Off-topic / Completed Weekly Interviews
Date: Mon, Sep 10 2007 21:29:31
Just realized I can't post the completed interviews due to the emoticon limit (the posts append). So until a solution is found, the weekly interviews are off. I don't consider an interview blog a plausible solution because it is too unnoticeable.
Note: Don't post here. This thread is only for archiving purposes. Comments can go in this thread:
1. Mats (8/13/2007 - 8/20/2007)
2. Eso (8/27/2007 - 9/3/2007)
3. kensai (9/3/2007 - 9/10/2007)
4. Lordbojo (9/10/2007 - 9/17/2007)
Real Name: Mathew (But my best friends call me Mats, my friends call me Mat)
Age: 18
Gender: I think ya'll know
Birth date: 11/01/1989
Born: Wrexham, Wales
Resides: Leicester, England
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blonde
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: umm 155lbs or thereabouts
Glasses/Contacts?: No
Religious Views: Atheist
Personal (questions 16-21 were user-submitted)
1. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
2 brothers, 2 sisters, 1 sister in law (I think, might have missed one)
2. What is your favourite colour? Number? Ice cream flavour?
I love too many colours to pick a favourite
hmm. That one with the 3 flavours in (Neopolitan?)
3. What other are some of your favourite activities, hobbies and interests outside pen spinning?
I play piano, and compose, everyday pretty much. I play chess, both with my friends and online. I occasionally go and play ball. I also juggle, do freestyle football, and from time to time go out and take drugs.
4. What are your favourite TV shows? Movies?
I love to watch comedy- Family Guy, South Park, [adult swim], Have I got News For You, Mock The Week, some older shows like Alan Partridge and the news.
Comedy or romantic movies.
5. What type of music do you listen to?
Romantic, psytrance/psyambient and old school hip hop
Chopin, Liszt, Infected Mushroom, Shpongle, Binary Star for example.
6. What are some of the ways you relax?
I have to take a walk in the park most days to keep my sanity about me. I also listen to Shpongle/piano music to relax too.
7. What things motivate you?
Nothing has motivated me for nearly two years. Someone please motivate me!
8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In prison, or laying low avoiding it.
9. What would be your ideal career?
Being a composer
10. If you had $1 million, how would you spend it?
I would buy a modest house and plant collection, plus a couple of nice things like a mini-grand piano. Whatever was left, I would spend on my friends.
11. How would your ideal day play out?
Wake up at midnight because if the day is ideal I want to live all 24 hours of it
Spend the whole 24 hours with the woman I love doing stuff we both enjoy.
12. If you had to rate your life on a scale from 1-10, what would be your current rating?
13. How do others describe you in real life? How do you view yourself?
My best friends know me best, they describe me as fucked up, a fuck up, weird, strange, random and sometimes lucky.
I view myself as everyone should view themselves, pretty awesome, but with flaws. Fuck the flaws and enjoy the awesome bits eh?
14. What qualities do you admire in a person?
Freedom, openness, Trust, loyalty, respect, someone who stands up for what they believe
15. Who do you consider to be your personal hero(es) and why?
Timothy Leary - For having great intellect. For standing up to the highest authorities. For refusing to conform when he didn't want toFor encouraging good use of the psychedelics.
16. The move to Wales: what is the main purpose? Is it school- or career-oriented or just a desire to change things up?
I'm going back home to where I have always felt motivated, inspired and deliriously happy. I also happen to dislike strongly this city, this house, and staying with my siblings and mom.
17. Do you like Europe more than the US?
I am yet to go to the US, so I won't be harsh and start comparing yet.
18. Being as descriptive as possible, can you tell me the most life-changing experience you've ever had, and how it affected the way you see the world, or your philosophies?
A few people I have met have changed my life, in many many ways.
A couple of rather strange 'moments' in my life have changed the way I see things.
I feel over time, this changes have caused a more calm, relaxed Mats.
19. Do you take drugs for a reason? If so, what reason(s) can you list?
Two reasons: Sometimes for fun with my freinds, sometimes I take them to explore the mind and gain a deeper understanding of this world.
20. In your life, have you ever had a near-death experience? If so, please elaborate.
Umm, not one of those weird fucked up ones where people see a tunnel and shit, no.
21. Do you have any insecurities?
Yes (no details though)
PS & UCPSB (questions 30 and 31 were user-submitted)
22. Which hand do you spin with? Which hand do you write with?
Both and both (I spent a year learning to do that lol)
23. How long have you been spinning?
Just over 2 years on and off
24. What motivated you to take up pen spinning as a hobby?
Came across by accident from a juggling website. UPSB was awesome, and I guess that's what kept me with it originally. I'm not sure what motivated me when I returned in autumn last year.
25. What was the first trick you learnt? Combo?
ThumbAround / Really can't recall the first combo I learnt.
26. What is your favourite trick? Combo?
IndexSpn Transfer 3.0 - by Zombo // NHK's combo in part two of the UPSB + PDS Collabs
27. Which spinner(s) do you look up to and why?
NHK, Tohlz, Lordbojo, Zombo - For being creative and inventive while also being skilled. For dedication.
28. How did you find UCPSB and what motivated you to join?
I found it when I was drunk everyday for a while, then forgot about it when I sobered up (April last year).
I found it again I think purposely searching for a pen spinning site.
29. What is your take on the current state and future of UCPSB? Do you have any recommendations that you personally feel would improve the board? If so, what?
UCPSB is alright, UPSB V3 will probably be a bit nicer. I think the board would be improved if everyone stopped silly bickering that goes on from time to time. I know I was a cause of much of that in the past
30. Why did you change your name on UCPSB all of a sudden?
An experience that changed somewhat my view on life.
31. Will you ever change your avatar?
Not unless I find a better Welsh flag to go there, or unless I love something more than Wales one day (unlikely)
32. In your own words, how would you describe “pen spinning†to an outsider?
33. What is some advice you have for new spinners?
Practice, practice, practice
You can never get enough practice
Try to be creative and do something new, don't ever be afraid to push the limits and test the boundaries.
34. Aside from fun and enjoyment, are there any other reasons you spin? If so, what?
I like the creative aspects of it, and watching people with true mastery.
35 What is your take on the current state of pen spinning? Do you have any predictions as to its future? In your opinion, what are some things spinners should do in order for the art to succeed?
Pen spinning is young, the skill level is low. In 10 years, we might see people with skills far far beyond what is seen today. Is pen spinning not succeeding already?
36. Would you rather have pen spinning become mainstream or remain underground? Why?
I really don't mind in all honesty. Why? Long boring answer, let's skip that one eh?
37. What is your general opinion of pen modifications?
That I'm too lazy to do them
38. What is your general opinion of pen spinning collaborations?
Good collabs are real nice to watch.
Bad collabs are boring.
39. What is your general opinion of pen spinning battles?
They are pretty fun to participate in. They can be fun to watch (so long as both people go at it some).
40. What is your general opinion of pen spinning gatherings?
Not enough of them.
41. What is your take on pen spinning leagues and tournaments in general? What did you think about the World Tournament earlier this year?
Leagues don't work. Tournaments are awesome. The world tournament was pretty successful and I look forward to the next one -
Date: Tue, Sep 11 2007 07:29:05
Easy solution. Post the 3rd one after this one, and PM me the 2nd one and I'll edit it here and the 4th and I'll reply it after the 3rd. Seems easy enough?
Date: Wed, Mar 12 2008 04:38:03
Real Name: Eric Yip
Age: Current Date - DOB
Gender: Male
Birth date: Nov. 20, 1983
Born: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Resides: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Race/Ethnicity: Hakka Chinese
Eye Colour: brown
Hair Colour: black
Height: 5'6" or 167 cm
Weight: 128 lb.
Glasses/Contacts: Glasses
Religious Views: Agnostic, to best describe it in one word
Political Views: I don't follow politics... I guess moderate or something
Personal (questions 16 and 17 were user-submitted)
1. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
One sister
2. What is your favourite colour? Number? Ice cream flavour?
Blue, ?, vanilla
3. What other are some of your favourite activities, hobbies and interests outside pen spinning?
Dancing, learning languages, playing Pump It Up, cooking, fighting games, working out, listening to music, freestyling
4. What are your favourite TV shows? Movies?
I don't watch TV anymore. I really like Back to the Future trilogy, Matrix, Forrest Gump
5. What type of music do you listen to?
Mostly underground hip hop, some commercial rap, Jpop, Jrock, Cpop, Classical, some techno/trance/whatever it's called, R&B, 80's music, some 70's music, some disco, some anime music, etc. I really like whatever sounds good and I can dance/pop/lock/break to it.
6. What are some of the ways you relax?
Going online
7. What things motivate you?
It's a multitude of things, but mostly imagining the outcome is what motivates me to do my work.
8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Married, with a hot wife, maybe 1 kid. I’d still be spinning, and hopefully I’ll be working for a great company.
9. What would be your ideal career?
Being a teacher for language and pen spinning, and perhaps programming
10. If you had $1 million, how would you spend it?
Invest it, maybe start a company. If pen spinning becomes big, I could buy all rights to certain pen models and cater to both pen spinners and non-spinners. I see profit and growth in this particular model. And of course, I would spoil my parents with the money as well.
11. How would your ideal day play out?
Sunny, 70 degrees F, just chilling with my girl. Maybe go swimming.
12. If you had to rate your life on a scale from 1-10, what would be your current rating?
Eh, bad question. It's constantly changing, especially when this is posted, so I'll say somewhere between 5-8
13. How do others describe you in real life? How do you view yourself?
Hm, my parents think I'm not street smart, naive, immature, and lazy. My friends view me as being weird, passionate, focused, nice, caring, intelligent, and perverted. I view myself as a weird person that's just trying to get by smoothly in life.
14. What qualities do you admire in a person?
Intelligence, honesty, good sense of humor, charisma
15. Who do you consider to be your personal hero(es) and why?
My parents, because they sacrificed a lot just so I can be here to fill out this interview. Being immigrants was hard for them. They couldn't guide me in many things, but they still managed to raise me well.
16. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I want to be a more likable person.
17. What MSN emoticon most closely describes you?
I don’t really use the MSN emoticons… Probably
PS & UCPSB (questions 27 and 38 were user-submitted)
18. Which hand do you spin with? Which hand do you write with?
Left and left
19. How long have you been spinning?
Since October 2005
20. What motivated you to take up pen spinning as a hobby?
Just plain curiousity. I didn't know anything about pen spinning as a serious manipulation until I searched for tutorials online.
21. What was the first trick you learnt? Combo?
22. What is your favourite trick? Combo?
Twisted Sonic. Dunno
23. Which spinner(s) do you look up to and why?
This will be long.
Zombo: Although he hardly spins anymore, he is an innovator and an awesome guy. Spinning isn't everything, but his attitude is what won me over.
Eriror: He's just too damn good. I would say that's due to his relentless practice. And he's very nice. I dare say that it's hard to find spinners like Eriror.
bonkura: He never fails to make my mouth drop. I call his hand shape the "Asian hand" and it's rare to see this quality in spinners. Props to him for taking his own road and making spinning his own.
24. How did you find UCPSB and what motivated you to join?
I was looking for videos and I found UCPSB 1rst on Google Video. At the end of the video, it had a link to the forums, so I immediately joined. I wanted to join UPSB before, but right when I first started pen spinning, it closed. So, I wanted join a forum ever since.
25. What is your take on the current state and future of UCPSB? Do you have any recommendations that you personally feel would improve the board? If so, what?
The current state of UCPSB is alright. There's always new users coming in and there's only a few leaving. Overall, it's growing and there's truthfully never a dull moment. The only thing I'd recommend is to cut down on the spam and flaming. Sometimes, there's too much animosity coming from a select few. There's a fine line between animosity and just fucking around. And there's a few guys around that are elitist. We don't need that kind of attitude on the boards.
26. Who is your best friend on UCPSB?
Eh, hard to say. I don't really have a BEST friend, but I have some really, really good friends. Eriror, Strat1227, Asian Tim
27. Why are you leaving UCPSB?
I need to focus on my life. I need to move out, get a new car, and all these other things. Besides, UCPSB has been taking up a ton of my time this past 1 ½ years. I think it’s time to move on. Of course, I’ll still be spinning and I’ll still manage RMX. I just don’t want to be distracted any further with UCPSB.
28. In your own words, how would you describe “pen spinning†to an outsider?
It's a hobby that's highly developed with many communities around the world dedicated to it.
29. What is some advice you have for new spinners?
Never give up, because most pros took at least a year to get that good. Always take small steps to achieve your goals. Never forget where you came from, because all spinners started somewhere. Being nice and friendly can get you anywhere. Now that's truth.
30. Aside from fun and enjoyment, are there any other reasons you spin? If so, what?
Pen spinning is the only hobby I've stuck with long enough and I've gotten considerably proficient at it. I gotten this far, so I feel the need to move forward to pro levels.
31. What is your take on the current state of pen spinning? Do you have any predictions as to its future? In your opinion, what are some things spinners should do in order for the art to succeed?
Pen spinning is just fine. It's constantly evolving, no matter how slight it may seem. More and more people are getting into it. Evolution doesn't happen because of conscious design; it happens because of unintentional rises of change. Whatever those changes are, whether it's creativity or technique, it will undoubtedly evolve pen spinning. Those spinners who are wishing for pen spinning to emerge from its "stagnant state" are looking in the completely wrong direction for "progression". Like I said, if you want progression, let things run their course. Pen spinning is doing just fine.
32. Would you rather have pen spinning become mainstream or remain underground? Why?
It truly doesn't matter, because it doesn't affect me. In the end, I'm still spinning my pen, I'm still watching my favourite videos, I'm still doing regular trades, and I'm still talking to the same friends. The only difference between underground and mainstream is the amount of cash and marketing involved. People will still be spinning and making videos, nonetheless.
33. What is your general opinion of pen modifications?
Pen modding is nice because it teaches you how to use tools and become handy. It also teaches you problem solving. However, there are lots of crappy mods out there that didn't go under aesthetic consideration.
34. What is your general opinion of pen spinning collaborations?
Sometimes I do get the feeling there's a little too many collabs. Not because they're low-caliber, but because I am very organized and I am having trouble collecting them all and correctly categorizing them.
35. What is your general opinion of pen spinning battles?
It's really hard to objectively judge them. Good judges are extremely hard to find. I'd say there's only a handful of qualified judges in the entire world.
36. What is your general opinion of pen spinning gatherings?
A great opportunity to meet up with people you met online. Also a great time to punch that flamer or spammer in the mouth.
37. What is your take on pen spinning leagues and tournaments in general? What did you think about the World Tournament earlier this year?
I think they're great. Most people think about tournaments "promoting" pen spinning. I think of them as just another outlet for competition. The 2007 world tournament had some bad judges.
38. Your PS tutorials have helped others learn more easily and even drawn some newcomers to UCPSB. Thanks for filming them! Were there any other motivations to create these tutorials besides these two reasons (to aid others and to create interest)?
Well, the creating interest was a side effect. I made these tutorials so that newbies and intermediates can learn from them. However, the biggest reason for me making them is because there were no good tutorials out there. It was all just one move and then repeated slowly. A lot of us were used to this, but I felt like I could do a much better job of explaining the tricks. Eventually, I covered all of the basic tricks and a few advanced ones. My hope is that people will learn from my videos and then learn to help themselves. After all, my tutorials can only take you so far. -
Date: Wed, Mar 12 2008 16:24:54
Real Name: Mark
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Birth date: 31/1/88
Born: Singapore
Resides: Singapore
Race/Ethnicity: Chinese
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Black
Height: 1.61m
Glasses/Contacts?: Occasionally/No
Religious Views: Protestant Christian
Personal (questions 16-21 were user-submitted)
1. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
2 brothers (one older one younger) and one older sister.
2. What is your favourite colour? Number? Ice cream flavour?
White/33/Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
3. What other are some of your favourite activities, hobbies and interests outside pen spinning?
I've recently taken up playing the keyboard casually again. I love watching movies and have a deep interest in film.
4. What are your favourite TV shows? Movies?
Too many to favourite TV show is LOST and my favourite film is Blade Runner. My favourite game is Fallout 2.
5. What type of music do you listen to?
Blues, blues rock, rock 'n' roll, hard rock, early heavy metal, psychedelic (60's), oldies, Baroque (chamber, choral and instrumental), various from soundtracks.
6. What are some of the ways you relax?
I guess being relaxed is a state of mind. I feel relaxed after going out with friends and then coming home to do nothing for a long time.
7. What things motivate you?
Conscience, fear, films, music, perfectionism.
8. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Do I dare hope? A girlfriend with a career dealing with multimedia.
9. What would be your ideal career?
Being a film director.
10. If you had $1 million, how would you spend it?
Spend $10,000 then scrimp and save.
11. How would your ideal day play out?
One where I'd meet up with some friends to work out our differences and make up.
12. If you had to rate your life on a scale from 1-10, what would be your current rating?
13. How do others describe you in real life? How do you view yourself?
Due to some recent events, I can only say that I kind of hate myself now. Trying to work out some things right now.
14. What qualities do you admire in a person?
Honesty, loyalty, patience, tolerance, empathy, non-conditional (ie non-political) niceness, wisdom.
15. Who do you consider to be your personal hero(es) and why?
My family; they all have qualities and achievements that I'm proud of.
16. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I'd want to improve my health. Would be cool if it came in a package like losing weight and increasing metabolism too.
17. What MSN emoticon most closely describes you?
18. Have you ever travelled outside of Singapore other than Australia?
Yes. Namely: Thailand, Malaysia, Japan and Indonesia, but only for holidays.
19. What was the big deal about the newspaper article you appeared in?
Participating in the National Day Parade (an annual event celebrating Singapore's birthday) is a rare opportunity. As it is, most people can't get tickets for the event itself. Furthermore, my other teammates and I represented my school, Singapore Polytechnic, which was why it was featured on its website
20. What do you think about Singapore’s government?
There are so many things wrong with the Singapore government, but in most cases that's because there was some sort of tradeoff for convenience, economical development or social stability. I feel that I'm one of the minority who truly see beyond the superficial benefits and see the oppression of my people. Do you know that Singaporean blogs are monitored by the government now? Having lived in Australia as a kid I can see how advanced we are in our technology and economical development but how far behind we are in something as fundamental as educating our children properly. The government promises that positive change is afoot, but that remains to be seen.
21. When do you plan to do your national service?
Hahaha, plan? I don't get that kind of privilege, I'm afraid. I'll be enlisted probably in the first quarter else around the middle of next year.
PS & UCPSB (question 42 was user-submitted)
22. Which hand do you spin with? Which hand do you write with?
I spin with both hands, I write with my right hand.
23. How long have you been spinning?
Hmm I first picked up spinning 7 years ago, but if you're talking about PSing seriously then it's coming to 4 years now.
24. What motivated you to take up pen spinning as a hobby?
The challenge and complexity, I guess.
25. What was the first trick you learnt? Combo?
Charge/sonic, around the same time...learning one helped the other. I'm not sure about the first combo, but it was probably a TA harmonic.
26. What is your favourite trick? Combo?
I like doing shadow reverse 2.0 a lot, as well as rev FL TA 1.5 and bak 1.5 (ye I got the naming conventions wrong). I often unconsciously freestyle with the above tricks.
27. Which spinner(s) do you look up to and why?
The Legendary Four but most of all, David Weis for his dedication to and advancement of the art. He was truly ahead of his time, and even today probably no other spinner can fully master all that he's accomplished.
28. How did you find UCPSB and what motivated you to join?
I first found UPSB at the end of 2003 while it was undergoing renovations, but had to wait till the start of 2004 to join. After UPSB closed, while waiting for UPSBv3 to open, someone gave me the link to the previous version of UCPSB. I registered but didn't go back. Then some time later, I think it was Stefan who contacted me and told me about the current version of UCPSB, so I joined and posted here and there. A few months passed and then I came back...I think it was because of rookee starting up something, but I can't really remember.
29. What is your take on the current state and future of UCPSB? Do you have any recommendations that you personally feel would improve the board? If so, what?
This is a casual board, as far as I know, and to be honest I hardly visit outside the Spammer's Bin. As far as I'm concerned I'm having a good time.
30. Who is your best friend on UCPSB?
, the emoticon.
31. In your own words, how would you describe “pen spinning†to an outsider?
"This is what happens when you have too much time on your hands." I wouldn't give them a serious explanation unless they're dead serious about getting into it.
32. What is some advice you have for new spinners?
Have a long-term goal in mind. Your short term goals towards that long-term goal should be mastering tricks and whatnot, which means practicing A LOT!
33. Aside from fun and enjoyment, are there any other reasons you spin? If so, what?
It's challenging, improves dexterity and ambidexterity, gives me something to do when I'm bored, and above all, it's a habit that I have to keep up with or my hands will feel itchy! Hmm, for me, penspinning has also really given me fresh perspectives on developing other skills, and I often use it as a positive metaphor for succeeding through life.
34 What is your take on the current state of pen spinning? Do you have any predictions as to its future? In your opinion, what are some things spinners should do in order for the art to succeed?
I'll probably answer this question in the future.
35. Would you rather have pen spinning become mainstream or remain underground? Why?
I don't mind it becoming mainstream only if commercial spinning pen and pencil mods become widespread, are affordable and are actually good to spin. I also don't wish to see any one company or individual monopolise penspinning or the PS market.
36. What is your general opinion of pen modifications?
Troublesome; it's been a long time since I modded.
37. What is your general opinion of pen spinning collaborations?
Don't see most of them. Probably should focus more on quality than on quantity.
38. What is your general opinion of pen spinning battles?
Again, don't see most of them. Well by now you should've figured that I haven't really been into PS vids or articles, and that's because I feel depressed after watching them (because they remind me of how much I suck). Once I feel my skill level is high enough then I'll start participating.
39. What is your general opinion of pen spinning gatherings?
They're fun, but the locations could be better haha. Also, we should play more games like tack-on during the gatherings.
40. What did you think of the UCPSB podcasts?
Didn't tune in.
41. What is your take on pen spinning leagues and tournaments in general? What did you think about the World Tournament earlier this year?
(see 38.)
I only watched a few vids from the World Tournament and all I can say is that I'm very very proud of Eriror and of how far a UCPSB member managed to climb up so high in the world rankings.
42. You are one of the few remaining members from UPSB. Do you think it would be possible for a reunion in the future? If so, what, in your opinion, would need to happen in order to re-attract former spinners?
Actually I think that Mats did a good job of getting back former spinners (myself included), but most of them didn't stay long. From personal experience I can say that the amount of information here can be daunting to browse through for a newcomer; also, one always needs to acclimatise himself to a new environment. In order to attract back the former UPSB members we should probably have a welcome video showing all the major events that have passed since UPSB closed, and giving them a warm welcome here. Having a leader/role-model like the former UPSB mods would help a lot in familiarising themselves with the new environment.