Advanced Tricks / How to chain sonics palm down?

I need help to make a combo.

  1. Stay'n Alive
    Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 14:00:45

    I'd like to know how can I make a cool combo of sonics in palm down, what trick can I do, or anything that will let me do a good combo in plam down, in the rotation way of a charge normal. Thanks for your help.

  2. NoRice4U
    Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 14:02:55

    Sonics palm down isnt an advanced trick o.0

  3. Stay'n Alive
    Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 14:06:23

    no, I don't talk about only sonics, I speak about the entiere category of tricks callled the "sonics", including shadows and all hybrids.

  4. Eso
    Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 15:51:45

    Well, there's not much else we can say except to practice. I suggest you try doing one trick at a time and then with each iteration, decrease the pause between each trick. That's all you can really do.

    That and it helps to understand that since the tricks are similar, being conic tricks and all, you can try to see that it requires small semi-circles in between each trick to make the connection. If you try Sonic 23-12 > Shadow 12-23 > Twisted Sonic 23-12 > Shadow 12-12, you'll see what I mean. Devil's Around 23-23 linked into itself illustrates this point even better.

    Just practice. thumb.gif

  5. Stay'n Alive
    Date: Sun, Apr 27 2008 19:31:01

    Thanks Eso.

  6. madchinaman
    Date: Sat, May 3 2008 04:52:07

    do twisted sonic r 12-23 fingerpass up down sonic rise and a back, fun!!