
started cont bak's even though i've only gotten 4 in a row so far...
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 04:38:04QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Apr 5 2008, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Cont midbak1.5s? How long have you been spinning? You can do cont midbaks? I've just gotten down cont midbaks a while ago and I haven't even worked on cont midbak 1.5s yet...
I don't know...maybe a few months?
What?...You don't think i can do it? -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 04:50:09QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Apr 5 2008, 09:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Cont midbak1.5s? How long have you been spinning? You can do cont midbaks? I've just gotten down cont midbaks a while ago and I haven't even worked on cont midbak 1.5s yet...
Well seeing that I have never really had any interest in cont. midbaks (i can barely do 2), I went straight to the cont. midbak 1.5. So it doesnt really matter what you start with, just learn what you want. For example: My friend Dan cant do anything BUT a backfall, cause thats all he wanted to learn. -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 05:13:27QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Apr 5 2008, 08:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Well seeing that I have never really had any interest in cont. midbaks (i can barely do 2), I went straight to the cont. midbak 1.5. So it doesnt really matter what you start with, just learn what you want. For example: My friend Dan cant do anything BUT a backfall, cause thats all he wanted to learn.
Really? So a cont midbak1.5 and a cont midbak are that different...? -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 05:24:54QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Apr 6 2008, 12:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Really? So a cont midbak1.5 and a cont midbak are that different...?
[[Vics friend Dan speaking]]
are you kidding? thats like asking me what the difference is between Goats and Lemons...
not really... i guess some people can just get anything if they work hard enough at it, even though there are quite a few similarities in the technique one does not require the other, (unless you're going for a massive 20.0, and you havent learned your midbacks correctly yet... you might run into some problems there)
now back to the goats and lemons.
[[/End Dan speaking]]
that last part pretty much says it -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 16:44:33
goats and lemons
managing quite well with the basics and now working on its reverses and such. need to smoothen out my linkages as well.. -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 17:06:45
got double bust
almost more than half the time -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 19:37:38QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Apr 5 2008, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>[[Vics friend Dan speaking]]
are you kidding? thats like asking me what the difference is between Goats and Lemons...
not really... i guess some people can just get anything if they work hard enough at it, even though there are quite a few similarities in the technique one does not require the other, (unless you're going for a massive 20.0, and you havent learned your midbacks correctly yet... you might run into some problems there)
now back to the goats and lemons.
[[/End Dan speaking]]
that last part pretty much says it
Wow, never knew. So learning the cont midbak 1.5s going to be as hard as when I first learned the cont midbak? Well that's depressing... -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 20:30:28
working on left hand more than right lol
trying to prepare a decent combo for my next ladder battle... -
Date: Sun, Apr 6 2008 21:39:45
Just finished making an ARMX that actually works really well. It spins like a dream too.
Date: Mon, Apr 7 2008 21:27:49
lost my KT yesterday
made a metallic comssa to replace it until i get the stuff for my new one from darkeh -
Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 02:29:00
Watching Seven's videos have inspired me to learn the inverse shadow. That and to get proficient at spider spin + inverse shadow hybrids. Good luck to me.
I want an all black MSXA and a white metallic comssa. :\ -
Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 03:23:50QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Apr 7 2008, 06:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Watching Seven's videos have inspired me to learn the inverse shadow. That and to get proficient at spider spin + inverse shadow hybrids. Good luck to me.
I want an all black MSXA and a white metallic comssa. :\
Spider spin makes my brains hertz. I could never get that trick =/ . Anyway working on short and weird linking combos with my ballsign like kirua. -
Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 03:55:20QUOTE (sangara @ Apr 7 2008, 07:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Spider spin makes my brains hertz. I could never get that trick =/ . Anyway working on short and weird linking combos with my ballsign like kirua.
Trying out spider spin hybrids before actually learning a spider spin was a stupid idea, but after I learned Kam's way of doing the spider spin, the hybrids were a lot easier. You should try learning the spider spin with a thumbaround push. It's kind of like a side spin ~ spider spin. The spider spin really stands out in a combo since it has a unique hand position. -
Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 05:48:44
Like Eso, I'm copying combos to get the linking of the trick down in a combo. Currently, I'm working on two fairly simple combos.
In other news, when I get bored, I usually attempt to do an Indexpinky Reverse 2.0. I can get it 1/5 of the time now. xD -
Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 20:05:02
my hand is getting better
waiting for some pens to come in soon... -
Date: Tue, Apr 8 2008 22:59:23
I can do inverse shadows and inverse shadow stills now.
That was easier than I thought... -
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2008 02:42:24
man my fingerpass !!!SUCKS!!! i can't even open up my pinky big enough
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2008 18:48:02
Try to have your fingers curled when fingerpassing, so when you go behind the hand it is easier to open up a slot. Or you can just practice moving your pinky separately (since it seems you lack finger independence) and it will eventually get better.
Date: Wed, Apr 9 2008 22:59:44
still practicing. =.=
Date: Thu, Apr 10 2008 01:05:47
I started with the fingerpass counterclockwise (i think this is reverse 'cus im right handed). I'm just so used to that now. Im goin to have a hard time getting a good smooth normal fingerpass
Date: Thu, Apr 10 2008 22:35:35
First Cont' Midbak 1.5 x3!!!
Date: Thu, Apr 10 2008 23:57:56QUOTE (Sora Limit @ Apr 10 2008, 04:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>First Cont' Midbak 1.5 x3!!!
my record is still 0
working on flush sonics -
Date: Fri, Apr 11 2008 00:10:00
working on MTwistes Sonic Multiple Bust (my record is x7)
working on Bakfall (i kno indexbak, midbak, and pinkybak...only problems i have are iwth ring bak)
working on flick
gotta go get 2 more dr grips and my KT will be finished
all i need si one signo knock type and i cna make an ayatori mod...
thinking of doing a ps battle....just need the courage to make a topic... -
Date: Fri, Apr 11 2008 00:18:10QUOTE (xxdefinitionxx @ Apr 10 2008, 07:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>thinking of doing a ps battle....just need the courage to make a topic...
You can take my battle, haha I suck pretty bad.
Working on twisted sonic bust-> bak rev., flush sonic, and neobakriser fall. -
Date: Fri, Apr 11 2008 00:37:53
i have troubles too, and when i watch bonkura i feel ashamed...
Date: Fri, Apr 11 2008 04:36:09
@definition: You can battle me! How long have you been spinning? I spin for about 4-5 months
Working on bak to fl ta rev, cont midbak 1.5, lots of aerials, and mini-combos -
Date: Fri, Apr 11 2008 18:23:10
i just learned both ways for fingerpass, so when im practicing i can just keep goin in circles
Date: Fri, Apr 11 2008 22:01:32
lost my skyblue/pink kt today
i phail at keeping expensive things -
Date: Sat, Apr 12 2008 18:28:34
Been PSing for a little over a week. Can do all the fundamentals, though my Charge isn't great, and a few advanced tricks. My favorite combo I can do is Sonic > Reverse Sonic > Palmdown Charge(or sometimes Sonic Twist) > Thumbaround > Thumbaround Reverse. Currently working on doing Sonic and variations on fingers 3-4.
My Dr. KT Black Diamond and Japanese Color Pencil Mod came in today and I'm trying to get the feel for them. I was using a regular unsharpened pencil with rubber grips. -
Date: Sun, Apr 13 2008 06:33:25
Well i've spent a year in japan and always saw people spinning on trains and random places.
I really only started about 3 weeks ago, i started modding pens b4 i could even do thumbaround haha.
so week 1 was a really crappy charge and figure 8's
week 2 was thumb arounds, infinities, and sonic
and now in my 3rd week, i just bought some Comssas and Dr.Kts from flyinasian and waiting for those.
right now tryin to perfect what i already know and add a lil fingerpass in there.
I practice at work and when ever im not doin any thing.
Seeing a BIG improvement since i first started.
Esos youtube videos really help.
I guess the thing i really enjoy about spinning is that when your trying somthing new and you keep messing up, every once in a while you'll get lucky and pull it off.
And that motivates me to keep tryin and i can see the progression in the pencontrol.
hope to become more involved in this forum and maybe do some videos of my own. -
Date: Mon, Apr 14 2008 22:56:40QUOTE (nolan @ Apr 12 2008, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I believe it looks like this
if thats not it, i know it exists though, i've seen people do it.
yup yup thats it. Im practicing it right now...cant get the catch all that good.
Date: Tue, Apr 15 2008 01:25:05QUOTE (B3ndythumbs @ Apr 14 2008, 06:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>yup yup thats it. Im practicing it right now...cant get the catch all that good.
same i cant catch it at all =(
must keep trying! -
Date: Tue, Apr 15 2008 20:46:42
just don't have the wire to get it hooked up to the computer -
Date: Tue, Apr 15 2008 21:02:08QUOTE (mhig @ Apr 15 2008, 12:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>GOT A NEW CAM
just don't have the wire to get it hooked up to the computer
zomg. mhig's got a new cam? vid! quick! -
Date: Tue, Apr 15 2008 21:36:00QUOTE (mhig @ Apr 15 2008, 01:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>GOT A NEW CAM
just don't have the wire to get it hooked up to the computerYAYAYAYAYAYAY
On a side note, I'm not spamming, I'm expressing my joy through textual comment. -
Date: Tue, Apr 15 2008 23:59:35QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Apr 15 2008, 05:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>zomg. mhig's got a new cam? vid! quick!
vid coming up later this week hopefully if i get the required camera cord before the end of this week -
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 00:48:28
After not doing baks for a while (didn't even notice), I have lost my ability to do bak fall! YAY!
I can now do tw sonic bust rise, but I still can't do double bust. -
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 01:27:51
Last night, I dreamt I bought some pens I've always wanted! I had some yellow HGGs, black/white comssas, and everything I've always wanted! And in the dream I think, "Damn, I hope this isn't a dream." I suddenly woke up and I still had the pens in my pockets! I was ecstatic and couldn't wait to mod them. But, I had only dreamt I woke up and I actually woke up to find that I was just dreaming the whole thing...
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 02:47:22
on monday i lost one of my KT caps...
i'm going to quit bringing KTs everywhere. -
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 20:08:52
metal comssa broke...
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 21:53:43
My all black MSXA is now officially my favorite pen to spin.
Working on cont. midbak 1.5s, and Twisted sonic bust->bak rev. -
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 22:38:47
changed from msxa to an allblack rsvp mx, because with a yellow sign cap it was too ugly and it was too long for my small hands
Date: Wed, Apr 16 2008 23:59:02
FINALLY mastered cont midbak 1.5, and started fingerless shadow reverse.
Date: Thu, Apr 17 2008 02:21:44QUOTE (B3ndythumbs @ Apr 16 2008, 04:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>FINALLY mastered cont midbak 1.5
No offense but why do I doubt this? You've been here... 2 months maybe? Anyway found out that Bak 2.0's are sexy also got my first Twisted Sonic Bust -> Bak rev today I've only gotten it 3 times though. I think I killed my self earlier though, I never really worked on linking so I have these great combos I can see in my mind and sorta do but I can't film stuff >.< . Damn that gets annoying oh well guess I have to keep working.
Date: Thu, Apr 17 2008 02:54:49
I'm learning combos. The latest is Kam's Superhandz Combo. I'm also ordering pens form Penwish. And that's about it.
Date: Thu, Apr 17 2008 06:15:41
I was able to land Twisted Sonic Bust > FL IA > FL IA twice tonight. Not bad at all...
Date: Thu, Apr 17 2008 06:41:03
Learning twisted sonic bust->bak rev and cont bak->fl ta rev.
Date: Thu, Apr 17 2008 21:31:32
Trying to lean mid back
Date: Thu, Apr 17 2008 21:51:30
got bakfall kindaof. made a cool pencil mod.
Date: Fri, Apr 18 2008 00:03:27
started spinning unmodded cartoon comssa..... haha
Date: Fri, Apr 18 2008 02:36:52
trying to relearn bakfall, only can get to index -> mid, sometimes to ring
i can do all the baks though
finished my all pink MX
sangara: his profile says he started spinning in '07 -
Date: Fri, Apr 18 2008 08:14:45QUOTE (someone09 @ Apr 18 2008, 04:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>trying to relearn bakfall, only can get to index -> mid, sometimes to ring
i can do all the baks though
finished my all pink MX
sangara: his profile says he started spinning in '07
Yet in his introduction topic which was in the beginning of April or something.. it says he started spinning "3 months ago". -
Date: Fri, Apr 18 2008 12:47:42
I noticed my freestyle is just WAY too repetitive (is that how you write it? lol) so I'm trying to come up with new ides for linking and cool tricks...
oh, and I fell in love with cont. midbaks, working on trying to figure out how the hell to do it. -
Date: Fri, Apr 18 2008 15:27:56
trying to learn moonwalk sonic and trying to master sonic clip so i can link together moves for my newest combo. sadly i still suck and moonwalk sonic tho.
I broke like two pens in the last week so i bought some stuff off penwish to mkae up for it. yay -
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 00:23:56
Lulz sorry for the confusion last time i remember his profile said 08' sorry bendy.
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 00:46:51
im working on doing backaround and korean backaround, after that, backfall
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 05:23:07
Lol, I stole a Monami 153 from my teacher today without her noticing XD
and I bought some new pens, some RSVP, Flexgrips, and Profiles. Tommorrow, I'm going to get some G2s so I can make a Grip Aviaire. -
Date: Sat, Apr 19 2008 16:40:28QUOTE (Roxas @ Apr 19 2008, 01:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Lol, I stole a Monami 153 from my teacher today without her noticing XD
omg u steal pens? i wouldnt wanna b around u...
im focusing on cont ta harmonic and cont fl ta...can do avg 7 of the first and 4 of the second.
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 05:59:04
When modding a new Ayatori mod, I guess I used too much strength trying to break the clip...
Spoiler: -
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 06:01:45
nice. excellent 1
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 06:03:08QUOTE (iNoob @ Apr 20 2008, 01:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>nice. excellent 1
I barely touched it... I just started and POW, it explodes.
Scared the shit out of me. -
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 06:09:54
Dude, Xero....i'm sorry for your loss
To keep on topic...working on that sweet Eriror move....and cont midbak 1.5 -
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 06:20:44QUOTE (ArchAngel @ Apr 20 2008, 01:09 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>To keep on topic...working on that sweet Eriror move....and cont midbak 1.5
IndexPinkyBackAround 2.0 Reverse? -
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 16:17:45
got my penwish order yesterday
rsvp mx, metallic comssa, and my new dr kt which is staying at home -
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 18:28:25
attempting to breakdown Stuhl's WC R 2 combo... it starts to get old really fast
Date: Sun, Apr 20 2008 20:47:14
now i can do cont fl ta 8x consistently
Date: Mon, Apr 21 2008 00:53:48
On topic: I can do Indexpinkybackarounds Reverse 2.0 with a fair degree of consistency, yay me!
And double busts and Cont. Fake Double are going pretty well. -
Date: Mon, Apr 21 2008 01:36:51QUOTE (Ryuukohaden @ Apr 20 2008, 06:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>On topic: I can do Indexpinkybackarounds Reverse 2.0 with a fair degree of consistency, yay me!
Ugh, I'm still trying to get it down, I got a few but they were probably just luck. So it's probably a good idea for me to work on the pinkybak rev first, just to get the catching down.
lol, I just finished my Grip Aviaire, and I'm now addicted to Thumbspins and Multiple Spin Mid-baks XD -
Date: Mon, Apr 21 2008 01:38:37
Just learned the cont midbak 1.5 today. Wasn't very hard... Did a 2x only though. I guess after learning cont midbak, cont midbak 1.5 is easier.
I also tried doing midbak > midbak 1.5 > midbak. That was hard. -
Date: Tue, Apr 22 2008 06:28:28QUOTE (B3ndythumbs @ Apr 20 2008, 10:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>now i can do cont fl ta 8x consistently
Video of Fl. TA x6+ three times in a row or it didn't happen.
Working on doing pinkytip stall and thumbtip stall on the same time... Then going to work on implementing it in a combo.. -
Date: Tue, Apr 22 2008 14:03:50
I think I'm close to achieving multiple busts.
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 02:45:56
Uhh I'm working on Continuous Ext. TA
....i've been practicing shadow so i can do it while i'm freestyling
i've been trying to incorporate tipped charge t1 into my combos....i just cant seem to amke it look kewl....i mean like its a trick that pretty much anyone could's actually easier than a triangle pass...but something so simple is hard to make it look kewl in combos
and also...
this is my 100th post woo -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 03:31:46
Trying out a new style, I'm emphasizing my sonics and using weird sonic hybrids. I'm starting to get obsessive over my new white ballsign it makes me feel like bonkura
. Also having a lot of fun doing middle tip stalls infront of people they're like, zomg wtf hax? Also as of now the heaviest mod I use is a Ballsign with Dr. Grip pen grips with shaker grips over them slightly heavier than a Metallic ComSsa. I gave away my Singo Tipped MX and my KT to a friend. A lot of stuff happening got my video's for my first collabs done (Japanese Pencil Mod and Short Combo Collab) I still need to work on linking cause I kinda fail at getting stuff filmed. And lastly I'm trying to get down Stuhls new finisher of FL TA rev -> Palmspin 1.0 -> Pinkybak 34-34 its pretty sexy.
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 03:56:00
ahh, i just did a shadow on my first try and havent been able to do it since then. hmm. i know wat to do know though and i think ill have it down in a couple of days.
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 12:25:05
I have a combo, uber-hard for me, ready to practice, and all I do all day is Half-taps and cont. thumbspins 1.5 with my Mirado classic HB unsharpened pencil...
Nan, i'ts a a joke Mr. Weis-who-spins-with-his-so-distinctive-style, it is easyer to spin like you so... I am too lasy to use again my Grip Aviare. -
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 18:34:09
working on ta harmonic and fingerpass (rev). perfecting sonic and backaround along with index around, middle around and neobak.
Date: Wed, Apr 23 2008 18:42:13QUOTE (B3ndythumbs @ Apr 20 2008, 04:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>now i can do cont fl ta 8x consistently
post a vid; it'd be awesome if you could do them as fast as ayatori
um... got neobaks now and i still havent got mult. busts -
Date: Thu, Apr 24 2008 04:31:05
My first stab from a pen. xD
It hurt, but good thing it was at the bottom portion of my hand, which means I can still spin. xD
Anyways, I'm working on FL TA continuous, inspired by s777. -
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2008 03:00:25
the most thumbspins i have done is 3.5. i only average 2 or 2.5.
i use a bictory and its CoP is its CoG. i think the pen is too light, but i dunno...
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2008 03:27:56
can now do cont fl ta 10x!!! made an msxa just for the hell of it...:0
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2008 08:03:13QUOTE (B3ndythumbs @ Apr 26 2008, 05:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>can now do cont fl ta 10x!!! made an msxa just for the hell of it...:0
Vid...? -
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2008 08:12:15
Changing my style....too boring....
I'm gonna take a shot at the Bonkura/DaThroat style...
i've always wanted to copy bonkura
i doubt i'll stick with it though -
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2008 10:17:37
Good luck. My style is dying. I'm getting more irritated with my spinning with each passing day. Learning some new tricks now to pass my spinning time.
Much better my futile attempts to create aesthetic combos and failing miserably. -
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2008 15:24:16
My black and white RMX broke, so I grabbed a pink RSVP had had it reborn as a pink and white RMX. Also, offically starting quest to get the bakfall down.
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2008 15:46:46
spinning with lighter pens now
Date: Sat, Apr 26 2008 21:25:32
lol me too
ive been spinning with an unsharpened number 2 pencil for the last week. i can get most trix, but stillign tryin to get cont fl ta.
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 00:57:01
made a new Ballsign today also ordered stuff from penwish like a new pds case and stuff to make an allwhite Flex MX (well waiting on white HGG's from Xero). I'm beginning to be obbsessive about kiruas and stuhls styles. I MUST REPLICATE.
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 01:19:42
woo! i mastered shadow in a day and a bit! although it did help that i was on an 8 hour car trip and had nothing else to do
Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 13:36:34
I only just learnt the charge, BICtory with grips FTW!!!!!
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2008 00:09:31
I will use MX comssa and ballsign, in my combo.
for Korean style and Japanese style -
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2008 21:57:22
got 8 bak cont.
EDIT: cracked my comssa cap on my metal comssa........replaced it with another cap
Date: Mon, Apr 28 2008 22:47:44
I finally got the fake double!
(I know, it's so noobish... xD)
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2008 01:37:42
I haven't spun for 3 days straight and I'm really rusty. Wondering why my skills slipped so much with only 3 days of not spinning.
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2008 01:43:01
I started learning the Sonic 34-23 yesterday night and I have it down consistently now. I'm trying to link it with Tsonic 23-12 now. I am also trying to get tsonic bust more consistently and I also worked on some basic combos like Nesonic 12-T1 -> ta rev -> tsonic 23-12.
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2008 07:22:43
I finally made some time for myself so i could get my tutorials moving...i'm sure some of you noticed i havent been on as much for the past 2 days haha.
Seems not surfing/moderating upsb increases my productivity level of modding a lot because i finally finished my quadrilogy of mods which should have tutorials soon (i hope). Nothing too special but im sure some people will like them.
Pics tomorrow because it's late and im tired. -
Date: Tue, Apr 29 2008 08:02:00
i broke my dr kt sub cuz i cut caps into half XD i thought i can do it perfectly...but i phail. ill just buy caps nxt week...hehe
and im practicing multiple busts and shadows -
Date: Sun, May 4 2008 06:12:35
After who know how many months, I finally got the bakfall to be smooth. xD Now I'm working on copying one of Bonkura's combo.
...oh yea, bump. -
Date: Sun, May 4 2008 15:13:21
Made my shadow a bit more smooth and learned the indexaround.
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 00:10:31
Some one stole my precious white and skyblue Ballsign.
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 00:25:17QUOTE (sangara @ May 5 2008, 05:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Some one stole my precious white and skyblue Ballsign.
Make a signo-tipped MX or a signo-tipped comssa.
Find the perpetrator and stab them with the signo. -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 00:58:37
got my kt from penwish but the backcap keeps falling off =[
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 01:15:00
I'm getting close to achieving a lot of pen spinning goals and I think I'll be releasing my first vid soon. First year solo vid coming right up! Once school ends... Just 4 more weeks dammit! 4 more frigging weeks!
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 01:27:02QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 5 2008, 05:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I'm getting close to achieving a lot of pen spinning goals and I think I'll be releasing my first vid soon. First year solo vid coming right up! Once school ends... Just 4 more weeks dammit! 4 more frigging weeks!
HELL YEA 4 MORE WEEKS. I'm actually exited to see you spin LITS idk i just have this feeling that you're a good spinner. But why would I make a singo tipped mx to stab them with... -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 01:34:09
sry haven't been too active lately, so busy last week XD
yea i now need to get used to doing cont midbak 1.5 again... -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 01:50:45QUOTE (sangara @ May 5 2008, 06:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>HELL YEA 4 MORE WEEKS. I'm actually exited to see you spin LITS idk i just have this feeling that you're a good spinner. But why would I make a singo tipped mx to stab them with...
lol, thanks. I like to think I'm a good spinner, but I have quite a negative attitude sometimes. So thanks for the compliment. It helps.
I'm also thinking of changing my username. It's just too long. -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 02:33:24
Ugh, I have so much to do before my one year (which is in 4 months.)
Getting the Cont. Midbak 1.5 consistant.
Need to work on Twisted Sonic Multiple Bust.
Need to work on Indexpinkybackaround Reverse 2.0 12-34
Work on Inverse Shadows (From NeoMidbak > Inverse Shadows)
Polish up my Shadows. (Cont. Shadows)
Polish up my Arounds and Reverses
Smoothen out the Neobakfall
Too much to do, So little time.
I must work my ass (hand) off! XD -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 02:37:30QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 5 2008, 09:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I'm also thinking of changing my username. It's just too long.
I like your username... -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 02:41:17QUOTE (Roxas @ May 5 2008, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ugh, I have so much to do before my one year (which is in 4 months.)
Getting the Cont. Midbak 1.5 consistant.
Need to work on Twisted Sonic Multiple Bust.
Need to work on Indexpinkybackaround Reverse 2.0 12-34
Work on Inverse Shadows (From NeoMidbak > Inverse Shadows)
Polish up my Shadows. (Cont. Shadows)
Polish up my Arounds and Reverses
Smoothen out the Neobakfall
Too much to do, So little time.
I must work my ass (hand) off! XD
Neomidbak > inverse shadow? Why not learn reverse shadows instead?
You do? -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 02:44:53QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 5 2008, 09:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You do?
A lot, actually.
Like, people name themselves after characters from a video game or whatever.
Yours is one of those eternal names. Plus, it can add potential for video editing.
Like, add glares and stuff.
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 02:51:57
I'll eventually learn the Shadow Reverse but I just need something that has a similar catch to Shadow Reverse first and Neobak 23 has that similar catch.
It's just really hard for me to do an Inverse Shadow in 12 because it always hits my thumb and Shadow Reverse is hard (for me) in 23. (I can barely do in 12)
Probably right after I get that smoothly, then I'll work on the Shadow Reverse going in and out of Inverse Shadow. -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 03:29:51QUOTE (Xero @ May 5 2008, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>A lot, actually.
Like, people name themselves after characters from a video game or whatever.
Yours is one of those eternal names. Plus, it can add potential for video editing.
Like, add glares and stuff.
lol, thanks. :] It was something my girlfriend once said actually, that maybe before she dies, she wants to stare at the sun and take in its beauty. I thought it was funny.
Learn the shadow reverse. It's worth it! -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 03:42:30QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 5 2008, 11:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol, thanks. :] It was something my girlfriend once said actually, that maybe before she dies, she wants to stare at the sun and take in its beauty. I thought it was funny.
Who knows. I really think it'd be neat to incorporate that into your Solo Vid.
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 03:58:24QUOTE (Xero @ May 5 2008, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Who knows. I really think it'd be neat to incorporate that into your Solo Vid.
That's a nice idea. Thanks a bunch Xero. -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 04:01:06QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 5 2008, 11:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>That's a nice idea. Thanks a bunch Xero.
No problem, man. I really would like to do a tag video if you wanted. [:
I'd blast that in there. -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 04:10:25
i fixed my kt!!!
all by myself...
i feel so proud =] -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 17:04:41QUOTE (Shadowserpant @ May 5 2008, 11:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i fixed my kt!!!
all by myself...
i feel so proud =]
Well my MSXA broke again.
Gonna fix it when I get home, then head to work! o: -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 20:01:44
practicing index arounds reverses, ta ext cont, neobak 23 12 -> bak 12 12, shadows
doing some freestyles, around falls, bakfalls
thinking about creating slovakia pen spinning community
dreaming about KTs, MX-ses, new comssas -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 20:05:31
making progress on learning some new tricks. My friend got some kids in his math class to start spinning, and I lost my MX
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 20:09:55
learned tw sonic triple bust
made new mod
and finally decided to film my new combo -
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 20:15:41
TRying to get bakfall down. Ugh i suck so much. And trying to make a new combo.
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 01:02:21
got smooth tf charge reverse combo
better control of shadows i guess
trying to get my around reverses more consistent -
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 16:50:59
My HGG's are arrived, I have now a Grip Aviaire, a RSVP MX and a com.ssa metallic. I now work on my left hand with my MX 'cause I got a machiavellic idea. MOUAHAHAHA MOUAHAHAHA. (lol).
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 01:37:02
started spinning a normal comssa.... strangely enough
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 01:51:13
I made a HuroniSign Today
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 03:07:03
Just bought like 20 color twins. And working on flush sonic.
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 21:48:16
working on my bakfalls, trying to get fast + smooth
also working on bak 1.5s, neobaks, bak hybrids, and shadow revs. -
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 21:50:47
Modding a bunch of pens for my friends, and working on flush sonic still.
Date: Sat, May 10 2008 22:33:39
I can't get the tw sonic bust -> bak rev
After the ia, it is always in the wrong spot.
I also just got a ton of F-3000s and forget who wants them lol -
Date: Mon, May 12 2008 04:06:16
I got a Kt and I'm realizing its way to easy to spin with. I've really
got to gets some hgg's and a comssa cap so i can make an msxa
cuz i really enjoy the feel of the rsvp. or an MX^2 something like that -
Date: Mon, May 12 2008 04:54:22
I finally succeded in making a decent mod with pens from the US and they are easily aviliabe!! I'm thinking about releasing it, it's highly customizable, looks really good and guess what, it spins really well too. Although it could use less pens, but they are extremly common. It has become my new favorite mod.
Date: Mon, May 12 2008 05:13:49
What pens do you use?
Date: Mon, May 12 2008 05:15:50
I hurt my index and pinky on my master hand so it hurts to use them
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 00:26:54QUOTE (iNoob @ May 2 2008, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>fail. that's thumbindex spin
^ ^ ^
so blunt
getting thumbspin feels so good -
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 01:44:52QUOTE (sketching @ May 11 2008, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What pens do you use?
Bic Stic, Gelly Roll, RSVP, Singo, Profile Grips (obviously sub-able) -
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 02:13:05QUOTE (sangara @ May 12 2008, 06:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Bic Stic, Gelly Roll, RSVP, Singo, Profile Grips (obviously sub-able)
Pic! And that is a lot of pens, but I have all of those -- except the gelly roll. How's it spin? Length? Momentum? Barrel size? :D I'm always up for a new mod. I only have 5 currently... -
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 02:49:42QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 12 2008, 06:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Pic! And that is a lot of pens, but I have all of those -- except the gelly roll. How's it spin? Length? Momentum? Barrel size?
I'm always up for a new mod. I only have 5 currently...
Making tut now. I hope you guys like it, I took it through a test run today at school so it holds up pretty good. Ill try to finish the tut tonight.
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 02:52:18QUOTE (sangara @ May 12 2008, 07:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Making tut now
. I hope you guys like it, I took it through a test run today at school so it holds up pretty good. Ill try to finish the tut tonight.
Sweet. Can't wait. -
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 02:58:12QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 12 2008, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Sweet. Can't wait.
neither can i.....i'm excited!!! -
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 04:45:03
Well it lived yet it died in 5 seconds, people wern't liking it and someone release a tutorial for a damn near exact same pen...
. I don't even feel like modding anymore, oh well I guess Ill go work on my triple TA or something.
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 05:04:18QUOTE (sangara @ May 12 2008, 11:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Well it lived yet it died in 5 seconds, people wern't liking it and someone release a tutorial for a damn near exact same pen...
. I don't even feel like modding anymore, oh well I guess Ill go work on my triple TA or something.
I actually liked it, I can actually have a use for my ballsign mod that I hate so much. The other one is really close to what you made but doesn't look as good.
Today I almost lost my MSXA, I'm so glad I noticed I dropped it. -
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 05:37:38
I got Quintuple bust, Quadruple TA.
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 11:53:59
Tombo Spin 10.0 :>
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 19:40:26
Oh yeah...working on Bak > FL TA. Rev.
Thinking abut buying a retract. mx from penwish...maybe some other grips and stuff too...depends on how much i save up by next week -
Date: Tue, May 13 2008 22:24:49QUOTE (Sakuraz @ May 13 2008, 12:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I got Quintuple bust, Quadruple TA.
Impressive. -
Date: Fri, May 16 2008 11:43:08
Eh, I haven't been spinning much lately
My to do list:
Master Flush Sonic
Master Cont. Flush Sonic
Master bakfall
Learn TA>FL Ext TA
Master Bak>fl ta rev
Master Backaround > Fltarev
Oh so much to do. -
Date: Fri, May 16 2008 17:44:05
Grr,, still cant get even a 1.5 TS.
Date: Fri, May 16 2008 17:58:32
my thumbspin got better i can easily do 3.0- 5.0
Date: Fri, May 16 2008 20:19:33
trying to adapt visions style
Date: Sat, May 17 2008 06:43:59
I had the freaking craziest day in mai life to day. First I filmed my combo for the odd location collab (which was in class btw) and I'm like "Hells yea I just got away with that.". Then all of a sudden my teacher grabs me while I'm walking out of class. Hes like so you've got a camera on you? So I was thinking "SHIT WTF H4X??!?!?". Turns out some kid snitched on me, my school really hates cameras of any kind so that got taken away now I have no video for the collab... So now I'm sitting there at lunch casually spinning my MX and all of a sudden BAM, I get hit in the side of the head with a milk carton. I have no idea where that came from... and then this kid comes up to me and is like "Hey you're the penspinning kid right?" so I was like yea... (I was the only spinner in my school) and he comes out with this ComSsa, at this point I'm in complete awe first theres not only a penspinner at my school but he also has a ComSsa anyway, so hes like I wana battle you to represent folsom (evidently hes been browsing the forums) so I'm like "k?". So he mocks up this battle so I let him start, he does some spam combo with sonic rise and fall crap and what not. So after he's done spamming I ask him how long he's been spinning and he just reply s with 1 1/2 months. Then I say "Ok what ever" I did Bak to rev x3 then a triple TA. I have no clue what that dude was thinking, I mean what do you mean represent, penspinning isnt about being the best.
And then to top it all off I got my f-3000's in the mail from Darkreh today so thx for that. Yea I could have put this in the off topic but I figured it was relevant enough to put into the journal. No, I'm completly serious I did not make any of this up, this day was freaking crazy. -
Date: Sat, May 17 2008 19:17:59QUOTE (Duckrus @ May 17 2008, 02:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I had the freaking craziest day in mai life to day. First I filmed my combo for the odd location collab (which was in class btw) and I'm like "Hells yea I just got away with that.". Then all of a sudden my teacher grabs me while I'm walking out of class. Hes like so you've got a camera on you? So I was thinking "SHIT WTF H4X??!?!?". Turns out some kid snitched on me, my school really hates cameras of any kind so that got taken away now I have no video for the collab... So now I'm sitting there at lunch casually spinning my MX and all of a sudden BAM, I get hit in the side of the head with a milk carton. I have no idea where that came from... and then this kid comes up to me and is like "Hey you're the penspinning kid right?" so I was like yea... (I was the only spinner in my school) and he comes out with this ComSsa, at this point I'm in complete awe first theres not only a penspinner at my school but he also has a ComSsa anyway, so hes like I wana battle you to represent folsom (evidently hes been browsing the forums) so I'm like "k?". So he mocks up this battle so I let him start, he does some spam combo with sonic rise and fall crap and what not. So after he's done spamming I ask him how long he's been spinning and he just reply s with 1 1/2 months. Then I say "Ok what ever" I did Bak to rev x3 then a triple TA. I have no clue what that dude was thinking, I mean what do you mean represent, penspinning isnt about being the best.
And then to top it all off I got my f-3000's in the mail from Darkreh today so thx for that. Yea I could have put this in the off topic but I figured it was relevant enough to put into the journal. No, I'm completly serious I did not make any of this up, this day was freaking crazy.
Damn...that's one fucked up day you had there. I'm assuming you totally kicked that guy's ass? Was there a big crowd around you guys?
Date: Sat, May 17 2008 19:23:11QUOTE (Duckrus @ May 17 2008, 02:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I had the freaking craziest day in mai life to day. First I filmed my combo for the odd location collab (which was in class btw) and I'm like "Hells yea I just got away with that.". Then all of a sudden my teacher grabs me while I'm walking out of class. Hes like so you've got a camera on you? So I was thinking "SHIT WTF H4X??!?!?". Turns out some kid snitched on me, my school really hates cameras of any kind so that got taken away now I have no video for the collab... So now I'm sitting there at lunch casually spinning my MX and all of a sudden BAM, I get hit in the side of the head with a milk carton. I have no idea where that came from... and then this kid comes up to me and is like "Hey you're the penspinning kid right?" so I was like yea... (I was the only spinner in my school) and he comes out with this ComSsa, at this point I'm in complete awe first theres not only a penspinner at my school but he also has a ComSsa anyway, so hes like I wana battle you to represent folsom (evidently hes been browsing the forums) so I'm like "k?". So he mocks up this battle so I let him start, he does some spam combo with sonic rise and fall crap and what not. So after he's done spamming I ask him how long he's been spinning and he just reply s with 1 1/2 months. Then I say "Ok what ever" I did Bak to rev x3 then a triple TA. I have no clue what that dude was thinking, I mean what do you mean represent, penspinning isnt about being the best.
And then to top it all off I got my f-3000's in the mail from Darkreh today so thx for that. Yea I could have put this in the off topic but I figured it was relevant enough to put into the journal. No, I'm completly serious I did not make any of this up, this day was freaking crazy.
ZOMG!! no kidding. that is crazy. worst day of pen spinning was when a couple of guys thought it would be funny to throw my mods all over the class room (bounced off the walls and ground) i was Thaaaat close to punching them out...
Date: Sat, May 17 2008 19:39:45
I am practicing to add my 3.0 shadows to combos (cause it's really harder than do a single trick o.O).
Date: Sat, May 17 2008 19:56:58QUOTE (k2thez @ May 17 2008, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Damn...that's one fucked up day you had there. I'm assuming you totally kicked that guy's ass? Was there a big crowd around you guys?
It was only that one guy, my friend went in to get some food so I was just sitting outside, but yea it was freaking crazy. -
Date: Sat, May 17 2008 20:08:16
That sucks duckrus -- wait, duckrus, aren't you sangara? Why'd you change your name?
And rough day. I don't think I've ever gotten into trouble because of pen spinning. -
Date: Sat, May 17 2008 20:09:39QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ May 17 2008, 12:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>That sucks duckrus -- wait, duckrus, aren't you sangara? Why'd you change your name?
And rough day. I don't think I've ever gotten into trouble because of pen spinning.
aye I be sangara, idk i just felt like changing it, I'll change it back sometime... wait you can change more than once right? -
Date: Sat, May 17 2008 20:19:02QUOTE (Duckrus @ May 17 2008, 01:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>aye I be sangara, idk i just felt like changing it, I'll change it back sometime... wait you can change more than once right?
No idea, but I liked sangara better. Sounds cooler. -
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 11:43:41
Hehe i can do it now
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 12:03:21
good job brian!
now you can more than charge /pass spamming? -
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 13:41:31
z0mg thats a VERY NICE TRICK.
only my friend in the class know how to do this trick. -
Date: Sun, May 18 2008 18:35:02QUOTE (someone @ May 18 2008, 07:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>good job brian!
now you can more than charge /pass spamming?
Nah i think he used to put in a few ta's or sometihng like that... -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 01:59:13
Trying to copy Ayatori's style while using heavy pens, and KTH's style while using MXs.
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 02:08:33
Trying to copy styles is getting pretty popular now isn't it?
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 07:32:30
Learned Ta > Fl Ta
Trying to get it more consistently.
Trying to get Twisted sonic triple bust.
I get so lost after the Second Bak Rev.
Also trying to link more baks into combos because they just look so good. -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 08:08:30
I got twisted sonic sextuple bust and sextuple ta at THPSC meeting 16/5/08 lol
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 10:07:15
Hehe...nice...Right now Im still trying to do many hybrids...gotta work on em...before the day comes..
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 10:40:51
Duckurus does sound nicer, esp with such a cute avatar. :>
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 19:14:01QUOTE (Missle_Z @ May 19 2008, 09:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Trying to copy styles is getting pretty popular now isn't it?
Yeah, it definitely is. But I think bonkura's style is the most popular. -
Date: Tue, May 20 2008 20:23:30
waiting for my all black MSXA to arrive, I hope It'll get here soon ^^"
wroking on some tricks, like shadow 13-13 2.0 and 2.5 cont. , double TA (annoying thing X: ) and bak -> fl ta rev, which I can only do if I'm not paying attantion to my spinning >_>
can get multiple spins in my indexbak now, time to move to midbak...
right now I'm spinning my self mod, which I might realese a tut, we'll see after I'll put it in the "show off your pens" thread.
good night (or day, lol) ^^" -
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 03:55:27
I got mid bak cont. 10 X
and now I can do mid bak 1.5 cont. 2x -
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 04:05:24
Working on a very unique'll see it in my ladder battle...
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 04:05:29
double bak!
yaay.. -
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 21:15:38
OK i was in Gym and I took my pens (Dr.KT, Monami rsvp mx, MX^2, and MSXA) out of my pocket and put them next to my lunch box cuz i didnt want to mess them up when playing bball. Anyway after gym i go to pick up my stuff and all my oens are gone!!!!!!!!!!! And at first i was liek hmmm maybe my friends are being retarded and playing a prank on me or sumthing, but i STILL HAVNT FOUND THEM! Im pretty sure some sixth graders took them because there gay. Do you think I should like tell the school, cuz thats like forty buxs worth of pens.
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 21:20:12
finally a moment of peace!!!
gonna work on penspinning like crazy now
gonna master a few hybrids in my mind and work on some finishers as well, also gonna try to get bakriser (catch on the top of the hand) down
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 21:26:16
Stupid of you to leave it unattended. People suck -- especially kids at that age -- you've gotta be more careful.
Date: Wed, May 21 2008 23:16:50
Well it has more to do with modding but w/e:
So I work at Office Max (w00t for discount pens) and I decided that we need RSVP Retractables, so I go to my boss and I was like "We should stock RSVP Retractables". So he didn't really say anything besides get back to stocking, but I went in today and I was unloading some boxes, the I came to one marked "Pens". You guys have no idea how hard it is to open a box full of about $600 worth of pens. And what was on top? RSVP RETACTABLES
, my boss is kick ass. I'm gonna see if we can get sunbursts now xD.
Date: Thu, May 22 2008 12:28:21
I have a battle with a French (nick)named bye-bye53. He's on the FPSB, probably he got my e-mail here. So I'l shoot my vid sunday. It's my first battle.
Date: Thu, May 22 2008 12:29:52
I will on TV tomorrow with my friend in THPSC.
^^ I will record. -
Date: Sat, May 24 2008 20:48:05
I'm in Toronto and I went to go buy some pens. Stumbled upon some beifas and...clear sailor subs!! Can't wait to put them on a pen to see how it looks.
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 16:58:24
Since I can't really spin much with my right, I've been practicing with my left.
After about 2 - 3 minutes of practice, I got a Twisted Sonic Double Bust.
Take that JC. -
Date: Wed, May 28 2008 20:12:06QUOTE (Xero @ May 28 2008, 09:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Since I can't really spin much with my right, I've been practicing with my left.
After about 2 - 3 minutes of practice, I got a Twisted Sonic Double Bust.
Take that JC.
double bust with ur left nice.
I'm working on palmspin transfers and inverse shadows, its coming along nicely -
Date: Thu, May 29 2008 04:59:17
Startin to get cont. Fl. ext. TAs somewhat consistent now. Got 10 today and can get about 5 every time.
Gotta say its one of the coolest feeling/looking fl. trick imo too. -
Date: Thu, May 29 2008 11:53:03QUOTE (vicgotgame @ May 28 2008, 11:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Startin to get cont. Fl. ext. TAs somewhat consistent now. Got 10 today and can get about 5 every time.
Gotta say its one of the coolest feeling/looking fl. trick imo too.
Wow.. I would love to see a vid on that! -
Date: Thu, May 29 2008 12:10:28QUOTE (Gunblakes @ May 29 2008, 07:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Wow.. I would love to see a vid on that!
double that. can only do it twice.
finally, double bust and cont bakx5!! -
Date: Fri, May 30 2008 03:18:35
cont bak x18
and bellcolors.. they're rather on the heavy sidewell signo tipped ones anyway..
started spinning metal comssa again so yea you'll see a vid of me with that again maybe later this week.. -
Date: Sat, May 31 2008 08:49:52
practicing arounds,bakfall 1.5, mid bak 1.5 cont, and multiple bust...
Date: Sun, Jun 1 2008 16:04:32
i figured out the palm tap when i was at my friends house playing with this devil stick(hmm that sounds wrong)
anyway...but i can do it with a pen
Note: i just learned shadow still.
finally I can get the shadow pretty consistently now(still doesn't look good tho) -
Date: Mon, Jun 2 2008 02:12:47
changing grip colors on all my comssa's
gonna mail a few things tomorrow hopefully and get some pressure off my butt... -
Date: Mon, Jun 2 2008 13:31:11
got my ct parts from croissant today. made a green ct. happy today.
got my triple bust on my ct today, still working on it. -
Date: Wed, Jun 4 2008 21:47:40
Well for some reason after changing the RSVP portion of my MX from green to Light green I spin it more. I've been neglecting my F-3000 for a few days now. Also have to get a combo ready for who ever accepts my challenge. Also waiting on some trades. Should be fun.
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2008 04:06:33
I got Septuple bust.
lol -
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2008 06:25:31
More and more practice with my left hand. I've also been working on a new finisher which I hope to use sometime soon.
And getting used to RSVP MXs again after a long use of G3s and Com-ssas. -
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2008 20:57:03
Consistent bakfall! Sadly, it took me around a month... and I'm approaching a total of 4.
Date: Sat, Jun 7 2008 21:01:25
I just tried tek's outsert technique. Its so awesome. Only did it to two of my pens so far.
Date: Mon, Jun 9 2008 00:47:30
made my comssa's grips red
looks so nice now
just waiting for a few orders now..
this summer i don't think i'll be too active.. maybe you can call it semi-active.. but yea i'm busy what can i say XD soon after june 26th im gonna be busy and all.. doing a lot of stuff limiting my time to ps.. -
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 18:33:01
took my friend's MSXA hostage untill he'll give my the MSXA he promised me, lol XD
anyway, trying to work on combining more arounds and baks smoothly in my combos, and, of course, still trying to find a good angle >_>
getting the bakfall pretty smoooth, only problem is the pinkybak, and still getting the ringbak 100%..
trying to decide if I should make an Ayatori mod, It's so damn sexy. -
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 20:30:09
my official day of 'pen spinning break' is june 30th, after then im gonna be gone until school starts
no computer... wow.. interesting that will be
just made a whole ton of metallic comssa's.. with some interesting results such as palmspin 4.5 (my last record was 1.5....) and yea... haha lol -
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 22:50:53
It's june! I've officially hit one year of pen spinning. It's time to make my one-year solo vid. I don't feel ready, but I'll try.
First step, getting myself a tripod. I'm a bit sad I'm still not good enough at some hybrids I was hoping to use...but oh well. -
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 23:39:13
yay, My school year is now over!!! XD Now, That gives me more time to work on new things before one year.
@ Look Into The Sun: Can't wait to see your one year psing XD -
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2008 04:16:49QUOTE (Roxas @ Jun 11 2008, 04:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>yay, My school year is now over!!! XD Now, That gives me more time to work on new things before one year.
@ Look Into The Sun: Can't wait to see your one year psing XD
Thanks, I just hope I just hope I do okay. :]
No school for 3 months. Tons of time to practice now. -
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2008 06:22:12
Spent 2 days modding to get my MP MX just right.
Date: Thu, Jun 12 2008 23:37:30
June12: Finished making my ARMX [claps to Pholord] and my signo/profile/mx. Pictures will come up as soon as I find my camera
Oh and that BlueBurst dude is one of my new upsb best friends =] -
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 03:24:45
Just made an all black Flexible MX, and it spins like a charm
Date: Fri, Jun 13 2008 03:38:41
Been spinning an Unmodded RSVP a lot. Made one Skyblue Red and White for the US collab XD. Idk I think I might stick with this pen.
Date: Sun, Jun 15 2008 19:51:35
I'll be training hard for the next however long it takes. My training regiment for now: -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 00:31:53
@eso: wow...
that'll be intense.. can't wait to see the results
good luck!
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 00:59:17QUOTE (Eso @ Jun 15 2008, 12:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I'll be training hard for the next however long it takes. My training regiment for now:
Good luck with my combo, Eso.It's not as hard as it looks.
@mhig: make that all black Comssa yet? -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 01:03:54QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Jun 15 2008, 08:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Good luck with my combo, Eso.
It's not as hard as it looks.
@mhig: make that all black Comssa yet?
yea, still taking time to get used to XD -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 01:11:41
I'll be practicing getting:
Bakfall smooth
Continous fingerless Ta rev smooth
Continous Bak rev
Flush sonic
Neo baks *I find them very difficult for some reason* -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 01:12:52QUOTE (Missle_Z @ Jun 13 2008, 04:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Just made an all black Flexible MX, and it spins like a charm
Flexible Mx's are so underrated lol..
Well I've made a Comssa...and I'll spin a while now...feels so..'retro' XD -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 01:48:21
Made a Flexible MX today, I've been wanting to make one for so long.
Working on:
Palmspins, like in all my battle videos
Palmspin-> reverse palmspin -
Date: Mon, Jun 16 2008 02:06:15
thanks to tak helping me order from PW, i made a pink/red flexible mx, all pink mx, all orange mx today
working on faster bakfall -
Date: Mon, Jun 23 2008 01:34:48
I finally got midbak 1.5 x2 and neobak 12-23-> midbak 1.5-> midbak! Time to work on more cont. midbak 1.5s.
Date: Mon, Jun 23 2008 20:07:48
im trying to learn the rev charge i can do it but not continously well and im also trying to learn the rev sonic i did it once by fluke
Date: Mon, Jun 23 2008 22:01:33
im goin for ring bakkkkkk woo
Date: Tue, Jun 24 2008 03:08:11
I tried filming today. I grabbed my dad's new camera and made a tripod out of books and tape and some other stuff. Didn't go too well, I was camera shy. But it got worse. My dad came in and was mad I was messing with his new camera. He thought it was pointless recording pen spinning. Yeah..things didn't go too well. *sigh*
Date: Tue, Jun 24 2008 23:20:47
Yay, I got my penwish order XD
Bonkura Kt is going to one of my friends.
Miffy Comssa going to another
Both just started pen spinning (because of me XD)
As for me, I got a RSVP MSXA.....
wow I need time to adapt to it. I'm too used to the feel of a KT XD It does spin nice for me though XD -
Date: Wed, Jun 25 2008 00:01:54
WOrking on my bakfall...
I can do the ringbak 1/3 times now =]
However I can't do the pinkybak -
Date: Fri, Jun 27 2008 06:45:30
YOU: Were at Pearl Cafe, in Mountain View, teaching a guy to spin a pen. You're Asian and female. You had a Barron's SAT book. You were using a RSVP.
I: was one of the five loud guys in a table near you playing cards. I was inspired by your spinning and tried to show off only to see that you were a pro.
I should have said hi to her... -
Date: Fri, Jun 27 2008 15:25:17QUOTE (Boozman @ Jun 26 2008, 11:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>YOU: Were at Pearl Cafe, in Mountain View, teaching a guy to spin a pen. You're Asian and female. You had a Barron's SAT book. You were using a RSVP.
I: was one of the five loud guys in a table near you playing cards. I was inspired by your spinning and tried to show off only to see that you were a pro.
I should have said hi to her...
A female pen spinner? Who? Mountain View is close by. -
Date: Fri, Jun 27 2008 16:38:34
Finally made an MX^2, I like the way it can be customized with different colors.
Still mastering cont. midbak 1.5s. -
Date: Sat, Jun 28 2008 08:06:16QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Jun 27 2008, 08:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>A female pen spinner? Who? Mountain View is close by.
I dunno, my friends decided they wanted to leave before I could say hello. I didn't get a good look at her face/don't remember (was watching her hands heh) , so I can't describe her. The only way I'll find her I figured was through UPSB. -
Date: Sat, Jun 28 2008 13:26:25
Totally forgot about this thread:
Hmm The past couple of days I've been working on trying to improve Thumbspin, since my recent switch to using a pencil rather than pens. I can get TS 2.0 & 2.5 about 1 in 2 tries now I guess. I would like to be able to get a consistant TS 3.0 at some point (in the far future).
Also been working on my Bic spinning for the tournament. I think the right hand part is coming along good so far... I was practicing the bakfall in my left hand (with a Bic lol). It might be nice to see a Bakfall going on at some point in the left hand, but with Bics it's really hard -
Date: Sat, Jun 28 2008 17:00:16
working hard on my combo for the battle agains Thewave, I want to do my best
also working on cont. midbaks (not 1.5 sadly, I can't do them) and I can get 2 most of the time.
also trying to do some trades, I'm trying to get myself an Ayatori mod and few other mods...
tha'ts pretty much it P: -
Date: Sat, Jun 28 2008 20:11:01
As QM said above- working on my combo versus him.
Can get all the combo done but not smooth and 2-3 parts still need some work as I can only get them done 20% of the tries.
I want to learn 1.5 baks and have been working on them.
Also working on multiple spin tricks such as: shadow, bak,neobak, TS, rev TS and a bit palmspin. -
Date: Sat, Jun 28 2008 22:46:01
Starting to get midbak cont. consistent.
Date: Sat, Jun 28 2008 23:15:19
NeoBak Fall is a pain...xD Even more of a pain than the BakFall. xD
I also got a new MSXA! xD -
Date: Sat, Jun 28 2008 23:19:38
got midbak 1.5 cont x4^^
made a new kt..
made a combo for meteor 2nd... and wait for Trasher!!!
thats all -
Date: Sun, Jun 29 2008 00:50:58
Working on Twisted Sonic -> Tipping -> Shadow T1 - 34 .... ._."
Date: Sun, Jun 29 2008 16:36:56
Working on TA extended, ta rev, fl ta rev, fl ta x 2, and bakfall.
I can get all of em except bakfall.
And I made a new MX which I will spin with in school tomorrow! -
Date: Sun, Jun 29 2008 18:21:49
imma get palm spin
Date: Sun, Jun 29 2008 19:26:59
Ive been workin on bakfall 1.5 and gotten it a few times good. I havent been filming combos lately cause i realized how bad the quality was in my last couple videos. Its AoDs camera ive been using and i cant find my battery charger for MY camera so all i got for now is shit quality still.
Also vacation for is right around the corner and i cant wait, im goin to Chicago for a week. -
Date: Sun, Jun 29 2008 19:48:01
Practiced Cont. Extended ThumbAround and Cont. ThumbSpin 2.0 today. Best was x3 for each (which I got a few times).
Date: Sun, Jun 29 2008 22:05:22
I also made an RSVP NX MMT. I cant decide whether to use nx mmt or mx...
Date: Sun, Jun 29 2008 23:11:08
I came up with some unique two hand tricks/hybrids while playing around today. Some look a bit silly but some are pretty cool. My hand transfers are getting better.
My favorite has to be a trick that I'm currently nicknaming the Love Spin.
Also did a Continuous Thumbindexspin 3.5 x3.Wasn't perfect, but i'm getting there.
Date: Mon, Jun 30 2008 00:01:42
love spin?
Date: Mon, Jun 30 2008 00:55:30QUOTE (000zero0000 @ Jun 29 2008, 05:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>love spin?
Lol, yeah, it's a bit hard to do, but I'm trying to get proficient at it before I post a video. I use both hands to do it. It's just a nickname. I could probably break it up in hybrid notation, but that's a nice description of it. -
Date: Mon, Jun 30 2008 01:25:40
does it have something to do with making a heart shape?
Date: Mon, Jun 30 2008 02:29:19
Working on spider spin hybrids got really good at TA ~ Spider Spin 123-34 and starting to work on
TA ~ Spider Spin 23 ~ Fl TA it will be epic. -
Date: Mon, Jun 30 2008 05:08:57
Working on Bak Rev Rise. Super hard right about now cuz just like Bakfall the Ringbak rev is super hard. go figure. ha and neobak fall is a bitch too
Date: Mon, Jun 30 2008 21:40:28QUOTE (sangara @ Jun 29 2008, 07:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Working on spider spin hybrids got really good at TA ~ Spider Spin 123-34 and starting to work on
TA ~ Spider Spin 23 ~ Fl TA it will be epic.
You should try Rev IA 12 ~ Rev Spiderspin 12-34. -
Date: Wed, Jul 2 2008 18:41:18
I added white strips to my MX^2 and started practicing palmspins again.
Going to Montreal, Toronto, and Quebec. Wonder if there are any good pens there? -
Date: Wed, Jul 2 2008 22:07:48
I just registered here as a new spinner (2.5 - 3 months). Im working on my Bakfall to get it consistent so I could add it to my combos. =]
Date: Thu, Jul 3 2008 15:10:43
haven't spun in awhile.. so busy with finals
have to get used to everything again XD -
Date: Thu, Jul 3 2008 19:48:25
Made a new pen mod? Wondering if its classified as a pen mod.
Is it still a pen mod it ony uses one pen part
(example) would a wooden stick with a drilled hole in it and a ink tube in that be classified as a pen mod -
Date: Thu, Jul 3 2008 22:14:09
Going to make a trade thread because it's summer and I have more time to do trades and I have a lot of stuff to trade
Umm working on Moonwalk Sonic and then from there i will work on more parts of the flush sonic... -
Date: Thu, Jul 3 2008 22:48:21
Working on Cont. Midbak 1.5, I got a few x2 and trying to get as much before the summer ends.
Working on linking the Indexpinkybak rev.
Can get the neobakfall consistantly now -
Date: Fri, Jul 4 2008 02:57:09
I just made another penwish order
ordered g3s, namaes, commsas, hypergells, dr grips, etc -
Date: Fri, Jul 4 2008 08:44:57
I finally have a webcam and it's pretty sweet :>
Date: Fri, Jul 4 2008 22:01:41
learning cont. bak x2 for now
Date: Sat, Jul 5 2008 18:21:08
Trying to get Down all the Fundamentals! ;P
Date: Sun, Jul 6 2008 07:35:30
:drool: -
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 00:17:15
Broke my GJH today when I was replacing the insert. I'm not to happy about it.
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 00:19:56QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Jul 9 2008, 01:17 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Broke my GJH today when I was replacing the insert.
-Didn't practice at all today (yesterday)
-Probably won't for the next two days
-Then it's time to prepare
-To kick Erirornal's ass
-Bring it on! -
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 00:26:03
good luck!
currently trying to get midback 1.5 continuous.. but it's going.. badlyhaven't even managed to get midback 1.5 -> midback 1.0... so hard...
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 00:28:28QUOTE (Mats @ Jul 8 2008, 05:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's actually pretty easy to break a GJH, I was taking off the grip, so I could get the tip off, so I could pull out the tube inside. The tube inside got stuck, then I smashed it on a table and broke the tube, so I'm screwed.
But I am currently ordering another from PenWish, so I'm happy. =D -
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 01:04:58
im so pissed
i went t office max, to get telescopics, rsvps, and bics. they were out of telescopics and rsvps
tomorrow im going back though -
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 01:05:15
Working on mastering twisted sonic quadruple bust, and hell spin. And im getting some pens in the mail so yay more modding.
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 13:50:22
Smoothing out my neobak fall - it's unbelievably choppy. also trying to get better at shadows
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 14:02:19
I Misplace my pen again....
Have to stick with pencils again. -
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 21:14:17
working on my FL fake doubles, so much fun ^^
TeaTime taought me some new tricks in the Gathering, so working on making them smooth- twsted sonic bust rev, invere shadow (<3) and inverse devil sonic (it think that's whait it is.. XD )
hopefully I'll get my MSXA soon, so I could spin a better mod (spinning my self mod now, It's nice, I'll put a pic in the "show off you pens" thread soon" )
and now I'm going to sleep =D -
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 22:40:39QUOTE (QuestionMark @ Jul 9 2008, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>working on my FL fake doubles, so much fun ^^
So much fun, yet impossible...
Fake Double = Extended ThumbAround > Pass Reverse 12-T12
You can't do a Fingerless Pass, so you can't have a Fingerless Fake double. -
Date: Wed, Jul 9 2008 22:50:59QUOTE (Mats @ Jul 9 2008, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>So much fun, yet impossible...
Fake Double = Extended ThumbAround > Pass Reverse 12-T12
You can't do a Fingerless Pass, so you can't have a Fingerless Fake double.
A Fingerless Fake Double is just saying FL Extended TA -> Pass rev 12-T12. Although it's technically Cont. FL Extended TA -> Pass rev 12-T12, it's just better/easier to call it FL Fake Double. -
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2008 04:19:41
Went to aberdeen mall today....omg
Also went to check out yaohan center but all the pen stores were closed so i just got bubble tea lol. -
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2008 04:24:24
might start learning more with my right hand cause it's affecting my pitching in baseball =.= maybe i should switch from a lefty spinner to a righty spinner?
it will be hard... but i already know most of the fundamental and advance trick... got bakfall down with right hand already so -
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2008 09:12:10QUOTE (Mats @ Jul 10 2008, 12:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>So much fun, yet impossible...
Fake Double = Extended ThumbAround > Pass Reverse 12-T12
You can't do a Fingerless Pass, so you can't have a Fingerless Fake double.
Sup NeoBackAround Fall? -
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2008 12:13:10
managed a sloppy middle bak 1.5 -> middle bak a few times...
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2008 15:53:30
Yeah, so I'm not doing much these days...
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2008 19:40:55
Yipee i bakfalled
really slow motion though but whatever -
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2008 19:50:52
gonna learn a couple of mods from the master himself soon: k4s
Date: Thu, Jul 10 2008 20:49:44QUOTE (Xero @ Jul 10 2008, 08:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yeah, so I'm not doing much these days...
I would have thought you would start spinning on your left by now. -
Date: Fri, Jul 11 2008 18:53:29
well, while i'm waiting on my blue msxa to be fixed, i'm spinning with a plain comssa with some anyball gripping on each side, and an all white mx for the next week
---trying to be able to do everything that i could do on my blue msxa on these two mods--i can get most of them...but it just feels so wierd >.< -
Date: Fri, Jul 11 2008 19:32:52QUOTE (K4S @ Jul 10 2008, 06:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i just got bubble tea lol.
I need to find someplace to get bubble tea here! Damnit!
anyway, not been spinning so actively for two weeks now. went fine anyway today though, with the new pens. need to practice something worthy for my battle vs TLDScorp. -
Date: Sat, Jul 12 2008 10:12:00
I have mastered TA now. I am getting sonic 23-12 about 3/10 times.
(thats good for me...)
Date: Sat, Jul 12 2008 14:02:19
I lost my all blue MSXA awhile ago...
It was our recollection, the theme was "Jesus is my big brother" Adapted from the TV show Big Brother. So while we were going to the Multipurpose room 2, where we will have our recollection(from the 1st yr corridor which is far) Then my classmates were blindfolded, the officers were guides to them, well I am the PRO. When it was our time to be blindfolded, we went inside the MPR. But it was just then I realized I only had 3 pens left(Dr. KT, Metallic Comssa and all black msxa) During break I even tried to search for it but I really didn't find it. Even the janitors don't know where it is(I asked them if they saw a long blue ballpen)Well it can't be one of my classmates since all of us were blindfolded except for the teacher of course. was one of my favorite pens...I have to trade again.
Edit: And if you were wondering why we were blindfolded, that's because the housemates are also blindfolded while going inside the house on the first day. Well I'm not sure if that's done in all Big Brother tv shows in the world. Well, that's done here in Pinoy Big Brother. -
Date: Sat, Jul 12 2008 20:59:59
Im on vacation right now, and ive been spinning alot. Ive been workin on me and AoDs tag vid over the last week and its lookin pretty good.
As for spinning itself ive been workin on backfall variations mostly and have got some new combos i need to film. And i also got cont. Fl Ext. Ta x21. -
Date: Sun, Jul 13 2008 16:34:12
I haven't been spinning much at all these past 2 weeks since I was on vacation in Japan. Now I plan on spinning full time again. Back to the training regiment.
Date: Sun, Jul 13 2008 17:42:32
During the past week I completed the bakfall, neobak>midbak, twisted sonic bust>bak rev, and midbak 1.5>midbak combos for the first time after maybe 1.5 months or less practing them. Im going on vacation in about 2 weeks to the Wildwood beaches in south NJ (I live in central NJ).
Date: Sun, Jul 13 2008 23:28:40
I got back from Quebec City, Montreal, and Ottawa a few days ago. I went to this mall to get some food when I found this small shop set up near the escalator completely loaded with pens. I found pentel sharps, HGGs, RSVPs, G2s, and more. I was so surprised, I picked up 2 HGGs, and 3 skyblue RSVPs. Now it's time to see what I can do with them.
Date: Mon, Jul 14 2008 19:12:17
might be getting a tripod at last!
Date: Tue, Jul 15 2008 19:46:12
picked up my pen again and it felt good. i think im going to start spinning again. so many new people i have to meet
Date: Tue, Jul 15 2008 20:19:29QUOTE (Surge @ Jul 15 2008, 03:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>picked up my pen again and it felt good. i think im going to start spinning again. so many new people i have to meet
good choice.
anyways back to me: gonna meet k4s soon -
Date: Wed, Jul 16 2008 06:19:42
I'm still working on the neobakfall, and it's still hard for me. I do see progression though. xD
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 14:39:44
gonna kill at least 1 extra hour per day for my battle with xien
gonna master
-fl ta release
-fl ta x 5
-pinky bak 1.5
-half-tap release
-twisted sonic bust release
-twisted sonic bust x3 at least
-also various hybrids
blahblahblah i know you're already bored -
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 17:10:21QUOTE (mhig @ Jul 17 2008, 03:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>gonna kill at least 1 extra hour per day for my battle with xien
gonna master
-fl ta release
-fl ta x 5
-pinky bak 1.5
-half-tap release
-twisted sonic bust release
-twisted sonic bust x3 at least
-also various hybrids
blahblahblah i know you're already bored
Errr how long you planning to spend on this? It's taken me about 1 year to get a very consistant Cont FL TA x2 and now I'm working on x3...
And umm not really spun at all yet today (been getting daily juggling and piano practice out of the way) but yesterday I got through my combo that I'm doing against nate all the way through for the first time, now I just have 1 month to get that 100% consistant. Also played around a bit with pens earlier today (not really practicing though) and came up with an idea or two for the patte battle (I think your chances are good though dewd). I'm still in a state of panic as to what I'm going to do against Erirornal...
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 17:18:15QUOTE (Mats @ Jul 17 2008, 01:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Errr how long you planning to spend on this? It's taken me about 1 year to get a very consistant Cont FL TA x2 and now I'm working on x3...
lol it took me... a month.. to get it the first time.. i think.. using mx^2 really helpsespecially if you're using a really light pen beforehand..
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 21:16:53
still working on cont. bak x2
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 23:19:14QUOTE (mhig @ Jul 17 2008, 07:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>gonna kill at least 1 extra hour per day for my battle with xien
gonna master
-fl ta release
-fl ta x 5
-pinky bak 1.5
-half-tap release
-twisted sonic bust release
-twisted sonic bust x3 at least
-also various hybrids
blahblahblah i know you're already bored
Good luck against xien and with those tricks. Why learn half tap releases? Looks pretty lame to me... half tap rev release > half tap release.
And you should practice on weis bakrisers, they look cooler. Harder (took me ages to learn), but cooler. :] -
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 23:27:48
I'm gonna master this freakin TW Sonic Double Bust 1.5 .__. It looks awesome, but it's really hard to me now :/ (I've done it one time =P)
And when my right hand is busy, I keep practising bakfall on my left hand ^^ Two baks are no problem, but the ringbak... that's hard one ;f -
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 23:38:58
Made another Metallic Comssa today. It's shortened and has no inktube in it. This time instead of putting Signo tips, I put HGG tips. Its really light but I'm trying to get used to it.
I'm currently learning TA riser, it's really hard for me. >.< Alot harder than Bak Riser. I'm also trying to learn the tipped sonic routine that key3 did in his one of his WC vids. -
Date: Thu, Jul 17 2008 23:41:56QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Jul 18 2008, 12:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Good luck against xien and with those tricks. Why learn half tap releases? Looks pretty lame to me... half tap rev release > half tap release.
And you should practice on weis bakrisers, they look cooler. Harder (took me ages to learn), but cooler. :]
How about those Levitator ~ Fingerless Halftap that Weis used to do? They look sweet. -
Date: Fri, Jul 18 2008 01:28:41QUOTE (Mats @ Jul 17 2008, 04:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>How about those Levitator ~ Fingerless Halftap that Weis used to do? They look sweet.
That was sweet indeed. Something I copied myself, except with different aerials other than the levitator. -
Date: Sat, Jul 19 2008 00:49:39
I'm pretty happy right now as I have finally done Bakfall! I know it may be kinda easy for some of you but, everyone starts off with easy tricks right? ^^
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 14:50:09
getting my metal comssa really soon
can't wait!
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 15:52:34
Was spinning this morning while watching Mythbusters (what a show) and pretty much decided to work on Cont RAs so then I can Cont TA/IA/MA and RA. They are more difficult than the rest by a long way though >.<
Also did my first Basketball Spin after watching Zombo's tutorial. Hopefully will have that down sometime soon. Also practiced Cont FL TAs... Determined to get x3 consistant by the end of summer.
Realised I need to get Sonic Reverse learnt (now I have a good tutorial) and some other Sonic variations. -
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 16:01:46
@look at the sun: i just saw chuchon do it and it looked really nice and all
well unfortunately i won't be able to master all that.. my combo against xien isn't the greatest either.. o well.. i don't have much time until i'm going away for a few weeks -
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 20:39:18
Working on mastering my RA. I found ways to connect to a ringaround but I can't do one
. Also working on my levitator for an ending move. Made an MPFX that has to work G.J.H style, will be showing it on Show Off your Pens later.
Date: Mon, Jul 21 2008 20:46:07
I am planning a debut video for myself. Just need that correct angle . . .
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 18:07:40
got 6 revs on ta to palmspin. New personal record!
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 19:20:07
working on shadow lol,
Date: Tue, Jul 22 2008 19:27:09QUOTE (000zero0000 @ Jul 22 2008, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>working on shadow lol,
yea I lol at spam too
Just did a mega PW order, the biggest I've ever made I'm really excited. Right now I'm working on stuff for WCS (West Coast Spinners) just to see if we can actually get that place going it'd be cool if we could. Other wise in penspinning working on a lot of stuff like Twisted Sonic Bust Reverse, Inverse Shadows, and Extended TA's I never actually learned how to do them >_> .
Date: Thu, Jul 24 2008 13:12:53
made orange clear comssa 2day
. spins well & looks sexy!!!
Date: Thu, Jul 24 2008 13:28:30
gonna be gone for a few weeks since i'm leaving for a program
taking my pens with me... shhhh
Date: Thu, Jul 24 2008 22:25:22
Made my own personal mod today, it spins really well but it's a bit back heavy. Haven't been spinning too much lately, just modding.
Date: Sat, Jul 26 2008 01:06:42
I made a real MX recently...all Im pretty happy about that....And I'm feeling HAPPY!
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2008 01:45:37
My right hand has is sore from spinning so I've been spinning with my left lately. I get a little frustrated not being able to perform as well as I can with my right, but it's going along quite nicely. Cont Midbak x4, Twisted Sonic Triple Bust, and Triple TA with my left are my current accomplishments. Working on handarounds and rev handarounds on it too. I'm kinda lazy to learn shadows on my left hand though.
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2008 19:33:51
Made another mod today, I don't know if it's tutorial worthy. Working shadows and backarounds on my left hand, and a bunch of palmspin and reverse palmspin stuff on my right.
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2008 21:07:25
Spiderspin 1.5 is such a beautiful trick but I'm still having massive trouble with it.
I've really been slacking off pen spinning practice this week. I need some kind of scheduled practice or something when I get back from Wales[1] next week.
[1]I'm going to Wales this weekend -
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2008 21:18:28QUOTE (Mats @ Jul 30 2008, 02:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Spiderspin 1.5 is such a beautiful trick but I'm still having massive trouble with it.
I've really been slacking off pen spinning practice this week. I need some kind of scheduled practice or something when I get back from Wales[1] next week.
[1]I'm going to Wales this weekend
Spiderspins are indeed hard. I found rev spiderspins to be even harder, but yeah, beautiful trick. It's really unappreciated.
How do you link your spiderspins? I normally use arounds/rev arounds and devil's sonic. -
Date: Wed, Jul 30 2008 21:32:05QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Jul 30 2008, 10:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Spiderspins are indeed hard. I found rev spiderspins to be even harder, but yeah, beautiful trick. It's really unappreciated.
How do you link your spiderspins? I normally use arounds/rev arounds and devil's sonic.
I use Thumbaround or Fingerless Thumbaround ~ Spiderspin on my right hand. I can get the Thumbaround 0.5 ~ Spiderspin 0.5 like Kam does in the video for his site, catching it in 34. But to do the same with a Spiderspin 1.0 (total 1.5 spin for the whole hybrid)... I'm having real trouble with that.
I've done minimal work on Indexaround ~ Spiderspin on my left but that's not gonna happen for a looooooong time. -
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2008 00:34:14QUOTE (Mats @ Jul 30 2008, 02:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I use Thumbaround or Fingerless Thumbaround ~ Spiderspin on my right hand. I can get the Thumbaround 0.5 ~ Spiderspin 0.5 like Kam does in the video for his site, catching it in 34. But to do the same with a Spiderspin 1.0 (total 1.5 spin for the whole hybrid)... I'm having real trouble with that.
I've done minimal work on Indexaround ~ Spiderspin on my left but that's not gonna happen for a looooooong time.
So you train both hands differently? I've never heard of that before. Cool.
Funny, I have a hard time doing thumbspin 0.5 ~ spider spin 0.5 but I can manage thumbspin 0.5 T1-T! ~ spider spin 2.0+ T1-34 fine. I really like how spiderspins can be linked with nearly any trick and form a hybrid. It's so versatile. Baks, shadows, inv shadows, arounds, taps, thumbarounds, even a corkscrew. I can't think of any trick that can't be made into a hybrid with the spiderspin. -
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2008 02:31:18
Training to impress Vic at the SF gather.
JK, but I am working on getting my MidBaks to the level I had them at about a month ago. I'm also working on FL Extended TAs (Korean style). -
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2008 04:16:44
its been an awesome week ps wise:
i did my: first bakfall, cont bak x2, figured out how to do shadow 23-23 and 23-34 on my own -
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2008 05:27:42
Just spinning with my left
@LITS... Midbak cont x4 with your left? I've never seen you spinning lmao -
Date: Thu, Jul 31 2008 18:19:52
It took 3 1/2 months of pen spinning but now I can do BAKFALL!!!
Date: Fri, Aug 1 2008 14:35:30
I just registered to this great community! And I just created a combo I need to film (1st).
‹« SKYE »› -
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2008 13:28:32QUOTE (Kari @ Jul 31 2008, 02:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>It took 3 1/2 months of pen spinning but now I can do BAKFALL!!!
Lol I can barely do it..
Wow. I suck
Anywho, Im making tons of combos for different stuff. Going pretty well with some friends when we play tak on. Thanks (Yuo guys know who you are
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2008 20:08:07
1st time in a collab
applied niceoutserts to my metallic comssa -
Date: Sat, Aug 2 2008 22:33:39
Starting to pen spin with my left now. I just want my left hand to be more reliable as it rarely does anything these days.
Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 03:24:45
Learning how to do FL Fake Double cont. (thanks for teaching me at the gathering, Vic). I'm also planning to get rid of some of my pens, look for an auction in the next few weeks.
Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 03:25:29QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Aug 2 2008, 08:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Learning how to do FL Fake Double cont. (thanks for teaching me at the gathering, Vic). I'm also planning to get rid of some of my pens, look for an auction in the next few weeks.
lol, i'm working on those too. And any GJHs? I wanna get one and try to extend it. -
Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 03:31:20QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Aug 2 2008, 08:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol, i'm working on those too. And any GJHs? I wanna get one and try to extend it.
You could always get one from thnikk at the next gathering. -
Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 20:46:35
My spider spins are getting a lot better just like 5 seconds ago I got TA ~> Spider Spin 23 3.0 and then I caught it in 12 it was amazing
Date: Sun, Aug 3 2008 21:27:52
Spiderspin 3.0? Nice!
Well umm anyway, this weekend I've decided to focus less on spinning up combos or learning new tricks and concentrate more on just doing shit loads of reps of Cont. tricks that I like. I really really really like doing Cont. tricks for some reason. -
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 01:26:32
I stole a pink RSVP today.
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 01:32:01
? I bought one today. @noober, store or person?
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 02:13:50QUOTE (Mats @ Aug 3 2008, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Spiderspin 3.0? Nice!
Well umm anyway, this weekend I've decided to focus less on spinning up combos or learning new tricks and concentrate more on just doing shit loads of reps of Cont. tricks that I like. I really really really like doing Cont. tricks for some reason.
Ew, shitload of cont tricks? Those get boring. But, that's me.
Best cont mini-combo: twisted sonic 34-23 > IPBA Rev 2.0 34-34. :] -
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 12:09:37
got a clear comssa 2day.
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 15:43:29
Taught this guy TA and he did it after a few tries.
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 16:04:41
forgot to post this a week ago after 1 1/2 month i can do a SLOPPY ?BAKFALL
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 16:11:04QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Aug 4 2008, 03:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ew, shitload of cont tricks? Those get boring. But, that's me.
I think this is very true. People get bored of watching people do lots of Cont. tricks. However, I really really like to do cont tricks. I will try and work on harder Cont. tricks so I am not getting so many reps. People like to see a shit-hard trick done several times in a row, however, for me, Cont. tricks have always been the major appeal of actually doing pen spinning so that is what I will work on most from now on. -
Date: Mon, Aug 4 2008 17:02:01
Yes, progress is coming. I got the one thing I thought only Le0n could do today TA ~> Spiderspin 23 1.0 ~> FL TA. I guess the only other thing is actually doing it consistantly, and on camera. I've also started to study Leviathan's side spin hybirds I never realized how hard they actually were >_< .
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 13:14:52
Trying to do a smooth bakfall.
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 15:50:11
I've decided I'm only gonna spin an MX, comssa metallic, and my personal mod. Been working on my reverse palmspin so much my palmspin is suffering
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 20:17:08QUOTE (Mats @ Aug 4 2008, 09:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I think this is very true. People get bored of watching people do lots of Cont. tricks. However, I really really like to do cont tricks. I will try and work on harder Cont. tricks so I am not getting so many reps. People like to see a shit-hard trick done several times in a row, however, for me, Cont. tricks have always been the major appeal of actually doing pen spinning so that is what I will work on most from now on.
I just suddenly remembered someone doing a shadow 13-13 300x times. Overkill... Well, I'm glad you prefer hard cont tricks over easy ones. Which ones exactly?
Oh, and lately, after going to the SF gathering and seeing vic show off his cont midbak 1.5s, I've been thinking about learning them. Yet I already know how to do cont midbaks quite well. So if I learn the 1.5, I probably won't be using cont midbaks anymore which really ruins the point of me learning them in the first place (and it took ages!)... I'm not sure what to do. :\ -
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 20:21:07
managed to do pink and ring bak
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 20:52:18QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Aug 6 2008, 09:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I just suddenly remembered someone doing a shadow 13-13 300x times. Overkill... Well, I'm glad you prefer hard cont tricks over easy ones. Which ones exactly?
Oh, and lately, after going to the SF gathering and seeing vic show off his cont midbak 1.5s, I've been thinking about learning them. Yet I already know how to do cont midbaks quite well. So if I learn the 1.5, I probably won't be using cont midbaks anymore which really ruins the point of me learning them in the first place (and it took ages!)... I'm not sure what to do. :\
I like Cont. MAs atm. I'm also working on 2p2h TA and 2p2h IA. Easy to do in one hand, very hard to do in both at the same time. Oh and Cont. FL TA, they are the best! -
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 21:30:42
Spinning and doing my SAT prep books.
Date: Wed, Aug 6 2008 21:41:30
I just broke/made 9 records and made one record I haven't seen anyone do, only talk about. Still working on trying to get that Spiderspin 3.0 I couldn't film last night
Uploading all the vids as I type this. w00t top'd page 50.
Ok so it ended up only being 7 I guess you shouldn't count your chickens before they hatch. *sigh* -
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 03:40:33QUOTE (Mats @ Aug 6 2008, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I like Cont. MAs atm. I'm also working on 2p2h TA and 2p2h IA. Easy to do in one hand, very hard to do in both at the same time. Oh and Cont. FL TA, they are the best! ^_^
I love cont FL TAs too. I'm also trying to do 2p2h FL TAs and 2p2h cont midbaks and busts. Actually, I'm doing a lot of cont tricks too...hard ones though, nothing easy. I can currently do cont shadow risers on each slot, cont bak risers on each slot. Also working on other things, but that's all I'll share.
And I should post a spiderspin 3.0+ just to ruin sangara's hopes. >:D -
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 04:18:51QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Aug 6 2008, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I love cont FL TAs too. I'm also trying to do 2p2h FL TAs and 2p2h cont midbaks and busts. Actually, I'm doing a lot of cont tricks too...hard ones though, nothing easy. I can currently do cont shadow risers on each slot, cont bak risers on each slot. Also working on other things, but that's all I'll share.
And I should post a spiderspin 3.0+ just to ruin sangara's hopes. >:D
I'm getting there, but you should suck on that Spiderspin rev first.
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 04:23:50QUOTE (sangara @ Aug 6 2008, 09:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I'm getting there, but you should suck on that Spiderspin rev first
I can do rev spiderspins just fine. Rev IA ~ Rev spiderspin 1.0. Took me a while to learn that. -
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 04:31:54
working on new "noob" combo because k4lc is getting old
palm down sonic 34-23, twisted sonic bust 23-12, bak 12-12, rev fingerpass 12-23-34, clipped sonic 34-23, charge 23, inverse sonic 23-12, super hard to get to look good
at least it is for me -
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 04:36:04QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Aug 6 2008, 09:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I can do rev spiderspins just fine. Rev IA ~ Rev spiderspin 1.0. Took me a while to learn that.
Yeah Rev Spiderspins aren't that hard. I can do Midbak + Rev Spiderspin too.
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 04:46:39QUOTE (Fripâ„¢ @ Aug 6 2008, 09:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yeah Rev Spiderspins aren't that hard. I can do Midbak + Rev Spiderspin too.
midbak ~ spiderspin is easy. Try IA Rev ~ Spiderspin. -
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 05:07:41
Midbak to Spiderspin rev? thats just like turing the hand...
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 17:49:06QUOTE (sangara @ Aug 6 2008, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Midbak to Spiderspin rev? thats just like turing the hand...
lol, yeah, easy peasy. Tried IA Rev ~ Spiderspin yet? The spiderspin only spins on the index finger which makes it pretty hard to do.
And I'm trying to learn the zombo indexspin multiple transfer. But I'm not sure how to get it to transfer to my left hand. -
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 18:05:48QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Aug 7 2008, 10:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol, yeah, easy peasy. Tried IA Rev ~ Spiderspin yet? The spiderspin only spins on the index finger which makes it pretty hard to do.
And I'm trying to learn the zombo indexspin multiple transfer. But I'm not sure how to get it to transfer to my left hand.
I've tried the IA rev ~ Spiderspin, I have to say I'm a whole lot better at Fl TA rev ~ Spiderspin but sadly I really have no time to work on them Eriror and I have a bit of a friendly competition going so I have to practice for that.
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 18:15:45QUOTE (sangara @ Aug 7 2008, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've tried the IA rev ~ Spiderspin, I have to say I'm a whole lot better at Fl TA rev ~ Spiderspin but sadly I really have no time to work on them Eriror and I have a bit of a friendly competition going so I have to practice for that
Good luck beating Eri, and work on those spiderspins later. RA ~ Spiderspin, MA Rev ~ Rev Spiderspin. They look awesome and far too unappreciated. -
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 18:24:17
I just made mp msxa and mp rsvp IMX
Date: Thu, Aug 7 2008 18:55:27
i mastered reverse shadow and i can do 10 smooth bakfalls in a row w/o dropping
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 21:46:54
Guy at work thought my spinning was neat today.
Still working on making my bak and neoback falls smooth. -
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 21:54:13
Exploring a new style of spinning. It looks so cool. I've gotta get better at it and show off next gathering.
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 22:28:59
Working more on my left hand lately, which makes my right hand degrade a lot when it comes to technicality. Found out I'm mostly a jack-of-all-trades... Can do all of something, but mastered none. this is mostly true with spins and conts...
Did Shadow Reverse 34-34 x22 at a friend's place, but haven't managed to film anything more than 9 yet. -
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 22:37:11
Getting a lot better with arounds and the reverse arounds. Oddly, Im working on my right hand a little bit... a trick is easier on the opposite hand once you've learned it on your dominant hand. Learned twisted sonic fall in 5 seconds and did it in my right hand on the first try (I still cant do twisted sonic 34-23 normal on either hand).
And apparently, I piss off people with my penspinning... how nice. -
Date: Fri, Aug 8 2008 22:54:31QUOTE (Erirornal Kraione @ Aug 8 2008, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Working more on my left hand lately, which makes my right hand degrade a lot when it comes to technicality. Found out I'm mostly a jack-of-all-trades... Can do all of something, but mastered none. this is mostly true with spins and conts...
Did Shadow Reverse 34-34 x22 at a friend's place, but haven't managed to film anything more than 9 yet.
Same here Eri. I should spend more time getting smoother/consistent. But I just love learning new things/exploring.
How do you piss people off, mystic? Aerial trick gone bad? -
Date: Sat, Aug 9 2008 02:36:20
Ugh, broke my MX today
. That's the first pen I've ever broken and it was my main MX as well. Bullshit.
Date: Sat, Aug 9 2008 04:56:21
I dont know what to change my comssas' colors to its green and aqua right now. and i can do a bakfall now every once and a bunch of times
Date: Sat, Aug 9 2008 05:30:34
Currently working on twisted sonic bust 1.5 rise fall harmonic and also trying to get IA 14 - 14 x7+
Date: Sat, Aug 9 2008 12:46:13
getting ready to flim a clip for the battle.
Date: Sat, Aug 9 2008 15:22:25
After watching some of SEVEN's vids I just fell in love with his style...
So I'm working on inverse shadow and stuff...
Also trying to get more consistent with triple TA and double bust.... -
Date: Sat, Aug 9 2008 17:21:29
working on thumbspin trying to get more than 3 spins
Date: Mon, Aug 11 2008 16:58:19
camera's acting all weird now...
no recording for a bit....... luckily i recorded a few videos beforehand but.. they're all bad -.-
Date: Tue, Aug 12 2008 05:14:06
Trying to get my most rotations in a reverse fulltap at the moment.
Date: Tue, Aug 12 2008 09:45:23
trying to improve bakfall consistency- weak ring finger...
Date: Wed, Aug 13 2008 02:32:19
Working on my new self mod, trying to make it all Japanese like with the tips and the grip over grips and stuff. Hopefully it will work out nicely.
Date: Wed, Aug 13 2008 20:04:29
got a f-3000 and trying to get baktap (reverse) more consistent with it.
Date: Wed, Aug 13 2008 20:21:00
improving my shadow.
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2008 20:14:02
im still working on TA but i managed to do it
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2008 10:07:22
*sigh* Still working on bakfall, and I figured out the what I'm doing's just correcting it that's a problem.
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2008 17:49:35
Working on a lot of stuff it's like 10x easier to learn where there is someone there teaching you in person and can show you what you are doing wrong, although Sonic Rise still gives me a lot of trouble >_< . Oh yea and when sangara isn't working on his AP work or working to buy a new laptop hes working on his 1 year so yea that's coming up I guess in about a month.
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2008 18:58:44
I'm now working on the solo video after two weeks of trying to make up combos that good enough to use.
and after seeing the comments with the battle with Clyde, it's gonna help me alot in making the solo video look better XD -
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2008 19:13:13
Just made a v2 of my selfmod
. I'll post it up in the show off your pens thread and I might make a tutorial if enough people are interested.
Date: Sun, Aug 17 2008 20:24:01
trying to get twisted sonic bust x 2 consistently, i still suck at it
Date: Tue, Aug 19 2008 02:10:17
i just did my first bakfall
Date: Wed, Aug 20 2008 23:36:55
I lost my all white comssa which sucks ass. I'm pretty sure this little bitch stole it from me at a party. Looks like I'll have to trade for another one.
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2008 00:26:40
i stop spin for awhile...cuz i have to concentrate with my exam..i will spin back after finish my exam on 18/10/2008..
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2008 01:36:31
Guess what homework's done and its time to play
it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be so I guess I wasn't really inactivate at all, but then again I tried to stay as active as I could, I had a hard time trying to leave UPSB heh I love this place. Anyway PS wise I'm working on two handed counters inspired by Key3 mostly using it with Shadows. I switched pens yet again I'm now a huge fan of the G3MX its a pretty sexy pen. It's the Penwish one too
. Oh yea and as Le*Mons stated working on my solo which I gave him the editing job.
Date: Thu, Aug 21 2008 21:47:15
Ok, so me and my friend started PS at the same time. We progressed around the same rate then when it came to shadow still, we both died. We tried during school a bit, but couldn't get it down. A few days later my friend comes in doing his masterful shadows. I go "WTF" then practice a lot when a get home, because he's not allowed to beat me. I come into the school the next day able to do shadows... There's a moral to this story - PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, and stop asking why you can't catch the pen
Date: Fri, Aug 22 2008 20:15:05
started psing again (didn't ps for 2 months. sweden + lazyness + business)
practicing and filming some combos
planning on releasing single vidyay
Date: Sat, Aug 23 2008 16:08:33
deciding whether to do a 2nd collaboration or not...
i haven't spun much and i'm really rustygotta start spinning again... next week is tryouts and i have to do summer reading so i'll be on like.. nil. xD
EDIT: just realized how easy it is to improve my left hand with this mod i have.. -
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2008 01:42:23
I did a BakFall 1.5 with an MX during school today. I was putting on a little presentation for like 10 kids and someone asked what the hardest trick I knew was, so I tried BakFall 1.5 and I succeeded.
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2008 02:31:12
In the last two days I have learned:
Sonic Fall
Inverse Twisted Sonic Fall
Twisted Sonic 34-23 (Bust too)
Devil's Sonic/Shadow 34-23/34
Shadow Still Bust 12/23/34
Personal Records:
Extended TA: 74
Shadow Still: 20
Shadow 13-13: 10
FingerPass: 86/Min
Yeah, I was bored... I have today and tomorrow off from work, so I have plenty of more time to either learn something new, or perfect these into a combo. Im going to put up a fight for the ECS tournament even though Im only at 5 months. -
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2008 02:39:54
serious workout for my left-hand
it's gotten like.. 3x better than before ^^! now it hurts...
otherwise nowadays i'm taking time to think of decent combos, not the repeats of the same old stuff each time xD
EDIT: BTW i'm officially coming back this saturdaythat's when i'm officially done with all this workout stuff
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2008 23:14:10
I was with my Dr.KT spinning for the street with my mobile phone on left hand listening to music for the loudspeakers, when the pen falls down and I tried to catch it with the left hand... But it hits the screen WITH THE FUCKING TIP!!! The crash made a crak (wtf google's traductor) of 3 cm and a half in vertically that occupies practically all the screen.
FUCK YOU, PENSPINNING, I HATE YOU!!!!111oneoneeleven -
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2008 23:16:41
This is why Dr.KT's are bad
Shouldve spun an mx
People just dont listen -
Date: Thu, Aug 28 2008 23:19:24
Your own fault
When you use a KT be more careful. -
Date: Fri, Aug 29 2008 21:38:37
my left thumb is all messed up from soccer tryouts D: someone dive-headed the ball into my hand.. he has the freakiest diving header.. the ball goes soo fast.. owch........
haven't practiced much.. gotta get practicing or something going now... -.- -
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 00:12:40
I found my all white comssa
Also have been working on Thumbaround-> palmspin-> FL thumbindexspin like Minwoo did in one of his WC videos. -
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 00:18:29
working on reverse bak. (reverse fl)
then after that cont. revers fl.
and inverse shadow. -
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 01:28:07
Trying to nail IPBA 2.0 Harmonic. My reverse is starting to get consistent... not so with the normal.
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 04:09:03
too occupied with soccer this week
psing time per day has decreased a lot
school is starting . . . now im a freshman
gotta find time for penspinning -
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 04:10:41
band, high school, all those crap are taking up time for pen spinning
but i still can practice in math and spanish cause they really don't care... and i'm getting smoother for once ^^
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2008 07:53:12
Blugh, i need to mod some pens for school lol. Been spinning a little more which is nice. Lately though i've been getting distracted with another hobbies
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2008 08:15:43
Can now do Ext TA 90% of the time now
Finally >.> Been working on making my infinity smooth and more balanced (time wise).
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2008 15:11:57
Found my flexible MX that had been gone for 3 months!
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2008 15:51:44
trying to learm palmspin -
Date: Sun, Aug 31 2008 17:25:49
My new Ayatori mod broke today :\ it was only a week old T_T now I need to get a new hyper jell...
Going to make myself a MSXA soon, so I'll have something better to spin.. (I have other mods I like, but single sided mods are teh best~ ) -
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2008 05:32:48
My battle video against cyshing is late
my other comp got a virus on it so its reformatting
i'm using my mom's laptop
i'm getting error's with SUPER and all the MOV converters i try to use get errors
i'm so damn pissed
my orange banana smoothie was good though. -
Date: Mon, Sep 1 2008 23:21:35
Trying to make a combo because I wanna join the Filipino 2nd...I'm making the combo before I join so that I'm sure I can send my video in.
Date: Wed, Sep 3 2008 07:36:34
rawr, im still alive. Made my (hopefully final version) MP MX for school. There are still a few pro's and con's but regardless it's time for me to test it's durability. I'm going to use my version of the MP MX for a few weeks at school which will definitely reveal any weaknesses since that pencil is going to fall a lot
Date: Wed, Sep 3 2008 13:04:18
First Full Day of School....>.> oh well I'm going start spinning more MSXA, BICtory and MX in school now.
I'm going to retire my KT for awhile (until the next collab comes up) -
Date: Wed, Sep 3 2008 17:47:03
i made a new black mx for school, wich starts tomorrow!
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2008 02:39:39
yup that's my main highlight of the week for pen spinning -
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2008 02:51:22QUOTE (mhig @ Sep 6 2008, 07:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>YES I GOT NAGI'S COMBO!!!!
yup that's my main highlight of the week for pen spinning
Which one?
And I've been practicing cont midbak 1.5s diligently for the past 2-3 days (current record is 6 cont midbak 1.5s). Also thinking of practicing cont pinkybak 1.5s although I already know how to do cont pinkybak 1.0s. Not sure which is better. -
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2008 02:54:41QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Sep 6 2008, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Which one?
And I've been practicing cont midbak 1.5s diligently for the past 2-3 days (current record is 6 cont midbak 1.5s). Also thinking of practicing cont pinkybak 1.5s although I already know how to do cont pinkybak 1.0s. Not sure which is better.
0:08 - 0:18
lol wow.. 2-3 days and already 6?? that's like.. wow.. good job! it took me like.. a month to get it x2 xD -
Date: Sun, Sep 7 2008 03:08:35QUOTE (mhig @ Sep 6 2008, 07:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
0:08 - 0:18
lol wow.. 2-3 days and already 6?? that's like.. wow.. good job! it took me like.. a month to get it x2 xD
lol, that's because i've already known how to do cont midbaks just not cont midbak 1.5s. And I've practiced cont midbak 1.5s before but was only able to do 2 (rarely 3) at most and just stopped and stuck with cont midbaks.
So it wasn't too hard to pick up. -
Date: Mon, Sep 8 2008 20:58:56
I charge'd for the first time. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
Date: Mon, Sep 8 2008 21:01:47QUOTE (yani @ Sep 8 2008, 01:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I charge'd for the first time. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
lol. now that's interesting. How would you feel if you did a backaround for the first time? -
Date: Mon, Sep 8 2008 21:45:25
Oh wow, just thinking about it gives me goosebumps and 1000+ motivation points to practice it.
and I'm not even sure what trick you're talking about. i'm a newb -.-
haha -
Date: Mon, Sep 8 2008 21:46:11QUOTE (yani @ Sep 8 2008, 02:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Oh wow, just thinking about it gives me goosebumps and 1000+ motivation points to practice it.
and I'm not even sure what trick you're talking about. i'm a newb -.-
Glad you're so motivated.
And this is one version of the backaround. -
Date: Tue, Sep 9 2008 04:28:44
Havent filmed at all lately. Been workin on some cool tricks though.
Also gonna work on cont. pinkyback 1.5s. -
Date: Tue, Sep 9 2008 04:33:38QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Sep 8 2008, 09:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Havent filmed at all lately. Been workin on some cool tricks though.
Also gonna work on cont. pinkyback 1.5s.
cont pinky bak 1.5s? me too. tricks..? Such as...cont midbak risers? -
Date: Tue, Sep 9 2008 04:53:22QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Sep 9 2008, 12:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>cont pinky bak 1.5s? me too
. tricks..? Such as...cont midbak risers?
nah, im not into riser tricks that much, theres only one i like.
and why are cont. pinkybak 1.5s so insanely difficult?!?! -
Date: Tue, Sep 9 2008 04:58:29QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Sep 8 2008, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>nah, im not into riser tricks that much, theres only one i like.
and why are cont. pinkybak 1.5s so insanely difficult?!?!
Really? I found them easier than cont midbak 1.5s. Current record's 4 or 5.
Which riser? And cont midbak riser 1.5s look great. I'll have to show you sometime. -
Date: Tue, Sep 9 2008 07:45:37
Found a sexy new pencil sold locally that allows me to make a very clean MP MX (my own version). Looks exactly like an MX excluding the small improvement i made to the mod overall. Threw on some extra grips on both sides for slightly more momentum and now it's sweet...time to use it in school and see how long it can survive the gauntlet haha
Date: Fri, Sep 12 2008 02:24:43
I totally humiliated myself by dropping like 5 infinities with a newish pen.
I've gotta start doing more of those and not just trip. and quad. variaties. -
Date: Fri, Sep 12 2008 08:49:27
Mastered the sonic while doing a Physics exam
. God i love Physics [But not really]
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 04:11:54
started spinning a metal comssa with dr grip grips
it's soo nice.. anyone like it as much as i do?
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 04:28:26QUOTE (mhig @ Sep 14 2008, 12:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>started spinning a metal comssa with dr grip grips
it's soo nice.. anyone like it as much as i do?
Dang no more black anyball grips? -
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 04:29:48
I have an all white met. comssa with dr grip grips and i love it.
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 04:32:05
I love it too. But I don'T have Tips on it.. That would make it too much of a stick.
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 04:47:08QUOTE (Hope @ Sep 14 2008, 12:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Dang no more black anyball grips?
i have 2so one has dr grip grips and the other has the anyball grips
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 06:27:05
ya...i have an all white one...and i love it stay on topic....
i'm on my 7th month or so and i'm trying to nail cont. mid bak 1.5......but i can't.... -
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 16:30:04
Cont MidBak 1.5 is a bitch. It's an awesome bitch though, keep working on it.
What I'm working on? Nothing. Trying to get back into regular spinning, summer fucked me up. -
Date: Sun, Sep 14 2008 21:56:55
taught my little brother how to do a sonic...
i'm so proud of him<3 ;__; -
Date: Mon, Sep 15 2008 00:39:33
Working on arounds and charges on all slots.
Date: Mon, Sep 15 2008 02:02:39
I finally pulled off a last night sitting in bed trying to fall asleep.
I was sssooooo happy. -
Date: Wed, Sep 17 2008 01:05:07
Starting to like RIngaround :>
Date: Wed, Sep 17 2008 01:06:49
i did a few triple busts over the weekend!
Date: Wed, Sep 17 2008 13:36:42
I TA'd 3 pens simultaneously, fun yo!
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 10:29:22
Finally did a shadow rev and trying to get it continuously. =d
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 17:12:06
Got a ballsign and it's amazing. WTH I didn't think I liked light mods...
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 17:35:14
Made a new MSXA, all purple using a sunburst body
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 18:45:21
Did Midbak 1.5 X2 for the first time today
Can't spin as much since my fingers are injured (tennis). -
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 18:46:26
Made my first order at
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 18:47:35QUOTE (Xuj @ Sep 19 2008, 02:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Made my first order at
What'd you order? -
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 19:57:29
Metal Comssa Blue Diamond and a RSVP MX Tribal.
And I mastered twisted sonic. -
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 21:54:48
Finally learned a TA to stop (catch it between thumb and finger 1 in a pokcet) to reverse
Also learned to combo out of it..
I also learned a double thumbaround fingerless..kinda did it without really trying to do it, now that i've done it im practicing it like crazy
(Only spinning about 4 months, really lightly over the summer but its my 3rd week of serious practicing)
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 22:05:44
My combo for the ESC tourney is set, I just have to work on one pass near the beginning of the combo which is so hard to get smooth...
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 22:15:55
Trying to see if there's a retr. MX tut somewhere for school, I don't like taking the cap off every time...
also still trying to find my perfect mod...
Working on cont. midbak 1.5 and ringbak 1.5, records are 4 for midbak and 2 for ringbak (so hard, and yet so cool)
getting more persistent with cont. TA
working on busts (still haven't masterd double bust and fake double bust, not my strongest side...) -
Date: Fri, Sep 19 2008 22:18:59
I got 8 busts with my white comssa today - tying my record that I set a few weeks ago with a Dr. KT.
Next: 10.
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 00:34:08
Been workin on some 1p2h stuff, and so far have some good combos. Out of nowhere i got good at midbak 1.5s again, doing x38 first try and x36 the next.
Ill try and get 50 sometime.
Also im getting AoD pumped for the ECS tournament, teaching him some new stuff. -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 01:09:53QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Sep 19 2008, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I got 8 busts with my white comssa today - tying my record that I set a few weeks ago with a Dr. KT.
Next: 10.
Not working on air busts? Some cont air busts would be pretty hot.
And you should post a vid vic. :] -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 02:37:31
my comp is working again and i have a new keyboard
managed neobakfall riser a few times in the past 3 days
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 02:41:48QUOTE (mhig @ Sep 19 2008, 07:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>my comp is working again and i have a new keyboard
managed neobakfall riser a few times in the past 3 days
Riser as in aerials? -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 02:43:13QUOTE (Fripâ„¢ @ Sep 19 2008, 10:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Riser as in aerials?
also did some random stuff like rev index around release with my left hand the way i did with my right hand
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 02:45:48QUOTE (mhig @ Sep 19 2008, 08:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>yea
also did some random stuff like rev index around release with my left hand the way i did with my right hand
Hmm.. I can only do Bakriser -> Midbakriser but like...Neobaks ^^' owell... I can do Bakriserfall and that's fine :> -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 10:16:44
Tried spinning a burning pen yesterday. Resulted in burn-wounds on both my arm and fingers, and on the floor where I was. Don't think I'll be able to spin properly for a while :D
A good bottle of Captain Morgan's Rum was also involved. -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 11:11:06
Just learned infinity... Trying to do my first combo(Infinity > TA)
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 12:22:44
I asked my sister to buy me some simple bic-pens.
She failed -.-'
That's it pretty much. -
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 13:15:59
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 20:17:03
Have been doing palm up Devil's Sonic 23-12 a lot, & palm up Devil's Sonic 23-T1 -> Charge Rev -> FL TA Rev
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 20:20:46
got new mx's thanks to nate
Date: Sat, Sep 20 2008 21:32:48
I've been practising bakfall, and each individual bak.
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2008 00:27:08
I kinda killed my right hand a few minutes ago. It's a minor cut but it kinda affects my spinning since it's on the side of my hand.
Time to work on the left. -
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2008 01:07:22
Today, I managed to get up to one fingerpass a second but only managed to do four of them before I dropped it. :-(
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2008 11:38:52
I ripped my thumb nail off, so i put like 10 band aids on it and now i cant spin
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2008 14:49:56
^ woah, that's hardcore.
ordered some pens, waiting for them to arrive -
Date: Mon, Sep 22 2008 23:02:16
I really underestimated the quality on the print of a cartoon comssa, after like a week of spinning its starting to come off. My new goal for PS is to do all of leviathan's tricks, I have 4 of the 9 filmed, I have to get down 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 >_< they're really hard. But basically I've also been working on copying leviathan's video for his battle against swisspinner.
oh yea tricks video for reference, plus ever spinner should see this, and he did it over 2 years ago 0_o
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2008 03:45:22QUOTE (sangara @ Sep 22 2008, 07:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>oh yea tricks video for reference, plus ever spinner should see this, and he did it over 2 years ago 0_o
Trick 2 is my favorite, i want to learn that...
i'm just working on smoothness and spinning slowly. -
Date: Fri, Sep 26 2008 22:58:22
Got my first pack of RSVPs today..
Made a RSVP v2 mod with some household pens I found...
Showed off to my friends at school, they were amazed at my Sonic... although my library of tricks is extremely small. -
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2008 01:53:04
I finally finished my personal mod! It's heavier than a G.J.H, and it's kinda got a new concept on making pens write.
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2008 03:21:21QUOTE (sangara @ Sep 22 2008, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I really underestimated the quality on the print of a cartoon comssa, after like a week of spinning its starting to come off. My new goal for PS is to do all of leviathan's tricks, I have 4 of the 9 filmed, I have to get down 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 >_< they're really hard. But basically I've also been working on copying leviathan's video for his battle against swisspinner.
oh yea tricks video for reference, plus ever spinner should see this, and he did it over 2 years ago 0_o
I love that vid. I spent months learning all those hybrids. So worth it. I can't baktap ~ spiderspin though. Took so long to get it consistent... Especially Around Rev ~ Spiderspin Revs.
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2008 07:01:54
YESS! I can now do consistently do trick 1. 2, 3, 4, and 6 to go, I might have these by November... maybe.
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2008 11:09:29
Yea trick #1 is easily my favorite.
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2008 16:40:28
my. order. still. hasn't. reached. me. yet.
not. amused.
Date: Sat, Sep 27 2008 18:53:14
Did my first Neobakfall today ^^ the ringbak was 1.5, randomly
Date: Sun, Sep 28 2008 03:22:04
I'm currently working on twisted sonic bust.
Date: Mon, Sep 29 2008 19:24:00
Been working on my continuous FL TA's, so far I got 5 as the highest, and am getting 3 consistently, but only with heavier pens =\ But, I have lost my twisted sonic bust touch, I can only do x2 consisently, whereas I used to be able to do x3 consistently.
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 05:05:13
Hey there, First time poster here. Just here to say I Received my first Penwish order, Made some of my first REAL mods a snazzy Metal comSSa & RSVP MX.
Wanted to state the tricks I currently know as well: (My proficiency in them)
TA - Learned (Advanced almost can 1 and 1/2 at will)
Reverse TA - Learned (Advanced)
Continuous TA - Learned (35 successful is my record)
Charge - Learned (Could go on for Hours on my 2-3, 1-2 is a bit iffy, and 4-3 ain't too good)
Reverse Charge - Working on it
Sonic- Getting almost as good and fast as my TA
Rising Sonic- Working on it
Twisted Sonic- Working on it
BackTap- Its Cake but usually I futz it up
Backaround- ARRG! Can't seem to get it.
TA - Learned
Reverse TA - Learned
Charge - Almost there
Sonic - Almost there
Starting to go from Noob to Experienced Noob. -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 05:08:36QUOTE (NinjaKai @ Sep 29 2008, 10:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Rising Sonic- Working on it
It's not a Rising Sonic; its called a Sonic Rise -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 12:51:55
hyperjell caps are more fragile than I thought
was finishing up my seven mod and the cap snapped in two when I was removing the clip -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 13:06:16
awwww sucks man
i cut mine off with a saw lol
still broke -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 13:13:36
Yeah, Hyper Jell caps are very fragile.... mine snapped in half few weeks ago, I wonder if I should even bother getting a new one >.>
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 13:35:23
i dont get why almost all the japanese single sided mods use hyper jell instead of g3 or somethin else? is it that they are so good they hardly ever drop?
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 13:52:50QUOTE (luke @ Sep 30 2008, 06:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>i dont get why almost all the japanese single sided mods use hyper jell instead of g3 or somethin else? is it that they are so good they hardly ever drop?
Hah, no I was talking to a Japanese spinner who was at the Japen Cup and said that Key3 drops so much he didn't make it past the first round, and it takes him a really long time to make a video. But the reason why they all use hyper jell, Idk just similarities in mods, remember it isn't really their personal mod its just a G3 mod made by them, other people named it the [insert spinner name] Mod. -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 14:48:06
ima see if i can use a g3 cap instead, it's less fragile
it won't be a real seven mod but I'd prefer it to not break ._. -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 14:56:22
You guys do know that you don't use a Hyper Jell for the SEVEN mod, right? You use the Japanese version of Jimnie.
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 15:05:41QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Sep 30 2008, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You guys do know that you don't use a Hyper Jell for the SEVEN mod, right? You use the Japanese version of Jimnie.
I thought they were the exact same pens, weren't they? -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 15:25:23
TEK said the caps are pretty much the same.
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 15:45:44
I've decided to post in Pen Spinning Journal for the first time in months.
I actually spun some today. Not practicing too many tricks in particular, but just trying any old trick that came to mind. It was pretty fun. -
Date: Tue, Sep 30 2008 16:15:43
I learned how to do Triple Infinity today
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2008 02:08:37
playing around with other peoples styles, seven, nikoo, etc, it's really fun!
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2008 22:09:21QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Sep 30 2008, 09:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You guys do know that you don't use a Hyper Jell for the SEVEN mod, right? You use the Japanese version of Jimnie.
Theres two versions that SEVEN uses one with hyper jell, one with jimnie.
Just working on spinning... im getting alot better at spinning with my left, from being on the computer and spinning at the same time. -
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2008 22:14:11QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Sep 30 2008, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>You guys do know that you don't use a Hyper Jell for the SEVEN mod, right? You use the Japanese version of Jimnie.
You know it's all the same shit, right?
And FYI, a Hyper Jell is the Japanese version of the Jimnie Jell.
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2008 22:14:44
Got my GJH stolen at school today. I know who it was, too, this big fat Mexican kid.
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2008 22:18:14
wut does a fat mexican kid want with a gjh??
Date: Thu, Oct 2 2008 22:24:01QUOTE (luke @ Oct 2 2008, 03:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>wut does a fat mexican kid want with a gjh??
IDK, I think he thinks it will help him run from La Migra. -
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 19:09:09
I've been trying to help with the new version of BPST, but writing in Flemish about penspinning is hard
Coming up with words that don't exist. Yet. I've also been re-organizing the SweSpin forum a bit, trying to get it more easily navigateable and all. I want to get more activity, but we'll see how that goes.
We have a different attitude towards naming and notification
Oh and I hate choosing a modification to spin. -
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 21:03:32QUOTE (Sfsr @ Oct 5 2008, 03:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Oh and I hate choosing a modification to spin.
Then don't choose. Spin all of the ones you have. Eventually you'll grow to prefer one more than the others. -
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 21:19:53
Just made 2 brand new MXs!! One green, one black, both using the Nanna insert. Looks like I'm going back to the good ol' MX for now and ever.
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 23:31:28
Putting in my first penwish order.
God, I wish I just didn't have any money sometimes. -
Date: Mon, Oct 6 2008 22:34:37
Yesterday (Sunday Oct. 5) I made my FIRST REAL MOD!!! I was so happy, it was an NX MMT i made, i know it's not my own but i have plans to make some variations on different mods
Today (Oct. 6) i learned double charge. I know i'm a noob but w.e..its cool, now i'm learning combos in and out of it..pretty fun..
Yeah that's that -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 16:18:49
Kinda stuck lately.... I have way too many spinners I love and want to spin like, and I have no idea what to do...
confused @____@ -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 18:45:23
Smooth neobak fall!
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 19:32:27QUOTE (Resonance @ Oct 7 2008, 08:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Kinda stuck lately.... I have way too many spinners I love and want to spin like, and I have no idea what to do...
confused @____@
Be your own type of spinner. -
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 19:39:34
Just met up with Eso and LW in central Stockholm, walked and talked and ended up in a café for a couple of hours. It was a lot of fun, talking and spinning. We also filmed some stuff for teh lulz, haha. I can't wait 'till Saturday <3
Date: Tue, Oct 7 2008 22:28:43QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Oct 7 2008, 10:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Be your own type of spinner.
I didn't quite say it the way I intended, what I meant is I want to develop my style (and improve more) but I have no idea what to do or what to practice on... I thought of trying to practice on mini combos from spinners I like, but there's too many...
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 01:30:12
planning out a few combos for the following:
thumbskillers 1st
mhig 2nd
mhig solo video 3 -
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 01:49:17
Ugghh... my one year mark is coming up and I don't have much to show for it.
Guess I'd better start practicing harder.
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 02:51:13QUOTE (Sfsr @ Oct 7 2008, 12:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Just met up with Eso and LW in central Stockholm, walked and talked and ended up in a café for a couple of hours. It was a lot of fun, talking and spinning. We also filmed some stuff for teh lulz, haha. I can't wait 'till Saturday <3
Wow thats awesome I demand vids >.<
Well I have decided to start moving along with my style, I'm working in a lot of key3 style tricks, its really fun.
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 19:12:17QUOTE (Resonance @ Oct 7 2008, 03:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I didn't quite say it the way I intended, what I meant is I want to develop my style (and improve more) but I have no idea what to do or what to practice on... I thought of trying to practice on mini combos from spinners I like, but there's too many...
Just pick a trick that looks nice and learn it. Your style comes to you as you spin more and more. It's not something you find, it's something you create.QUOTEWell I have decided to start moving along with my style, I'm working in a lot of key3 style tricks, its really fun biggrin.gif .
I love key3's tricks. I've learned most of them except his neo-sonic > fl ta rev 11 - 12 stuff and the clap trick he does. I don't really do one fingered charges anymore though. -
Date: Wed, Oct 8 2008 22:06:06
I got my my first pair of Dr. Grip tips today
Plan on making a clear body kt or Dr. Bic..we shall see..
Still spinning my NX MMT and i'm getting better at double charge..also i've been getting more attention from people seeing as how most of the time I'm the only spinner in the class.. -
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 00:01:39
I've decided to stop using my Dr. KT for a while because I think I'm to reliant on it to enhance smoothness and make tricks easier to do. Instead, I'll spin my comssa and ballsign.
Date: Thu, Oct 9 2008 00:07:34
trying to get flush sonic smooth like
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 15:01:05
double bust with left hand!!!!
Date: Mon, Oct 13 2008 22:48:21
*sigh* i had like a spinning epiphany yesterday...
so anyways, i leaned MA, MA Rev, and RA today -
Date: Tue, Oct 14 2008 20:07:11QUOTE (Shadowserpant @ Oct 13 2008, 02:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>*sigh* i had like a spinning epiphany yesterday...
so anyways, i leaned MA, MA Rev, and RA today
Spinning epiphany?
And I'm still currently trying to change the way I perform baks just to make it look more aesthetic. I've spent a good long while changing my style... Hope it's turning out well. >.< Maybe afterwards I'll start working on new tricks again. -
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 04:13:39
completed a pyralux copy
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 04:58:31
Filmed for mhig 2nd today, I really liked my combo.
I'm also working on some new finishers.
Date: Wed, Oct 15 2008 05:36:47
continuous wiper bust 12-12
Date: Fri, Oct 17 2008 03:00:42
'training' for mhig 2nd combo and solo video, i need way more variety.... working on busts as well, managed 4 which i'm proud of since i haven't been working on them for a few months, also on midbak 1.5's and fingerless thumbaround/spin 1.5
Date: Fri, Oct 17 2008 04:28:45
IMBA 2.0
+ rev
starting cont midbak -
Date: Fri, Oct 17 2008 05:46:54
I'm getting closer to doing a Bakfall...I just need to work on getting it consistently.
Date: Sat, Oct 18 2008 08:51:19
36x cont. IndexMiddle Bak 1.5
drop :/... -
Date: Sat, Oct 18 2008 10:21:00QUOTE (Shadowserpant @ Oct 15 2008, 07:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>continuous wiper bust 12-12
Ah, I was also working on that a couple of months ago. I thought of it as "Continuous Cardioid 12-12" though. -
Date: Sat, Oct 18 2008 10:50:43
starting to work on Isolation ad left hand combos..
Date: Sun, Oct 19 2008 01:28:15QUOTE (Sfsr @ Oct 18 2008, 03:21 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ah, I was also working on that a couple of months ago. I thought of it as "Continuous Cardioid 12-12" though.
Yeah, it should be a cardioid. I've tried cardioids on different slots but not continuously, sounds a bit challenging. Have you tried rev cardioids? I like how a rev t1 cardioid looks in a combo. -
Date: Tue, Oct 21 2008 20:44:38
My blue MSXA broke for the first time today
Thankfully I made another one just recently though...
but i'm gonna miss this one =.=''' -
Date: Tue, Oct 21 2008 21:10:45
That stinks JC =/ You can still salvage parts from it though
Anyways, I'm trying to double bust, but I keep failing. -
Date: Tue, Oct 21 2008 21:14:36
Working on triple fingerless thumbaround reverse. And filming like crazy.
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2008 00:55:06
i jammed my pinkie finger, which makes it impossible to do anything in the 34 slot
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2008 03:14:07
reached 3 years of spinning!!!
Date: Wed, Oct 22 2008 22:33:21
I sat down on the bus home from school today, and started spinning cause no one I knew was on the bus cause I caught the early one. after getting a few too many stares I put it away, and I looked to my right, and saw that the was a guy spinning a couple seats over. At first I was like, Neat another person to know TA. Then i was like, "Oh wow, he knows TA harmonic. Holy shit." and then it progressed to disbelief when the busted out inverse sonic fall.
It turns out that he just learned the fundamentals from his dad and friends when he was in highschool. and the rest he just came up with on his own.
He was working on bak12-12 1.5 apparently
It was really cool. And apparently he's on that bus all the time, next time I see him I'm going to see if he knows about UPSB, cause I've never seen him around UPSB before or anything. -
Date: Thu, Oct 23 2008 22:26:24
Date: Thu, Oct 23 2008 22:33:33
I'm sorry but I find that extremely funny.
Date: Thu, Oct 23 2008 22:34:39
Wow -jc- that sucks.
On another note i got a aki-maru mod yesturday, my new favorite mod. -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 00:46:53
my favourite msxa's ink exploded
oh god...I don't want to open it...
+1 iMatt -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 00:49:38
sux jc isnt that the one f1r3fly sent you?
my kUzu i got from xero got stolen in band just ONE FUCKING DAY after i got it -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 01:28:51
getting more of a japanese style, mine currently requires a lot of hand movement....
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 02:08:44QUOTE (luke @ Oct 23 2008, 08:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>sux jc isnt that the one f1r3fly sent you?
my kUzu i got from xero got stolen in band just ONE FUCKING DAY after i got it
nah, i didn't trade with f1r3fly, he doesn't have the parts for one =\ this is the one that i made....i spent like a solid 3-4 hours over the span of 2 days on it
but you got your kUzu stolen o.o...?? ouch =\ that's a pricy mod that you lost -.-'' -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 03:57:52
Aww, that's a nice g3 mod too JC. :[
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 04:05:32
Tz. People spinning a million $ pens. L for life.
Well. I'll film tomorrow, my nail is fine again so...partey time! -
Date: Fri, Oct 24 2008 21:51:50
Seeig all those broken pens makes me cry
Yay now I learned how to fingerpass properly...
...and quickly to! -
Date: Sat, Oct 25 2008 01:32:45QUOTE (Loanshark @ Oct 23 2008, 05:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>my favourite msxa's ink exploded
oh god...I don't want to open it...
+1 iMatt
make an all black msxa with that -
Date: Sat, Oct 25 2008 02:51:37
What the hell. After replacing the RSVP body from yesterday's ink explosion, I thought that the new one wouldn't break or anything....
Basically, the same thing that happened to JC's f1r3fly mod happened to my MSXA, except in the back T_T
And the ink expoded AGAIN, but not as much as yesterday.
+2 iMatt.....well +3 actually if you count JC's MSXA. -
Date: Sat, Oct 25 2008 03:20:36
well, i just figured out about this thread..
obviously i don't do much searching as I should around upsb. I used to just live in the pen modification thread, having no mods back then either.
Well, some recent accomplishments:
- I've lost interest in ever obtaining a Ayatori mod (or any Japanese mod)
- I finally battled someone (and he got raped.)
- I have money $$
- I've spun for 1 year
- I've seen kUzu's solo video 9 million times. -
Date: Sat, Oct 25 2008 20:08:21
first real post on here in a while
I was recently watching a fair amount of JEB Collabs and I have dcided to copy a few combos but it's going to take a while but it will give me something to do
Key3 JapEn 3rd (working on)
outsider Saz'ect Stardrive (I really want to do this one)And also tweaking my combo for mhig's 2nd it should turn out nice... I hope
Filmed it and it's perfect -
Date: Thu, Oct 30 2008 04:25:04
working on left hand spinning now that i sent in my vid to nolan
goal by end of week: ta harmonics on left hand -
Date: Thu, Oct 30 2008 04:28:32
learned double TA, double infinity (yea alot of doubles o.o) and finally after a long time, sonic rev!
Date: Fri, Oct 31 2008 16:13:09
I began working on Fingerpass x100/min with a BALLSIGN! It's kinda wierd right now, but Ill get it.
Date: Fri, Oct 31 2008 16:29:08
Great goal mystic.
Right now (as in these past few weeks to)
I'm having my Cambridge GCE O-level examinations if you know what that is.
Lucky people who dont have exams now.. -
Date: Sat, Nov 1 2008 10:26:47
Hm I haven't been on UPSB so much lately.. but now I have much more free time
school work.. geez.. but yeah, I'm currently working on perfecting midbak 1.5 -> midbak 1.0 as well as developing my own style, trying to make it as creative as possible which is pretty hard..
white -
Date: Mon, Nov 3 2008 16:49:00
I donated blood today
Ehrm, yeah. -
Date: Mon, Nov 3 2008 17:17:53
Hopefully the guy who got your blood will be able to spin as good as you.
Date: Mon, Nov 3 2008 18:28:54
Started working on a new mini combo:
Inverse shadow 23-12 ~> neobak 12-34 (right notation?) -> RA rev ~> inverse shadow 23-12
Inverse shadows are so much fun ^^
Getting more and more consistent with Midbaks 1.5can get 2 in 6-7 out of 10 tries with a double sided mod~
Date: Tue, Nov 4 2008 03:43:36
Got 73 fingerpasses in a minute with a ballsign this morning! s777 got really close to my record of 86... he got 83.
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2008 01:33:25
1] Working on "Infinity"
2] Working on "Scissor Spin"
..... not much other improvement -
Date: Wed, Nov 5 2008 03:16:59
This morning, got 60 fingerpasses in 40 seconds with my ballsign... then I dropped it
. That's an average speed of 90 in a minute! Getting closer!!!!
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2008 06:19:23
mastering simple combos with left hand, got extended ta with it
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2008 07:15:13
Still got to make my fingers co-operate with me!
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2008 07:50:54
now..trying working on finisher trick...
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2008 13:13:42
The pen mods I thought i can never obtain can now be obtained thanks to a friend!
Date: Thu, Nov 6 2008 13:56:04
practicing combo for Leftie collab./
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 00:08:01
Spinning my brand new all black MSXA!
Also working on ringaround, middlearound, shadows, backarounds, and neobaks. -
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 01:41:32
nice day today. got my trade from pencell; 3000*f, hyper jell cap and grip, and a cartoon commsssa which later i landed my first ipba rev on!
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 01:59:18
now i trying to learn advanced tricks like pinky back,middle around...etc...
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 02:55:25
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 04:18:54
I accidentally cut my thumb today...It really hurts to do TA harmonics now.
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 04:25:32
started spinning f3000
have to improve my bak 1.5's lol
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 06:15:44
Probably my first time posting here
Anyways, yesterday i met cluu13 irl
Date: Fri, Nov 7 2008 15:35:55
New records ^^
Midbak 1.5- 6
Ringbak 1.5- 3
I'm happy with it -
Date: Sun, Nov 9 2008 00:50:24
Well taking a break from the mega lan here, times are a changing, I'm trying to be less dickish here and it seems that my spinning is changing yet again. I have to say I should have never stopped spinning the MX I realized today how awesome it was. I just can't stop spinning it, but then again I say that a lot so I guess I just hope this MX phase never passes.
Oh yea I and I figured out the Japanese spinners a while back you wanna spin like them? Watch semi-old school Korean solos like Cheukii, and Nagi. -
Date: Sun, Nov 9 2008 04:23:22
new record midbak 1.5
Date: Thu, Nov 13 2008 02:36:36
spun metallic comssa for first time today, yep , spinning for over a year and finally spinned it, feels light but I like it
now for more mods
thanks Eugene -
Date: Thu, Nov 13 2008 17:53:47
Sending some pens for a trade tomorrow, hopefully they'll get there fast so I could get my pens, and make myself some decent single sided mods to spin, something which I don't have right now.
Forgot what else I had to say lol. -
Date: Mon, Nov 17 2008 00:12:41
Just remade my MSXA, and made a new comssa. Hopefully I can get a PDS pencase soon so I can hold the stuff I wanna bring to school.
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2008 00:02:13
Dr. Kt Hybrid FTW! -
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2008 22:06:20
spun ayatori mod for first time today
I really like this mod, not as heavy as i thought(maybe its my hands- almost as big as eriror's), I think this may be my second favorite mod
thanks Eugene and Steve -
Date: Tue, Nov 18 2008 22:24:59
After not having learnt a new trick for at least 3 months I finally got myself up to learning the devils sonic and warped sonic.. Both at which I'm failing at.
Date: Wed, Nov 19 2008 00:23:06
Karma is a bitch, sorry I laughed -JC-
Yep I pulled out of my pocket, tried to do an infinity and the body falls off....
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2008 03:48:15QUOTE (sangara @ Nov 18 2008, 04:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Karma is a bitch, sorry I laughed -JC-
Yep I pulled out of my pocket, tried to do an infinity and the body falls off....
Ouch. How did that happen? Sand the barrel down too much...? That sucks. I'd hate it if my msxa did that. -
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2008 04:05:56QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Nov 19 2008, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Ouch. How did that happen? Sand the barrel down too much...? That sucks. I'd hate it if my msxa did that.
Idk I've had this MX for about 6 months, well the barrel atleast. -
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2008 04:24:32
yay, with my awesome KT, i did my first triple TA and Twisted Sonic Double Bust today! but only like 1 or 2 times
hellla hard...
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2008 17:22:06
Trying to learn 1.5 Midbak cont and bak to fl ta rev cont.
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2008 20:33:09QUOTE (Tepponab @ Nov 20 2008, 09:22 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Trying to learn 1.5 Midbak cont and bak to fl ta rev cont.
Try out my tutorial. -
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2008 20:45:38
did triple FL TA yesterday, and today i did quadruple!
Date: Thu, Nov 20 2008 23:29:52
Trying to master Cont. Midbak 1.5s....
Date: Sat, Nov 22 2008 02:35:42
I really haven't been spinning at all. I hurt my pinky while taking off a Signo grip on Monday so I wasn't able to spin. I got really bored and I just started cubing 24/7. It's pretty much done healing now so I think I can start again.
Date: Sat, Nov 22 2008 03:20:44
spun msxa for first time today, now one of my favorite mods, one that fits my hand so well
thanks Eugene
will be making a vid soon aswell as releassing the comssa and ayatori first time vids -
Date: Sat, Nov 22 2008 04:52:16
happy with the progress i made with my left hand, did midbak 1.5 -> midbak
i just need to smoothen it all out and get a better feeling on all those sonics xD
Date: Sat, Nov 22 2008 05:51:16
Started to spin with my left a lot now..
learnt demon's sonic bust... almost learnt bakfall (ringbak problems).. unconsistent Twisted Sonic Double Bust...
also learnt double charge.. shadow..and few other things... -
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 01:21:14
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 04:44:54
I'm actually contemplating quiting penspinning, this past 2 weeks have been complete shit. I can't film a single combo, I can't even get 4 tricks strung together, let alone think of a combo. I've been trying practicing for almost 2 hours a day nothing is getting better. I'm so lost, I have no idea what to do I just sit there with my pen, dropping it. Where I used to be able to just freestyle something easily, yet now nothing comes. It's like I'm back where I was 6 months ago. It just sucks all this hard work and dedication I put into this and right now I can't do anything. I can't even really put into words what I feel like almost like I've been betrayed or something. -
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 04:48:17
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 04:50:20QUOTE (Shadowserpant @ Nov 24 2008, 09:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>=[
Seriously. Shut it. Nobody cares about ONE smiley.
Everybody has those times...try something different... spoin with you left, mod a new pen, try 2p1h, or just wait. It'll be over in two weeks. -
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 04:55:29
wtf frip? calm the hell down. i'm showing sangara that i actually CARE, and that's better than nothing.
sangara- come to the shoutbox and be purple with me. we get to be special ^^ -
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 04:57:40QUOTE (Shadowserpant @ Nov 24 2008, 09:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>sangara- come to the shoutbox and be purple with me. we get to be special ^^
lol he's banned like me
And I meant...2 letters...come on.. It's kiond of annoying lol -
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 04:57:45QUOTE (Shadowserpant @ Nov 24 2008, 08:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>wtf frip? calm the hell down. i'm showing sangara that i actually CARE, and that's better than nothing.
sangara- come to the shoutbox and be purple with me. we get to be special ^^
Yea I know you guys care, its just hard... I'm still banned from the shoutbox... -
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 05:00:35
oh... HAHA that sucks
okay imma stop spamming up the journal
and dude, it was a genuine expression of sadness. It's the equivalent of putting "If you leave that will make me sad." -
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 05:20:31
sangara, it's a period you're in. It might take a while, it's really frustrating, and it sucks. But you're in it. And you can get out of it. Just keep spinning, try to learn everything again, be patient. And gradually, you'll get even better than before. That's how it always works for me [believe me, I've had this way too often. At the moment, to be honest], and I believe it works for others as well.
Never give up. -
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 05:36:23
Going home from college tomorrow finally being able to use mods instead of a pencil. Hating the realization that the last time I was involved in PS I was total nub the whole time, still am. Thought cause I got fast at spinning I was good. Just frustrated cause I have to relearn backaround and other stuff cause I never sat down and legitimately learned it.
Date: Tue, Nov 25 2008 05:55:02
Should be working on my essay for AP Literature on Macbeth :/
I have to leave for school in 5 hours and 30 minutes.
Instead, browsing UPSB, spinning my MX, and reading the shoutbox.
At least Thanksgiving Break starts on Wednesday -
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 05:21:32
metal comssa killed my mx spinning.... need to get used to mx again ....
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 21:56:45
I try to practise more tricks with my new pen , Buster CYL
I can do FL TA 9X (only 1 time) lol
and I almost do Sonic clip 34-23 > Middle around rev
Oh !! That's quite hard -
Date: Wed, Nov 26 2008 22:15:48
I know what you mean sangara. I get it a lot, but yeah, go with what Eri said. Don't give up. Quitting's for losers, and you're definitely not a loser sangara. :]
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 05:17:06
as like.. 20 ppl saw i was ranting in the shoutbox about making new records in the following categories...
twisted sonic bust x6
ringbak 1.5 cont x3
pinkybak 1.5 x3
ringaround x5
so happy but screwed for hw xD -
Date: Fri, Dec 5 2008 07:19:06
I cutted my thumb
, needs to recovery first and hope it doesn't infected lol
and was bored waiting vids for my collab, so I released a promo yesterday -
Date: Sun, Dec 7 2008 22:38:59
Within a span of 6 hours I've made: 2 SEVEN mods, a Couloumb mod, an SX mod, a key3 mod, 2 MXs, and a personal mod. Out of them all, the SEVEN mod and the SX are my favorites. Gotta trade for more namaes, sailors, and sillicone grips.
Date: Thu, Dec 11 2008 15:20:25QUOTE (k2thez @ Dec 8 2008, 12:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Within a span of 6 hours I've made: 2 SEVEN mods, a Couloumb mod, an SX mod, a key3 mod, 2 MXs, and a personal mod. Out of them all, the SEVEN mod and the SX are my favorites. Gotta trade for more namaes, sailors, and sillicone grips.
Trade. NAO.
Anyway, I'm kinda low on motivation lately... I think it might be because I got bored with the mods I have, It's been a while since I made something new... problem is pretty much everything I'm looking for is quite hard to find....
plus, I'm waiting for my pens to get to someone... I'm waiting over a month maybe, and still nothing, and I'm scared that something happened to them (person isn't scamming)... I don't really have money to buy lots of new ones to send again -
Date: Thu, Dec 11 2008 19:40:48QUOTE (k2thez @ Dec 7 2008, 02:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Within a span of 6 hours I've made: 2 SEVEN mods, a Couloumb mod, an SX mod, a key3 mod, 2 MXs, and a personal mod. Out of them all, the SEVEN mod and the SX are my favorites. Gotta trade for more namaes, sailors, and sillicone grips.
SX?Glad you think so? Do you cut them to make them shorter?
I have a shorter and lighter version of the SX which doesn't use a silicone grip tip (although I really like silicone grip tips), but I haven't felt like releasing it. -
Date: Thu, Dec 11 2008 20:07:30
I've lost a lot of motivation to spin lately, mostly due to the cold weather and the work I have to do for school.. I hope I can get more time in the holidays, I want to participate in the WT09...
Date: Thu, Dec 11 2008 20:49:13QUOTE (Look Into the Sun @ Dec 11 2008, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>SX?
Glad you think so? Do you cut them to make them shorter?
I have a shorter and lighter version of the SX which doesn't use a silicone grip tip (although I really like silicone grip tips), but I haven't felt like releasing it.
I didn't need to cut it, I just pushed the hyper jell cap on farther. It's about 21.3 cm long, it's a really great mod. Not too long, not too short, and I got my first few ex. ta busts with it.
Date: Thu, Dec 11 2008 20:57:56QUOTE (Erirornal Kraione @ Dec 11 2008, 12:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've lost a lot of motivation to spin lately, mostly due to the cold weather and the work I have to do for school.. I hope I can get more time in the holidays, I want to participate in the WT09...
Cold weather has a tendency to do that.
I'd like to participate too, but I don't think I'll be good enough by then. :\
Glad someone realizes how awesome the sx is too. Easy to spin, but not too easy. Heavy, but not too heavy. It's a great warm up pen. -
Date: Thu, Dec 11 2008 21:36:33
lol Some people nomintaed me in GPC for WT.. but I don't think I'll go this year..besides... I wouldn't make it
Date: Thu, Dec 11 2008 21:54:50
WT09... I don't know why, but I'm going to try my hardest to get in.
Date: Sun, Dec 14 2008 23:34:39
Thinking of making a 14 months solo video, I haven't been filming quite alot lately, and I've got alot of combos that are rdy for show.
Lol, I kinda also want to get in WT09 but I don't know if that's even possible for me at all XD -
Date: Thu, Dec 18 2008 04:19:18
completely resetting everything xD including angle, style, etc. even vids. if you check my youtube channel it's gone :/
Date: Thu, Dec 18 2008 04:38:43QUOTE (mhig @ Dec 17 2008, 08:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>completely resetting everything xD including angle, style, etc. even vids. if you check my youtube channel it's gone :/
WTF NOOOO!!! well today i've been working on my ecs vid and it completely sucks -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 05:41:14
made a few new records for the past few hours
x3 fl ta release
x3 midbak riser
also mastering random stuff, palmspins.. blahblahblah, you'll see it in my next vid i release ^^ -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 18:09:10
Wonderful Board. I check it daily.
Working on the Rev. Sonic. -
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 19:49:31
2 days ago i lost my bictory mod that has signo grips and tips...then in the same day i lend my friend my rsvp mx and he lost it also but anyway he's gonna pay back for the pen since he wants to. So now im using a double-sided rsvp pen (which is heavy
) but when christmas comes im going to get money and buy the modded pens
Date: Sat, Dec 20 2008 19:56:17
I fell behind in making Spider Spin Videos, I have my analysis of Leviathan's tricks left to do, but that's not the only thing T_T . I have a project to finish because I didn't finish it last night, and now I have to decide whether to make a vid to try and get into the WT. *sigh* So much stuff to do.
On the other hand, I'm excited because there is a big possibility that I get to go to the SoCal Gatheringyay!
Date: Mon, Dec 22 2008 01:28:57
camera broke... hahaha... looks like.. maybe i may get a new camera.. unless my parents take it to be fixed...
Date: Mon, Dec 22 2008 01:52:28QUOTE (mhig @ Dec 21 2008, 05:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>camera broke... hahaha... looks like.. maybe i may get a new camera.. unless my parents take it to be fixed...
Woot, new cam. Now that's good news.
More good news, I have a awesome combo planned out. In theory, it should blow the competition away -- in theory.
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 01:59:58
Got my 2 KT's feels like I'm cheating, I'm getting thumbspins in the 6.0+ range and spiderspins also in the 6.0+ range
I'd better put these things away. *Runs to find his pencil*
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 05:33:19QUOTE (sangara @ Dec 22 2008, 05:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Got my 2 KT's feels like I'm cheating, I'm getting thumbspins in the 6.0+ range and spiderspins also in the 6.0+ range -_- I'd better put these things away. *Runs to find his pencil*
But is it consistent enough to use in a combo? Prob not.
Are you seriously spinning a pencil for the upsb tourny? :o Good luck with that.
And I just came up with a cool mini-combo/hybrid while practicing my combo for the tourny. The pens constantly in motion in the air and it looks like I'm molding something. Looks pretty unique -- just need to name it now and perfect. -
Date: Tue, Dec 23 2008 05:45:54QUOTE (SoldSoul @ Dec 22 2008, 09:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>But is it consistent enough to use in a combo? Prob not.
Are you seriously spinning a pencil for the upsb tourny?Good luck with that.
And I just came up with a cool mini-combo/hybrid while practicing my combo for the tourny. The pens constantly in motion in the air and it looks like I'm molding something. Looks pretty unique -- just need to name it now and perfect.
no ._. but it's still ridiculous. And I can't decide pencil or MX. -
Date: Wed, Dec 24 2008 19:44:45
I would get the MX, because ppl will props u for pen, but ur spinning will be worse...
Date: Fri, Dec 26 2008 19:02:11
I know so many tricks and can do them so well... BUT I CANT MAKE A DECENT COMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 05:20:03QUOTE (Mystic @ Dec 26 2008, 11:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I know so many tricks and can do them so well... BUT I CANT MAKE A DECENT COMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heh, I have the same problem.
I know more tricks than the wiki has. I really like learning new tricks. I haven't learned any in ages now that I think about it... I have to resort to trying to make my own nowadays. -
Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 05:28:48QUOTE (Mystic @ Dec 26 2008, 03:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I know so many tricks and can do them so well... BUT I CANT MAKE A DECENT COMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 05:28:58
I'm pretty satisfied with the arounds that I know now... i can do RA and MA rev 24-23 pretty consistently now (the only two arounds that i really use anyway...) and now time to work on those baks.... =.=''
Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 05:50:21QUOTE (JC @ Dec 27 2008, 12:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I'm pretty satisfied with the arounds that I know now... i can do RA and MA rev 24-23 pretty consistently now (the only two arounds that i really use anyway...) and now time to work on those baks.... =.=''
No inverse shadows? -
Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 20:39:29
made gold's pen
really awesome to spin
Date: Sat, Dec 27 2008 21:05:39
Filmed my submission for the WT tourney. I'm excited
. And no I didn't drop the finisher.
Date: Sun, Dec 28 2008 23:47:14
After about 2 years, I'm thinking about quitting pen spinning. UPSB has been great but it's taken up a lot of my time, I dunno, not sure yet
Date: Wed, Dec 31 2008 01:53:23
by some incredible fluke i got twisted sonic > IPBA rev > pinkybakrev x 2 O___O'
*runs off to practise* -
Date: Wed, Dec 31 2008 02:07:31QUOTE ( @ Dec 30 2008, 05:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>by some incredible fluke i got twisted sonic > IPBA rev > pinkybakrev x 2 O___O'
*runs off to practise*
._. you fluked that? lies.
Vid or it never happened.
On a side note, I don't feel like filming anything for the wt preliminaries crap. -
Date: Wed, Dec 31 2008 02:17:59
i'll try to get a vid soon then. (my week is a bit busy. hopefully within 2 weeks)
i can normally only get pinkybakrev x 1 after IPBA rev. but a lot of people can do that nowadays...
*edit just filmed it. couldn't find tripod so it was bad angle. will upload soon.
edit again. done -
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 18:43:22
Bakfall 1.5 with ballsign, propably hardest thing I've ever done.
Tell me what do you think. -
Date: Fri, Jan 2 2009 18:51:47
working on bak x2
midbak 1.5 -> midbak for now.. midbak 1.5 cont is crazy hard... ><
also working on smoothness and such, my twisted sonics look soo ugly.. ugh -
Date: Wed, Jan 21 2009 18:57:02
lol super revive
spinning comssa with dr grip grips now ^^ it's pretty decent.. especially if it's without inktube hah
started working on 2 pen 1 hand now o.O crazy difficult ugh.. -
Date: Wed, Jan 21 2009 19:49:34
Kinda hard decision on which style to develop more now... one is a bit shadowserpantish-raimoish sorta style I guess (can't really describe lol ) and the other is trying to be more like a mix of Toro and SEVEN.... well, I kinda far from both, but yeah XD
also can't decide on which mod to spin lol. -
Date: Wed, Jan 21 2009 21:24:53
trying to get bak x 2 fall and failing the pinkybak x 2 100% of the time (never gotten it before...)
Date: Sat, Jan 24 2009 01:08:19
started making my 3rd solo... bwahaha
Date: Sat, Jan 24 2009 01:26:58
this thread is dying....
made a new black and white mod...practised for about half and hour and got twisted sonic bust x 8 XD -
Date: Sat, Jan 24 2009 10:10:01
Learnt 2p2h bakfall and bakfall 1.5!
And Also Bak ~ Scissor Spin Rev ~ Bak!! -
Date: Sat, Jan 24 2009 14:46:08
Improved a lot for TA and learning Sonic!
Date: Sat, Jan 24 2009 16:51:24
Trying a bit of a new style, I've implemented a lot of mini combo's from NIKoo. I think it's the style I'm most comfortable with, idk I think I'll battle someone to test it out. Oh yea and I've stopped using a pencil for a while back to the MX.
Date: Tue, Jan 27 2009 19:57:17
My left hand hurts >__<" so I'm working on my right a bit... but I can't wait to spin with my left again =(
Date: Wed, Jan 28 2009 05:04:36
filming stuff for tournaments now, trying new things, some copied from WT09 videos xD
Date: Wed, Jan 28 2009 06:13:18QUOTE (Outsmash @ Jan 24 2009, 04:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Learnt 2p2h bakfall and bakfall 1.5!
And Also Bak ~ Scissor Spin Rev ~ Bak!!
Oops, i meant SpiderSpin not ScissorSpin. -
Date: Wed, Jan 28 2009 06:52:41
battling in ladder.
filming some combos. -
Date: Sat, Jan 31 2009 15:12:23QUOTE (Outsmash @ Jan 28 2009, 01:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Oops, i meant SpiderSpin not ScissorSpin.
couldnt you use the edit button
and yay i finally get a decent fingerpass on my left hand -
Date: Sat, Jan 31 2009 15:19:04
change of style again, this will probably be the last unless it goes terribly wrong or something, gonna be like RYO
very calm spinning and smooth.. at least i'll try
Date: Sat, Jan 31 2009 19:11:48
Meh, I think I'm getting carpal tunnel in my right hand, at school yesterday I had this spasm while writing. And then while filming for my battle vs. mhig it was on fire. So I've been spinning in my left, and typing slower. I'm curious to see how good of a fingerpass I can get on my left, so I'm not going to do anything serious on my right until I see a doctor.
Date: Sun, Feb 1 2009 22:07:15
I just made a Lemon mod (and sangara's post is right above me), and it's an amazing mod. I'm probably gonna try to make it retractable w/ an HG3R mech.
Date: Mon, Feb 2 2009 01:36:52
I did a battle vs Baaron =O
Go see please, thanks =] -
Date: Mon, Feb 2 2009 01:37:51
Filmed for 2nd Round of Team GPC + PPP and other collabs..
Date: Mon, Feb 2 2009 06:34:45
trying to learn midbak 1.5s for the 5th time, and not failing as badly as before
Date: Mon, Feb 2 2009 10:05:25QUOTE (sangara @ Jan 31 2009, 10:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Meh, I think I'm getting carpal tunnel in my right hand, at school yesterday I had this spasm while writing. And then while filming for my battle vs. mhig it was on fire. So I've been spinning in my left, and typing slower. I'm curious to see how good of a fingerpass I can get on my left, so I'm not going to do anything serious on my right until I see a doctor.
Well, just last week my left hand was really painful, and I couldn't spin with it.. I waited about 4 days, maybe a bit more and it passed... dunno if It's the same thing that happend to you, but wait a day or two, It might pass by itself...
feel good man X=
Anyway like I said, my left is working great again
Just filmed a few things yesterday, should try to film more from now on ^^ for some reason every video I film becomes really dark when I uplod it to my computer though >_<" -
Date: Wed, Feb 4 2009 05:35:31
happy news
i did pretty good on the one midterm i was completely freaking out about. this is good news since it may, who knows, be a new beginning for me to get bak into pen spinning
if all goes well then.. i may stay
Date: Wed, Feb 4 2009 15:13:34QUOTE (mhig @ Feb 4 2009, 08:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>happy news
i did pretty good on the one midterm i was completely freaking out about. this is good news since it may, who knows, be a new beginning for me to get bak into pen spinning
if all goes well then.. i may stay
Yay, go mhig! I'd hate it if you'll be gone -
Date: Wed, Feb 4 2009 18:18:38
Ok so my right hand is feeling a lot better, I guess it just needed some rest, but I decided to make a little teaser for a solo :> .
Date: Thu, Feb 5 2009 01:04:48
Practicing my Bak ~> Fl TA and getting slowly better.
Date: Thu, Feb 5 2009 01:51:47
I feel like my spinning has been getting ever lazier.Idk it just seems like my style is degrading slowly.I'm still learning new tricks
but its frustrating not having look how you want. -
Date: Thu, Feb 5 2009 02:18:38
Trying to learn Devil's Sonic and Devil's Around. I'm getting there....
Date: Thu, Feb 5 2009 02:47:54
trying to learn the sonic clip
Date: Fri, Feb 6 2009 18:31:33
Well for a couple days now I've been watching bonkura's old spinning with the ballsign almost exclusively. I have to say I've learned a lot by breaking
down his combo's and figuring out what he's doing, basically worshiping someone's spinning like I've never done before. I've never really been a huge fan of bonkura but there's so much to learn in the way he does tricks, I've definitely picked up a lot of new stuff, but then I also realized how much better he was before he started using the KT, so Ballsign bonkura <3, KT bonkura =/ not so much. Also got this great new mini combo I came up with on my own, it basically consists of an Inverse Side Sonic, but there's an Indexaround in the middle, it's fun, but difficult.
Penspinning Journal <3 -
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 01:19:34
working on fingerpasses again after not practising them for a few months...
aim to beat s777's 2p2h record*continues dreaming* left hand too slow atm
ta > fl ta x 7 with a bictory, weight about 8g -
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 02:04:54
what I achieved today:
Successfully hit the lights on the ceiling in my classroom twice with infinity release then catching the pen. -
Date: Sat, Feb 7 2009 05:57:12
Yes! I got the Devil's Sonic and Devil's Around!
Now I'm gonna work on my linking to make a good combo.
Date: Mon, Feb 9 2009 00:45:10
Finally got Demon's Shadow 34-12 -> IndexPinkyBackAround Reverse 2.0 12-34.
Date: Tue, Feb 10 2009 12:57:12QUOTE (Xero @ Feb 9 2009, 06:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Finally got Demon's Shadow 34-12 -> IndexPinkyBackAround Reverse 2.0 12-34.
What's a Demon's Shadow? -
Date: Thu, Feb 12 2009 16:14:58
my parents asked me to stop trade for awhile..cuz their said that i have a lot of pen already..
( ..i want more pens!!!..
Date: Fri, Feb 13 2009 02:58:06
Got all the backarounds down, just trying to make it smooth doing them all in a row.
Date: Fri, Feb 13 2009 05:53:08
practicing "moonwalk" baks, twisted sonic bust x 2,3,4 to IPBA rev XD
Date: Sun, Mar 15 2009 04:55:12
I got an HGG!!!(it is big 2 me)
Date: Sun, Mar 15 2009 04:59:21
huh, i forgot about this thread.
anyways, been working on midbak 1.5 > midbak today, i cant get it like, 1/15 now YAY!! :] and tried spinning HGG tipped MXs today, its really hard after spinning G3 and signo tipped MXs forever D: -
Date: Sun, Mar 15 2009 05:16:13
I've almost got Sonic 34-23 > Inverse Sonic 23-12 consistent. Almost.
And I'm failing the Shadow's catch. (As I've been for the last week or so.) -
Date: Sun, Mar 15 2009 05:26:27
still trying to link my baks into bakfall
failed for about 2 weeks now...
and still going for that clip sonic, the pen wont go up farther... -
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 10:52:34
trying 2 doing sonic clip. my hand feel sick
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 11:08:02
improving consistency of bakfall 1.5
Date: Tue, Mar 17 2009 15:20:35
ugh my brother lost the cap for my seven mod taht TEK sent me >3> he swat the pen out of my hand while i was spinning in the car and now its gone i cant find it
T.T -
Date: Thu, Mar 19 2009 00:08:02
That sucks.
I'm trying to learn the Bakfall... and failing... also failing at: Sonic Clip, Shadow, Fingerpass, Triangle Pass.
Also, last night, I randomly did a Sonic 34-23 and accidentally did a FL Middlearound 0.5 and thought it was cool, did it again, and then was like, "Hmm... this sounds vaguely familiar..." and then realized it was a Demon's Sonic.
...and just now I realized I should do it with the reason for its name more obvious.! D: -
Date: Thu, Mar 19 2009 19:47:11
I can finally do Reverse Thumbarounds more consistently!
Make my 34 - 23 sonic's smoother.
Learned Pseudo sonic. (not that hard lol)
And my and my friend taught another friend the sonic.
Quite an achieved day in my opinion.
EDIT: Seems alot of people have trouble with the sonic clip. It took me a day to learn, maybe I got lucky? -
Date: Thu, Mar 19 2009 19:50:16
finished my frat MX, mine uses signo tips instead of screws, I'm loving it
Date: Sat, Mar 21 2009 21:18:17
Added grips (blue Zebra Z-Grip) to my BICtory, and switched the red cap with a blue one to make it one color.
And I can almost do a Shadow 12-23! -
Date: Sun, Mar 22 2009 04:11:13
baseball made my pen spinning sucky again -____-
Date: Tue, Mar 24 2009 00:02:07
Hai Tua x3
Date: Tue, Mar 24 2009 00:19:54QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Mar 23 2009, 08:02 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hai Tua x3
show!! -
Date: Tue, Mar 24 2009 00:26:33QUOTE (TheSpinner 3.5 @ Mar 23 2009, 07:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>show!!
When i get my camera back ill definitely film it. -
Date: Tue, Mar 24 2009 00:27:42QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Mar 24 2009, 12:02 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Hai Tua x3
Hai Tua? -
Date: Tue, Mar 24 2009 01:09:55
Its a trick created by spinnerpeem -
Date: Wed, Mar 25 2009 10:47:28
pinkybak 1.0 x 2 a few times...
devil's shadow 34-34 > pinky bust x 2
a few aerial fl ta sequences -
Date: Thu, Mar 26 2009 23:52:15
Been practicing Backaround 1.5. (Is that what it's called if you have a Backaround with a 0.5 top spin?)
Can kinda get it.
My Charge 12 is almost as good as my Charge 23. -
Date: Fri, Mar 27 2009 00:01:02
practicing some conics
Date: Fri, Mar 27 2009 00:07:21
Repaired My Grip Avaire. I made an MSXA as well. Practicing some creative moves. Hopefully it goes well
Date: Fri, Mar 27 2009 00:11:41
My aunt still didn't reply after sending her an email about buying some pens to be sent together with my books
and double charge 24-12-24! -
Date: Sat, Mar 28 2009 04:03:28
Lost my BICtory. Which wouldn't be a problem, since I have a pack of Round Stics and even if I didn't, they're hella cheap, but... I'm lazy... I don't want to deal with having to cut the ink tube and removing the back plug and sanding the clips all over again. D: Lol, fail.
Also, I bought a pack of RSVPs. (and some Papermate EraserMates, but not for penspinning, just because I like erasable pens - you have to sharpen pencils, and mechanical pencils need lead.) I took one, took out the ink, and put the cap on the back. Which is kinda an RSVP V1, but not really... -
Date: Sat, Mar 28 2009 14:57:13
I'm working on a new mod at the moment, hopefully It'll turn out good ^^
Made a new mod this morning to work on some spinning while standing, It's easer to do with a double sided mod ^^" whay I made is simple as hell though =P
Currently working on some bak variations (middleindex + rev, middlering) ans I got pretty consistent with midbak 1.5 x2 -
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 06:16:03
Woh, todays been a long day. I learnt:
Warped Sonic
Inverse Twisted Sonic
Sonic Reverse
And I found the breakdown for Eriror's Fundamental Combo
For some that may seem like nothing but I've only been pen-spinning for like 3 - 4 weeks so I'm very pleased with myself -
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 06:17:55
Made another BICtory, lol.
Which would look more awesome if I had some decent black grips. Too bad I didn't buy some black Zebra Z-Grips while I was at Staples.
Also working on Backaround 1.5s and 2.0s and stuff.
And tried to figure out a way to balance my RSVP V1. Didn't find one. (too lazy and lacking in HGGs to make an MX, and besides, it'd probably be too heavy for my taste.) -
Date: Sun, Mar 29 2009 14:55:47
Still searching for my favoutire Minwoo BusterCYL -___-"
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 04:13:36
Currently failing Bak ~ FL TA Rev and Fingerpass. (lol)
Also, I dropped a pencil and a pen under my couch. Hellllla dust. -
Date: Mon, Mar 30 2009 04:25:28
spinning kuzu themed jell mod xD realised my tf charge looks retarded
midbak 1.5 practice -
Date: Sun, Apr 5 2009 09:05:01
smoothen up first
lost my yellow mx
now spinning metal comssa.. dunno what kind of grip.. transparent but thick.. -
Date: Sun, Apr 5 2009 09:44:36
will try to get enough patience to attempt to film same combo for more than 5 minutes...always get bored and do other stuff instead, never try to get anything perfect
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 05:33:58
Found a black round stic and the grip from a black Zebra Z-Grip. (Interesting story time! I needed a black grip. The only one I had was from a black Zebra Z-Grip, but I didn't feel like killing another one of my parents' pens. So I found that at school and was like, "LOLFAIL.")
So I put black caps on my BICtory so it would look better, lol.
And used that grip to shift the weight on my RSVP V1. (it's heavier than an RSVP grip...) -
Date: Wed, Apr 8 2009 13:14:56
Working with my MX^2
something's bugging me about my spinning (style wise) and I can't figure out what >_<" -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 02:52:34
Figured out how to get consistent at busts. Now i just need to go for the high numbers.
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 02:53:17QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Apr 12 2009, 07:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Figured out how to get consistent at busts. Now i just need to go for the high numbers.
What? How? Tell me. D: -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 02:55:38
Finally achieved 7x bust. Not consistent but got it for the FIRST time. =] Quite happy for around 5 months of spinning.
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 02:59:56QUOTE (Charlie @ Apr 12 2009, 09:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What? How? Tell me. D:
I dont know how to explain it.
Its just one of those things that hits you and then you finally realize how to do it.
but then you cant explain how to do it...
if that makes any sense haha. -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 03:14:42QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Apr 12 2009, 06:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Figured out how to get consistent at busts. Now i just need to go for the high numbers.
vid pwease?
edit: err... like... does it look different from your previous busts? -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 03:26:48QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Apr 12 2009, 07:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I dont know how to explain it.
Its just one of those things that hits you and then you finally realize how to do it.
but then you cant explain how to do it...
if that makes any sense haha.
Uh, not really sensible, but it's fine. I'll just work on my busts some more and maybe come across a similar epiphany.
Post a vid sometime when you feel confident enough, Vic. Always nice to see a new vid from you. -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 04:45:38QUOTE (shonenbatman @ Apr 12 2009, 10:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>vid pwease?
edit: err... like... does it look different from your previous busts?
Ill get a video when i get my camera back. But they look alot more controlled than the way my x7 and x8 videos looked. I wouldnt say those were controlled. =/QUOTE (Charlie @ Apr 12 2009, 10:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Uh, not really sensible, but it's fine. I'll just work on my busts some more and maybe come across a similar epiphany.
Post a vid sometime when you feel confident enough, Vic. Always nice to see a new vid from you.
Yea sorry but im sure itll click for you if you really breakdown how busting works. Try downloading spinnerpeems x25 video or supawits x30 and slomo it.
But Im feelin pretty good about them so far, i just got x18 no problem haha (a new record for me). ill film a x20 when i get my camera back.
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 06:43:44QUOTE (vicgotgame @ Apr 13 2009, 12:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Figured out how to get consistent at busts. Now i just need to go for the high numbers.
i worked it out too xD first time i did x 10 and x 11. not recorded my new style busts yet though, only subtle difference from old style though.
wow x 18 Oo" good work.
recorded ta > fl ta > fl ta to air > fl ta x 2 > fl ta to air > fl ta and aerial hai tua x 2 today......heh. not as hard as expected. -
Date: Mon, Apr 13 2009 23:42:46
Working on Twisted Sonic 34-12 ~ Pass 12-123 ~ Fuck You and Midbak with the middle finger sticking out in a "fuck you" kind of position, if only for a split second.
...I have problems.
Also Middlearound Reverse 23-12 ~ Backaround 12-T12, Fingerpass, and Bakfall. -
Date: Tue, Apr 14 2009 20:55:08
Working on a bunch of continuous stuff like Cont. Fake Doubles, Cont. Busts and Cont. Arounds.
Also working on a combo for some time now... I really feel like it's coming together, still needs much more practice.
My Flush Sonic sucksss... :\ -
Date: Wed, Apr 15 2009 15:03:49QUOTE (Stangaxd @ Apr 14 2009, 10:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Working on a bunch of continuous stuff like Cont. Fake Doubles, Cont. Busts and Cont. Arounds.
Also working on a combo for some time now... I really feel like it's coming together, still needs much more practice.
My Flush Sonic sucksss... :\
I had no idea you were working on flush sonic =P It's a hard trick to use smoothly in a combo >_> -
Date: Wed, Apr 15 2009 18:08:01QUOTE (Resonance @ Apr 15 2009, 08:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I had no idea you were working on flush sonic =P It's a hard trick to use smoothly in a combo >_>
Not really. I find it easy. It's just a big ugly. -
Date: Thu, Apr 16 2009 20:51:26
I learned a new trick today for the first time in 8 months...pathetic
Date: Thu, Apr 16 2009 21:02:50QUOTE (Charlie @ Apr 15 2009, 08:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Not really. I find it easy. It's just a big ugly.
usually when I try to use them in mid- combo they slip back a bit and get stuck >_< if I'm being understandable here...
I might just need to practice them more -
Date: Thu, Apr 16 2009 23:18:17
copying some of peem's mini combos and working on style and smoothness for now.
fs for battle vs sunlight.
spreadsi don't know why, i find them surprisingly hard...
Date: Fri, Apr 17 2009 00:09:21QUOTE (Charlie @ Apr 15 2009, 02:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Not really. I find it easy. It's just a big ugly.
But you know every trick, its not easy because you can do it. You're a good spinner, quit being "if I can do it, it must be easy", its discouraging when tricks you had to work on for a long time and still not be able to do be called easy.
My advice to you, Charlie, is quit having self esteem issues and accept you can do hard tricks already. -
Date: Fri, Apr 17 2009 04:08:33QUOTE (Awesome @ Apr 16 2009, 04:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>But you know every trick, its not easy because you can do it. You're a good spinner, quit being "if I can do it, it must be easy", its discouraging when tricks you had to work on for a long time and still not be able to do be called easy.
My advice to you, Charlie, is quit having self esteem issues and accept you can do hard tricks already.
Haha, I'm sorry awesome. Didn't realize I had that effect on people. Things just come easy to me. I wonder if a number of my friends have felt the same way. -
Date: Mon, Apr 20 2009 08:03:22
now I'm in Australia = =
Date: Mon, Apr 20 2009 08:20:41QUOTE (GZSakurazメNF @ Apr 20 2009, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>now I'm in Australia = =
which part of australia? have fun xD
not spinning for 3 days has made me so much worse >__> -
Date: Mon, Apr 20 2009 16:56:10
Did cont. neo-midbaks x2 today, I feel awesome
now to get it smooth enough and consistent enough >_<
Date: Tue, Apr 21 2009 16:27:07
i can do a couple of bakfall today.
it feels awesome xD -
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 02:35:04
wah-ha! reviving...
finally got bakfall and twisted sonic double bust
in about a wk -
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 05:19:58QUOTE (NoobishPenspinner @ Apr 23 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>wah-ha! reviving...
finally got bakfall and twisted sonic double bust
in about a wk
what kind of BS is that... -
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 05:55:00
twisted sonic double bust in a week is nothing special. bakfall in a week isn't special either if you've already learnt all the baks. xD
recorded twisted sonic bust x 4 with left hand after no left hand practice for 2 months or so. working on changing style... -
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 05:58:43QUOTE ( @ Apr 24 2009, 01:55 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>twisted sonic double bust in a week is nothing special. bakfall in a week isn't special either if you've already learnt all the baks. xD
double bust + bakfall in a week isn't impressive?? it took me ~2 months ish? to get my first double bust (still don't have it consistent), and like 4 months ish to get my first semi-smooth bakfall (still don't have it consistent)
wow... if getting them in a week isn't special, i just fail then -
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 06:02:06
I haven't gotten a bakfall down yet (8 months)
I've found out new ways to get wrist spins done as well as backhand spins today
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 06:04:40
didn't mean to put anyone down or anything =/ sorry
JC your style is better than mine so dw XD
it depends how much you spin too. if you spam bakfall and double bust a few hours a day you'll probably do 1 or 2 successful ones in a week or so. flukes.
"nothing special" just means some people have claimed (emphasis on claimed) they have gotten them in a shorter time. maybe he already had bak > midbak, midbak > ringbak and ringbak > pinkybak down, and he just had to link them together lol.
lying and being vague on the internet is easy >__>
edit: oh and if he used a cyl/kt or some other stick it's heaps easier than using an mxi can't bakfall consistently with mx ==" but bakfall 1.5 with cyl isn't very very hard
Date: Fri, Apr 24 2009 06:15:25
I would have to say that getting a trick/mini-combo down depends on how you practice. Like, spending 5 minutes a day on Bakfall isn't going to help much. But if you spend 4 hours a day on Bakfall, like I did, you'll find that your success rate increases week by week. (Got to a 70% success rate in 3 weeks) I broke it down, like mentioned. I perfected linking IndexBak > MidBak, MidBak > RingBak, and then RingBak > PinkyBak, then put it together.
But I stopped practicing Bakfall for a while because I got bored of it, so now my success rate is not very consistent. -
Date: Sun, Apr 26 2009 20:41:26
Working on Sonic Harmonic, Counter Sonic, Sonic Rise > Pass Reverse 12-34 (except the pass is more like a neobak), and random Infinity variations... with, of course, Sonics.
Figure 8 T1 > Infinity T1 > Wiper Reverse T1 > Pass Normal T1-12 > Charge Normal 12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Normal 12-23 > Sonic Normal 23-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Reverse 12-T1 > Wiper Reverse T1 > Pass Normal T1-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Normal 12-23 > Wiper Reverse 23 > Pass Normal 23-T2 > Figure 8 T2 > Wiper Reverse T2 > Pass Normal T2-23 > Sonic Normal 23-12 > Wiper Reverse 12 > Pass Reverse 12-T1 > Wiper Reverse T1 > Pass Normal T1-34 > Sonic Rise 34-12 > Pass Reverse 12-34 > Sonic 34-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Bakfall > Sonic 34-23 > Charge 23 0.5 > Inverse Sonic 23-12 > Charge 12 0.5 > Pass Reverse 12-34 > Twisted Sonic 34-12 > Pass Normal 12-23 > Fuck You -
Date: Sun, Apr 26 2009 22:39:12
I found out that my school's broadcast class is doing an interview all about me for my senior year, and in it there is going to be a section on ps'ing.
Date: Sun, Apr 26 2009 23:47:43
Planning on learning double inifnity and possibly extended infinity if i have time by the end of this week,
Date: Mon, Apr 27 2009 02:41:56
style change in progress, use different mod probably. preparing for UPSB team tournament...
spreads, 1p2h, left hand. -
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 16:09:38
trying to learn basketball spin.
Date: Thu, Apr 30 2009 22:37:23
Almost got the TA reverse
Date: Sat, May 2 2009 14:03:53
I got a call from the producer of Time Warp, a show on Discovery Channel, on Monday (4/27) asking me to be a guest on their show. I'm really excited to go on it, but yet at the same time, I'm nervous. For all of those who are asking, I do not know when it's going to air. I don't even know when I'm going to film, but they've postponed my film date from today to after my AP tests. (I don't think they pushed the day back because of my AP tests though, I think it was cause of some other reason)
So, now I'm just practicing several tricks to get them consistent. Rather than difficulty, I wanna at least spin consistently on the show and minimize drops. They're not that hard for all of you, so don't go "That's not a difficult trick at all" when I present it as a difficult trick. It's most likely difficult for me -.-''
I'm going to be doing all the tricks here:
On another note, other than those tricks, I'm also working on:
-Bak variations (focusing on midbak 1.5s)
-Inverse shadow > Neobak consistency
-Looking for more difficult tricks to learn (but once again, I don't wanna focus on difficulty as much right now, and just work on getting my time warp tricks consistent)
-Infinity variations
-Making my hand look more appealing whether it be by how I move it or what pen I use
-I'm also thinking about re-writing up my About Me page
-Extended thumbarounds/fake double continuous and its consistency
-Ringaround > pass rev 34-T3 > thumbaround T3-T12
-Shadow 34, Shadow Reverse 23, Shadow Reverse 34 (I found out the other day, that I couldn't do these... =.='')
-Figuring out what symmetrical backaround is exactly, and learning how to do it
But recently though, I've:
-learned Fingerless pinkyringmiddle around reverse (I wanna make sure this is the right name for the trick too, before I put it on national television)
-got more consistent at putting devil's conversion into combos
-made an all blue msxa which I seem to be going back to spinning as my main mod
-got inverse shadow ~> neobak consistent enough to put into combos if I'm lucky (not good enough yet though)
-learned a bunch of korean mini combos from nateiskewl's video that really help with my combos (ex. ta rev t1-23 > pass 23-12 > bak to rev, pass around 23-12 ~> pass 12-23, inverse twisted sonic rev 12-23 [Palm down] > twisted sonic rev 23-34 > pass 34-23 > twisted sonic 23-12)
So, I guess that's a little update on my pen spinning life, and a marker for me to go back to and see how much I've improved and how much I've accomplished within the next upcoming months. -
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 00:49:34
Time Warp? Nice.
Also: Sonic 23-12 > Shadow 12-23, Charge 0.5 23 > Inverse Sonic 23-12 ~ Shadow 12-23. -
Date: Sun, May 3 2009 01:20:05
Still working on twisted sonic double bust. It's been about 2 months already. X(
Date: Mon, May 4 2009 14:20:17
Finally, after 6 months of spinning registered at this nice, friendly board
Failing (mostly) at double busts, getting consistent with bakfall (at last it looks as it should), working on arounds. -
Date: Mon, May 11 2009 05:03:26
Sooo the other day in math class I completed my first Bakfall 1.5. Super stoked on it.
Date: Thu, May 21 2009 02:17:47
so I checked to see if I could do all the stuff I could before I stopped spinning.
and I lost
smooth bakfalls
100% double tas
neobak falls
continuous midbaks
but I somehow learned
continuous taps 1.0+
and nearly 100% double busts -
Date: Thu, May 21 2009 02:40:07
got something like this : pass 34-23 > tw sonic 23-12 > neosonic to thumblap to FLTA rev > twisted cobra bite > bakfall. xD xD xD xD ~
now i'm tryin 2 do the double bust. still not get idea how to do it. ==a -
Date: Thu, May 21 2009 08:38:20
racing sumPINOYkidstukinamerica to x 20 bust...
Date: Sat, May 23 2009 20:22:38
Did my first inverse neobak fall today ^^ sloppy, but I did it xD now to get it on camera >_<
Date: Sun, May 24 2009 01:57:24
Working on Twisted and Inverse Sonic 34-23s, and also 12-T1 Sonics (performed palm-side instead of palm-down like a Shadow) and variations. (though Twisted Sonic 12-TF is pretty easy, lol)
...except my hand hurts because of the 12-T1 Sonic. I think. Maybe I just suck at life so much that my hand decided to kill itself rather than be a part of me. XD
Also trying to do Cont. Shadow 12-12s and Bak 12-12 > Midbak 12-12. (continuously, of course.) And Bak Harmonic.
...strange. I didn't realize I was doing that much... which is probably why I haven't really gotten far with any of those. Lol. -
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 13:08:33
Spinning over 3 years now, after chaning main pens constantly i finally found my main pen!!
Date: Wed, May 27 2009 15:42:48
Currently working on Wristarounds and how I can incorporate them into a combo.
Also working on shadow variations and Neobakaround release.
think thats sufficient for at least one or two months. -
Date: Thu, May 28 2009 00:15:38
spinning-wise: just got several times worse. lol
i'm on a down slope right now, been flamed a bit, can't say it wasn't my fault though. i think i'm gonna give up coming online -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 19:17:37QUOTE (meiDay @ May 28 2009, 03:15 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>spinning-wise: just got several times worse. lol
i'm on a down slope right now, been flamed a bit, can't say it wasn't my fault though. i think i'm gonna give up coming online
What do you mean giving up coming online? -
Date: Fri, May 29 2009 22:06:45
simply put become inactive
Date: Sat, May 30 2009 01:19:14
I'm going to make new video solo ( 3rd one ) xD
I'm working on long combos ( 25sec more ) with my RSVP MX.
I also trying to do fast combos ( Dongza, Eriror and Kentei ). -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 15:45:42
Made a Minwoo mod ( or SX? or a variation? dunno) and broke a few self records:
Cont. TA x10
Cont. midbak 1.5 x10 (getting better with midbaks on my MX^2 as well ^^ )
Plus, my sister got back from the US and bought me some pens, I made the most beautiful MX everpics soon as I finish a few other mods so I'll take pics of them all
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 16:33:06QUOTE (Resonance @ May 31 2009, 11:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Made a Minwoo mod ( or SX? or a variation? dunno) and broke a few self records:
Cont. TA x10
Cont. midbak 1.5 x10 (getting better with midbaks on my MX^2 as well ^^ )
Plus, my sister got back from the US and bought me some pens, I made the most beautiful MX everpics soon as I finish a few other mods so I'll take pics of them all
nice midbaks there ^^, I'm still working on just midbak 1.5 x3 lol
Yeah, I'm starting to spin with my left hand now. Learned TA and TA rev, charge, bak and IA
I also mastered ext ta triple bust on my right hand, however I can't even double bust from twisted sonic =.=
As of my spinning style, I don't even know what I mainly spin like. I guess it depends on my mood because I sometimes spin like S777/bonkura and other times I spin like a cross between 12ve and Spinnerpeem XD -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 17:19:00QUOTE (Loanshark @ May 31 2009, 06:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>nice midbaks there ^^, I'm still working on just midbak 1.5 x3 lol
Yeah, I'm starting to spin with my left hand now. Learned TA and TA rev, charge, bak and IA
I also mastered ext ta triple bust on my right hand, however I can't even double bust from twisted sonic =.=
As of my spinning style, I don't even know what I mainly spin like. I guess it depends on my mood because I sometimes spin like S777/bonkura and other times I spin like a cross between 12ve and Spinnerpeem XD
Keep in mind I've done the midbaks with a KT, which makes things much easier xD With my MX^2 (which I usually spin) I get 2 if I'm lucky >.> -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 17:33:15QUOTE (Resonance @ May 31 2009, 01:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Keep in mind I've done the midbaks with a KT, which makes things much easier xD With my MX^2 (which I usually spin) I get 2 if I'm lucky >.>
Oh lol, I don't own any heavy mod so I usually practice my midbaks with a ballsign or SX variation. 2 is my usual with the SX and I use the ballsign just to make sure I have the trick mastered.
Btw, I'll be getting 2 Dr. M&Ms soon! So excited for them! -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 18:05:19
I find it amusing that after minwoo released the tut to his mod, my SX has gotten so popular. I love the mod though, so I'm glad other people like it too.
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 19:56:53QUOTE (Charlie @ May 31 2009, 08:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I find it amusing that after minwoo released the tut to his mod, my SX has gotten so popular. I love the mod though, so I'm glad other people like it too.
I guess it's since he's much more famous than you, if I may say =P so he pretty much made your mod popular, with or without knowing =P
It it a great mod though ^^ -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 20:07:55
wait whats the relationship between the sx and minwoo's mod?
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 20:19:40QUOTE (meiDay @ May 31 2009, 10:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>wait whats the relationship between the sx and minwoo's mod?
As far as I've understood, Minwoo's mod (The SC at least) is a SX variaition... -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 20:36:05QUOTE (Charlie @ May 31 2009, 02:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I find it amusing that after minwoo released the tut to his mod, my SX has gotten so popular. I love the mod though, so I'm glad other people like it too.
I had my SX variation 3 weeks before minwoo released his tut xD -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 20:39:25QUOTE (meiDay @ May 31 2009, 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>wait whats the relationship between the sx and minwoo's mod?
Yeah, they're very similar mods. Except the SX didn't get much attention until minwoo released his tut. -
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 20:55:15
today i started my Tricklog with my known tricks and combo's
Date: Sun, May 31 2009 21:22:26
Working on Sonic Bust and Twisted Sonic Bust.
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 00:33:29
went to the apple store. started spinning. ppl stared. some dude walked over and asked me to do it again so i was like w/e. did it again. he paid me 35$for my epic phail mp buster
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 02:38:28QUOTE (RH @ Jun 4 2009, 05:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>went to the apple store. started spinning. ppl stared. some dude walked over and asked me to do it again so i was like w/e. did it again. he paid me 35$for my epic phail mp buster
Nice. ._.
I should spin more often. -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 05:25:29QUOTE (Charlie @ Jun 4 2009, 09:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Nice. ._.
I should spin more often.
No, you should spin more often in APPLE Stores. Fanboys love this shit
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 05:28:57QUOTE (iMatt @ Jun 5 2009, 01:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>No, you should spin more often in APPLE Stores. Fanboys love this shit
-runs to nearest Apple store and starts spinning-
I'm working on my Bakfall. I can almost always get it past the MidBak, but the RingBak is a coin toss. -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 07:19:00
lol $35 for a mp buster is pretty good price
spinning mx again Oo" and other single sided mods -
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 14:03:43
Decided on making a series of Day sessions, focusing on different styles and tricks in each one.
Date: Fri, Jun 5 2009 20:14:03QUOTE ( @ Jun 5 2009, 02:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lol $35 for a mp buster is pretty good price
spinning mx again Oo" and other single sided mods
that was my phail mp buster
yea im spinning some single sided mods 2, but its mostly cheat comssa
walked the dog while spinning. dog thought it was a stick so i stopped spinning. -
Date: Wed, Jun 10 2009 12:54:17QUOTE (RH @ Jun 5 2009, 01:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>went to the apple store. started spinning. ppl stared. some dude walked over and asked me to do it again so i was like w/e. did it again. he paid me 35$for my epic phail mp buster
thats just awesome
When i span at the library before exams all i get is people thinking im a cheerleader... and you get money... =w="
My friend got his buster broken though by some random girl pulled off his caps -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 10:22:11
been spinning for almost half a year but still can't do backfall lol
i'm also working now on short combos -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 10:40:28
I just found my impact mx from kam. I realised it was missing like.. 2 months ago but didn't bother finding it until recently. Found it in my pen drawer LOL!
Going to malaysia tomorrow! yay!
I don't know what mod to bring though. I need a decent and cheap mod that i can bring when going overseas that im not afraid of losing. -
Date: Thu, Jun 11 2009 15:24:52
OK, first post in this:
Just set my new bust record(10 ) with CK white mod.
Working on collabs
Trying to spin a new style ( completely different than my style actually, just wanna try. The style has a lot more direction changes)
just ordered Penwish
Had to reduce time on UPSB and PSing as it is two days until finals -
Date: Fri, Jun 12 2009 06:31:04QUOTE (Shrouded Figure @ Jun 12 2009, 01:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>OK, first post in this:
Just set my new bust record(10 ) with CK white mod.
Working on collabs
Trying to spin a new style ( completely different than my style actually, just wanna try. The style has a lot more direction changes)
just ordered Penwish
Had to reduce time on UPSB and PSing as it is two days until finals
7 month spinner on bust x 10 Oo" why is everyone so good nowadays? gw
will spin more again after this term's assessments. -
Date: Fri, Jun 12 2009 18:09:31
Working on some new mini combos I stole from Eriror =P
I noticed my spinning isn't really polished, and I have many small stops and stuff, making my spinning look unsmooth, so working on being smoother and more confident with the mini combos I have -
Date: Sun, Jun 14 2009 23:06:42
Working on further developing my style now. I'm trying to get like a cross between Minwoo, s777 and Pyralux. Doing some hardcore practicing and training now on my left hand.
Date: Mon, Jun 15 2009 02:12:48
Today I completed my personal mod. (was looking for the perfect insert and finally found it)
I spent almost the entire day looking through the Beginner's Tack-On thread learning new combos. I find it really helpful to learn new things.
I also participated in Round 33 of the Tack-On.
Good day for pen spinning if you ask me. -
Date: Tue, Jun 16 2009 20:01:03
whent to summer school. was so boring i had 2 spin 4 about 2 hrs
Date: Thu, Jun 18 2009 04:40:07
Wanted to post this yesterday but i forgot.
I went to this indian place to eat with my mom, my aunt, and my mom's aunt (grandmother's sister).
After eating, they told us each meal cost RM5.
My Grandmother's sister spoke something in Tamil to them and they replied and then she took a dollar off each plate. We're chinese.
She's really cool btw. -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 08:57:04
open hand busts now, looks so much better...but can only do about 1/2 previous number. will work on it...inspired by SEVEN.
stopped using cyl for main pen, now use ballsign, MX instead. style developing. i think =="
edit: got 7, missed 8th about 5 or 6 times...maybe more. -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 11:09:13
Im here at Pangkor Laut (i think that's how it's spelt)
From what I heard it costs over SGD$1000 a night here and it's all paid for by my mom's company. The rest of her colleagues are here too. It's very boring. For the past 3-5 hours i've not done anything except watch tv. -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 11:47:06QUOTE (Glamouraz @ Jun 19 2009, 07:09 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Nice.
Im here at Pangkor Laut (i think that's how it's spelt)
From what I heard it costs over SGD$1000 a night here and it's all paid for by my mom's company. The rest of her colleagues are here too. It's very boring. For the past 3-5 hours i've not done anything except watch tv.
you should have take a pen there.
trying to acheive my 6th bust in 2 weeks and trying to develope a style mixed of korean and bonkura.not sure if that will turn out good. -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 11:55:45QUOTE (phua sy @ Jun 19 2009, 09:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>you should have take a pen there.
trying to acheive 6 bust in 2 weeks
be realistic. if you can pull it off then you are like 1 person in the world who can go from 0 to 6 bust in 2 weeks...==" -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 12:11:11QUOTE ( @ Jun 19 2009, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>be realistic. if you can pull it off then you are like 1 person in the world who can go from 0 to 6 bust in 2 weeks...==" .i acheived 5 bust in 5 trying to go up to 6.
Edited the first post. -
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 21:20:37
lets see. traded my friends spinnerpeem cyl(autographed on the barrel w/ sharpie) for my makin cyl(autographed by makin on paper) so yea we traded i got the peem cyl he got the piece of paper and the makin cyl. went to the apple store to get my ipod a new cover.
Date: Fri, Jun 19 2009 22:45:42
Finally met someone near me in new york that pen spins
An exchange student that came from south Korea. This is maybe a 3 week old story... just writing now haha. It was a ton of fun to spin with someone else instead of alone in your room in front of a computer screen
Too bad he's going back to South Korea tomorrow :C
Date: Sat, Jun 20 2009 00:05:02
found a pilot the better ball point pen so now i can make a hybrid g3 retractable (HG3R)
can't wait -
Date: Sat, Jun 20 2009 06:42:17
made three mods in the past two days. joey, seven, and kuzu.
i know i sound like a noob for saying this, but i like the kuzu ._.
oh, and i like zunda's mx variation. haha. although the ink tends to build up at the end of the point, therefore staining my mx. >>" -
Date: Sat, Jun 20 2009 12:11:52QUOTE (shonenbatman @ Jun 20 2009, 08:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>made three mods in the past two days. joey, seven, and kuzu.
i know i sound like a noob for saying this, but i like the kuzu ._.
oh, and i like zunda's mx variation. haha. although the ink tends to build up at the end of the point, therefore staining my mx. >>"
What ZUNDA MX variation? o:
AITU style MX^2 is ready, my new main pen probably ^^ -
Date: Sat, Jun 20 2009 22:33:32QUOTE (Resonance @ Jun 20 2009, 04:11 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>What ZUNDA MX variation? o:
AITU style MX^2 is ready, my new main pen probably ^^
lol yea. all it is is just an rsvp ink tube that can write on both sides...
well, like... it has the metal part where the ink comes out on both sides. and it's a BKL5(?) rsvp ink tube that you can get in japan.
that's what i remember from his blog haha ^^" -
Date: Mon, Nov 23 2009 18:30:51
I think this thread never came back after the UPSB downtime.. but it's cool enough to bring back..right?
Ok well I just (meaning about 10 minutes ago) did my first Twisted Sonic Bust.
Did it without the real help of a tutorial -
Date: Tue, Nov 24 2009 19:13:49
woot! just did my first fluent bakfal! woot! another PSing milestone!(could someone tell me where my first milestone was?)
Date: Tue, Jan 19 2010 06:20:43
sorta messed up both of my wrists.. taking a break from pen spinning until they're good to go again
Date: Thu, Jan 21 2010 04:37:51
Wow 3 posts up was first tw bust. O.O
Ehh, not much, I've discovered my favorite pens, made a resolution not to spin modded pens in public with the exception of certain occasions (which I have actually kept for like a month so far), and learned a few tricks.
Eh. -
Date: Sat, Feb 27 2010 07:03:21
Logged in for the first time since...... a long time ago.
Almost my 1 year. I think imma make a video but i still suck. gotta fix that.
Oh and apparantly im tutoring someone in PS. He took my MSXA -
Date: Wed, Mar 24 2010 19:23:32
I need to improve on some simple fundementals before continuing to learn the rest of the advanced tricks.
Tricks i gotta' work on:
Fingerpass reverse
twisted sonic 34-23 and all the hybrids
halftap, fulltap
weisan backaround
thumbspin -
Date: Wed, Mar 24 2010 20:06:16
im starting to love mxs... probley new favorite pen
day session with mx -
Date: Wed, Mar 31 2010 10:27:45
I need to work on:
-grip cutting, barrel cutting, coming up with new ideas for my prototypes.
got a lot of stuff left hanging. I need to finish up on them
-spin transfers
-basketball spin stuff (need to film!!!)
-new linkages