Manipulative Arts / Card Throwing
Date: Thu, May 1 2008 03:26:18
I love getting those decks of cards from Doug Fox Buslines when ever we go to the airport. i always throw the cards in the hotel room
post stuff about card throwing here -
Date: Thu, May 1 2008 03:33:31
Where I learned to throw. That and a pirated Cards as Weapons ebook.
I use the Jay Someone method for accuracy and the traditional one for distance. -
Date: Thu, May 1 2008 04:45:04QUOTE (UEDan @ Apr 30 2008, 07:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where I learned to throw. That and a pirated Cards as Weapons ebook.
I use the Jay Someone method for accuracy and the traditional one for distance.
im learning moar than i thot possible!!! -
Date: Thu, May 1 2008 10:26:48
i do card throwing also but isnt there a topic?
Date: Thu, May 1 2008 12:59:41QUOTE (UEDan @ May 1 2008, 04:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Where I learned to throw. That and a pirated Cards as Weapons ebook.
I use the Jay Someone method for accuracy and the traditional one for distance.
Jay Someone? You mean Rick Jay and the Jay grip? The traditional one? Which is that?
Personally, I can throw using the Jay grip, thurston grip of Herrman grip, to varying (and not one of them particularly good) degrees. I prefer the Herrman grip though, it feels much nicer in your hand.
I think the world record was set with the thurston grip for distance, by R. Smith Jr, while Rick Jay throws very accurately (and also used to hold the world record for distance) with his grip. I heard Herrman used to be able to pick out audience members in his shows and throw a card to them, which suggests he was accurate at distance. I guess all 3 techniques have their merits and you just pick the one that suits you best.
Nowadays I don't really throw cards (can't remember the last time I did), however, I do on occasion try to juggle them (proving EXTREMELY hard). This needs a throwing technique that is different from those.
I will say this if you want to start out - Card throwing is ALL about the wrist movement. You don't need to move your whole arm to throw a card, just flick the wrist. It's all in the technique and not the power you throw the card with. Get good technique, then get excellent technique, then get perfect technique. Only then use your whole arm to throw. -
Date: Thu, May 1 2008 13:21:53
Lol, I stopped throwing cards when I accidentally threw a Pokemon card and nearly hit my Dad in the eye when i was 10.
Date: Thu, May 1 2008 23:17:13
30min of spare time
1 deck of Bicycle brand cards
+1 can of energy drink
= ability to throw somewhat consistently -
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 01:37:58
i just take hotel card keys and throw them at my roommates
somehow....i always hit them... -
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 02:02:25
My friend showed me how to throw cards today
I think I can only throw it about... 6-9 ft? -
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 12:08:26
i nid to learn >.<
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 13:23:09
Would pokemon cards work well for this? I have like a thousand of them. ._.
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 14:49:57
i have alot of them too
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 14:53:04
I had 3 shoeboxes full of them, I had to throw them away because they were taking up too much space.
Now I only have 6 or so tournament decks, and a shoebox full of crap cards.
Date: Fri, May 2 2008 17:46:59QUOTE (Gunblakes @ May 2 2008, 02:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Would pokemon cards work well for this? I have like a thousand of them. ._.
It depends how similar to standard playing cards they are. If they are similar, then you can apply the same techniques. I would still recommed learning with a standard deck of cards. You can pick one up for next to nothing if you don't already have one, and that's 54+ cards to wreck. -
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 05:53:59
lulz I've been throwing cards for almost 8 years now XD. The best I can do now is cut a banana. Good times.
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 06:22:25
I can throw cards, but i don't practice anymore, i lost about 400 cards, someweherein my room, all gone
last time i hit a friend of mine in the face and it bagan to bleed o.o -
Date: Sat, May 3 2008 11:02:54
ouch >.<
Date: Sun, May 4 2008 04:49:11
Lol, i tried throwing Pokemon cards, and one card somehow spiralled back and hit me. But no bleeding occured.
How to aim accurately? Most of the time it goes off target. Practice? IDK.
Date: Sun, May 4 2008 06:13:00
How do you lose four HUNDRED cards in ONE ROOM x_X.
I threw cards for a while, I didn't find it that engaging to tell the truth. -
Date: Sun, May 4 2008 10:50:53QUOTE (sangara @ May 3 2008, 06:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lulz I've been throwing cards for almost 8 years now XD. The best I can do now is cut a banana. Good times.
Vid?QUOTEHow to aim accurately? Most of the time it goes off target. Practice? IDK.
Pratice throwing at a target.
A lot.
Shoeman says I'm inaccurate though. So maybe he will have some better tips. -
Date: Sun, May 4 2008 12:22:55QUOTE (sangara @ May 3 2008, 01:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>lulz I've been throwing cards for almost 8 years now XD. The best I can do now is cut a banana. Good times.
card throwing was somewhat popular when im in my first year, used to grab other's name tag and throw them, although some got stuck at the roof/tree. Still can see them till this day
Date: Sun, May 4 2008 20:01:18QUOTE (Mats @ May 4 2008, 02:50 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Vid?
sure I'll try to get one I'll have to practice a bit
I found some cards that were all torn up and I had apples so I made this. I plan on going to the store to pick up banannas and a new deck tomorrow.
and EDIT #2 a tutorial cause people were asking ^^
Date: Sun, May 4 2008 21:14:07
o snap....u cud give someone a deadly papercut with dat skill
Date: Mon, May 5 2008 05:38:44
i would NOT want to be hit by that
Date: Tue, May 6 2008 14:57:12
@sangara that is nice. How far were u standing from the apple?
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 02:16:15QUOTE (Gunblakes @ May 6 2008, 06:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>@sangara that is nice. How far were u standing from the apple?
In that vid it was ~5 feet so i guess thats like almost 1.5 meters? Don't trust me on conversions, I'm American XD. -
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 15:42:33QUOTE (sangara @ May 7 2008, 03:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>In that vid it was ~5 feet so i guess thats like almost 1.5 meters? Don't trust me on conversions, I'm American XD.
Nice vid man. Will you do a banana video? You ever tried cucumbers or carrots? -
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 21:13:07QUOTE (Mats @ May 7 2008, 07:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Nice vid man. Will you do a banana video? You ever tried cucumbers or carrots?
I finally got some cash to pick up some cards and victims (uhh i mean fruits XD). So I'm gonna try to make some vids tonight... if I have time, stupid history teacher and his research reports. I think I'll try carrots too I don't think I'm good enough to do cucumbers =/ .
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 21:29:11QUOTE (sangara @ May 7 2008, 10:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I finally got some cash to pick up some cards and victims (uhh i mean fruits XD). So I'm gonna try to make some vids tonight... if I have time, stupid history teacher and his research reports
. I think I'll try carrots too I don't think I'm good enough to do cucumbers =/ .
Yeah cucumbers are really hard, I saw Smith Jnr (world record holder for distance) doing one and it took him two hits to get a card right through it (and about 5 tries in total since he missed a few times). Rick Jay is so much better than that guy.
Btw, how long and much have you been practicing this ? -
Date: Wed, May 7 2008 21:35:28QUOTE (Mats @ May 7 2008, 02:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Yeah cucumbers are really hard, I saw Smith Jnr (world record holder for distance) doing one and it took him two hits to get a card right through it (and about 5 tries in total since he missed a few times). Rick Jay is so much better than that guy.
Btw, how long and much have you been practicing this ?
Well I'll just pick up some carrots. But yea Rick Jay is so amazing, I really want to get his book. But I've been practicing on and off for about 8 years so like seriously for about 4 maybe? Idk I used to go out side when I was little and just chuck cards up in the air and see how far they would go. After I could throw them over my house (aprox. 150~175 feet long and ~11 feet tall) I started working on accuracy with water empty water bottles. Then I moved onto apples when I accidentally hit one while practicing with the bottles. So a good long time XD. -
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 07:02:42
i started throwing cards about 3 years ago when i saw it on mythbusters, killer cards myth.
took me about a week to throw them everytime, but about a year before i could throw acuratlly (well accuratly enough) every time.
I can cut a carrot in half, when i hit it. and. get them stuck in styrofoam.
Distance wise, about 30 metres, then they stop and spin backwards to the ground.
I mainly use cards for magic though, more impresive for people watching. but if they think the magic is crap. throw a card at them.
well, thats my story. -
Date: Fri, May 9 2008 07:24:52
LOL throw cards at people that dont like it, yea thats good!
Date: Mon, Jun 2 2008 19:18:31
I've chipped 2x4's with playing cards.
Date: Mon, Jun 2 2008 19:20:58
I'm getting slowly better. Now I can almost throw over my house. All of my cards are bent at the corners though...
Date: Wed, Jun 4 2008 02:59:46QUOTE (ToastyRage @ Jun 2 2008, 11:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I've chipped 2x4's with playing cards.
pics or it didn't happen, I haven't tried it so I wouldn't know.
@someone: yep thats how I got it started pretty soon you should think about accuracy, I suggest empty water bottles or cans to get you going. -
Date: Tue, Jun 10 2008 19:25:56
I think the best cards to throw are the plastic bicycle cards or like a used plastic gift card. You could seriously injure someone with those XD
Date: Tue, Jun 10 2008 20:56:59
Uh... I got it ONTO my house... so the cards are stuck on my roof.
And from 5 ft away I knock down soda cans on an avg of 6/65 cards. -.- lol -
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 01:17:19
Im not very good, but ive been throwing cards for along time (started with pokemon cards) I can cut skin sometimes though.
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 01:52:10
I'm putting together a new video, I've already got fottage of some accuracy clips and some fruit stuff, my next goal to put in is the famous watermelon, and cutting a grape in half.
Date: Wed, Jun 11 2008 03:35:17
I used to love throwing cards. I got to the point where I can embed them in the walls of the house... which is why I'm not allowed to throw cards in the house.
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2008 05:53:42QUOTEI used to love throwing cards. I got to the point where I can embed them in the walls of the house... which is why I'm not allowed to throw cards in the house.
wtf. is your house made out of fruit -
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2008 21:40:37
If you get very good at it you can throw it so it sticks in walls.
Date: Sun, Jun 22 2008 23:12:00
This is true I've done it before.
Date: Mon, Jun 23 2008 03:12:22
If throw a used gift card or some kind of card made of plastic, you can make dents in walls and get cards sruck in walls even if you are a total noob. My parents have made sure not to let me touch any of those for years!
Date: Mon, Jun 23 2008 03:29:38
My friend started throwing cards a lot before. I have a circular Styrofoam(1 feet diameter) on my door for card throwing at 10 feet away. I dont use fruit, such a waste of money unless if you can cut a fruit all the way through with perfect accuracy.
Date: Mon, Jun 23 2008 11:18:36
I want to get started in this..I threw cards around once in a while, but never thought it was like practiced, where can I get started?
Date: Tue, Jun 24 2008 01:37:33QUOTE (inotuh @ Jun 23 2008, 04:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I want to get started in this..I threw cards around once in a while, but never thought it was like practiced, where can I get started?
Well I can help you out, basically the best way to get started is to experiment. Buy a deck of cards and just start kinda tossing them, I've got a tutorial and so do a lot of people there are many ways, you just have to see what you like. But basically when you are starting, don't worry about accuracy just start chucking them, making sure there is no one else in the room of course. I guess once you feel comfortable with being able to throw them just start using things like plastic bottles or cans for accuracy, start off at maybe 3 feet then just work your way up. I'll answer any other questions too. Oh yea a big important thing is to make sure you get air cushioned laminated cards, they're pretty much the most durable.
I only use fruit for show, other wise I use plastic bottles.
Date: Wed, Jun 25 2008 22:12:22
how do you keep the card from curving when u throw?
Date: Wed, Jun 25 2008 22:17:03QUOTE (hknl13 @ Jun 25 2008, 03:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>how do you keep the card from curving when u throw?
What style of throwing do you use? The Ricky Jay grip or more of something like mine? -
Date: Wed, Jun 25 2008 22:51:50
i hold it inbetween index and middle finger
Date: Wed, Jun 25 2008 22:54:15
I use the Thurston method (I believe that's what it's called). I hold the corner of the card between my index and middle fingers then flick my wrist.
Date: Wed, Jun 25 2008 22:58:47
are u supposed to flick the wrist horizontally or vertically
Date: Fri, Jun 27 2008 01:02:05
I think horizontally and vertically both have their advantages.
Date: Fri, Jun 27 2008 03:14:34QUOTE (hknl13 @ Jun 25 2008, 03:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>are u supposed to flick the wrist horizontally or vertically
I find that when I'm throwing that it kinda goes from a vertical motion to horizontal as you are throwing idk I'll try to make video of me doing it slow mo maybe that will helpagain the style you throw comes from practice n stuff.
Date: Sat, Aug 16 2008 22:54:39
i can throw fairly well but my aim is never right if anyone has tips on aiming id love to hear it
and the new plastic bycicle cards are amazing for slicking through stuff(ie banana) -
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 14:56:25
I used to be pretty good at this, I totally stopped practicing now and I suck. Where can I get a foam target that I can practice with?
Date: Sat, Aug 30 2008 14:59:28
THrowing cards was fun until I cut my freind in the eye... you don't want to get to good at it, those things are like darts and stick into wood and stuff....
Date: Sun, Oct 5 2008 01:59:23
Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you take a rubber band and make a sling shot with finger 1 and 2 and put a card in verticly(it has to be by the bottom of the card, not the middle) you can get it to go like forever. I did it to this kid whos like 2 years older than mean and blood was oozing out of the back of his neck HAHAHA I got 7 days of OSS though...
QUOTE (nateiskewl @ Aug 30 2008, 10:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I used to be pretty good at this, I totally stopped practicing now and I suck. Where can I get a foam target that I can practice with?
go to best buy and get a dell XPS comp. (there only like 5000 $) then take the foam and tape it to a tree. then throw the rest away -
Date: Sun, Nov 30 2008 01:41:34
Hm...I've been throwing since about January, learning lots of different techniques but I'm using Rick Smith Jr's technique with a bit of modification
I started with like the tons of trading cards I had when I was younger:
Order of preference:
1) Bicycle
Startin' to work on my accuracy now =P